I suppose you'll have to find out : )
Well, you are 12-years-old and have really only just begun to learn about orthstirr and its usages beyond the utter basics. You haven't encountered any of the weirder stuff yet.
Orthstirr also finds itself limited by the Norsemen's general lack of willingness to use when it comes to more esoteric stuff, as it is seen as unmanly. Like, the practice and usage of orthstirr is extremely well-refined when it comes to physical combat, but nobody really knows the extent of what it can do, because people rarely ever delve deep enough to find out.
Everyone knows that by thinking about something happening hard enough, it happens in real life. But a very rare few actually wonder why, or how, or what that means. The Norse simply aren't at a level of society where they can devote significant amounts of time into discovering how things work. They don't even really have writing at this point in time, on a scale where it would be commonplace, at least. Everything is orally recorded.
Can orthstirr be refined like qi can? Can you ascend to higher states of being using it?
The Norse simply don't know and, frankly, the vast majority of them don't care.
Of course, that may change should you, over the generations, make discoveries and have revelations.
But, to give you a hint, a Chinese cultivator would be utterly appalled at the 'wastefulness' of Norse cultivators.
As long as the Nornir exist, no Norseman will live past their allotted time, nor can they die before meeting it.