Yeah, that's the point. Unveiling your fylgja is to force something formless to take a form when the time isn't right. It's going to be expensive as hell to do that.

It's why you don't see all that many people with unveiled fylgjur, because it's expensive as all get out.

I'll sleep on it, though. See if I feel any different come morning

I'm just surprised given the previous prices we were charged which were either 'an equal favor' (which Blackhand seemed to think wasn't that big a deal, even from the Hading Witch...I feel like if it were that expensive he would've reacted differently) or literally '3 oz. silver' which both seem really low (the latter was from Solrun, but this was before we took care of Horra and she didn't seem to be giving us discounts on other stuff).

I'm also surprised in both cases that they just had the stuff ready off the top of their heads if it's that pricey to they just keep those Experiences on hand? That doesn't seem sustainable.

Like, in a vacuum, it being expensive makes sense, in the context of our previous experiences with Fylgja Unveiling it's surprising. Not impossible, Solrun could've given us a massive discount and we could've gotten lucky in the timing, but still surprising.
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Maybe if the work dice cost to capture experiences were smaller? It might make more sense? How many work die to we have or an average norsemen is expected to have? Or the cost for various experiences to be variable?
Maybe if the work dice cost to capture experiences were smaller? It might make more sense? How many work die to we have or an average norsemen is expected to have? Or the cost for various experiences to be variable?

Most Norsemen probably have something on the order of 10-15 Work Dice. Most Seeresses, however, likely have less than that (as their Labor and Farming are likely lower). Tools help on a mechanical level, but I'm dubious most seeresses have farming tools (unless they live on a farm, in which case the tools are in use on the farm, not for this) or that those tools would help with this process if they did. 9 Work Dice is likely their entire supply of Work Dice per turn, IMO.

27 Work Dice/3 Actions is enough that for most random Seeresses it's either something they gradually get together over a season along with other projects, or something they spend almost literally all their time doing for two months. Which is a heck of a lot to go through just to have them 'on hand' when someone requests an Unveiling. If it's that pricey, I'd expect there to be some lead-up time and a much heftier price tag (ie: "Come back in 2 months with 50 oz. silver") or something like that.

Being able to gather some Experiences more easily, being able to re-gather those you've done before more easily, or even being able to do more than one per action (without changing the Work Die cost) would all make that a lot more logistically sustainable.

The easiest mechanical change to make that work without actually making it much cheaper for us in practice would be allowing gathering 3 Experiences per action, but still only one per 9 Work Dice. That makes it worth it to keep a Fylgja Unveiling on hand for most working Seeresses, without making it cheap. That would mean the only remaining weirdness is explained by Solrun giving us a hefty discount, which would make some sense in context.
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There might be some techs that Solrun hasn't taught us yet about to gather experiences and she's making us do this the hard way for the time being. We still need to pass her little test for us with the burls.
I would personally based it on the specific Experience. Routine ones which are easy to setup cost less time. Annoyingly problematic ones cost more. Possibly a whole lot more.
I would personally based it on the specific Experience. Routine ones which are easy to setup cost less time. Annoyingly problematic ones cost more. Possibly a whole lot more.

This would make sense to me. It'd make Fylgja Reveals pretty cheap in terms of Experiences, though, speaking logically. The Experiences involved are all three exceedingly easy to set up. You can get them in maybe 12 hours (most of which you spend asleep) if you have any spider webs and a clear night (and wake up early).
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Training up your fylga also takes time, time that could be spent doing other things like Hugr or Hamr and it's a big weakness. Not to mention your fylga bonus might not even help you all too much.
There might be some techs that Solrun hasn't taught us yet about to gather experiences and she's making us do this the hard way for the time being. We still need to pass her little test for us with the burls.

This is possible, and would make it more sustainable...I'm not sure why she wouldn't have shared at least the existence of something like that, though. It also would make it so that, for an actual seeress, it wasn't very expensive, which goes against what IF said.

Training up your fylga also takes time, time that could be spent doing other things like Hugr or Hamr and it's a big weakness. Not to mention your fylga might not even help you all too much.

There's also the superstitions around it. There are definitely reasons people wouldn't all get it even if it were cheap.

On the other hand, it is very powerful, so it being expensive makes sense on a Power Demands Sacrifice could argue that the experience costs and vulnerability are the sacrifices, but a bit more on top of that would still make sense.

I'm just (perhaps overly) concerned with the logistics of the world and how a random woman living alone could afford to burn 3 Actions and/or 27 Work Dice to set that up on spec. That's a lot to invest into a product that may not be sold for years.
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Then there is already the Price involved in being able to acquire Experiences to begin with.
IDEA: Standing Order for our Fylgia to just grab an Experience whenever we do something, we carry on doing whatever the hell it its and our Fylgia grabs the Experience of it and throws it on the pile of them if there isn't one in stock already, or just grab it whenever we don't need it for shield abuse if we can collect multiple of the same Experience and have them pile up
I think the most reasonable ooc explanation is the Seidr mechanics behind the unveiling were created much later.

In the story, Solrun was giving us the friends and family discount out if affection for Blackhand
IDEA: Standing Order for our Fylgia to just grab an Experience whenever we do something, we carry on doing whatever the hell it its and our Fylgia grabs the Experience of it and throws it on the pile of them if there isn't one in stock already, or just grab it whenever we don't need it for shield abuse if we can collect multiple of the same Experience and have them pile up

I'm very doubtful we can just circumvent what's intended to be a significant cost this way.

@Imperial Fister would this work?

I think the most reasonable ooc explanation is the Seidr mechanics behind the unveiling were created much later.

Well yes, that's the Doylist explanation. I'm looking for a Watsonian one. Though, even on a Doylist level, I'd argue that the seeming intention is that most Seeresses can do this (at varying prices) at the time you show up and ask them for it, which the current rules don't support very well.

In the story, Solrun was giving us the friends and family discount out if affection for Blackhand

The price we were charged is actually not the part that's a real logistical problem (as you say, there's a potential explanation there). It's the fact that both she and the Witch could do it off the top of their heads with no need for, like, 2 months of prep time. Because that's a huge investment for them to make on the basis that someone might come along and request an Unveiling. That's the part that really strains my suspension of disbelief.

Well, and the idea that it takes basically six to eight weeks of solid work for someone to collect three Experiences that all sound like a few minutes work each in practice. I can believe it's harder than it sounds, but that much harder seems excessive.
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would it be possible to add the infusion of some or all of our not yet infused skills to your plan?

I'd sort of like to get an idea of how many of our retainers are gonna actually take us up on the Infusion offer first. Additionally, I definitely don't want to do all 17 at once so as to not overload our QM.

The reason to do them at all is to see if they do anything unique and special and asking IF to come up with something for 17 things at once is a great way to make that answer 'No, none of them do.'. We could maybe do a handful, lemme look at what the options are...
Are we really not working on finding the person who paid to have Steinarr killed?

... Aside from Seidr do we actually have a way to pursue the leads we already have?
I'd sort of like to get an idea of how many of our retainers are gonna actually take us up on the Infusion offer first. Additionally, I definitely don't want to do all 17 at once so as to not overload our QM.

The reason to do them at all is to see if they do anything unique and special and asking IF to come up with something for 17 things at once is a great way to make that answer 'No, none of them do.'. We could maybe do a handful, lemme look at what the options are...
Sailing is the only one that looks remotely promising to me.
Are we really not working on finding the person who paid to have Steinarr killed?

I mean, dealing with immediate problems and making sure our people are up to the task of taking revenge are also priorities. It's not much good to know without being able to do anything about it. We do want to find out, obviously, but the actions are hard to make work out properly.

... Aside from Seidr do we actually have a way to pursue the leads we already have?

I can't think of anything other than divination off the top of my head.

Sailing is the only one that looks remotely promising to me.

Yeah, and I feel like we should wait to do that one on the trip, for thematic reasons. Maybe Wildcraft or Overland, I guess? All the actual 'making things' crafts skills and all the combat skills seem like they'd give the same things and we have Infused things in both categories so infusing more is kinda unappealing for that reason. Which leaves a pretty short list, honestly.
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We currently have 40 Odr. How many Infusions can we offer?

Each person would be 21 if we got then to Infusion 3 in all three stats. 28 if we offered Composure as well. Removing Fylgja drops that to 21 each. Not doing Hugr yet (which we probably won't...we want to examine the social impacts there in regards to existing berserks) would be 14 each. So, in practice, probably 21 for Abjorn (since we definitely want to give him everything but Hugr right now) and 7+ for everyone else.

We're also gaining 50 Odr this turn. I'd probably give everyone Hamr Infusion 3, and Abjorn Hamr, Fylgja, and Composure. That'd be 49 Odr if Vagn gets in on it by swearing to us. We can then see about other stuff going forward (I'm interested in giving Stigmar Composure, then Hugr and seeing if that lets him keep a lid on his Frenzy when it's first granted, assuming he even wants to be a berserk, of course...if that works the same should work for Abjorn, again assuming he wants to be a berserk).
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Alright, I've slept on it and have come to a conclusion.

Experiences take Capacity to hold on to, but are reusable. If you want to use that Capacity for anything else, then you'll lose access to that Experience and will have to grab a replacement.
Alright, I've slept on it and have come to a conclusion.

Experiences take Capacity to hold on to, but are reusable. If you want to use that Capacity for anything else, then you'll lose access to that Experience and will have to grab a replacement.

Cool. That works for me and makes a lot of sense. We definitely want to free up three for the Fylgja stuff. Lemme fiddle with the plan to free up the Capacity...

EDIT: And done.
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I'd sort of like to get an idea of how many of our retainers are gonna actually take us up on the Infusion offer first. Additionally, I definitely don't want to do all 17 at once so as to not overload our QM.

The reason to do them at all is to see if they do anything unique and special and asking IF to come up with something for 17 things at once is a great way to make that answer 'No, none of them do.'. We could maybe do a handful, lemme look at what the options are...
yea doing them all at once is probably not for the best but we should do them at some point. Atleast so we can be sure of what infusing them does. whether its nothing, something usefull or a landmine.
@DeadmanwalkingXI , @Imperial Fister , what happened to out training Drifa? What is she doing? How far along is she in her training?
Also, @Alectai, in the dramatis personae, should it be mentioned in Reidar's bio that he was looking to but horses from Halfdan by hook or by crook, and that he was also anxious to acquire a legendary sword in Vestfold?
And, what sword is being referred to here, that made Halla a bit worried?