I feel that what slowed down the quest, beyond just disinterest/lack of muse/time it was the massive amount of interludes for every turn, it's not the same quest in many ways than what it was at the start, but that's just my opinion.
For the record, Dr. Snark hasn't even logged in to either SufficientVelocity (or to his account of QuestionableQuesting) since December 11th. Even when there was a multi-month wait until he updated this quest back in September, he was still logging in regularly to read other stories.

I PMed him back in January to see if he was okay, but haven't received a response. Does anyone know if he has other online personas, or accounts in other places that have been updated? At this point I'm wondering if he's all right...
For the record, Dr. Snark hasn't even logged in to either SufficientVelocity (or to his account of QuestionableQuesting) since December 11th. Even when there was a multi-month wait until he updated this quest back in September, he was still logging in regularly to read other stories.

I PMed him back in January to see if he was okay, but haven't received a response. Does anyone know if he has other online personas, or accounts in other places that have been updated? At this point I'm wondering if he's all right...

You are Suggesting Author Ceasation of existence ? Fuck. I hope not.
Anyone among his 6 patrons who might be here have access to the discord server, could you poke him there?
Mostly to see if anything happened to him. The update he can take as long as he likes.
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Depending on where he lives and what his health's like, he might be sick at the very least. With all this bullcrap with the Virus and all that. I unknowngly caught it at one point and I was lucky to get better as fast as I did. If he did get sick I hope he's just stuck in the hospital or something similar.
Depending on where he lives and what his health's like, he might be sick at the very least. With all this bullcrap with the Virus and all that. I unknowngly caught it at one point and I was lucky to get better as fast as I did. If he did get sick I hope he's just stuck in the hospital or something similar.

This happened before being off the forum for months, but people could still contact him then. I know he hasn't been around on QQ either. Also he went missing to early for it to be because of the virus. So if anyone knows his email or what not please let us know what shape he is in.
Do you think he might have just... left? Decided that we was sick of SV, SB, QQ, etc. and stopped paying attention to them?
Seems likely, unfortunately. Rather disappointing given that it was effectively on the home stretch.
If we didn't get that last update it would ironically sting less since the quest would have just slowly faded as most do. But we got an interlude which spiked up the thread again and Snark saying "yeah it's coming" to give us hope that we'd reach the long awaited conclusion. That hope tastes pretty bitter now to be honest.
I'm not sure if this is going to continue, but thanks to a desire to see the return of the Galaxy's Greatest Troll, the original QM @Teron has restarted the story as a AU. Follow the link below to build a criminal empire in the aftermath of the Clone Wars.

Ciaran Lives!


I have always wanted to own the Galaxy. (Star Wars CK2-Style Quest) V2

A Long, Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away... There were Ciaran, crime and insanity.
Turn 30 Prologue
RNS Resolute, Deep Space
Meeting Room

As the stars outside slowly drifted by, Yularen idly tapped a finger on the table he was sitting at. His hair was visibly greyed from the combined stress of leading the Resolute and her associated forces while simultaneously organizing an army under the Supreme - no, Sidious's nose.

The moment that Yularen had learned the truth that man ceased to be the Supreme Chancellor in his eyes.

As he waited for his guests to arrive he started to muse on how the others were holding up. Rex had either been drilling with his troops or in some simulator or other. Yularen wasn't sure how much sleep the man had been getting, but it couldn't have been much. As for Ahsoka, if she wasn't training with Rex she was pouring over after-action reports, information on fleet movements, and any scrap of intel Yularen could get his hands on. Leading the Resolute to Kalee had been a much-needed morale boost for everyone, and she was already trying to locate more opportunities that they could use to expand their forces.

Before he could fully start to process Anakin's...situation and everything going on with it, his train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. His eyes met Obi-Wan's as the Jedi Master entered the room and wordlessly sat down next to Yularen. His expression was contemplative and distant; Yularen suspected the only reason he wasn't starting to have grey hair himself was because of the Force flowing through him and even then...

"Tholme shouldn't be any more than a couple of minutes," Obi-Wan said, breaking the silence. "I can't say for sure why he was being so coy - for lack of a better word - about the reason for this meeting, though."

"I wish he wouldn't be since we both have enough to deal with as it is," Yularen said, sighing deeply. "Organizing our forces, Sidious' plans, the list goes on and on..."

"Very true. Though I can safely say that at the very least Anakin isn't on that list anymore for what little that's worth to the both of us. I don't know exactly where he is right this second, but last I spoke with him he was on Naboo for reasons I'm sure you're aware of. At least now he's actually responding when I try to reach out to him."

Yularen shook his head slightly in exasperation. "Even when he's not present he continues to be...Skywalker. I don't know where he went or what happened to him but at least he could-"

His comment was cut off as the door opened again, admitting Tholme into the room. He held his cane in one hand and a nondescript cylindrical container in the other - judging by the way he was holding it its contents seemed to be rather light. "My apologies for being late, gentlemen," he said as he entered the room, "as well as for being so secretive about why I wanted to speak with the both of you." With that he took a seat across from Yularen and Obi-Wan, placing his cane and the container against the respective sides of his chair.

"The lateness I understand, the secrecy less so," Yularen flatly replied. "Given circumstances I can hardly think of a reason for it."

"It is because...I wanted to discuss a matter that others aboard this ship would be more burdened by than anything else," Tholme responded before Yularen could continue. "There is another subject I wanted to discuss at the same time that is less...complicated," he said as he tapped his container slightly, "but it can wait." He leaned forward slightly, clasping his hands together in front of him. "We need to talk about what happens after we defeat Sidious."

"Surely that is a matter for Bail, Padme, and company," Obi-Wan said, his tone even and calm. "As important as our roles are going to be in the coming days, none of us should be the ones who decide what should become of the Republic once the time comes." As Obi-Wan finished responding, Yularen nodded in assent with his words.

"An admirable response, and one fully expected from the both of you," Tholme responded. "And it is one that under normal circumstances I would agree with without reservation." His eyes narrowed. "But there is one very significant reservation I have in regards to that plan. Our mutual friend...for as long as her goals align with ours." He glanced between Obi-Wan and Yularen, both of whom remained silent after Tholme's statement. "We cannot ignore the obvious signs. Ventress being associated with her is cause enough for alarm in its own right, but the fact that she was able to discern the true nature of the Clone Wars when none of us could is as impressive as it is unsettling. Not to mention that she has a mole of some persuasion high enough up in the Separatist chain of command that she was able to gain actionable intel on the assault on Kalee."

"As much as I agree with everything said, we also cannot deny what she has done both for us and others associated with her," Obi-Wan countered. "We could have easily been left in the dark as you alluded to, and quite frankly she placed a significant amount of trust in all of us when she revealed Sidious' identity. And while I will certainly admit seeing Ventress alive was shocking to put it mildly...I could sense that she had changed, perhaps for the better. She was at the very least also willing to trust us with the fact that she was still alive."

Yularen had brought a hand up to his chin, idly rubbing his beard as he pondered the dilemma himself. It was certainly an unenviable situation - Ciaran had ties to people and organizations that were dubious at a minimum, and she knew far too much about everything to be fully trusted. At the same time though, the fact of the matter was that her assistance so far had proved to be nigh-invaluable...and something that would cost them more than her to spurn. No doubt it was an arrangement she was more than pleased with. Still...

"I trust your judgement, Master Kenobi," Tholme said as he leaned back slightly, "but my point is that afterwards she may very well be an enemy as dangerous as Sidious himself were she to turn against us, if not moreso given how much intelligence we share with her by necessity. It is not a problem that can be solved satisfactorily right now though, and I genuinely hope that my concerns turn out to be little more than paranoia on my part. But we do need to keep that in mind as we move forward. But, that aside, I did also want to speak with you both about another matter that I suspect neither of you are going to be pleased with either."

"Come now Tholme, you were getting my hopes up for a moment there when you told me that it was less complicated," Obi-Wan dryly replied. "I was hoping that for once we were about to hear about a stroke of good luck instead of whatever it is you're threatening to tell us about."

"Luck has nothing to do with this, for better or worse," Tholme said as he hefted the container onto the table, setting it down and turing the top to face him. "It's more because I know you both - and especially you, Master Kenobi - well enough that you personally will not enjoy what I'm about to tell you." Before either man could respond he hit a switch on the container. "The people under our command are frightened, confused, and facing a situation that by all accounts seems hopeless." Tholme reached inside the container and seemed to grab onto something that Yularen couldn't see. "They need something to believe in, something greater than themselves to be inspired by if the Republic has failed them." As Tholme moved his hand back Yularen saw that he had a roll of faded red cloth in his hand, which he laid on the table in front of him and slowly spread out, revealing it to be an old banner marked with a pair of fleurs-de-lis.

"If ever there was a time, this is it. It is time for the Army of Light to be reborn."

The banner was old and ragged, its colors faded. But if anything it only served to give it a sense of gravity that it would not have had otherwise. The room went silent as Yularen and Obi-Wan processed what Tholme was showing them.

"...Master Tholme. Please tell me you are not implying what I think you are," Obi-Wan said quietly, his eyes glued to the banner.

"Look around you," Tholme softly replied. "Who else could lead us? Master Yoda has left to who knows where. The rest of the Council is either being corrupted or has scattered."

"Surely you could, Admiral-"

"He is a great leader, but not the one we desperately need." Tholme nodded towards Yularen. "I mean no offense."

"None taken, but even so..." Yularen closed his eyes in thought. "I am no expert in the history of the Jedi. But I am well-versed in military history, and the fact is that the Army of Light was explicitly disbanded so that the Jedi would not become more powerful than the government they swore to protect." He reopened his eyes, staring down Tholme. "Are you certain we aren't simply tossing aside a principle-"

"What 'principle?'" Tholme interrupted. "A Sith Lord is in control of the Republic and Separatists. Every minute, every second, thousands of people continue to die on countless worlds to further his ambitions, treated as little more than kindling to continue fueling the flames of war." He jabbed a finger at the banner to punctuate his point. "The Army of Light - the first Army of Light - was created a millennium ago to protect a Republic that could not protect itself from the Sith that were hellbent on destroying it. Now, more than ever, the galaxy needs the Army once again. I won't deny that we are embarking down a dangerous path given the power we would be gathering for the sake of protecting the galaxy." Yularen went silent at that as Tholme turned his focus to Obi-Wan. "That is why I do not trust anyone with this power other than you, Obi-Wan. Were it anyone else I would have doubts barring perhaps Master Yoda himself. But not you."

Obi-Wan did not respond, continuing to stare at the banner and visibly pondering how he should respond.

"It is not because of your skill, charisma, or anything of the sort. It is because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have the strength to set aside what we are going to build once all is said and done."

The room went silent for a long moment, and then...

"Well then...when you put that much faith in me, I suppose I don't have much of a choice in this matter, do I?" Obi-Wan said softly as he slowly moved his hand across the banner.

"Frankly...no," Tholme said. "But I thank the Force that the choice was in your hands."

His eyes locked onto Obi-Wan with a fierce intensity.

"What are your orders, Lord Kenobi?"


The Oracle, Ciaran's Office

Ciaran looked over the reports on how the aftermath of the Battle of Kalee was shaking out on her personal computer and mulled over its contents. To her relief it looked like Palpatine had taken her bait according to some reports from Dooku, who had mentioned that he had in fact started a hunt for the traitor(s) in the Separatist ranks. Dooku was only too happy to use the opportunity to kick off a wild goose chase, but he freely admitted that he could only string Palpatine along so far before he caught onto the game. As for the newly-minted IRIS (Intelligent Reporting for Intelligent Sapients) Network that was being set up with Paponoida, so far it had been working exactly as the pair had planned. While there weren't any heavily critical articles being run on Palpatine as of yet, the name at least was already starting to spread far and wide to Ciaran's approval.

She was still waiting to hear back from Abysswalker Alicia on the situation on Coruscant; while she'd been initially assigned to protect Padme the news of the Force Wound had warranted a dramatic change in priorities. Any information on any potential effects it was having on the planet would be invaluable, let alone the general unrest on the planet with the war dragging on for yet another year.


Whatever thought was in Ciaran's mind vanished as she felt a disturbance in the Force seconds before her computer lit up with a high-priority alert. Quickly activating the nearby comm unit, she shouted out "What's going on!?"

"There's a vessel that just jumped in - it must have been only a few kilometers away from the Oracle at most - it's currently-"

The voice on the other end trailed off, but before Ciaran could demand a response it came back again. "...Ma'am...I'm getting a transmission from the ship requesting landing permissions. The IFF..."

Before he could finish Ciaran realized she felt a very familiar presence coming closer. "Permission granted. In fact I'll be meeting our visitor personally." She cut off the call before any response could be heard, yanking off her mask before beginning to storm through the halls of the Oracle towards the hangar bay.

It seemed like only seconds before she practically burst through the doors to the hangar, and sure enough there was Anakin, idly leaning against his fighter and glancing around as R2-D2 stood by him. The astromech droid let out a few beeps as Ciaran approached the pair, catching Anakin's attention as she made her way over, the rest of the area rapidly emptying as the crew realized they were seeing something they definitely should not have been.

"Hey there. Don't mind me, I was just taking things in. Been a while since I was in-"

"What in the hell do you think you're doing here!?" Ciaran hissed out. "And do you mind explaining why exactly you decided to hyperspace in so close to the ship without warning!?"

Anakin blinked in confusion before he shook his head and smiled ruefully. "Oh yeah, should have explained myself first. Sorry, I was honestly kind of in a hurry. I've had a lot to do, as I'm sure you of all people would know."

Ciaran shook her head in exasperation. "Whatever it is, there'd better be a damn good reason for you coming here. I'm going to need to scrub the ship's sensor and camera logs for one just in case..."

R2 beeped in clear annoyance as Anakin gave him a playful glare. "Well, I'd say it's a good reason," he said lightly before his face hardened and his eyes locked onto Ciaran's. "I know this is a bit unorthodox, but I wanted to put in an application, and I figured you'd be the one person who could cut through a lot of red tape for me."

Ciaran stared blankly at Anakin, blinking a couple of times in shock as she processed what she'd just heard. "I'm...sorry...are you saying-"

Anakin nodded. "Might as well say it out loud - I'd like to apply for a position in the Abyss Watchers, if you're still hiring that is."

The hangar went silent as Ciaran stared blankly at Anakin. "You're serious."

"Completely." Anakin let out a sigh and shrugged his shoulders. "Fact of the matter is that you're basically leading everyone against Palpatine at this point, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'd be much better off working with you more directly than independently like Obi-Wan and Yularen are."

"And...the 501st? Your Padawan?" Ciaran asked, still slightly in shock.

"I'm not going to abandon them or anything - if they need me, I'll drop everything to go help them," Anakin confidently replied. "But I've talked it over with Ahsoka, and she's definitely proven she and the 501st can handle themselves without me - hell, if I had the right to I'd have Knighted Ahsoka myself at this point, but given that I've exiled myself from the Order, well..." He tilted his head slightly. "Actually, I do need to tell Obi-Wan that I said that...another thing on the list I guess."

"You do realize that if, if, you were hired on..." Ciaran grumbled before shaking her head in exasperation. "You know full well about the company I keep-"

"I know, shades of grey, spare me the lecture," Anakin responded. "And it's not going to dissuade me. My mind is made up, the only question is whether or not you're going to accept my request or not."

Ciaran closed her eyes and pinched her brow, letting out a sigh before opening them again and staring down Anakin. "This...this is because of whatever you found on your...journey, isn't it?"

"Partly, I won't deny it."

She continued to stare at him, trying to find even the slightest bit of hesitation or concern...but saw none. Her stare down also gave her time to properly think about what he was saying and one thing was clear immediately - having someone as strong in the Force as him, to say nothing about his military and engineering accomplishments...it would be an incalculable boon to her efforts. But...

"I get the feeling this would be a temporary arrangement until our mutual problem is dealt with?" Ciaran said, having calmed herself down with her internal analysis.

"Yes. Once that's over I really won't have a reason to stay." There was zero hesitation or doubt in Anakin's response.

Ciaran thought this over for a moment, then let out another sigh. "There is...so much that will need to be done. I can't promise anything immediately, but I'll see what we can do here." Without waiting for a response, Ciaran immediately turned and began to walk away. "Get yourself unpacked, I'll send someone to escort you to a room at least. Asajj is never going to let me hear the end of this..."

"Your prompt acceptance is appreciated, Lady Ciaran."

She froze in her tracks. The voice she had just heard was not Anakin Skywalker's. It was a voice that she had only heard once before...

She slowly turned to face Anakin, and...

"Is something wrong?"

There he was. R2 let out a low whine, clearly as confused as Anakin.

"...Who was that I heard just now?" Ciaran said quietly, trying to sense what had happened. But all she saw in her Force vision was the same blinding light Anakin always seemed to emit.

Anakin folded his arms. "You only heard me. Who else would it be?" The words were light, but Ciaran could detect a hint of firmness in them.

"...Right. Of course." Ciaran started to turn away again, though as she did she notice one other detail that unnerved her.

Anakin's shadow did not match his current appearance.


"You regain your freedom, and yet you sign it away once again at the first possible opportunity."

"I'm not signing it away. I can do far more good working with her than on my own. That and I know full well what happened when I tried to take matters into my own hands."

"Do you truly believe this alliance you are pursuing will be as temporary as you wish it to be? She is no fool and is fully aware of what we are capable of. Given a chance she would undoubtely alter the deal to her benefit."

"Something I'm admittedly familiar with if my memories are accurate...but yes. Besides, if she tried - which I doubt she would - I know she's Darth Traya. Does that make me feel better?"

"Your mockery is unwelcomed, but your point is well made. However, that does raise an equally as important question. You have spoken with confidence, but I wish to hear it once more before we go down this path. Do you know who you are?"

"Of course I do. I am Anakin Skywalker.
[-------------]I am Darth Vader.

I can't change who I am or what I've done. But I can change things here and now. That's what matters."

AN: After a long delay, the saga continues. I'm so sorry for basically vanishing on everyone and really glad to be back. There'll be a longer-ish post after this on what exactly happened, but if you end up skipping it just know that some things happened in my life that basically killed my desire to write, and while it came back after a bit it's been a fighting effort with my mind to return. But, the Force willing, I plan on staying.

No, Episode IX did not have anything to do with it, don't worry. I actually did manage to enjoy the movie adaptation of Dark Empire. If you're wondering how that's possible, I had just prepared for it to be messy in advance based on early reviews, and I did not walk away disappointed. I will at least allow one meme post per poster because I know the exact one you're probably thinking of, and it's 100% fair. I was honestly more amused when the reveal of Rey's parentage hit, given how I'd been one of the people saying how Palpatine having kids of any kind would be a silly idea. Even now I doubt I'll be hearing the end of that one...

Anyway, update comments. I'd planned for this to be a thing the moment Yularen's forces started being a thing. It will probably have massive conseqeuences for everyone down the line, but so would overthrowing a Supreme Chancellor because he's a Sith Lord, soo...

Oh. Right, of course. You're probably more concerned about everyone's favorite hater of sand and what's going on with him. Well if you're surprised by what he's decided to do...I've basically been foreshadowing it from the start of my run. Don't look so surprised. As for what's going on in his head...well.


I could tell you directly, but it'll be much more interesting to explore it in-story. For now, let's just say that accepting the darkness within himself after vividly experiencing memories of the future have caused a...unique psychological reaction.

Yes, I will stat him up soonish.

Yes, he will be stupidly overpowered because anything less at this point would honestly be out of character.

With all that said, once again I deeply aplogize for me vanishing off the face of the earth, especially in such trying times, and I'm honestly, truly glad to be back. I can only hope you enjoy this as much as you've enjoyed what I've written before now.
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I've noticed after coming back that Teron's doing his own thing too! Don't stop reading that, you can treat it as a separate continuity. Like Legends!

...We really are reenacting the EU aren't we...
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