So looking at Norse cultivation.. I think there may be some hacks with it's focus on combat? Like winning a battle doesn't actually require killing the enemy or fighting to the death. So lots of battles - possibly even ritualized ones, ala big spar - Can generate Orthsirr. Competitions like the wrestling ones can also generate a lot of Orthsirr, especially if there are lots of competitions. Biggest and fattest pig competition, shiniest armor competition, spar with this guy competition, and so forth. The key is, lots of conflicts and competition but not so much fatalities.
Honestly I'm seeing people complaining about raiding being us attacking the weak and being brutal and I have to say one thing. What the hell did they expect raiding would be? It should have been incredibly obvious that it was a messed up thing and people were all for it. Like we knew we would be doing bad stuff after all.
It doesnt feel like a win, if there are 4 of you and you are barely doing chip damage to 1 guy, who is around your age. Like even if we won, it would have been after someone there, other than Fabvir, also suffered severe injuries to stop the squire.

The guy was in full plate. It's a ridiculous force multiplier in real life, to say nothing of the magic version this guy had. If he weren't wearing armor he'd have been long dead. I admit it was a bigger force multiplier than I expected, but there's a reason we specifically said no challenging knights or squires to single combat.

Like, the squire was actually only a slightly harder target than I was expecting (I figured we needed at least two people to take him out, minimum). I was worried he'd have a horse on par with himself, too. The surprise was the falcon, which changed it from 5 vs. 2 to 5 vs. 3. The Knight is also somewhat more hardcore than expected.

And I may be wrong, but it looked like he got a lot of actions per turn, while we could barely react to his. Like in the last round, he attacked us, pivoted to Stigmar, then attacked Abjorn, and then had a nervous breakdown. And it felt like not all of us took an action every turn, because I didnt see Audrikr doing anything in the last round.

Number of actions is based on dice pool, and we know the squire had more than us at base and was burning Fervor for even more. But actually, no, this is an illusion based on the squire being described as doing things when he defends (which he does every time he's attacked). Looking at the actual rolls, he made exactly one attack in the final round (for a single point of damage), two in the round before, and three the round before that (where the first two were actually combo attacks between him and the Horse).

Meanwhile, on our side, in the last round only Abjorn and Stigmar attacked him before he escaped, but he escaped mid round so that makes sense. The previous round, we attacked him three times and everyone else attacked him once, and everyone but Fabvir got an attack on the first round (okay, Audrikr actually had a combined attack/defense, but still).

Honestly I'm seeing people complaining about raiding being us attacking the weak and being brutal and I have to say one thing. What the hell did they expect raiding would be? It should have been incredibly obvious that it was a messed up thing and people were all for it. Like we knew we would be doing bad stuff after all.

No, Halla was all for it and it didn't make sense not to. The whole culture revolves around it to some degree...being a warrior and never going raiding was always a non-starter (at least, as a woman). I, at least, expected it to be unpleasant and this to hopefully be our only raid with Halla...I just thought it was an unpleasantness we needed to get through to get the needed money and orthstirr to accomplish our goals.
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Honestly I'm seeing people complaining about raiding being us attacking the weak and being brutal and I have to say one thing. What the hell did they expect raiding would be? It should have been incredibly obvious that it was a messed up thing and people were all for it. Like we knew we would be doing bad stuff after all.

It's just a thought that occurred to me after reading back a bit, I guess. I'm largely detached from the thread; I just pop back in now and then for the story.
No, Halla was all for it and it didn't make sense not to. The whole culture revolves around it to some degree...being a warrior and never going raiding was always a non-starter (at least, as a woman). I, at least, expected it to be unpleasant and this to hopefully be our only raid with Halla...I just thought it was an unpleasantness we needed to get through to get the needed money and orthstirr to accomplish our goals.
I mean technically we could have had Halla decide to be a non combat based first pc but people did choose bloodthirsty at the start(including me). So really not much can be changed about it. Plus no way Halla won't decide to do raids again after passing the trials like she did. It's like what she wanted most in life till this point. Admittedly that might change with the triplets.
I mean the best way to get people following us is probably to be a successful raider? At least completely random strangers I mean. Since valor in combat and such
well I meant it more of as the whole getting felag together requires Jarl magic, so clearly Jarl's are expected on raids
Honestly I'm seeing people complaining about raiding being us attacking the weak and being brutal and I have to say one thing. What the hell did they expect raiding would be? It should have been incredibly obvious that it was a messed up thing and people were all for it. Like we knew we would be doing bad stuff after all.
Who's complaining? I, for one, am enjoying the character arc.
I mean technically we could have had Halla decide to be a non combat based first pc but people did choose bloodthirsty at the start(including me). So really not much can be changed about it. Plus no way Halla won't decide to do raids again after passing the trials like she did. It's like what she wanted most in life till this point. Admittedly that might change with the triplets.

I mean, depends on what you mean by a raid. She's not gonna stop fighting...we need to murder Horra, for example, but with kids I don't think she's gonna want to be gone on ships for months at a time too often, so we'll be fighting enemies closer to home who we have reasons to fight beyond money alone.

I thus expect more outlaw and monster hunting than raiding per se, along with the trading expedition to Wessex I've been advocating. We may need to go on one more real raid for the Jarlsoul quest, it's true, but that's only one more.

I mean the best way to get people following us is probably to be a successful raider? At least completely random strangers I mean. Since valor in combat and such

Honestly, successful farmer is probably just as good if we retain a reputation for bravery (from, for example, monster and bandit hunting) and have the money. We can just develop our farm into a town.
Could Halla do a little mercenary work/trading trip to Constantinople ?
If we want money, knowledge and peacefull contacts with others cultivations systems, the City of the World's Desire is the place.
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Could Halla do a little mercenary work/trading trip to Constantinople ?
If we want money, knowledge and peacefull contacts with others cultivations systems, the City of the World's Desire is the place.

I think that's for the next generation to do, personally. Halla is gonna have kids to take care of, and that seems like a journey and job for someone who doesn't. It does sound very much like what we might want to do with the next generation, though. Have Halla build up credit at home, then have them go get experience out in the wider world.
I can see im late to the round but I will point out that usually you dont come in an negotiate on the back foot.

Folkmar might agree to negotiate due to us being on the back foot but the knight (btw do we just assume he speaks english?)
Might see straight through it and come at us twice as hard, knowing that we are weak and to leave without a fight (something very in viking like).
Yeah, Halla's job is to set up the foundation, there's a reason why Boy #2 caught my attention so hard, he's ideal as a Second Generation Protagonist, because he's got the skill set to actually explore this setting properly.

I can see im late to the round but I will point out that usually you dont come in an negotiate on the back foot.

Folkmar might agree to negotiate due to us being on the back foot but the knight (btw do we just assume he speaks english?)
Might see straight through it and come at us twice as hard, knowing that we are weak and to leave without a fight (something very in viking like).

We're not weak at all, we absolutely can win this fight, the question is walking away without losing anyone else, because the fight and a technical victory at the cost of only one Truly Dead is a damn good win for our raiding party--one probably comparable in scope to getting the kill but losing half the Felag for it. That's also very clear based on what's going on here.

If it fails, it fails. But it's worth trying.
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I can see im late to the round but I will point out that usually you dont come in an negotiate on the back foot.

Folkmar might agree to negotiate due to us being on the back foot but the knight (btw do we just assume he speaks english?)
Might see straight through it and come at us twice as hard, knowing that we are weak and to leave without a fight (something very in viking like).

Oh, if he refuses to negotiate we'll kill him. We probably take some losses doing so, which is why we're willing to negotiate at all, but he's screwed fighting all of us. We've added half again to the number he was already fighting and not of weak people at all. His armor is already pretty messed up from fighting the others, with our added numbers we can almost certainly kill this guy. I just think we'll suffer additional casualties in the doing.

EDIT: Alectai beat me to it, but my analysis stands.
What's the Felag's loot exactly if both Folkmarr and the Knight agrees?

Cause loot is glory.
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What's the Felag's loot exactly if both Folkmarr and the Knight agrees?

Cause loot is glory.

It probably somewhat depends how well we roll on the negotiation. Almost certainly less than if we actually beat him, but this place was four star loot to the town's three star, so as much as we got from the town seems likely as a bare minimum...probably mostly in cash, jewels, and other valuables of that sort (as those are what they can best afford to give us). Which actually winds up a really significant amount of money (eyeballing it, our current loot is worth well over 100 silver, so add that much again and...).
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Yeah... the only trick is figuring out what to replace it with... and how. If nothing else, it's currently a big part of the norse economy, and not one easy to replace.

I feel like... Jerasmas the Mendicant might be in some what useful for this process? "I'm having a crisis of faith. Let me go talk with a priest." Seems like it might help.

...and even beyond that I feel like it should be possible to find priests who would respond well to "The ways of my people are ridiculously blood-soaked and it's worked into our cultivation and our culture. Please help me get insight so I can try to find a Way that involves not killing people quite so much." even if it didn't come with a willingness to convert. A small degree of syncretism might be acceptable.


So... if we manage to get the Knight to agree (probably also with a demand that we not go raid anyone else this year) then we've given up our chance at any thralls. Ah, well. On the other hand, if we'd inflicted more atrocities on the town we hit, this would likely be a harder sell.
Not a bad idea. I'm definitely down with this as part of the 'buy, free, and employ him and Gabriel' plan.
Can we please not jump to asking Christianity when there is so much norse stuff unexplored? When the whole Seeress line hasn't been opened?

Our smith brother is respected without being a murderer, Seeresses are respected without being murderers.

You know Playing a Viking is a lot less fun when we're running around slaughtering people for glory, committing armed and bloodsoaked robbery for no reason higher than assorted treasure.
So playing a Viking is a lot less fun if you actually go Viking?
Mmm, I do like the action and the combat, but yeah, bullying the weak very much puts a bad taste in my mouth, and I don't like how our cultivation encourages it.

Not that these guys are weak, of course. Which is kind of the problem involved, you know?
I mean the chargen plan for Halla that won was literally named "Perky Murder Witch".
Not "Perky Hero Witch". Or "Perky Sports Witch".

"Perky Murder Witch". Now Halla doesn't live up to the "Witch" part of the name, but the murdering part of raiding is literally in the name.

yeah being the baddies can be fun as long you aren't being cartoonishly evil, i mean in the long run we will have to curb this violence, but enjoy the fun part while we can.
In cartoonish settings the buy-in into the setting/willing suspension of disbelief can make some evil be overlooked/without-consuequence.

Honestly I'm seeing people complaining about raiding being us attacking the weak and being brutal and I have to say one thing. What the hell did they expect raiding would be? It should have been incredibly obvious that it was a messed up thing and people were all for it. Like we knew we would be doing bad stuff after all.
Also why I dislike the Bloodlust trait, to me it looks like taking the "For the glory of violence!" idea and making it an inherent part of the character.