Total number of shapecrafting done
While Halla would have no idea, would you be willing to share how the cost to us compares to the expenses of the actual shapecrafter? Does each shapecrafting slot take twice the reagents and materials and whatever else for them, or are you paying more for the greater skill and experience they need to actually stack so many slots? (Or for that matter, are the lower counts of slots priced lower than 'expected' to get you hooked as a customer?)
We have dice plenty, but its usually being spend ona few big tricks. While Halla has a lot of tricks and the variety is great at getting around defenses, its still just a few tricks that actually gets big dices. i want to stretch that and also our speed by throwing more attacks that hit the enemy, not a few tricks that hit even without the bonus from the shapecrafts.

To be clear, I'm totally down for doing this more often, I just think it's something we want to do as a specific tactic, not literally every turn, and thus we can do it with our modular slots. In particular we don't need the offense-attuned reflexes unless we are engaging in serious endurance contests, and also might want to swap out whether we go generic Defense-Attuned Reflexes or Adrenaline Rush depending on who and how we're fighting and how many Contested Movements we are using.
The Offense-Defense Reflexes are honestly not useful these days, Sharpen is just so damn efficient.

And for Defence Reflexes, IMO a Hugareida into Dice and then have a mastered defensive trick is a lot more efficient.
The Offense-Defense Reflexes are honestly not useful these days, Sharpen is just so damn efficient.

And for Defence Reflexes, IMO a Hugareida into Dice and then have a mastered defensive trick is a lot more efficient.

I think it's viable in some specific situations, honestly. But not, like, every turn, which is what it needs to be in order to be a good shapecrafting choice. It's a specific usage for specific situations, and often we'll only want one of the two.
To be clear, I'm totally down for doing this more often, I just think it's something we want to do as a specific tactic, not literally every turn, and thus we can do it with our modular slots. In particular we don't need the offense-attuned reflexes unless we are engaging in serious endurance contests, and also might want to swap out whether we go generic Defense-Attuned Reflexes or Adrenaline Rush depending on who and how we're fighting and how many Contested Movements we are using.
Thats the point deadman.
While we have a lot of dice and even more Orth, but our endurance is shit. we hit fast and hard, but if the opponent can take it, or there is more than one, we flag out.
And that's without the shield sacrifice to stop speedsters from just waltzing through enemies.

Most norseman also don't have the wealth or resources to run around in enchanted gear like Halla, so their dice pool is a lot smaller than hers. They just practice a LOT with battle skills and battle skill tricks. what with those not costing capacity.

Only the elites can put up a meaningful fight in a 1 on 1, eitehr because they are old and survived so many shit they are monstrous or because they are supported by working for a Jarl.
And for Defence Reflexes, IMO a Hugareida into Dice and then have a mastered defensive trick is a lot more efficient.
That's already what we do shard,
at least, with Standstill.
The others are either damage or instance.
I think it's viable in some specific situations, honestly. But not, like, every turn, which is what it needs to be in order to be a good shapecrafting choice. It's a specific usage for specific situations, and often we'll only want one of the two.
Unless i missed something, the Norse meta is still a lot of basic/non hugreida tricks with the few hugreida ones (because most people don't have owl fyjgla bonus) used for tilting the scale in their favors.

But thats it from me, its well past midnight so i am going to sleep.
I dont think the mechanics really reflect the Meta honestly. Nor our build, really.
Thats the point deadman.
While we have a lot of dice and even more Orth, but our endurance is shit. we hit fast and hard, but if the opponent can take it, or there is more than one, we flag out.

Not really? Our endurance is not actually all that bad. And inasmuch as it is true, it's only relevant in some fights...for those fights, we can put our modular slots into dice easily enough.

I dont think the mechanics really reflect the Meta honestly. Nor our build, really.

I think they do for most Norsemen...the meta might shift a bit away from basics at our level, though. Once you're into the 1000s of Orthstirr it's a lot less Basic Attack focused, as a rule, I think. Steinarr was still Basic Focused at that level, but he could have easily been an exception to the rule.
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Hey Halla!

1) Did Rikard ever ask you how you slipped from his stone hand grapple trick? If he did, did you answer? Would it have been un-norsely to ask/answer?
2) Now that Tryggr and Stigmar have demonstrably not exploded from Odr Infusion, are your other retainers more interested in them?
a) Does your family/friends assume that your Hamr Infusions for Tryggr and Stigmar are, Shapecrafting, Seidr, or Just Halla Things?
3) If you had Great-Great Grandchildren would you be related to them still? Does kinship extend 'more' when we're talking ancestry instead of like cousins twice removes or like?
[X] Plan The bear can have little an agency. as a treat

Since no one wants to go for the more expensive maximized speed one, I guess this will have to do.

I still think thickened Skin is a bit of a waste for the same reason I think the reflexes ones are, because he could easily use his free slots to have the same thing as needed instead of always having it. But I don't think I'm winning that argument.
I still think thickened Skin is a bit of a waste for the same reason I think the reflexes ones are, because he could easily use his free slots to have the same thing as needed instead of always having it. But I don't think I'm winning that argument.

There's not any reasonable amount of Thickened Skin that's a waste because attacks doing 20-30 damage exist, and therefore +10 extra DR is very good for Abjorn. A baseline of DR 10 is something he'd almost never regret having.
While Halla would have no idea, would you be willing to share how the cost to us compares to the expenses of the actual shapecrafter? Does each shapecrafting slot take twice the reagents and materials and whatever else for them, or are you paying more for the greater skill and experience they need to actually stack so many slots? (Or for that matter, are the lower counts of slots priced lower than 'expected' to get you hooked as a customer?)
With each prior shapecrafting, it gets harder to find space malleable enough to manipulate.
1) Did Rikard ever ask you how you slipped from his stone hand grapple trick? If he did, did you answer? Would it have been un-norsely to ask/answer?
You answered by showing him the runes on your armor.
2) Now that Tryggr and Stigmar have demonstrably not exploded from Odr Infusion, are your other retainers more interested in them?
a) Does your family/friends assume that your Hamr Infusions for Tryggr and Stigmar are, Shapecrafting, Seidr, or Just Halla Things?
Some kind of seidr or halla things. They're a bit more open to the idea, but still cautious
3) If you had Great-Great Grandchildren would you be related to them still? Does kinship extend 'more' when we're talking ancestry instead of like cousins twice removes or like?
Do you share the same great-grandpa or grandpa or father as someone? If so, you are related to them. If you are someone's great-grandfather, than they are related to you.
There's not any reasonable amount of Thickened Skin that's a waste because attacks doing 20-30 damage exist, and therefore +10 extra DR is very good for Abjorn. A baseline of DR 10 is something he'd almost never regret having.

Just the fact that steel ignores it makes it feel like a waste to me. Yeah steel isn't too common but everyone at the top levels seems to have steel in some amount. Steelfathers are one of our big goals to kill. Steel is only going to get more common as we gain power.

So getting a bunch of power that steel just countera feels wasteful to me personally.

But it's fine and I'm not upset by it. 10 DR against other types of threats is a worthwhile amount. When he starts stacking it to like 30 DR from being giant blooded and having hamr 20 with a ton of odr infusions I'm sure it'll lead to some cool moments.
Yeah steel isn't too common but everyone at the top levels seems to have steel in some amount. Steelfathers are one of our big goals to kill. Steel is only going to get more common as we gain power.
Have a look through our recent fights with people, particularly Hooknails as an example of a Steelfather's direct Hirdsman and very powerful guy, and then consider the fact that we have seen very few Steel weapons at all, and the majority of attacks that have come our way have been mostly not with the person's weapon of choice, they've mostly been Hugareida stuff. Also, we tend to be the one to take most of the terrifying guys, and Abjorn handles the weaker guys. If we get him to 20+ DR we can only hurt him with Sunfire, Finales, and insane Stoker stuff. Hooknails wouldn't be able to scratch him with anything we saw from him before Beserkergang. Making him basically immune to anything that isn't Damage: Incalcuable is so good to have

But yeah, him being nigh unkillable will be rather cool
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Just the fact that steel ignores it makes it feel like a waste to me. Yeah steel isn't too common but everyone at the top levels seems to have steel in some amount. Steelfathers are one of our big goals to kill. Steel is only going to get more common as we gain power.

So getting a bunch of power that steel just countera feels wasteful to me personally.

Abjorn is a focused wrestler. Against anyone other than a Steelfather he is actually kinda specialized to remove their Steel weapons from play (as disarming is part of wrestling, and part we know for a fact he's good at). And yeah, that doesn't work against a Steelfather but 'doesn't work against Steelfathers' is kind of a high bar for usefulness...literally none of our attack powers are useful based on that metric.

But it's fine and I'm not upset by it. 10 DR against other types of threats is a worthwhile amount. When he starts stacking it to like 30 DR from being giant blooded and having hamr 20 with a ton of odr infusions I'm sure it'll lead to some cool moments.

DR north of 20 is likely immediate if he goes Thickened Skin here. DR 30 is further off, but will be great when he gets it yeah.
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I am thinking if i want to change my Shapecraft vote.

Totally fair, just making sure.

I personally think we are gonna want 4-5 Speed enhancements pretty much all the time and have a hard time coming up with any other shapeshift we want as universally. We'll usually want Sharpened Senses outside fights and usually want Adrenaline Rush and some damage enhancements while in one, but details vary and everything else is even more situational. Custom shapeshifts we come up with might be very good, but I'm doubtful they'll ever be as generally applicable as just going faster.
Yeah you are probably right, but i am still thinking abaout it.

You have any ideas abaout possible Custom Shapeshifts? You understand the mechanics much better.

One for initiative has been mentioned, though not named, on Discord (Speed is a tiebreaker there, but one adding to it directly could exist)...we win that anyway against almost anyone though, so that's very situational (we currently only lose to people with ranged weapons or people taller than us with polearms)...worth grabbing in some fights but not as an all day, every day, thing. The 'make me prettier' option KittyEmpress suggests seems very good, all things considered, if it's available (it might not be, or might cap out at only one slot or can only get so symmetrical).

Aside from that, mostly utility stuff, not combat. I'll bet we could manage to hold our breath for an hour or even grow gills, be perfectly comfy in specific environments like extreme heat or extreme cold, jump prodigious distances...extendo-arms have been mentioned and seem possible. But really, I'm drawing a blank on combat usages for the most part (though the breath holding and extendo-arms might have uses there).
Maybe one for poison resistance? Immune system refinement? Something to mitigate health issues? Redundant organs? Really anything passive would be good, or anything to help prevent assassinations. Just because it's dishonorable doesn't mean someone won't try eventually.