Times like this I wonder if we should get like a Devouring Blaze/Heated Shroud = Devouring Shroud Aura.
[X] Plan Aggressive Opening
-[X] Invest 4 Orthstirr in Hugr, 1 in Composure, 4 in Tactics, 3 inScouting (-12 Orthstirr)
-[X] 97d6 Attack (97d6 tricks)
-[X] 40d6 Defense (40d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Important Note: All bonuses do not include our bonus specifically against Rikard from Frenzybane.
-[X] Important Note 2: Every successful defense with Standstill grants an additional 4 Stoked Pool dice. These are not listed because it's only on successful defenses.
-[X] Important Note 3: All uses of Perfected Ignition Tricks are instead powered by Forgefire where applicable.
-[X] Use Sundersight to gauge our opponents as we fight.
-[X] Put 5 Orthstirr into 10 layers of Reinforce Shield before the combat begins(-5 Orthstirr) and add an instance of Explosive Reactive Armor (-9 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool)
-[X] Activate Against the Odds (-35 Orthstirr), Slowing Slog for 9 levels (-81 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool), Stoker State 4 (-12 Orthstirr), Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), Heated Shroud (-5 Orthstirr), and Ember-Wing Cloak to take to the air (No cost, +4 Stoked Pool) as combat begins, and Veto Motion (-3 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool) to maneuver precisely as necessary. All dice pools below include +2d6 from Sunshine and Skyfire.
-[X] Put up two 120d6+25 (w/Hugareida) Sword Guards w/ 2 Odr each (-122 Orthstirr and -2 Odr each), and a 15d6+25 Semi-Halting Vortex (-10 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool), use the Semi-Halting Vortex only against Basic Attacks, the Sword Guard only against Trick attacks, and neither against Fleinns. The Sword Guards will never engage with Rikard at all in melee.
-[X] Put up an Atgeir Counter-Stab with a pool of 20 Orthstirr (-28 Orthstirr) counterattacking with up to ten 6d6+16 Sharpened Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strikes (-2 Orthstirr from the pool each).
-[X] Make a Stoked Engage for fifteen 5d6+16 Sharpened Lightning-Charged Basic Attacks (-15 Stoked Pool, -43 Orthstirr, +5 Speed, +60 Stoked Pool) against Rikard. Then follow up with four Sharpenedx45 Lightning Charged Firebomb Strikes / Puncture 100d6+16 (-55 Orthstirr each). In both cases move on to targeting Forseti if Rikard has actually gone down.
-[X] If at any point anyone we are attacking has a Guard up (including before the Stoked Engage goes off, but not during it), or plant constructs or pollen clouds seem to be an issue, use up to three 10d6+16 Devouring Blazes adding 6 Stoked Dice to remove them (-7 Orthstirr and -6 Stoked Pool Dice each).
-[X] If it seems useful at any point (to remove, say, a cloud of pollen or seeds, especially ones that look flammable and would hit us with the explosion) use a 42d6+16 Sailwind (-7 Orthstirr) to blow things susceptible to that kind of thing away from us.
-[X] If at any point we are over our cap on Stoked Pool dice (and we don't think it'll kill our opponent outright) make up to two Sharpenedx22 Lightning-Charged Stoking Strike w/Puncture for 105d6+16 including 51 Stoked Pool Dice (-35 Orthstirr and -51 Stoked Pool Dice each),
-[X] If attacked in melee default to using Contested Movement (-1 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool, 11d6+16 Hamr Roll), counterattacking with Sharpened Lightning Charged Firebomb Strikes (-2 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool) unless attacked by multiple things simultaneously, in which case if the attacks look especially large, use Contested Movement with Fight of Our Life (-1 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool, 18d6+16 Hamr Roll), and counterattack with a use of Forceful Lever (-5 Orthstirr) to move one attacker into the way of the other attack. For smaller or subsequent simultaneous attacks use Contested Movement against one of them and defend against the other with the same priorities as ranged attacks (listed below). Because the Sword Guards will never engage with Rikard this means we will always use Contested Movement on him and the Sword Guards against others if he's making a Trick Attack (his basic attacks might still hit Semi-Halting Vortex). If he attacks them in melee, we respond to it as an attack on ourselves and use Contested Movement as above.
-[X] By default use the Sword Guards to defend against ranged Trick Attacks and Semi-Halting Vortex to defend against ranged Basic Attacks (except Fleinns, as noted above). In response to any ranged attack not a Fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through those use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool), and if facing a fleinn or something with Puncture that gets through instead use up to three quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices (-3 Endurance on one Shield) and if that's not viable up to two 120d6+25 Reinforcedx100 Sway defenses(-102 Orthstirr each) as seems appropriate. If we have drawn a shield and defended against a Trick, always defend against the next Trick Attack with that Shield as well (-3 Endurance on the same Shield).
-[X] Tactics – Put up defenses, notably including Heated Shroud to burn away any plants in the immediate vicinity, and then go to town with Stoked Engage on Rikard, and have an Atgeir Counter-Stab ready to respond to his own attacks. Defensively, we're focusing on using Contested Movement, including using it with Forceful Lever to move opponents into the way of other opponents attacks, and using powerful Guards for ranged attacks or when we are attacked simultaneously. There are also a massive number of contingencies for specific situations in this plan.

Alright, here's a plan. Fighting three people at once is complicated.

I'll note a couple of things for the record:

1. We get a lot of Stoked Dice in this plan. A lot. We don't mostly use them, though there's a safety valve in a Stoked Strike.
2. No numbers include the specific bonuses against Rikard. I had to go one way or the other on it and went with the lower number.
3. @Imperial Fister does the Contested Movement into Forceful Lever (to move one guy into the way of another guy's simultaneous attack) idea actually work? It seems super cool and like it should work once, but then they'd be wise to it, but some confirmation one way or the other and info on whether it's reusable would also be good.

EDIT: Clarified some stuff about the Sword Guards being targeted to defend against people other than Rikard. Added a second possible Stoking Strike after seeing how many dice we could wind up with. Added Sundersight and the Forgefire note.
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Hey Halla! Is (any) of their Fire Hugareida higher than ours specifically Ignite?
As you try and detect that fact, you find that, with so many overlapping shrouds, it's difficult to tell whose is whose. Suffice to say, one of them is stronger, one of them is equal, and one of them is weaker.
3. @Imperial Fister does the Contested Movement into Forceful Lever (to move one guy into the way of another guy's simultaneous attack) idea actually work? It seems super cool and like it should work once, but then they'd be wise to it, but some confirmation one way or the other and info on whether it's reusable would also be good.
It'll work the first time, but any subsequent try will have to be very clever to pull off
As you try and detect that fact, you find that, with so many overlapping shrouds, it's difficult to tell whose is whose. Suffice to say, one of them is stronger, one of them is equal, and one of them is weaker.

How would trying to use a Perfected Ignition Trick on someone with higher Ignition actually work? Would they reduce the damage but still get hit, take full damage, take nothing unless we specified using the Trick through another Hugareida, or what?

Relatedly, what's all their Forgefire and Emberwind? If any?

It'll work the first time, but any subsequent try will have to be very clever to pull off

That's about what I figured, yeah.
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[X] DeadmanWalkingXI

One of them has a Sword Hugariendia, and ours is only rank 2. I'm really not confidant that he can't just delete the 2 really expensive Sword Guards.
Can we use Recall or Quick Recall on an enemy's attack to drag em to us, but in a way so that an enemy is between us and said attack?
[X] DeadmanWalkingXI

-[X] If attacked in melee default to using Contested Movement (-1 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool, 11d6+16 Hamr Roll), counterattacking with Sharpened Lightning Charged Firebomb Strikes (-2 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool) unless attacked by multiple things simultaneously, in which case if the attacks look especially large, use Contested Movement with Fight of Our Life (-1 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Pool, 18d6+16 Hamr Roll), and counterattack with a use of Forceful Lever (-5 Orthstirr) to move one attacker into the way of the other attack. For smaller or subsequent simultaneous attacks use Contested Movement against one of them and defend against the other with the same priorities as ranged attacks (listed below).

Isn't there a risk here of one of them using their own Stoked Pool to counter at some point? This happened when we fought Hal, as I recall.

What I would suggest here is specifically mentioning that we're going to use a Contested Movement against Rikard when he throws something powerful, putting some Stoked Dice into it, and the rest into a Stoked Strike.

To be clear, I'm not averse to also using Contested Movement as a general defensive option, as it's one of the better ones we have and quite cheap, and benefits from Against All Odds. But I feel it may be worth distinguishing those usages (with an attendant risk of failure) from when we really want to use it as an impactful counter-attack and invest more into not losing, basically.

Anyway, best of luck, time for bed!
Can we use Recall or Quick Recall on an enemy's attack to drag em to us, but in a way so that an enemy is between us and said attack?

Only unattended objects, sadly. I don't think arrows in flight quite count.

Isn't there a risk here of one of them using their own Stoked Pool to counter at some point? This happened when we fought Hal, as I recall.

There is but it's very small on the first turn. They need time to figure out what the hell we just did. Hal did that on, like, Turn 3 or something.

What I would suggest here is specifically mentioning that we're going to use a Contested Movement against Rikard when he throws something powerful, putting some Stoked Dice into it, and the rest into a Stoked Strike.

The problem is that Stoked Dice are all or nothing on Contested Movement...we use them, we have to use them all. None left for the Stoked Strike.

To be clear, I'm not averse to also using Contested Movement as a general defensive option, as it's one of the better ones we have and quite cheap, and benefits from Against All Odds. But I feel it may be worth distinguishing those usages (with an attendant risk of failure) from when we really want to use it as an impactful counter-attack and invest more into not losing, basically.

Anyway, best of luck, time for bed!

Yeah, that's why I have a Fight of Our Life usage on the Forceful Lever thing. There's a distinction intended there.
no we don't though? Didn't the Level 6 Alloy change that? To let us throttle how much we pour in?
no we don't though? Didn't the Level 6 Alloy change that? To let us throttle how much we pour in?

Nope. That means that we get even more Stoker State dice every time we stop an attack with Standstill. We get so many dice from defending. So many dice (we literally gain 8 from every successful Halting Vortex or Contested Movement). But we'd still need to burn them all on Contested Movement.

There was discussion and speculation it would do that, but it doesn't.

EDIT: Thinking about it, we might be able to whip up the ability to do that with Rewrite and an Alloy, but now's not the time.
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Speaking of which, there was some discussion about the nature of Norse Cultivation, and I figured I'd port it over:

In my understanding of 'Power Demands Sacrifice', one big portion is that Power is it's own Sacrifice. How to put it..


Finales to goomba stomp other people: If you do this, you also implicitly sign off on other people using their Finales to goomba stomp you.
Being a Seer: Being a Seer means you deal with Spirits. It also means that Spirits deal with you. You have effective signed off on 'Spirits are going to be part of my saga now'.
Being a Hero (Like Halla!): This means you need to deal with being a hero. It means stuff like the Hooknails duel are things that can and will happen to you. This is what the (Asveig) Valkyrie meant when Power has it's unspoken price.
(My personal speculation) Skalds and Shapecrafters: Being in tune with the story enough to shape it also means that the story shapes you, manifesting as always speaking in poetry/rhymes. Being able to shapecraft other people also makes you shapecraftable by other people in ways even normal people can't be shapecrafted.

Essentially? The Nornar keep track of your personal story, and they try to keep it on-theme and appropriate to you. When you add things to your story, you don't just add to your capabilities, you add to what is narratively acceptable for you to deal with. When you perform acts, it becomes narratively acceptable for others to do those same acts on you.

Odr? Being a main character/protagonist means you have to deal with the consequences and problems of a main character/protagonist. Within the greater Norse Saga this also means having the attention of The Very Final Boss, The Enemy. Because if you have a hero, you have a final boss. Simple.
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(Speculated) Skalds and Shapecrafters: Being in tune with the story enough to shape it also means that the story shapes you, manifesting as always speaking in poetry/rhymes. Being able to shapecraft other people also makes you shapecraftable by other people in ways even normal people can't be shapecrafted.

I'm pretty sure this shapecrafting theory is just plain wrong. We have absolutely no evidence for it, and it seems pretty off for several reasons.
I've wondered in the past if the seemingly negative aspects of Norse cultivation are secretly importantly powerful. Like, all men die kinda sucks for us, it means we can't be 400 year old super powered as Norse. It seems like a net negative overall.

But if it let's Norse do things like pierce immortality effects and stab to death things that are never supposed to be able to be stabbed to death, that is kinda cool.
I suspect part of why the Norse have super short lives is tied to their cultivation being extremely egalitarian. It's equal opportunity, but the thing is, for you (or anyone) to have an opportunity, the older people with their glories need to be cleared away to make space for you. Not only that, there probably isn't a whole lot of power available to extend the lives of Norsepeople as opposed to letting them do awesome stuff. That's the flipside of being equal opportunity.

Compare Carolingan Cultivation: Less cultivators, so more power available per cultivator, plus by rejecting the idea of equal opportunity you can have stability by making a handful of people have ultra long lives.
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@Imperial Fister a few logistical questions/points of minor confusion that would result in minor changes in the plan, depending on their answers:

#1. As asked above, how does using a Perfected Ignition Trick against someone with higher Ignition work? Do we need to assign them to other Hugareida in advance for that to be effective or what? Or does them being Perfected just mean they're fine and can ignore the 'turn off' effect of higher Hugareida?
#2. Related to question #1, what are these folks Forgefire, Firestorm, and Emberwind Hugareida levels like? Rikard's Sword level would also be good to know, though I assume it's higher than ours.
#3. Also related, can we use Firebomb Strike with Forgefire, Firestorm, and/or Emberwind? I'd think Emberwind and Forgefire would work, just confirming.
#4. How exactly does Atgeir Counter-Stab work? Specifically, do you need to assign Combat Pool dice to its attacks? And do they get bonuses from the Atgeir Hugareida and whatever Hugareida the Trick is, or what?
#5: If we use Stoking Strike to counterattack with Contested Movement can we assign some Stoked Pool to the Stoking Strike and the rest to that same Contested Movement? Like, if we have 60 Stoked Pool could we add 51 to a Stoked Strike counterattack from Contested Movement and the other 9 to the Contested Movement itself?

I'm also a little curious exactly how Frenzybane works, but that doesn't directly effect the plan and we'll presumably see shortly.

Also, I said we had Speed 8 earlier, that was a mistake. I forgot our new Arm-Rings. Halla's total base Speed while using Slipstream is 9 right now.
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The problem is that Stoked Dice are all or nothing on Contested Movement...we use them, we have to use them all. None left for the Stoked Strike.
We get to choose how many we put into the Stoked Strike, which I believe has priority, allowing us to put the remainder into a CM. I think this got checked out before. It's a neat trick to get around that limit of Contested Movements, though it still means you have to spend all the dice on the CM + attack overall.

It is probably less of a risk for them to use their stoked dice round one though, you're correct.
We get to choose how many we put into the Stoked Strike, which I believe has priority, allowing us to put the remainder into a CM. I think this got checked out before. It's a neat trick to get around that limit of Contested Movements, though it still means you have to spend all the dice on the CM + attack overall.

It is probably less of a risk for them to use their stoked dice round one though, you're correct.

If we do it as part of the same thing, using the Stoked Strike as our counterattack that might work, though I don't recall it actually being confirmed. If it does, that might be a good call, yeah. Hmmm. I'll add that to my question list.