The Egyptians were big on amulets in general...but yes, I suspect that whatever culture he got that trick from he might well be sourcing alternative materials locally.
I'm pretty sure it's not Egyptian, I checked. Enough lore survived that I could see Horra getting his hands on some, and they do have mystical golems (the ushatbi). However their creation doesn't really match the draugr. If the draugr had a page's worth of runic script then perhaps, but it didn't. The Egyptians were
really big on the use of writing in magic.
We did get a rundown of what those were and they were Norse runes (a scrambled version of WAKE FROM DEATH if I recall correctly), but he could definitely have gotten the idea from Jewish mysticism in theory.
You know, that translation is another point in favor of Jewish mysticism. According to legend, a golem had the Hebrew word emét, meaning truth, written on its forehead. When the golem's task was completed, the user would erase the letter aleph from the head, turning the inscription into mét, which means death.
I'm not familiar with Norse syntax, but perhaps something similar is going on here. If the draugr had managed to kill us, Horra would have erased certain runes to turn the inscription into DEATH, or something along those lines. That could explain why the runes were scrambled. Horra was doing something that the Norse language wasn't made to support, so he had to bend the rules a bit.
What's more, part of creating a golem involved a shem, a piece of paper or parchment with Hebrew letters on it created by a certain ritual. It was inserted into the forehead or
mouth of the golem!
Sure, Horra used wood, but that's far harder to trace than a luxury good like parchment. The golem ritual fits with what we saw with the draugr, and Kabbalism has plenty of ways to force a recalcitrant demon (or spirit!) to do what the practitioner wants.
What's more, given the long history of Jews being persecuted, it's bound to have some darn good ways to hide a Kabbalist's workshop. That would explain why the Seeress couldn't find Horra's workshop. Folks, I think we've found out from which tradition Horra has learned his foreign magic!