Fabvir's chances are looking pretty slim right now. I agree that we should prioritise Abjorn, though. Also, I don't believe the Squire's Focus is broken? No Focus damage was dealt, neither was there a mention of his Focus being broken, either. I think you have to go through the armour before you start dealing Focus damage. That's also how it worked with the priest.

The Squire's armour is pierced, though. However I'm not sure what that actually means.

Focus breaks when the one using it gets distracted, distressed, or otherwise knocked off their rhythm. It can come from damage output, but it can also come from shit-talking, or--as we just saw--killing a beloved murderhorse.

Anyway, someone should watch for and counter Birb, the rest should pile on. Halla should ideally get a Leaping Cleave in while he's monofocusing on Abjorn, due to its anti-armor effect.
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Hmm, yeah, Halla and Abjorn can do their Battle Couple thingie, get Stigmar to cover Fabvir, and the rest of us rush down before he can get his Focus back?

EDIT: A 3 damage baseline is fucking absurd, what the christ. He deals three times the damage anyone else does at the foundation, and then stacks everything else on top of that.
Guess that's the power of a cursed metal sword for you!

As for Focus, I think this:

(Trick Attack: 28 vs Pinned Defense: Autofail, Attacker Wins! 3 Focus Damage Dealt! Focus Broken! 5 Endurance Damage Dealt!)
Refers to the horse's Focus being broken, but I could be wrong.
Focus breaks when the one using it gets distracted, distressed, or otherwise knocked off their rhythm. It can come from damage output, but it can also come from shit-talking, or--as we just saw--killing a beloved murderhorse.

Its part amazing part hilarious that we have to try and guess mechanic systems mid combat to try and exploit our enemies as hard as we can.

My personal vote goes for trying to get in a dick kick, as it would be extra humiliating (and therefor focus breaking?) towards the squire sorta as a "your not man yet and you never will be" kinda way.
Its part amazing part hilarious that we have to try and guess mechanic systems mid combat to try and exploit our enemies as hard as we can.

My personal vote goes for trying to get in a dick kick, as it would be extra humiliating (and therefor focus breaking?) towards the squire sorta as a "your not man yet and you never will be" kinda way.

The angle's too awkward honestly, I wouldn't fish for it unless we got a good opportunity.

Leaping Cleave is our anti-armor option, and he's not paying attention to Halla right now. That's a good chance to hit him with it, especially since the bird is also aiming at Fabvir.
[X] Plan Stand By Your Man
-[X] 27d6 Attack (all tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Defense
-[X] 10d6 Intercept (all tricks)
-[X] Launch a 15d6 Honed x6 Leaping Cleave Attack (-9 orthstirr) on the squire followed up by three 12d6 Honed x6 Power Chop attacks at him as well (-7 Orthstirr each).
-[X] Prepare a 16d6 Honed x6 Reinforced Intercept (-7 Orthstirr) to protect Abjorn if Halting Vortex fails or is unavilable, or Audrikr if the attack looks lethal
-[X] In response to any Trick Attack directly targeting us or Abjorn use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr)...if an attack somehow gets through that attempt to Sidestep (-4 Orthstirr) if possible.
-[X] Tactics – Tell Stigmar to go help Fabvir with the falcon, while moving to back up Abjorn in melee with the squire.

Basically pretty straightforward here, we tell Stigmar to go help Fabvir and we help Abjorn. These hits should be sufficient to actually put a dent in the squire, I'd hope, and we'll have Abjorn and Audrikr doing the same. Meanwhile, I have faith Stigmar can keep Fabvir alive...or enough faith to gamble on it, anyway.

EDIT: Added an initial Leaping Cleave. It probably is correct. Fixed some typos.
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[X] Plan Stand By Your Man
-[X] 28d6 Attack (all tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Defense
-[X] 9d6 Intercept (all tricks)
-[X] Launch four 12d6 Honed x6 Power Chop attacks at the squire (-6 Orthstirr each)
-[X] Prepare a 14d6 Honed x5 Reinforced Intercept (-6 Orthstirr) to protect Abjorn if Halting Vortex fails, or Audrikur if the attack looks lethal
-[X] In response to any Trick Attack directly targeting us or Abjorn use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr)...if an attack somehow gets through that attempt to Sidestep (-4 Orthstirr) if possible.
-[X] Tactics – Tell Stigmar to go help Fabvir with the falcon, while moving to back up Abjorn in melee with the squire.

Basically pretty straightforward here, we tell Stigmar to go help Fabvir and we help Abjorn. These hits should be sufficient to actually put a dent in the squire, I'd hope, and we'll have Abjorn and Audrikur doing the same. Meanwhile, I have faith Stigmar can keep Fabvir alive...or enough faith to gamble on it, anyway.

Can we open up with a Leaping Cleave at least? Neither of them are paying attention to Halla right now, which is the prime time to play something like that.
[X] Plan Stand By Your Man
-[X] 28d6 Attack (all tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Defense
-[X] 9d6 Intercept (all tricks)
-[X] Launch four 12d6 Honed x6 Power Chop attacks at the squire (-6 Orthstirr each)
-[X] Prepare a 14d6 Honed x5 Reinforced Intercept (-6 Orthstirr) to protect Abjorn if Halting Vortex fails, or Audrikur if the attack looks lethal
-[X] In response to any Trick Attack directly targeting us or Abjorn use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr)...if an attack somehow gets through that attempt to Sidestep (-4 Orthstirr) if possible.
-[X] Tactics – Tell Stigmar to go help Fabvir with the falcon, while moving to back up Abjorn in melee with the squire.

Basically pretty straightforward here, we tell Stigmar to go help Fabvir and we help Abjorn. These hits should be sufficient to actually put a dent in the squire, I'd hope, and we'll have Abjorn and Audrikur doing the same. Meanwhile, I have faith Stigmar can keep Fabvir alive...or enough faith to gamble on it, anyway.
Do we know what Stigmar is armed with? I feel like a spear might be better for Falcon-overwatch than a sword or axe and we know Audrikur has a spear.
Do we know what Stigmar is armed with? I feel like a spear might be better for Falcon-overwatch than a sword or axe and we know Audrikur has a spear.

We can give Stigmar orders and he will obey. Audrikr probably won't.

For us personally, perhaps, but it doesn't exactly bode well for the long term survival of Norse cultivation as a whole imo.

Eh. Numbers are a serious advantages and the Norse have that. Open battle is not how Christianity overcame and assimilated Norse culture.
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Whats that supposed to means?

Unless something changes, this history will mirror real history, which means the Vikings do indeed get Christianized.

Also is Christian cultivation just better than Norse full stop or are they worse at some things?

Most Christians aren't cultivators, for one thing. Other than that, Norse cultivators are definitely better at nova-ing and seem better at some categories of effects, it's just a little unclear what effects given how little we know.
Whats that supposed to means?

Also is Christian cultivation just better than Norse full stop or are they worse at some things?

It's more that the Christian style is extremely successful, generally outcompetes the Norse style on a "Man Years vs Man Years" basis, and doesn't come with a near guarantee that something will kill you before you're 50, meaning you're not encouraged to constantly get stuck in so something remembers you.

That's not to say the Norse style is weak, the fact that it's open to everyone without exception who lives that way is very, very powerful on a low level basis. The real flaws of the Norse Style boil down to "The only real way to cultivate is by picking fights" and "You have a God Enforced Expiry Date and once you die, the only thing that lives on are the stories people tell about you."

So the Norse Style cannot develop as an institution, even when you get someone who beats the odds and becomes strong, that Enforced Expiry Date means that they don't often live long enough to improve the culture as a whole. There are no incentives to be better because the system massively rewards picking fights over any other form of advancement, and the way the magic works literally requires you to make it as much of a pain in the ass to replicate as possible.

So a Christian cultivator comes up with some new innovation? They tell others, they get canonized for it or it gets stolen and copied depending on luck and deeds, and after the politics shake out, something new has been learned and the whole style advances.

A Norse Cultivator comes up with some new innovation? They get dogpiled by nine Steelfathers and murdered, assuming something else doesn't kill them first. The real revolution of Hallr's Bullshit is that he can pass Experience down through the Charred Soul Boon, which bypasses the Enforced Expiry Date and allows something of you to survive past your death.

The real Endgame condition? Is going to be spearheading a Reformed Norse belief system that can interact with the rest of the world without being forced to be a plague on everyone nearby. Something that can survive and compete with the other styles without banding them together to stop you. Which means that non-combat options have to have the ability to be competitive with combat options, and at least a common foundation agreed upon that everyone else can expand from.

Remember after all, the biggest thing Hallr did was ensure that he can carry out Plans that go beyond your own allotted span of life. Which is what is required to spearhead that kind of cultural reform.
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Man, is there any way we could throw an IAT at the Falcon? It could save our felagi and/or keep our bird safer.