To be clear, I'm totally down for doing this more often, I just think it's something we want to do as a specific tactic, not literally every turn, and thus we can do it with our modular slots. In particular we don't need the offense-attuned reflexes unless we are engaging in serious endurance contests, and also might want to swap out whether we go generic Defense-Attuned Reflexes or Adrenaline Rush depending on who and how we're fighting and how many Contested Movements we are using.
Thats the point deadman.
While we have a lot of dice and even more Orth, but our endurance is shit. we hit fast and hard, but if the opponent can take it, or there is more than one, we flag out.
And that's without the shield sacrifice to stop speedsters from just waltzing through enemies.
Most norseman also don't have the wealth or resources to run around in enchanted gear like Halla, so their dice pool is a lot smaller than hers. They just practice a LOT with battle skills and battle skill tricks. what with those not costing capacity.
Only the elites can put up a meaningful fight in a 1 on 1, eitehr because they are old and survived so many shit they are monstrous or because they are supported by working for a Jarl.
And for Defence Reflexes, IMO a Hugareida into Dice and then have a mastered defensive trick is a lot more efficient.
That's already what we do shard,
at least, with Standstill.
The others are either damage or instance.
I think it's viable in some specific situations, honestly. But not, like, every turn, which is what it needs to be in order to be a good shapecrafting choice. It's a specific usage for specific situations, and often we'll only want one of the two.
Unless i missed something, the Norse meta is still a lot of basic/non hugreida tricks with the few hugreida ones (because most people don't have owl fyjgla bonus) used for tilting the scale in their favors.
But thats it from me, its well past midnight so i am going to sleep.