Ah, I might get it.

Tell me if I'm on track @Imperial Fister

"Jogrim uses a Rewrite to stretch the definition of "Attack" to "Basically any effect that would inconvenience me", hitting TSS with it automatically because he saw us prepping a Finale."

"The Finale we used had no target, since it was just a momentary time freeze that never actually interacted with him"

"Jogrim burned a Rewrite and an Aspect on this, so his Finale activates anyway, but the only thing it could reflect the Time Freeze against was itself--because again, there was no attack coming his way to reflect against."

"As a result, Frozen Time was, in itself, Frozen, meaning that there was no timer going on, which would have made the effect last forever. Time would never unfreeze."

"This is a glitch, and causes the Written World to break down and need to be recompiled from the last point where things made sense--the period just before the battle."

"Because Halla actually beat the opposed roll against herself, she was conscious during the period where the Written World was offline, which meant she saw behind the curtain, to Whoever The Fuck apparently has an entire garden of Yggdrasils. Because of Charred Soul, she maintains continuity of awareness even through Temporal Resets."

"History is recompiled in a way that most heavily punishes Jorgrim alone (Because he was the one who actually bent the rules in such a way as to trigger the total breakdown), and Halla comes back with the experience of having witnessed That Bullshit."

"While the Written World was briefly offline, the Nornir patched out TSS so that this shit wouldn't happen again."

Is that a reasonably accurate guess as to What The Fuck just happened?
[X] Kare and Vesna's first child will receive a massive boon
[X] Hallbjorn, inspired by the bloodlessness of your battle, will begin exploring other methods of bloodless fighting

All I can do is parrot Alectai, what the fuck.
I don't really see how, Most other finales are instant death attacks.
Yeah, if they aren't blocked. If someone tries to Finale you then you just Finale them right back and it triggers a beam struggle type of thing.

If someone uses Time Stands Still on you you are already dead if they were even remotely a threat to you and it's possible an ally or two of yours is also dead.
[X] Kare and Vesna's first child will receive a massive boon
[X] Hallbjorn, inspired by the bloodlessness of your battle, will begin exploring other methods of bloodless fighting
Exact details are still being fiddled with, but Iron Embrace is not a big mechanical change as compared to TSS...it still freezes everyone in place while the user acts. It just does it by weighing them down rather than messing with time.

So it's much less high concept and they probably are always aware of what's going on and can do stuff that doesn't require moving at all...but it's a very similar effect.
So, theories?

1) Merlin maybe? He's noted for being dislodged from the ordinary flow of time in some cases.
2) Buri? The First Human? Whoever this is apparently has an entire garden of Yggdrasils.

EDIT: Ah, yeah, that's a logical bugfix. Same functionality, but if reflected back on itself because of Some Bullshit, it doesn't Attack Linear Time with enough narrative weight that it gets effected.
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More or less, yes. There's a few bits and pieces, as well as the main reason it was Halla who was primarily affected by the glitch

... The fuck?

That doesn't seem right. Was something prepped to Ruin Halla's Day that interacted with this and caused things to go bad? Or was it just something like Charred Soul making things break down?

Like, if this was a Universal Glitch, it should have hit everyone (And Halla just got away with it because she saw it happening and beat her opposed roll vs herself), but apparently whatever shit happened, it was something to do with Halla?
... The fuck?

That doesn't seem right. Was something prepped to Ruin Halla's Day that interacted with this and caused things to go bad? Or was it just something like Charred Soul making things break down?

I think IF is saying that there's a specific reason she was the main one effected we haven't figured out (beyond beating the roll), not that she was the one responsible.
I think IF is saying that there's a specific reason she was the main one effected we haven't figured, not that she was the one responsible.

I mean, she has Charred Soul, which means that her Hamingja or something along those lines doesn't interact smoothly with the rest of the universe, but I'm not sure that would apply here? It's generally worked normally outside of the Inheritance Factor and the whole "Mentally remembers Broken Timelines" factor.
"You... You're not supposed to be here."

I do believe we saw back stage to someone growing a field of World Trees, and they saw both us and Joegrim. Joegrim got killed for breaking the rules about Time while we we considered a bystander that just got their memory rewritten.

Our body did get it's memories rewritten but our Charred Soul keeps a running backup for when it gets passed on after we die, that's how we have both sets of memories.

If I'm right about the two sets of memories, I wonder if we can use that intentionally. Develop plans that we only remember with our soul that our body has no knowledge of. If Drysalt or any other magical enemy tries to scry us to learn how we intend to fight them, they would only get results based on the memories in our physical body.

I'm now off to research who/where that scene was.
[X] Hallbjorn, inspired by the bloodlessness of your battle, will begin exploring other methods of bloodless fighting
[X] Kare and Vesna's first child will receive a massive boon
[X] Hallbjorn, inspired by the bloodlessness of your battle, will begin exploring other methods of bloodless fighting
[X] Kare and Vesna's first child will receive a massive boon
[X] Hallbjorn, inspired by the bloodlessness of your battle, will begin exploring other methods of bloodless fighting

So given the entire World is a story being written... Did IF just make a cameo appearance?
[X] Kare and Vesna's first child will receive a massive boon
[X] Hallbjorn, inspired by the bloodlessness of your battle, will begin exploring other methods of bloodless fighting

So a higher beeing had to step in and unbreak the broken reality.
[X] Kare and Vesna's first child will receive a massive boon
[X] Hallbjorn, inspired by the bloodlessness of your battle, will begin exploring other methods of bloodless fighting

Is Hallbjorn gonna do a Thorfinn "I have no enemies" character arc?
I guess we saw the Norse Multiverse?
A broad-brimmed hat is one of the trademarks of Odin, and heterochromia is a common way of depicting his missing eye. However when Odin is in his wanderer guise it's usually as a shorter man, not tall and spindly, and also we've met him before, so it feels like we'd recognise him. But maybe not?

Broadly it seems like the interaction of Finales accidentally managed to stop time within the stopped time, and Halla was unaffected because she can still stay conscious and active within the stopped time. Time Stands Still is still on our character sheet and Iron Embrace is not, so it will be interesting to see what that does, although the name seems fairly indicative of the function. I'm less sure what this does for Stutter-Step, since that was derived TSS, and does not really make logical sense without the parent technique?

[X] Kare and Vesna's first child will receive a massive boon

More broadly, this whole thing felt a bit of left field - as cool as temporal shenanigans and high-concept powers are - and I'm not sure what we can really actionably do with it, or if it opens a new plot thread? It was certainly cool as a scene, but I'm feeling a bit at a loss of where it leads to. Honestly it's ironic, because as a GM for games IRL I have a tendency to pull this sort of thing on my players when I suddenly get an idea for a cool setpiece and can't wait to show it off. Now the shoe is on the other foot!

Kind of sad to lose TSS honestly; uncovering the parent style for it was a fun little mystery and unlocking it on her own was one of Halla's greatest achievements.
Broadly it seems like the interaction of Finales accidentally managed to stop time within the stopped time, and Halla was unaffected because she can still stay conscious and active within the stopped time. Time Stands Still is still on our character sheet and Iron Embrace is not, so it will be interesting to see what that does, although the name seems fairly indicative of the function.

As I mention above, Iron Embrace is mostly the same mechanically, it just freezes people by putting unbearable weight on them instead of freezing time. It remains part of the unknown Style (probably Iron Hill, the Bornholm Style, IMO), and so on, it just doesn't strictly freeze time.

I'm less sure what this does for Stutter-Step, since that was derived TSS, and does not really make logical sense without the parent technique?

I think it probably remains...fiddling with time in smaller ways remains within the scope of both Standstill and the parent style.

Kind of sad to lose TSS honestly; uncovering the parent style for it was a fun little mystery and unlocking it on her own was one of Halla's greatest achievements.

The replacement keeps most of the same functionality, and it remains a very good utility Finale. It's still a solid accomplishment.
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