I'd like to name @DeadmanwalkingXI as my dice handler. I totally forgot I get those as Patreon rewards and I feel like he'd put them to good use.

I mean, alternately, there's one bit of question that we're currently grappling with regards to the last major subsystem we're apparently missing, rather than delegating your dice, maybe you should spend them to get us some more info to chew over?

(I know my bet is that the last major subsystem is Bloodline stuff, like how Logi's done that thing to turn his blood into fire, and how Abjorn got shadow powers baked in from eating the Shadow Bear, while the twins got moon powers apparently from Moonless Night's heart eaten while they were at late term, but more info is always helpful!)
I'd like to name @DeadmanwalkingXI as my dice handler. I totally forgot I get those as Patreon rewards and I feel like he'd put them to good use.

I will do so to the best of my ability.

I mean, alternately, there's one bit of question that we're currently grappling with regards to the last major subsystem we're apparently missing, rather than delegating your dice, maybe you should spend them to get us some more info to chew over?

(I know my bet is that the last major subsystem is Bloodline stuff, like how Logi's done that thing to turn his blood into fire, and how Abjorn got shadow powers baked in from eating the Shadow Bear, while the twins got moon powers apparently from Moonless Night's heart eaten while they were at late term, but more info is always helpful!)

I believe, based on Discord, CedeTheBees wants more ongoing usage. That said, this is a good point in terms of ongoing questions:

@Imperial Fister what would be the Reward Die costs on more information on the final subsystem?
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[X] Pump him for information
-[X] We're primarily trying to get info on who he paid to get left alone, that part seems relevant and like whoever he paid might've set this up. However, he's drunk, and there's no need to be rude, we'll use Light Touch if needed and gently guide the conversation in that direction rather than be impolite about it. We will also happily allow him to tell us things like where he's from and why his family moved here, whether they'd be open to trade in the future, things like that. That's all secondary to who they paid to be left alone, though.
-[X] Keep a careful eye out for when he tires of our company, make our goodbyes and get out of there before his mood shifts towards the truly unpleasant. Using Goal Tell and Lowest Limit to help with this inasmuch as they can.
Hey Halla, does basically everyone in the Hading now know you have some kind of Seersight with how you used Sundersight in the Hooknails fight?
[X] Pump him for information
-[X] We're primarily trying to get info on who he paid to get left alone, that part seems relevant and like whoever he paid might've set this up. However, he's drunk, and there's no need to be rude, we'll use Light Touch if needed and gently guide the conversation in that direction rather than be impolite about it. We will also happily allow him to tell us things like where he's from and why his family moved here, whether they'd be open to trade in the future, things like that. That's all secondary to who they paid to be left alone, though.
-[X] Keep a careful eye out for when he tires of our company, make our goodbyes and get out of there before his mood shifts towards the truly unpleasant. Using Goal Tell and Lowest Limit to help with this inasmuch as they can.

This situation with the vittra feels really suspicious. Like somebody was setting us up to fight them.

For me it was Drysalt trying to instigate conflict in the Valley.

He already "gifted" a cave to a Troll afterall.
This situation with the vittra feels really suspicious. Like somebody was setting us up to fight them.
Probably not us specifically considering that we aren't particularly involved in local politics and we're some of the few people who wouldn't immediately get into a fight with these people

If I was aiming for a specific person with this trap it would probably be Logi
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So, I forgot to keep up with the Quest for a few days, and catch up to find that Abjorns dad has pulled a "Men would literally rip their own heart out rather than go to therapy", and now we're engaged in a neighbourly dispute with a family of invisible magic people over their magic cows.

...Yep, this is definitely still NorseQuest!
...Yep, this is definitely still NorseQuest!

We've also gained the Sunfire Hugareida (by cheating) and discovered that we can probably fuse our blood with one of the fundamental elements as a Hamr thing! Details remain unclear but we're gonna figure out how to bleed sunfire.

We may not actually do that specific thing, mind you, but we're definitely figuring out how.
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It might involve storing blood in a fast, then using a rewrite to alloy the blood with yourself, to let you copy something from whatever you took the blood from?