It doesnt feel like a win, if there are 4 of you and you are barely doing chip damage to 1 guy, who is around your age. Like even if we won, it would have been after someone there, other than Fabvir, also suffered severe injuries to stop the squire.
The guy was in full plate. It's a ridiculous force multiplier in real life, to say nothing of the magic version this guy had. If he weren't wearing armor he'd have been long dead. I admit it was a bigger force multiplier than I expected, but there's a reason we specifically said no challenging knights
or squires to single combat.
Like, the squire was actually only a slightly harder target than I was expecting (I figured we needed at least two people to take him out, minimum). I was worried he'd have a horse on par with himself, too. The surprise was the falcon, which changed it from 5 vs. 2 to 5 vs. 3. The Knight is also somewhat more hardcore than expected.
And I may be wrong, but it looked like he got a lot of actions per turn, while we could barely react to his. Like in the last round, he attacked us, pivoted to Stigmar, then attacked Abjorn, and then had a nervous breakdown. And it felt like not all of us took an action every turn, because I didnt see Audrikr doing anything in the last round.
Number of actions is based on dice pool, and we know the squire had more than us at base and was burning Fervor for even more. But actually, no, this is an illusion based on the squire being described as doing things when he defends (which he does every time he's attacked). Looking at the actual rolls, he made exactly one attack in the final round (for a single point of damage), two in the round before, and three the round before that (where the first two were actually combo attacks between him and the Horse).
Meanwhile, on our side, in the last round only Abjorn and Stigmar attacked him before he escaped, but he escaped mid round so that makes sense. The previous round, we attacked him three times and everyone else attacked him once, and everyone but Fabvir got an attack on the first round (okay, Audrikr actually had a combined attack/defense, but still).
Honestly I'm seeing people complaining about raiding being us attacking the weak and being brutal and I have to say one thing. What the hell did they expect raiding would be? It should have been incredibly obvious that it was a messed up thing and people were all for it. Like we knew we would be doing bad stuff after all.
No, Halla was all for it and it didn't make sense not to. The whole culture revolves around it to some degree...being a warrior and never going raiding was always a non-starter (at least, as a woman). I, at least, expected it to be unpleasant and this to hopefully be our only raid with Halla...I just thought it was an unpleasantness we needed to get through to get the needed money and orthstirr to accomplish our goals.