[X] Attempt diplomacy
-[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
-[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.
--[X] Spend 5 Odr on our check to smooth things over and limit any hiccups on our part. Remember the greeting gifts as part of the bribe to help further smooth things over.
Al-a-righty, then. Calling the vote now
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Oct 30, 2023 at 6:22 PM, finished with 18 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Attempt diplomacy
    -[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
    -[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.
    --[X] Spend 5 Odr on our check to smooth things over and limit any hiccups on our part. Remember the greeting gifts as part of the bribe to help further smooth things over.
    [X] Attempt diplomacy
    -[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
    -[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.
Oh, lemme roll!

e: Apparantly that's 25 successes after everythign, I'll spend a Reward Dice to get us up to 26, a breakpoint.
Shard threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Silver-Tongue Total: 49
4 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 6 6 6 6 2 2 1 1 5 5 5 5
Shard threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Silver-Tongue Part 2 Total: 19
4 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 2 2
Shard threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Silver Tongue (Reward Dice) Total: 2
2 2
Last edited:
Winter 10/Lost Herd? 5
[X] Attempt diplomacy
-[X] "Sorry to disturb you, I saw your herd wandering around and wanted to check and see if we had a new neighbor, apparently your wards had a bit of a hiccup though? Well, regardless, we just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright and there were no misunderstandings--come to think of it, do you know who I'd need to touch base with about the invitation you got? I imagine the news might have gotten lost somewhere in the recent confusion."
-[X] Using Goal Tell to see what the vittra want, the Light Touch Trick to avoid giving offense, and Cool Off to keep our wits about us without losing our temper.
--[X] Spend 5 Odr on our check to smooth things over and limit any hiccups on our part. Remember the greeting gifts as part of the bribe to help further smooth things over.

Breathing in and out, you steady your emotions as you focus in on the current situation. Despite how much you'd really like to plant Sagaseeker's edge into this guy's face, that probably won't end well and you'd rather not have the blood of children on your hands.

Swallowing your pride for but a moment, you stare in the general direction of papa-vittra's eyes—at least where you assume them to be, "Sorry to disturb you, but I saw your herd wandering about," a finger draws a circle in the air, "and wanted to see if we had a new neighbor, but I guess your wards had something of a hiccup, though?" You cap that thought off with a shrug as you gesture to Abjorn, who hurriedly shuffles forward and places the bundle in your open hand. Unwrapping the cloth, you immediately feel eyes' touch as a drink-jar meets the sun's gaze, "We brought fine mead as a welcoming gift, though."
(Silver-Tongue: 23+1(Friendly)+1(First Impressions)+1(Reward Dice)) 26 Successes, a Grand Success
Twin glints of booze-lusted greed shine from a suddenly-there hazy figure. As the shape shambles towards you, the vague shapes of its arms reaching out, you realize that this must be what happens when a vittra loses concentration on their natural invisibility. Letting him have the bottle, you watch as the jar lifts up into the air as if under its own power. Seal cracked, the jar quickly finds its contents flowing down a hazy man's gullet.

Wiping his mouth clean, the drunk seems unsteady as he returns the jar to you. Your brew is strong indeed, so strong that you can actually make out bits of detail here and there from how much it effects the vittra.

If you so desired, you could absolutely pump this vittra for information. You could also call it a night—er, day—here and go home with success in hand and your heads still attached to your necks.

What do you do?
[ ] Pump him for information
-[ ] Write in
[ ] Call it a win and go home


AN: Good rolls, Shard, good rolls indeed.

No moratorium, but this'll be the last update for today. New record, though! 4 Updates in 1 day—ignoring how short they are, at least.
I think we could stand to talk a little more, try and get some info. If we do, I think it's something like this:

[X] Pump him for information
-[X] We're primarily trying to get info on who he paid to get left alone, that part seems relevant and like whoever he paid might've set this up. However, he's drunk, and there's no need to be rude, we'll use Light Touch if needed and gently guide the conversation in that direction rather than be impolite about it. We will also happily allow him to tell us things like where he's from and why his family moved here, whether they'd be open to trade in the future, things like that. That's all secondary to who they paid to be left alone, though.
-[X] Keep a careful eye out for when he tires of our company, make our goodbyes and get out of there before his mood shifts towards the truly unpleasant. Using Goal Tell and Lowest Limit to help with this inasmuch as they can.

Just going home is also valid, though.
[X] Pump him for information
-[X] We're primarily trying to get info on who he paid to get left alone, that part seems relevant and like whoever he paid might've set this up. However, he's drunk, and there's no need to be rude, we'll use Light Touch if needed and gently guide the conversation in that direction rather than be impolite about it. We will also happily allow him to tell us things like where he's from and why his family moved here, whether they'd be open to trade in the future, things like that. That's all secondary to who they paid to be left alone, though.
-[X] Keep a careful eye out for when he tires of our company, make our goodbyes and get out of there before his mood shifts towards the truly unpleasant. Using Goal Tell and Lowest Limit to help with this inasmuch as they can.
[X] Pump him for information
-[X] We're primarily trying to get info on who he paid to get left alone, that part seems relevant and like whoever he paid might've set this up. However, he's drunk, and there's no need to be rude, we'll use Light Touch if needed and gently guide the conversation in that direction rather than be impolite about it. We will also happily allow him to tell us things like where he's from and why his family moved here, whether they'd be open to trade in the future, things like that. That's all secondary to who they paid to be left alone, though.
-[X] Keep a careful eye out for when he tires of our company, make our goodbyes and get out of there before his mood shifts towards the truly unpleasant. Using Goal Tell and Lowest Limit to help with this inasmuch as they can.
[X] Pump him for information
-[X] We're primarily trying to get info on who he paid to get left alone, that part seems relevant and like whoever he paid might've set this up. However, he's drunk, and there's no need to be rude, we'll use Light Touch if needed and gently guide the conversation in that direction rather than be impolite about it. We will also happily allow him to tell us things like where he's from and why his family moved here, whether they'd be open to trade in the future, things like that. That's all secondary to who they paid to be left alone, though.
-[X] Keep a careful eye out for when he tires of our company, make our goodbyes and get out of there before his mood shifts towards the truly unpleasant. Using Goal Tell and Lowest Limit to help with this inasmuch as they can.
[X] Pump him for information
-[X] We're primarily trying to get info on who he paid to get left alone, that part seems relevant and like whoever he paid might've set this up. However, he's drunk, and there's no need to be rude, we'll use Light Touch if needed and gently guide the conversation in that direction rather than be impolite about it. We will also happily allow him to tell us things like where he's from and why his family moved here, whether they'd be open to trade in the future, things like that. That's all secondary to who they paid to be left alone, though.
-[X] Keep a careful eye out for when he tires of our company, make our goodbyes and get out of there before his mood shifts towards the truly unpleasant. Using Goal Tell and Lowest Limit to help with this inasmuch as they can.
[X] Pump him for information
-[X] We're primarily trying to get info on who he paid to get left alone, that part seems relevant and like whoever he paid might've set this up. However, he's drunk, and there's no need to be rude, we'll use Light Touch if needed and gently guide the conversation in that direction rather than be impolite about it. We will also happily allow him to tell us things like where he's from and why his family moved here, whether they'd be open to trade in the future, things like that. That's all secondary to who they paid to be left alone, though.
-[X] Keep a careful eye out for when he tires of our company, make our goodbyes and get out of there before his mood shifts towards the truly unpleasant. Using Goal Tell and Lowest Limit to help with this inasmuch as they can.
[X] Pump him for information
-[X] We're primarily trying to get info on who he paid to get left alone, that part seems relevant and like whoever he paid might've set this up. However, he's drunk, and there's no need to be rude, we'll use Light Touch if needed and gently guide the conversation in that direction rather than be impolite about it. We will also happily allow him to tell us things like where he's from and why his family moved here, whether they'd be open to trade in the future, things like that. That's all secondary to who they paid to be left alone, though.
-[X] Keep a careful eye out for when he tires of our company, make our goodbyes and get out of there before his mood shifts towards the truly unpleasant. Using Goal Tell and Lowest Limit to help with this inasmuch as they can.