Did we end up getting that runestone into Halla's soulscape before we broke through? I remember IF wanted to wait for someone to write a poem for it, but I'm pretty sure Skippy managed to get that done in time.

IF is doing that this turn, so I don't think it got done beforehand in-universe, but it probably also doesn't matter whether it's before or after or it would be handled differently.
Summer 10/Turn 2
(+36 Odr)
[X] Saga Expansion

[X] Plan Less Crafting, More Poetry and Swords
-[X] Personal Actions
-[X] (Poetry) Try to realize our "Bearbreaker" poetic Inspiration; crafting a [praise poem in skaldic metre](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/norsequest-a-norse-xianxia.113540/post-29245039) which tells the story of how our brave husband earnt his kenning by hunting the terrible hunter. This is not at all because we want to stick it to that yellow-eyed little trick with the red scarf who dared to insult our boo. Definitely not. No siree.
--[X] Infuse 3 Odr into it.
--[X] Spend Three Reward Dice - (Skippy)
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something
--[X] Item One
--[X] Add Runes to our existing Tools (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] "May Brokkr and Eitri's skill be granted to those who learn with me." – Hopefully making them a Training Item for crafts like Weaponcraft, Artcraft, and Armorcraft and possibly other assorted crafts or crafting-adjacent Tricks.
--[X] Item Two
---[X] Silver Drinking Horn (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
---[X] Add runes saying "May the drink that pours from me be as the mead that fell from one-eyed eagle's craw to poet's mouth." – Hopefully a Wordplay and Silver-Tongue Training Item
---[X] Add bone ash from thrushes, larks, and other songbirds.
-[X] Initiate Aggressive Befriending with the Ice Sword.
-[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X] Eric
--[X] Ask again about what's going on with the Kyrsvikingar
--[X] Use the opportunity to put the word out that we're planning an expedition in a couple of months. Nothing epic, just a trading mission.
-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] Your Soulscape!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
--[X] For metal items, have Heat Hold available just in case.
--[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
--[X] Stoking Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process

-[X] Training
-[X] (Seeress) Learn seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
--[X] Learn the spells for traveling to Ginnungagap and finding a specific soul there (like those used to rescue Aki)...we have a lot of relatives with fylgja and would like to be able to save them at need.
--[X] Ask Solrun what she knows about Aspects and how they work
--[X] Ask Solrun where she goes for the winter, and invite her to stay with us if she'd prefer that.
-[X] (Research)
--[X] **_Carried over from last turn_:** Place a runestone in our soul, with a [poem](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/norsequest-a-norse-xianxia.113540/post-29188075) commemorating our and Abjorn's first kiss under a falling tree, when time stood still.
--[X] Go over our known capabilities and see if our hitting a new stage of our Realm has had any effect on any of them that we can discern – 1 RP
--[X] Try and Alloy Ignition and Stoker State, see if it grants Stoked Dice for using EWC or propagates damage to Stoker State Tricks – 1 RP
--[X] Try Alloying our Hamr and Stoker State, see if this empowers our muscles with short bursts of energy in the same way that Standstill froze them up. - 1 RP
--[X] Mess around with the strange sword we bought in Asvir. It looks like it's made for cutting, maybe we could try developing a Slash trick with it? - 1 RP
--[X] Try experimenting with Time Stands Still and other Standstill effects and try and figure out what the Martial Style Time Stands Still is part of might be, or be capable of – 1 RP
--[X] Try and Alloy Puncture and our Stoker State whilst Puncture is alloyed to Ignition, to find out whether Puncture's effect can propagate across multiple disciplines that are mutually alloyed. – 1 RP
--[X] Try and Alloy Campfire and Hamr. - 1 RP
---[X] Do this naked in the sauna with Abjorn, holding a rag to see if it ignites, prepare to switch it out quickly...try and figure out from how it works how it would go if we did the same with Ignition
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks
--[X] Train Slowing Slog 46xp (23xp)
--[X] Train Ember Winged Cloak 20xp (5xp)
--[X] Train Kindle Spinner 12xp (3xp)
--[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 24xp (6xp)
--[X] Train Campfire 28xp (7xp)
---[X] Note: This allows us to re-alloy Forgefire, adding +2d to all crafting (25d total on this turn's crafting)
--[X] Train Time Stands Still 36xp (18xp)
-[X] (Training) Martial Styles
--[X] Train Stoker State 8xp (4xp)
--[X] Train Threadcutter 4xp (2xp)
-[X] (Training) Hamr (255 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Throw 1xp

-[X] Incidentals and Allocation
-[X] (Work Dice Usage)
--[X] Buildings, Resources, and Quality: 2 Living Space, Everything else maxed out (61 Total)
--[X] Crafting: Making 1 Glue Bomb and 1 Meat-Keeping Stick (4 Total)
--[X] Construction: Improve Building – Workshop by 19 (19 Total)
--[X] Conversion: Spend for 6 Research Dice (12 Total)
-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Abjorn, Hallbjorn,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Drafty Iron
-[X] (Shapeshifting Slots)
--[X] Add one instance of Fast Twitch Muscles.
-[X] (Fylgja Alloy/Shapeshifting Slots)
--[X] Remove the 4Fold Sparkbomb, replace it with a 2Fold Sparkbomb (-17 Orthstirr)
-[X] (Standing Orders)
--[X] Change the Standing Order relating to Sparkbombs to replace the 2Fold Sparkbomb with a single Sparkbomb whenever that Fast is empty.
-[X] (Assign Hugareida Levels)
--[X] Assign 4 Forgefire Levels to Damage
--[X] Assign 1 Campfire Level to Dice and 2 to Instances
Slowing Slog (Mastered-Perfected)
Kindle Spinner (Mastered-Perfected)
Firebomb-Strike (Mastered-Perfected)
Ember-Wing Cloak (Mastered-Perfected)
Time Stands Still (Refined-Mastered)
Threadcutter (Rough-Refined)
Stoker State (5-6)
Throw (3-4)
Campfire (3-4)
Forgefire (4-5, due to Campfire)
Reviewing capabilities
The first thing you notice is that your odr is... More responsive, perhaps? It certainly feels easier to direct—not that it was ever hard or difficult or anything. It's just that the flow of it comes more naturally, which makes it possible to do things that you hadn't realized were possible.

An example of this is changing the properties of your odr, such as color, viscosity, or even taste.

...What? It looked like honey, okay!? It's not that weird!

Alloy Experimentation
Alloying Stoker State and Ignition together allows you to gain Stoked Dice from using Ignition moves.

Alloying Hamr and Stoker State allows you to spend Stoked Dice to gain a large, temporary boost to your ability to do things.

Alloying Puncture and Stoker State does not seem to work when Puncture is alloyed to Ignition.

Alloying Campfire and Hamr while naked with Abjorn in the sauna resulted in sexy times, but not much else. It seems that Campfire and Hamr does little other then raise your internal body temperature.

Strange Sword Messing Around
"Mama," Eyvor's voice pulls your attention away mid-swing. She makes grabby hands at you, her eyes fixed to the sword in your hand, "I wanna try!"

Seeing little harm, you hand the strange sword over to Eyvor who lifts it up and brings it down...

...Though her technique needs a lot of work, it's clear that she's got some kind of natural talent in swordplay. That was too clean a cut for it to be anything else.

(Hidden Affinity Revealed: Swordplay!)
--[X] Try experimenting with Time Stands Still and other Standstill effects and try and figure out what the Martial Style Time Stands Still is part of might be, or be capable of – 1 RP
(Alright, how do you experiment? What tests do you perform?)
Adding runes to tools (Runes: 25+15+3+3) 46 Successes. Silver Drinking Horn (Crafting: 14+15+3+1) 33 Successes. (Runes: 6+15+3+3) 27 Successes
Adding runes to your tools went swimmingly. With the inclusion of them, you're now finding it easier to pick up and use little tricks with iron and metal. Great!

With your other project, however...

In your excitement, you may have gotten a little lazy in your rune-work for the drinking horn. Nothing truly bad, it's just not nearly your usual standards.

(Doubled XP towards improving your crafting skills)
(Silver Drinking Horn added to inventory. +1 XP added to your Wordplay every time you train it. After drinking from it, you gain a slight understanding of birdspeak)
A kiss locked in time, a bear broken in two, and a space left empty
On a lone-standing mountain sits a flat-faced boulder. It faces towards the east, where it would watch the sun rise—if there were a sun to observe, that is.

The runes come easily as, with trembling hands, you let your feelings flow freely over the surface of stone. Emotions well up in your tear-filled eyes as hammer and chisel work as one, slowly carving the stories of your greatest love into eternity.

With every hammer-stroke, you force reality to acknowledge your husband's feats. With every blow of the chisel, you carve names into the bark of the World Tree. With every motion of the hands, you bring the truth of the past and present to the ever-changing future.

Two tales find their way onto the rock—one of how Abjorn caught kisses with trees, the other of how he broke the bear. But even those stories only take up two portions of the blank face, for the future is still yet to come. One day, no matter how hard you beg the Gods and Norns alike, Abjorn will pass on to the next world. When that day comes, no matter the size of the lump in your throat, the truth of how he died shall be remembered in stone eternal.

As the final hammer falls and you step away, the sight of a runestone complete fills your heart with a calm, soothing warmth. A wave of relief washes over you, the knowledge that the future's knowledge of the past is secured soothing your nerves and anxieties.

Laying a hand on the surface, you stoke your odr into motion. With a honed thought, you turn red to blue and yellow and all the colors in between. Rainbows of spectacular color flows free as you fill each rune and carving with brilliant light.

As the light settles in the cracks and crevices, you look upon your work with glee. A bear's open, roaring maw serves as the border while the stories and tales take up the empty space within its gaping mouth.

Lifting one of the slowly spilling tearlets from your eye, you let odr flow as you mix it all into one. Pressing your index finger against a clear spot on the surface, you allow your name to write itself upon the stone.

With a deep breath, you take one final look at the runestone before nodding once.

(You now have a runestone in your soul. The effects of this are unknown.)
(I'm extremely hesitant to grade your folks' poems, so I'm just going to refund Skippy their Reward Dice plus give Abjorn a hefty chunk of Orthstirr)
Battling—er, befriending—the Ice Sword
Cracking your neck, you fix the sword of glistening ice hanging from your wall with a brutal glare. One after the other, you pop your knuckles as you stretch and limber up.

Taking a seat before the sword, you breathe in and out and throw yourself into the fray.

Immediately, your foe responds to your intrusion with a hail of spiritual ice-blasts, all of which accompanied with a surprisingly chipper, "Good morning/afternoon/and/or evening, dear visitor! Please stand still so I may slay you, you damnable heathen you!"
(Tactics: 10+6) 16 Successes
Immediately, you're made aware of the flaws in the attack thanks to your Sundersight. The spread is far too wide and the ice is not nearly dense enough to cause much of an issue if any to your passive defenses. This is a warning shot more then anything else, that much is clear.

The Ice Sword's defenses resemble the form of a blizzard-choked glacier. Chunks of spiritual ice whip and whirl through the raging snowstorm. In order to fully unleash your capabilities, you'll need to break through its defenses and force yourself into its soulscape. Only then will you be able to fight it directly.

The Ice Sword is planning on pelting you with icicle blasts of steadily increasing strength. It has full mental strength and its defenses are untouched. It struggles to defend itself against attacks utilizing lots of raw power.

What would you like to do?
[ ] Write in a general plan of action. The ways you'll be attacking and the ways you'll be defending. If desired, you may also retreat for free. Keep in mind that you won't be able to retreat for free if you break into your opponent's soulscape.


AN: Boy oh boy, I had a weird time writing this one. Sorry if it's sub-par.

Anyways, spiritual combat. I'm not really feeling like building a complex system for it, to be honest, so just tell me what you want to do for offense, defense, and your goals + general plan.

15-minute moratorium.
Huh, so, moving to Stage 2 made our Odr more Responsive and lets us adjust it's aesthetic to an extent. Is that how people have disguised it from us in the past?

It seems like it 'Does the same things", but it does them quicker and snappier? Does this also let us throttle the expense at all or is it still an all or nothing thing?

(The Runestone looks like it might be Important later though, good job people who came up with the idea!)

Anyway, with regards to the Spiritual Combat part.

[ ] You're here to have a chat, not kill the spirit! Your cloak of flames should keep you warm and melt the blizzard into a more pleasant spring melt--especially when it's been empowered your spiritual arts, chat it up on the way as you advance into its Soulscape, keep it off guard and invested in the discussion and thus too distracted to focus a great deal of attention on you.
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[X] You're here to have a chat, not kill the spirit! Your cloak of flames should keep you warm and melt the blizzard into a more pleasant spring melt--especially when it's been empowered your spiritual arts, chat it up on the way as you advance into its Soulscape, keep it off guard and invested in the discussion and thus too distracted to focus a great deal of attention on you.

The narrative of having a cloak of flames that repels liquids to be our armor, while keeping it off balance with discussion as we approach seems viable. If it decides to escalate, we can still do so in kind of course, but we don't want to murder it if we don't have to after all.


Oh yeah! @Imperial Fister , have we gotten hefty enough to start making use of those Demon Seeds at all? Or is it still a bit too rich for our blood?
I'm basically down for this, at least to start with.

[X] You're here to have a chat, not kill the spirit! Your cloak of flames should keep you warm and melt the blizzard into a more pleasant spring melt--especially when it's been empowered your spiritual arts, chat it up on the way as you advance into its Soulscape, keep it off guard and invested in the discussion and thus too distracted to focus a great deal of attention on you.
[X] You're here to have a chat, not kill the spirit! Your cloak of flames should keep you warm and melt the blizzard into a more pleasant spring melt--especially when it's been empowered your spiritual arts, chat it up on the way as you advance into its Soulscape, keep it off guard and invested in the discussion and thus too distracted to focus a great deal of attention on you.
[X] You're here to have a chat, not kill the spirit! Your cloak of flames should keep you warm and melt the blizzard into a more pleasant spring melt--especially when it's been empowered your spiritual arts, chat it up on the way as you advance into its Soulscape, keep it off guard and invested in the discussion and thus too distracted to focus a great deal of attention on you.
[X] You're here to have a chat, not kill the spirit! Your cloak of flames should keep you warm and melt the blizzard into a more pleasant spring melt--especially when it's been empowered your spiritual arts, chat it up on the way as you advance into its Soulscape, keep it off guard and invested in the discussion and thus too distracted to focus a great deal of attention on you.

In regards to the Standstill stuff.
We could practice getting into a blade clash and using Standstill to bind the weapon to ours and pull it out of their grip.
We could also try wrapping it to specific parts of the body and try the Naruto leaf-sticking exercise, the wall walking exercise, or the water walking exercise.

Edit: Another thought occurs; could we create some purpose-built frisbee or other thrown stuff so that they might be frozen and used as stepping stones (like what happened with Halfdan's son).

Also more Momentum/Movement Hugareida are needed
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We could also try wrapping it to specific parts of the body and try the Naruto leaf-sticking exercise, the wall walking exercise, or the water walking exercise.

Veto Motion already allows this, I believe, so it's not really an experiment. Or maybe it doesn't allow that? It was intended to but rereading it I'm not sure the final version actually does.
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[X] You're here to have a chat, not kill the spirit! Your cloak of flames should keep you warm and melt the blizzard into a more pleasant spring melt--especially when it's been empowered your spiritual arts, chat it up on the way as you advance into its Soulscape, keep it off guard and invested in the discussion and thus too distracted to focus a great deal of attention on you.
An idea for later, try jnfusing Odr into parts of our soulscape perhaps by making more wells

Try and see how else we can twist the Odr property and if it has any effects k
On how it powers tricks

Writing anothsr poem runestone, thiz time about ourselves? Cause it feels like Abjorn got the benefits here which is why we dont know them
Given that Halla is weak to water I don't think melting the attacks is necessarily a good idea. Standstill or Gale based defensive metaphor might work better.

I also don't think a Sword spirit will necessarily respect us if we don't attack at all

[X] Any Ice that approaches too close will be robbed of momentum and fall to the ground. For attacks, it's a big stationary target: hit it with some big fireballs. Keep talking, and don't go for any kill shots, treat it like a spar.
well now that we reached the second stage the fact that lidrun decided to be an asshole hurts even more because we cant share notes.

in celebration of that, hate poem for lidrun:

snake's kin, Loki's child
wordwright without wit
once seen as bold
now just cold
mark your days and pray
for soon she shall slay
and when your day comes
on the night you lie dying
will vermin care for their kin?