Or valuable metals like silver and gold.
Well that's true, we could just buy the grain for cold hard cash, but carrying
something on our outward journey nets us a little more profit rather than just sailing in empty.
The reason I thought of lumber is because we literally next door to a giant forest so it's right there. Given cultivators are superhuman and we have
seven of them available, we could probably cut and strip enough trees to fill the Wavedancer in what, a couple afternoons working? So if we arrive at a trading port in a more agrarian developed region, a cargo of timber is actually likely to be decently (not amazingly) lucrative.
Obviously if we were spending more time and doing this for pure profit, we might go for the scarcer and maximal value cargo, but if this is going to work then it needs to happen quickly, so timber seems to make the most sense. We could probably just throw a couple Work Dice on woodcutting in the plan for the turn where we're doing the trading trip.
Yeah, a relatively low key trading trip would be a fun thing to do, and we can even potentially double it up with a couple other things here and there.
Yeah, there's a few options for places within a couple weeks' sailing that would have grain for export, and I'm not sure which would be cooler to visit, even briefly? Like seeing the Baltic would be cool, but also we could probably hit England (the Danelaw or Wessex) or northern France.
Actually, given Bibles and other books are a staple for them, Christian lands would be a
fantastic place to go if we wanted to buy a load of paper for book-making!
So that could potentially be one other bird hit with the same stone.