I don't think that necessarily follows? We lose his instruction, but it doesn't necessarily follow that he dies. I mean, that may easily just be part of being an adult and having gone on a raid earlier in the year...we don't get dedicated combat instruction from dad any more because we've learned so much from him already. Realistically, we'd probably reduce from 6d6 down to 2d6 or 3d6, but losing it entirely is also pretty reasonable.

He's already way ahead of time in terms of lifespan. He's what, close to his 50s now?

EDIT: We need to deal with the Curse, yeah, I think he's on the way out regardless, but if we can deal with the Curse, we can use that information to re-ignite Steinarr's passion.

And then we can tell him "We've got a good avenue to get him Outlawed, let's work together and see him dead"

One last good battle, to finish his Saga.

That feels right. Proper. But we need to cleanse the Curse before we can awaken his spirit once more. That's on us to do, Steinarr--at the end of the day--is not a subtle man.
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Well suit, Pops was awesome and a great man and dad. At least he goes out in a proper vengeful blaze of glory, hopefully. Damn Vikings are all kinds of messed up given that is a somewhat happy ending.
He's already way ahead of time in terms of lifespan. He's what, close to his 50s now?

Not unless he married very late indeed. Sten (his oldest child) seems, again unless he married very late, to be in his mid 20s at the oldest (and likely younger), which pegs Steinarr in his early to mid 40s. He could easily have another decade in him if he overcomes his grief. At that point he'd be over 50 and very old, but it's possible.

I don't think he'll make it another decade, though I wish I did, but another couple of years seems very possible.

EDIT: We need to deal with the Curse, yeah, I think he's on the way out regardless, but if we can deal with the Curse, we can use that information to re-ignite Steinarr's passion.

And then we can tell him "We've got a good avenue to get him Outlawed, let's work together and see him dead"

One last good battle, to finish his Saga.

That feels right. Proper. But we need to cleanse the Curse before we can awaken his spirit once more. That's on us to do, Steinarr--at the end of the day--is not a subtle man.

I'm down for this, though. Our new Twist gives us really good odds of finding Horra's secret ritual site, I think, and if we can do that we can get him Outlawed and Steinarr can kill him. That's a proper last hurrah for him before he dies or sinks into obscurity.
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I still wonder if we can 'reassemble' Hallr Blackhand by going and meeting with our cousins who are named Hallr/Halla.
If we beat the Curse, we'll probably have just enough time for him to see his grandchildren, and be able to tell him we'll carry on his life's work. And that'll probably be worth a massively powerful Muna. Might even inherit Wildfire from him.
Reminder that we really need another level of Hugr and Wordplay. With this new Muna we're at 13/14, this could easily get to the point where we cannot use a new one.
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-Since you've gotten your kenning of 'Longstride', you've been a bit more... You're not really sure, really. You suppose that you're bouncier than you used to be, and just generally faster, quicker to move. You also are struggling to slow down for the slower peopl.... Yeah, yeah kennings do have a
@Imperial Fister, this description of the effects of our Kenning in the journal is incomete. It is cut off at the end.
Reminder that we really need another level of Hugr and Wordplay. With this new Muna we're at 13/14, this could easily get to the point where we cannot use a new one.

They don't go away if we can't fit them, we just have to choose some to 'deselect', and we do get to choose which...our +5 to the dice pool once per combat muna, for example, is good but hardly essential. We definitely want more Wordplay and Hugr alike (and my current tentative ideas for next turn involve 1d6 in each), but not having enough capacity is inconvenient rather than actively preventing this sort of thing (at least in the short term...we certainly need them more long term). We can also put Muna or Tricks in our Fylgja's capacity to free up ours...which is very doable indeed for non-combat stuff.

So yeah, we definitely need that stuff, but not super urgently all things considered.
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Neither. It's something else entirely.

Though it is, in a way, a warning

Amusingly, this apparently gets ignored by most in favor of the new, shiny thing.

I think the warning is that we aren't creating Odr the correct way.

Or that we are unable to control Odr. Or that we are not ready for the side effects of Odr. (Increased bloodlust maybe? Berserker Rage?)
Either way, we should try to delve deeper into the the different aspects of Norse cultivation before attempting something like this again.
I wonder if we can use our fylgja to help? While it's part of our soul, it seems to have something of a separate mind. Another option would be to try to open the gate a crack rather than all the way. But we don't even really know the mechanism of how it opened... Maybe we can interrogate Hallr more about eh precise mechanisms. Even if it's all metaphor, we can use the logic of the metaphor to help.

A similar function powers the orthstirr portion of Norse Cultivation as a whole.

Makes me wonder how far down the Path Hallr was when he died. He at least knew what Odr was, so I don't think he was entirely uninitiated. But Odr isn't widely known of either--if anyone knows what it is, it's being kept very secret. That's a problem, because Norse Cultivation is community oriented, but The Enemy encourages you to keep your mouth shut by punishing those that aren't discreet enough about it.
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@Imperial Fister
If Steinarr killed Horra as a last show of force and then Just gives in to the curse and withers and dies before the other families got time to take revenge, would that stop the circle of revenge or would we inherit being the revenge target?
@Imperial Fister
If Steinarr killed Horra as a last show of force and then Just gives in to the curse and withers and dies before the other families got time to take revenge, would that stop the circle of revenge or would we inherit being the revenge target?
The only way to stop revenge is through, say it with me now, Protracted Legal Battles!
If we tie Horra to both the Nisse and the Curse he sent at Steinarr, would there be extra blowback on the Horrasons as well, or would it stop at just Horra?
I wonder if that is from the Nornir deathcurse, or, some super viking long ago paid something huge to give Orthsirr.. to all their descendants?

I've had a theory for a while that this is a Post Ragnarok setting. Might just be that the last of the Aesir sacrificed themselves to give the humans a chance to reach their own heights.

If I'm not mistaken, there were only three survivors of the Aesir, disregarding the two that were let out from Helheim for some reason. (Because Fate Said So I guess?) Not enough to rebuild from, especially since I think they were all dudes anyway.
I wonder if that is from the Nornir deathcurse, or, some super viking long ago paid something huge to give Orthsirr.. to all their descendants?
Viking or deity...

Btw, we've sort of overlooked the Frost Giants as Enemy candidates. I'm still not sure how that would work with the Sea Peoples thing, but one could view the whole "humans emerging from blocks of ice" bit as a metaphor for the end of the Ice Age... And Ymir was killed to make Midgard. If that death started the feud, it was indeed old.
Another analogy for the Enemy is the Lone Power from the Young Wizard's series. I could see the Lone Power making a bargain that one's reputation would live forever in exchange for one's own death.

That said, Imperial's words imply Orthstirr isn't paid off in installments.

You know, the Witch made mention of The Worm ages back, and there was ouroboros imagery involved with our cycling. The Midgard Serpent is... A very big, very poisonous, very physically dangerous snake, but isn't like, cosmic and doesn't seem like a good candidate for Enemy-hood. Nor particularly a sponsor of ghosts. That always struck me as odd.

But the Serpent as the Ouroboros, representing time itself? Representing cycles? Representing inevitability? And given the serpent tie-in to Christian mythology? There might be something there.
@Imperial Fister, did something come out of the leverage training ideas with Abjorn, that was voted for in Summer 5, Turn 3? There was no mention of it in the update, so was Abjorn not interestad at all, or did the ideas fail?
Also, Steinarr is soon to die. Are we never getting his POV interlude about his thoughts on Halla's life-and-death adventures?
In the long run, Hallr's plan is genius in it's own way. More and more people will get Charred Soul, more and more chances to defeat the Enemy. Figuring out a way to ensure long term cooperation between Charredsoul Descendants might be something we should look at. Especially with cultivation being communal.