I'd rather let this be bloody? Imo. Don't cave to people being nay sayers when things don't go how they want. We literally voted for the ambush option, the chance was there for people to make other plans and not done (or not voted for). I'd rather not have the vote option I argued in favor of and helped convince people to follow be overriden because of others who either didn't vote or lost the vote?

On the other hand its also just a chance to engage wifh a whole part of societal norms we havent. We keep getting told about honor killings and revenge to avenge nid and how these are norms, and this is our first time we've really committed to needing to do that. It's a good chance to see Norse society working, and a thing I like about this Quest is that it tries (fairly hard) to be more historically accurate than some similar media.

We also kept getting told that inviting people in and expanding our forces might bring additional problems with it. That they might pick fights, that we might be drawn into their conflicts, that it's not just all benefit. We are seeing this in three ways; Magni drew in a potential threat with his bragging about how cool we are (thanks Magni) and Kare making this a personal vengeance mission he Cannot Back Down From, as well as just the effect of us saving Thralls and their desires still existing. This is what happens when you have people under you who you care about - you do things for them. Even if you normally might not.

If you want to change things up to be more friendly/less bad, just have it do what it seems like it should - we have shown that we will fight for our sworn men, we will March out and protect their honor and the honor of those they love. Have it be inspiring to those who haven't sworn to us and make our Karls who have bolstered by knowledge that we do Genuinely Care.

I also think people are doomsaying for no reason, because they're afraid of every risky option in anything ever. They think there's no winning in this. Butwhile it's not a clean perfect victory with no losses like some voters crave, it's still got more upsides than downs easily justified.
Honestly, while not as verbose I agree with kittyempress, one of the things this quest is built on is the idea that we're in this culture. So while it's our prerogative to interact with parts of it as we see fit in character, the fact that these pieces can effect us is baked in and should be kept.
If you want to change things up to be more friendly/less bad, just have it do what it seems like it should - we have shown that we will fight for our sworn men, we will March out and protect their honor and the honor of those they love. Have it be inspiring to those who haven't sworn to us and make our Karls who have bolstered by knowledge that we do Genuinely Care.
I like this idea a lot. Thank you very much for reinvigorating me.


Voting is now closed
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Feb 11, 2024 at 7:30 PM, finished with 67 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Directly Help Kare
    -[X] Orders: Tell Stigmar to take to the air with us and the archers to abandon the rocks, have Magni and Trausti secure our men's footing against mud with their Hugareida and grab Eysteinn and Tryggr and go to keep Griss's men busy while trying not to kill them, ask Abjorn to go handle Kjallakr and keep him from being a problem with his ranged and area-of-effect abilities (using his flight item to close), and bring Stigmar along with us and Kare to force our way through to Jogrim.
    -[X] Goal: Take to the air and personally target Jogrim using Flashfire Cleave trying to use Dead Air to suppress his and other uses of Shattering Scream, while wrecking his armor and using our disabling Tricks to set him up for Kare to kill him. If he uses Mirror Waltz to return attacks at us, that's when we use Contested Movement to counter that effect and wreck his armor or disable him as appropriate.
    -[X] Shapeshifts: Adrenaline Rush x5, Dense Muscles x2, Increased Lung Capacity x1, Strengthened Bone Structure x1, Supported Grip x1,
    -[X] Utility Tricks: Ember-Winged Cloak, Dead Air (adding 1 Odr),
    -[X] Defensive Tricks: Reinforce Shield, Explosive-Reactive Armor, Slowing Slog, Stutter-Step, Contested Movement (17d6+16 including minimal Stoked Pool), Semi-Halting Vortex (to deal with multiple simultaneous attacks), Time Stands Still (only in an emergency, such as to defend against another Finale),
    -[X] Offensive Tricks: Devouring Blaze, Flashfire Cleave, Shatter-Wrist Trick, Stunner Slam, Tendon Cut,
    -[X] Orthstirr: 20 Levels
    -[X] Stoked Pool: Burn at least 8 on each Contested Movement, and make sure to keep the total below 63 by using it either there or on Stoker State Tricks.
    -[X] Other: Activating Sharpen, Stoker State Level 4, Lightning-Charged on Sagaseeker, and Puncture on Tricks, and use quick-drawn Shields as needed for defense (especially against ranged attacks like Fleinns, and we will only use Stutter Step if this is not an option). Using Sundersight.
    [X] "Those you have wronged are no warriors, mostly women and children, in truth. If your sister was wronged, would you want Griss to bring her along to seek vengeance against a man like you, a Third Grade Berserk who has shown no compunction about attacking and enthralling a woman? What of one of your retainers wives or daughters kidnapped away into thralldom and then freed, would you bring her into the din of battle to no purpose? Or children no more than seven winters old? Those are the sort of people in my service who you have wronged. It is the place of warriors in their household to avenge slights against those who are no warriors, as some are not."
    [X] Plan Burying the Hatchet For Good (Into Jogrim's Face)
    -[X] We answer:
    -[X] "As you know, the burden of a warrior is to risk death to protect others. Our kin, our children, our retainers. Vesna's children are five and seven, would you ask them to take up deadly iron and come seeking bloody vengeance against grown men? Kare seeks to avenge her, as is proper, and I support Kare, as is my duty."
    [X] Pause, taking a moment to consider, and continue:
    -[X] "There is a way that perhaps both of us could protect our kith and kin here. We have you at a disadvantage. I propose the following deal. Single combat, between myself and you, or your picked champion."
    -[X] "If I win, then the matter is settled, Kare and Vesna will have their weregild in blood, and you and your kin forswear vengeance and allowing this cycle of bloodletting to continue. If you win, then my family, friends and retainers will also forswear vengeance, and my blood will pay for Vesna's honour. Either way, no babes in arms will have to face deadly iron as a result of what happens today. No families will begin preparing themselves for war."
    -[X] Use our various social tricks whose names Skippy has forgotten and is too lazy to look up: If it looks like it would close the deal and/or shame him into accepting, offer to fight without our armour.
Please roll a d20 for each of the fighters on your side, plus modifiers depending on how good they are. Equipment and rank provides immunity to a certain amount of failures.
Abjorn: +6
Tryggr: +4
Trausti: +4
Kurt: +1
Ingolf: +0
Eysteinn: +2
Alvis: +3
Magni: +3
Joarr: +2
Jordan: +4
Halfdan: +8
Eric: +6
Sten: +7
Steve: +3
Bob: +3
Phil: +3

Getting 9 or below is bad. 10 to 19 is decent, while 20+ is great

(Steve, Bob, and Phil are the names I've assigned to the men that Halfdan brought along)
I suppose I'll also roll Magni and Eysteinn to round out the team we sent over to keep Griss's men busy.

EDIT: Okay the dice hate me, I'm done here. Well, I'll add Reward Dice, starting with one each (again courtesy of CedeTheBees).
EDIT2: I...have no words. None. I may add more Reward Dice in a bit, but not in this post it is cursed.
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Magni Total: 2
2 2
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Eysteinn Total: 2
2 2
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Eysteinn Reward Total: 2
2 2
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Magni Reward Total: 2
2 2
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Magni and Eysteinn need help, they're getting help, 3 RD each from me.
Alectai threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Magni Help Total: 10
3 3 4 4 3 3
Alectai threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Eysteinn Help Total: 10
4 4 3 3 3 3
Alright, assuming the rogue rolls do go to Sten and Eric respectively, here are the current totals after all that.

Abjorn: 26

Tryggr: 11
Trausti: 11
Eysteinn: 16
Magni: 17

Kurt: 20
Ingolf: 15
Halfdan: 18
Eric: 20
Sten: 11
Jordan: 20
Joarr: 22
Alvis: 5
Steve: 7
Bob: 4
Phil: 9

EDIT: Moved people who get rolled for as they get rolled.
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Kurt, Ingolf, get in there.

Edit: I'm blaming mobile for that accidental 21 side.
mythfan12 threw 1 21-faced dice. Reason: Kurt Total: 19
19 19
mythfan12 threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Ingolf Total: 15
15 15
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