Good news though, Sun's out, so we've got Sunshine active, and Skyfire can follow, so that makes our Basics rolling at 3d6+7, and only Rikard seems to be a Berserk (And his bonus is functionally nullified by Frenzybane)
EDIT: He's going to do some bind or pollen stuff with the flowers, I imagine, at the worst time for us, we can likely mitigate that with our flaming aura to create a no-flower zone. I imagine they'll just get erased with the level of heat we put out, right?

Yeah, I think controlling the battlespace will be key here.

Using lots of fire to try and complicate Foresti using his flower-based bullshit, letting Rikard's overconfidence allow us to alpha strike him, and I think probably an Odr-powered Slowing Slog so that it stays up for the fight and provides insurance against Audvin's arrows?

Forseti reminds me very specifically of Steinarr, who had a Plant Hugareida and couldn't be read by Frenzy due to Stone Faced. This inclines me to be very concerned about him indeed.

Yeah, I wonder if he isn't actually the most dangerous fighter here, and a walking advertisement of how just looking at power levels from Orthstirr/Combat Pool scores can often be deceptive. It would be a fun little subversion given how the obvious first reading when glancing at them is that he's the bronze medal of the three.
Using lots of fire to try and complicate Foresti using his flower-based bullshit, letting Rikard's overconfidence allow us to alpha strike him, and I think probably an Odr-powered Slowing Slog so that it stays up for the fight and provides insurance against Audvin's arrows?

I'm not sure Odr into Slowing Slog is worth it this fight? We're not gonna run out of Orthstirr, I don't think...that's not the main worry. We're willing to spend some Odr here, for unique effects like allowing Guards to survive a Guard Break, but I dunno about spending it in lieu of even large amounts of Orthstirr.

Should we activate Sundersight for this?


Anyway, I definitely feel like we should do that Forceful-Lever trick to drag Rikard into the path of any really scary attacks that they try to pull on us. That feels like a good one that'll counter at least one ranged Scary Move.

That seems legit, yeah.
I assume that we should use our Against the Odds trick here? It feels like an ideal time to use it since we're facing three people here so it will give us an +9 to all of our rolls.
Anyway, I'm thinking opening up with Stoking Engage, we'll get a short period of super-armor thanks to Reinforce-Shield and ERA, which we can take advantage of to get a large stack from Stoker State, and this is a good time to take advantage--and Basic Trading is to our benefit right now thanks to Frenzybane and Skyfire/Sunshine. We can use this to outpace their own setup ideally--and Rikard is dual sword, so he won't be able to use shield cheese to instant counter us, especially if we also cover ourselves with Atgeir Counter-Stab to punish him if he decides to do that.

Against the Odds as well further lets us have a powerful benefit in basic trades, giving us a +16 to all rolls (With even more vs Rikard thanks to Frenzybane, while our defenses start at +25 thanks to our armor)
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Anyway, I'm thinking opening up with Stoking Engage, we'll get a short period of super-armor thanks to Reinforce-Shield and ERA, which we can take advantage of to get a large stack from Stoker State, and this is a good time to take advantage--and Basic Trading is to our benefit right now thanks to Frenzybane and Skyfire/Sunshine. We can use this to outpace their own setup ideally--and Rikard is dual sword, so he won't be able to use shield cheese to instant counter us, especially if we also cover ourselves with Atgeir Counter-Stab to punish him if he decides to do that.

I'm not sure that's the best play here. Any attack that gets through breaks Stoking Engage, IIRC, and we're gonna get hit here...the hope is that our defenses stop the hit from meaning much, but with three opponents we're gonna get hit.
I'm not sure that's the best play here. Any attack that gets through breaks Stoking Engage, IIRC, and we're gonna get hit here...the hope is that our defenses stop the hit from meaning much, but with three opponents we're gonna get hit.

I thought it has to do actual damage, but if it's stopped by DR or a Reinforce layer, that's not enough.

Isn't that the case @Imperial Fister ?

Still, we definitely want to take advantage of Against the Odds and Frenzybane to get a powerful advantage in Basic Trading. If we're turning every one action die of ours into roughly 5d6+16 (Which I think is about comparable to another 5d6 on average?), we're hitting near Steinarr levels of orthficiency.

We definitely can't win though by Trick Trading. They have More Dice than us collectively. So we need to get maximum impact from every die we commit to any given action.
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I'm not sure Odr into Slowing Slog is worth it this fight? We're not gonna run out of Orthstirr, I don't think...that's not the main worry. We're willing to spend some Odr here, for unique effects like allowing Guards to survive a Guard Break, but I dunno about spending it in lieu of even large amounts of Orthstirr.

We have a lot of Odr we aren't doing a lot with at the moment, and being an Odr cultivator is one of our major advantages here. The two hundred and forty three orthstirr we'd save over three turns could go into more Guards, which would be useful given we're going to be facing multiple attacks.

In general I think a mindset where we're willing to spend small amounts of Odr for major tactical advantages is a good one to have.

Anyway, I'm thinking opening up with Stoking Engage, we'll get a short period of super-armor thanks to Reinforce-Shield and ERA, which we can take advantage of to get a large stack from Stoker State, and this is a good time to take advantage--and Basic Trading is to our benefit right now thanks to Frenzybane and Skyfire/Sunshine. We can use this to outpace their own setup ideally--and Rikard is dual sword, so he won't be able to use shield cheese to instant counter us, especially if we also cover ourselves with Atgeir Counter-Stab to punish him if he decides to do that.

Against the Odds as well further lets us have a powerful benefit in basic trades, giving us a +16 to all rolls (With even more vs Rikard thanks to Frenzybane, while our defenses start at +25 thanks to our armor)

Given Rikard is likely going to be on the offensive, we should cap off our Stoking Engage against him with a Contested Movement when he counter-attacks. Otherwise yea, good ideas.
We have a lot of Odr we aren't doing a lot with at the moment, and being an Odr cultivator is one of our major advantages here. The two hundred and forty three orthstirr we'd save over three turns could go into more Guards, which would be useful given we're going to be facing multiple attacks.

In general I think a mindset where we're willing to spend small amounts of Odr for major tactical advantages is a good one to have.

For actual fights I agree entirely. For sparring I think we want to be a bit more conservative with our Odr spends.

Given Rikard is likely going to be on the offensive, we should cap off our Stoking Engage against him with a Contested Movement when he counter-attacks. Otherwise yea, good ideas.

We definitely want some Contested Movement use here, yeah.
There we go then Deadman, Stoking Engage isn't interrupted as long as our super armor is up and we don't take actual damage, which means the best time to use it is when everyone is probing each other.
For actual fights I agree entirely. For sparring I think we want to be a bit more conservative with our Odr spends.

I mean, if we're happy to precommit those 243 Orthstirr, then fair enough, and hopefully we won't need them elsewhere. But IMO a 3V1 spar is fine to take seriously enough to spend a bit of Odr on. I'd like to win here if at all possible, the reputational boost and rewards should be very nice.

There we go then Deadman, Stoking Engage isn't interrupted as long as our super armor is up and we don't take actual damage, which means the best time to use it is when everyone is probing each other.
Yup. Working it into the plan.

We can further hedge against our risk here by specifying that our Contested Movement should trigger when we lose the last bit of our our Reinforced Armour and/or we see Rikard throwing a strong attack that gets through our other defences - whichever happens first.
Yup. working it into the plan.

Yeah, it's our best chance at grinding Rikard's defenses down before the others get set up. We can use Semi-Halting Vortex as an Extended Guard, Atgeir Counter-Stabs to further grind his defenses down if he's doing some "Your speed doesn't matter because I retaliate from each attack" nonsense. Then we have the Contested Movement-Forced Leverage wombo combo if either of his buddies try to set something up too. We can use our Heated Shroud to scorch the foilage around us and hopefully prevent any pollen or vine attacks from binding us at a critical moment.
For dealing with Forseti, what do you guys think about the trick we used on Hooknails, I.E. shooting out a million Sparkbombs and having them hang around as an aerial minefield we can throw him into/move with Sailwind?

The one issue is that Rikard probably won't give us the set-up time we'd need... so it may have to be a Round 2 thing.
For dealing with Forseti, what do you guys think about the trick we used on Hooknails, I.E. shooting out a million Sparkbombs and having them hang around as an aerial minefield we can throw him into/move with Sailwind?

The one issue is that Rikard probably won't give us the set-up time we'd need... so it may have to be a Round 2 thing.

I think Forseti is who we take out with TSS on Round 2. He's maybe the most dangerous, but in a technical fighter way, not a 'take up to three Sparkbombs to the face while frozen' way.
Forseti is almost definitely gonna do some kind of area based plant shenanigans if we let him, you don't get a kenning like Dandelion without doing some scattering.
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With massive amounts of damage tossed around, how do people even avoid sparring accidents?

I think we should moosh the hell out of Contested Movement here.
With massive amounts of damage tossed around, how do people even avoid sparring accidents?
Wining a spar is getting them to half Endurance, and if you aren't trying to kill a man then it takes putting him on negative of his Endurance to actually kill him iirc, so between their inherited Fire resistance and their armour they can eat a sparkbomb or 2
With massive amounts of damage tossed around, how do people even avoid sparring accidents?

I think we should moosh the hell out of Contested Movement here.

People don't die unless they take double their Endurance, and lose at's still a bit of a risk, though, it's true.

And yeah, we slam Contested Movement here. It only sorta works vs. multiple attacks at once, but we use it as hard as we can.
We've also got Sailwind and Dead Air to work with. Maybe redirect Dandelion's pollen into his allies, depending on how much control he has over it.