Also, really nice to see the pay off from the Ahsoka and Thrawn, student and master relationship again. Budding master strategist Ahsoka is always a win.

Though I wonder about the political fallout of a Seperatist admiral attacking a CNS system that ends up aided by a Republic ship. Next turn will be a headache and a half.
The main danger imo is Trench possibly being bait / a smokescreen for whatever Palpatine's real move is, more than likely an assault somewhere away from where Ciaran is now. An attack on one of her neutral faction's planets maybe?
I'm less worried about that and more worried about how much we tipped our hand here about what assets we have available to us.
I'm less worried about that and more worried about how much we tipped our hand here about what assets we have available to us.
Not like we could have done less without Grievous jumping down our throat about it. Either way, we're slightly ahead of Palpatine, since he'd only just be realizing how dangerous and insidious we've become.
"Nym here. I've got a pack of Revenants that wanna blow something up," and as Jango looked around he saw a flight of irregular fighters and converted personal ships forming up around him led by what could only be the Havoc - a fighter Jango knew by reputation.
Actually, unless I'm mistaken, Jango should have encountered Nym and the Revenants before this, since he shows up in one level of Jedi Starfighter trying to catch Reti (granted, he was more focused on Reti and didn't stick around for long after Reti escaped), and from the sound of what PR-1 said when we ran into Saboath Squadron, most of the game should still have happened.
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This is Steela Gerrera, captain of the Tarkin's Folly.
I thought we got Captain Ackbar as part of Skywalker_T-65's omake reward?
Anyway. With that out of the way I'll offer one (technically 2) out of a suite of bonuses:
you'll get the ability to create a captain for this ship. I'll throw this one in for free if you're interested, otherwise I'll have to leave it to the whims of the omake writers.
I just love the idea of Captain Ackbar of the interdictor Tarkin's Folly announcing "it's a trap" at appropriate moments when he, you know, traps a fleet with his interdictor.
...This is so very tempting for all of the reasons. Unless I'm actively told otherwise, I might just have to make that a thing.
I have no issues with Captain Ackbar myself :V
Holy shit awesome battle, almost everybody is here to kick ass and take names, the missing people Padme "I shouldn't be here" Amidala in her yacht, Anakin and I don't know... The Falcon with the main cast of the originals after a freak hyperspace accident.
As Jango diverted as much of his power to his engines as he could and boosted towards the hangar bay he could see the blast doors beginning to shut - but Jango could tell they wouldn't shut fast enough, and as he got closer he pressed a button on his console, arming one of the seismic charges stored on the Slave I. His timing would have to be precise enough for this to work, and Jango held his finger on the release switch as he made it into the hangar bay-

Just before he exited he pushed the switch, and the charge ejected itself and slammed to the ground as the Slave I managed to make it out of the hangar. It beeped for a few seconds before it triggered-

And for a brief instant everything went silent as energy gathered at the charge's center. Then-

Mand'alor! Being awesome, easily the best part no force needed at all.
She HAS been studying military tactics ever since Onderon was liberated though. She was sent to a Military Academy if I remember correctly.

There is a difference between Land warfare and Space warfare. Why would she or anyone else change her already basic land warfare foundation from the Onderon insurgency for Space warfare training? It just doesn't make sense to move her from one specialty she has knowledge in to a completely different one.

Besides (and this is probably a bit arrogant on my part), my omake "New Year's Resolutions" which was made canon made her out as a Colonel on the way to being a General. She could take part in the land battle as the leader of reinforcements from the defense force, but as a Captain of a naval vessel? Sorry, but to me it just doesn't make sense realistically.
There is a difference between Land warfare and Space warfare. Why would she or anyone else change her already basic land warfare foundation from the Onderon insurgency for Space warfare training? It just doesn't make sense to move her from one specialty she has knowledge in to a completely different one.

Was just pointing out that she has been put through training so she isn't actually crap (and we have several leaders up and about who can handle both types of warfare). Also, Whumbly has just pointed out the problem that was also mentioned last time someone wanted Ackbar around. Ackbar right now is nothing more than a Royal Guard.
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Was just pointing out that she has been put through training so she isn't actually crap (and we have several leaders up and about who can handle both types of warfare). Also, Whumbly has just pointed out the problem that was also mentioned last time someone wanted Ackbar around. Ackbar right now is nothing more than a Royal Guard.

Oh, I don't really care about Ackbar. I simply disagree that a planetary guerrilla leader would be given serious naval training instead of ground training.
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I thought struck me earlier this week.

If blazing chain users are talented in redirecting things at a distance to strike at precise points...

And their name is bloody blazing chain.

Then... Would they not be an absolute terror if they used light whips? Literally twisting a blazing chain thought the air, either from their grip or fully independent like a viper looking to strike.

Just a "that would be cool" thought.
Thing we need to do and/or focus for next turn base on the information we have this turn so far and thing that are left from the last choices.

Thing from last choices we need to focus:

Martial only 2 choice for next turn.

[] Anti-Slaver Actions: The fact of the matter is that slavery is one of the most hated institutions in the galaxy outside of Hutt Space. It would certainly earn a lot of goodwill if you were to deal with some of the more prominent organizations (not affiliated with your Hutt allies)...and the loot would certainly make it worthwhile. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Assaults launched on chosen slaver group, loot
-[] Senex-Juvex Slavers: Would you look at that, this slave group in Republic space isalso home to a number of pro-Palpatine nobles! Launching a raid on them and exposing them to the galaxy would bequite the scandal...
[] Reigniting the Chains: While it's been some time since Tyro was Adacap of the Blazing Chains, you're fairly certain that he would still have considerable pull among the fleet if he got back into contact with them. Given that you could always use more people for the fight against Palpatine tracking down the fleet could get you some powerful allies. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Blazing Chains fleets located and contacted

[] Preying Mantises: The Mantis Syndicate chapter of the Bounty Hunters Guild specializes in large-scale anti-piracy operations. How perfectly convenient, given the CNS's interest in fighting pirates around the galaxy. Extend an offer of support in exchange for a cut of the loot. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Military income, per-turn loot roll, CNS space secured against pirates (slightly increased odds for CNS recruitment), Mantis Syndicate added as anti-Palpatine asset

[] Maladian's Creed: The Maladians are some of the galaxy's most feared assassins, with a reputation of taking on targets up to and including Jedi Knights and succeeding in killing them. You could certainly use people with that particular set of skills. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 150 Reward: Maladian Assassins available for hiring and as anti-Palpatine asset

[] Making Inroads In The Republic Military: Now is a good a time as any to begin dechipping and potentially subverting different groups in the Republic military. Any clone not chipped means one less clone that will try to kill you once you make your move, and of course you can always use more support when the time comes. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Chosen group targeted for dechipping/subversion
-[] Rahm Kota's Militia: A group that conspicuously has no clones among their number. Given Rahm's distrust of the clones and the militia's loyalty to him subverting them should hopefully be simple.
-[] The Wolfpack: Led by Master Plo Koon, this unit specializes in high-risk extractions of friendly forces.
-[] Rancor Battalion: A clone group tasked with ensuring the safety of Kamino's cloning facilities. While they took considerable casualties in the battle for the planet, they could still have their uses.
-[] Galactic Marines: An elite unit led by Master Ki-Adi-Mundi and armed with the most advanced tech the Republic has to offer. The only catch is that their leader is rather...uncompromising. He may have to be dealt with.
-[] 41st Elite Corps: A group lead by Master Luminara Unduli - the master of Barriss Offee no less - that specializes in operating in exotic environments and counter-insurgency tactics.
-[] 412th Regiment: The group of clones that your sabotaged chips made their way to, they are specialized in defensive battles and have a reputation for placing the lives of civilians over their orders.

[] The Brothers X: X1 and X2 could prove to be serious problems if they're allowed to act against you given their Force sensitivity and who knows what other things the Kaminoans have done to their genetic code. Figure out a way to either subvert or kill them so they don't have the chance. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: X1/X2 subverted and/or terminated

[] There's No Machine That Can Stop Us: Granted, you do have some of the best fighters in the galaxy under your command but 90% of the time they don't really work together in a single fight. So, why not set up a room in the Foundry to act as a high-intensity training zone for some teamwork lessons? It would also make for some excellent recruitment footage if nothing else. (Starts mini-turn)

Diplomacy 1 regular, 1 CNS, 1 Force Order.

[] Between the Light and Dark: While you have a number of Force users on your staff right now it might be worth looking into getting into contact with other Force using groups in the galaxy that aren't necessarily aligned to the Jedi or Sith and see if you can gain something from contacting them. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Contact with chosen organization established

-[] Followers of Palawa: An isolated group of Force users in the far west of the known galaxy, they have developed a number of techniques that are explicitly designed to protect against Force users.
-[] Almas Academy: An academy in the Cularin system that trains Jedi in an unorthodox style, emphasizing closer relationships with teachers and fellow students as well as ensuring that any student goes out into the galaxy on a "quest" to ensure they understand the galaxy they want to protect. They also apparently are capable of using a curious technique called "essence transfer..."
-[] Tython Jedi Order: The quickly-growing offshoot of the Courscant Order that is on the verge of a complete schism from them, given Riphath's work with them they might be more willing to speak with you by comparison.

[] CNS Recruitment: There are a number of systems nearby that don't particularly lean one way or the other in the war; maybe you could persuade them to join the CNS instead? Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Recruitment drive in selected area for the CNS
-[] Nouane Allied Region: Between their ties to Arkania and the IGBC, Nouane and its neighbors are already inclined to view the CNS with favor. The fact that they lie in northern Inner Rim between two of the biggest hyperlanes in the galaxy - both the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route - is all the more reason to persuade them to join.
-[] Techno Union Worlds: With worlds like Hypori, Mechis III, and a dozen other foundry worlds affiliated with them and the shift in leadership, making a move to get some of these valuable industrial planets in the CNS would hardly be unwarranted.

[] Calling In A Favor: A few years ago one Ferrus Olin left the Jedi Order, telling you that he would help you if needed. Well it is about time to call that favor in; get in contact with him and see if you can get the support of him and anyone he knows outside of the Order for the fight against Palpatine. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Ferrus Olin contacted

[] The Roaming Jedi: Telling the Council about Palpatine's true identity is a recipe for disaster, but there are certainly other Jedi in the galaxy that aren't a part of the Order you could contact for aid. You've always gotten the odd report from your Silver Cross camps about the occasional Jedi stopping by to help refugees, so it wouldn't be too difficult to track some of them down. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Jedi outside of the Order contacted

[] House Of Killers: Given that you're going to be dealing with a lot of high-profile targets in the Republic, it might be worthwhile to get some outside help as it were. Use your reputation and funds to establish a bounty hunter chapter of your own so that you can gather these people together for your own ends. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Watchers bounty hunter chapter established

[] Jedi, Leader, General, Spy: Skirata has pointed out an incredibly valuable target for potential subversion: Jedi General Arligan Zey, the de facto head of the Republic's commando teams who has a position that is semi-independent from the rest of the Republic military. He's been known to conflict with the mainline Order especially after the Temple Massacre so he's an incredibly valuable target for subversion with minimal risk. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Arligan Zey subverted

Stewardship 2 Regular Actions, 1 Free Sienar Action
[] Sienar Custom Vessel: Now that you've partnered with Sienar you can request customized ships from them for a price. You can either send them a plan of your own, or give their engineers a base concept and let them work out the details. Chance of Success: 90%

[] The Return of Galactic Sushi: Bringing in the Ithorians means that you have some of the greatest agriculturalists in the galaxy to call on. You also have a number of agriworlds and other farming areas (like Taris) that could use their aid. The solution seems obvious, doesn't it? Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Agricultural output increase in CNS space

[] Silver Cross PR Blitz: Your organization is popular enough, sure, but there's nothing like a massive PR blitz to make sure that donations and sponsors are constantly coming in. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Increased income/decreased upkeep for Silver Cross

[] Treasury Auditing: While the actualbackdoor to the Republic Treasury remains out of your reach (damn you Skirata), he is willing to let you (or more accurately the Muun bankers you have on staff) look over some past records to see if they can find anything to investigate further...or maybe some dirt. Odds are there's something there knowing Palpatine. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Locate potential dirt on Palpatine or find leads on other projects

[] Medical "Battlefleet": Now that you have the ability to build ships over Taris, take advantage of it and build up a fleet of medical ships for Karada and the Silver Cross that can act as galaxy-wide emergency responders. Despite the name it mostly wouldn't be a battlefleet. Mostly. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 200 Reward: Medical "battlefleet" built

[] The Swoop Bikes Will Fly Again: Now that you have the racetrack and the swoop bikes for it, it's time to reopen one of Taris' most prized sporting events: the Galactic Swoop Racing Circuit. Send invitations far and wide for the grand reopening and help put it back on the map. And hey, you never know who might end up signing up for it... Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: GSRC reopened, potential for other rewards

[] Giving Causality A Migraine (Incom): While it was a small benefit from the highlights reel of you looking into the future, seeing that enhanced Headhunter design is a very welcome benefit to you...if you can get the design put together enough for Seti and Incom to work on. And hey, you never realized how much you wanted to cause a temporal paradox until you had the opportunity! Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: X-Wings designed 20 years early, the thrill of causing your very own temporal paradox

[] Tales of the Old Republic: Diversification is the key to success, and the entertainment Industry is one of the most important pillars of the galactic economy. You will enter this world with a saga that will always be remembered: The Saga of Revan, and you will spare no expense to bring this wonder to life (otherwise HK might try to kill the people involved for disrespecting one of his favorite masters). The fact that the excuse of getting extra documentation or filming in real landscapes you gives you the justification to enter many places usually forbidden to the general public is a nice extra. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 200 Reward: 'The Saga of Revan' produced, potential to access restricted areas during filming

[] Relocating The Foundry: The Foundry is currently in an extremely vulnerable position given that it's in the middle of Hutt Space and the war is raging around it - all it would take is one ship to accidentally stumble into Nanthri and it would all be over. The best plan your people have come up with is to strap gigantic hyperspace engines to it to move it to the Kiln through some of the hyperlanes the Claatuvac Guild provided information on and avoid detection, but it's going to require a lot of credits, both to get the parts and to bribe people into not asking questions about where said parts are going. Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 400 Reward: Foundry discreetly moved to the Kiln

Intrigue 3 choices

[] Grassroots Movements: Rile up protests, sponsor anti-government media, do whatever it takes, but stop Palpatine from getting any more influence any way you can. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Palpatine's influence stymied

[] Legacy Of Damask: Settling in on Muunilist has given you the opportunity to take a closer look at Hego Damask's old properties present on the planet. While Palpatine has moved to ensure that they are not for sale, it shouldn't be too hard to get teams in and see if there's anything left there. Chance of Success: 95% Reward: Hego Damask holdings investigated/looted

[] Delicious Bacta: You may nominally be on the same side as the planet's corporations but that doesn't mean you aren't willing to target them. It just means that a little more subtlety is required. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Data on bacta products stolen from Thyferra

[] Ball Busting: The Coilcoids have proven to be one of the most effective suppliers for the CIS, giving them droidekas, buzz droids, and tri-fighters. Though with the capture of droideka blueprints from Metalorn, you're now angling for a shot at getting your hands on the infamous Scorponek Annihilator Droids, which will make the heist much more difficult. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Coilcoid technology stolen

[] The Spice Must Not Flow: If you want to ensure a successful heist on Colla IV, you're going to need a distraction. And wouldn't you know it, Kessel is supplying the Coilcoids with invaluable spice trade, and the Hutts want them off of that planet. If you were to say, destabilize their presence there and give the Hutts the chance to make a move, it would pull away enough security from Colla IV to give you a better chance at getting away with the heist. And if the Hutts manage to take over in the chaos, well you are business partners anyway... Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Distraction caused on Kessel, Coilcoid security forces diverted

[] Strike Palpatine's Inner Circle: It's time to go on the offensive. Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 150 Reward: Targeted member/group discredited/neutralized/etc
-[] Saro Sanuo: The Deputy Chancellor who seems to be connected to the Granta Omega fisaco a few years ago. While he's not that important in the grand scheme of things by comparison, having a different individual in the Deputy Chancellor's seat could make the inevitable transition of power easier to handle...
-[] Sate Pestage: Effectively Palpatine's No. 2 according to the reports. Dealing with him would mean that Palpatine would no longer be able to direct suspicion onto him or have a spokesperson to draw attention, among other benefits.
-[] Terrinald Screed: Normally one admiral alone wouldn't be enough of an issue, but since Screed is the leader of the Home Fleet and since all of Coruscant's defense ships report to him...that makes him a farmore important target.
-[] COMPOR: A pro-Palpatine, pro-human, anti-pretty much everything else organization headed by Palpatine's most fanatically loyal followers. Not only would dealing with them be a significant blow to Palpatine's ability to rally people, but given that you're 75% non-human (ish) there'sdefinitely some poetic justice to be meted out here.
-[] Supreme Chancellor's Aides: Given that there's approximately a 99% chance that there's at least some Sith acolytes among them? They may not seem important enough at first glance but that's kind of the issue right there.

[] Test The Waters: Given the manhunt for Galen, Dooku's plots in the past, and the instability Maul and Savage recently brought to the underworld, it can't hurt to send out some feelers to figure out who would be stupid or crazy enough to try and kill you...and then have them dealt with just to be sure. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 250 Reward: Potential threats in underworld located and terminated

[] Unavailable For Hiring: Someone is clearly on a manhunt for Galen Erso, which is a bad sign for many different reasons. Stop whoever it is from spreading their information bounties and maybe figure out who's been sending them out so they can be dealt with. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Manhunt for Galen ended, potential information on figure behind manhunt

Lore 1 Regular Action, 1 Archaeological Action, 1 Force Study Action

[] Incorporate Luka Sene Techniques (Force Study): The abilities that you've learned from the Luka Sene aren't exactly flashy, but between their improved ability to use Force vision in combat as well as the more engineering oriented ability for them to see energy fields, there's definitely plenty your Agents can learn from. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Luka Sene abilities taught to all Agents

[] Research Alternative Force Schools: While the Jedi and Sith are the most well-known Force users in the galaxy there are certainly others that have mastered more esoteric techniques that could be useful to you. You already have information on them from the datachips so it shouldn't be too difficult. (Choose 1 below) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Learn techniques from other Force users
-[] Tyia Adepts: A pacifistic group of Force users based on Revyia, they are extremely skilled at healing in general.
-[] Altisian Jedi: They have some ability called "essence transfer," and if it means what you think it means...
[] The Secrets of the Corellian Jedi: The Corellian Jedi are hiding something about the New Sith Wars and you don't like being told "no" for an answer. See if you canappropriate whatever records they're hiding and figure out what's so important about it. Chance of Success: 30% Reward: Corellian Jedi records investigated

[] Archaeological Expeditions: There are very famous sites in the galaxy that are dying for someone to lead expeditions to...and potentially locate Force-related artifacts. Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched

Learning 2 choice

[] Analyze Chiss Archives: Instead of going after the locations of anomalies you've gathered in the past without anything to go on, you could cross-reference them with the Chiss archives to see if there is enough to go on and it won't get too manypeople killed. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: ???

[] Develop Improved Medical Gear: The Karada Corporation needs equipment distinct from that of the competition, as few as there might be. Both for personal use and modified to personal preferences and to sell. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 60 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality gear, increase troop survival rate

[] Develop Improved Medicine: The Karada Corporation needs to develop new types of medicine instead of just producing legal knock-offs of what already exists. Either by providing variants specifically designed for specific species, improving on already existing types of Medicine or similar products. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 80 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality medicine and medpacs, increase troop survival rate

[] Mass Genemodding Program: You've had the genemod specs for a long while now, but getting a mass-modding program available has been difficult due to a lack of resources and facilities. However the rebirth of the Arkanian Legacy has given you an opportunity: setting up a program with Adascorp could make genemodding your forces a much more viable option in general. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: Genemodding program for troops initialized

[] The Force Within A Blade: Var Zheen and Cheriss have both been curious about the forcesaber you recovered from Lehon and want to see just what makes it so special, just how it is infused with the Force. Of course, they have basically nothing barring stories and myths about it to go on, so it's going to be much more difficult for either of them to figure it out. Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 200 Reward: Forcesaber analyzed [Takes 3 turns, locks actions for 2 turns]

[] Giving Causality A Migrane (Foundry): Instead of having the potential blueprints sent to Incom, Cheriss has suggested that she could hijack one of the Foundry's drone production zones to help prototype the enhanced X-Wing. The bad news is that you couldn't get the ship sent into mass production with Incom, but the good news is that you'd have quite the ace up your sleeve... Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: X-Wings designed 20 years early, the thrill of causing your very own temporal paradox

Personal 3 choices + anoy Padme

[] Physical Training: At this point you're on par with your stronger associates, but you know that you have to keep improving. Chance of Success: 70%

[] Force Training: You've certainly gotten stronger, but Mortis has taught you that you still have a long ways to go.

[] Follow the Trail: To hell with what Anakin said. Given the state he's in you can't afford to not know what he's trying to do right now. Find him. Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???

[] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Sometimes you just have to either keep an eye on your minions to ensure that they don't screw up or prepare more intensively for something that you need to handle personally. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice

Hero 3 choices
[] Silas Cata - Mind Of A Scoundrel: While Silas has known quite a few other scoundrels throughout his life and your organization has many ties within the underworld, Silas has suggested that you visit a few seedy bars and do some talent hunting. As he put it you would never hear of the best scoundrels and there's no better way of finding them than the old-fashioned ways. (Uses Intrigue Bonuses, Silas Cata must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Potential new employees located, ???

[] The Silencer - Legacy of the Moon: While the Silencer's time with the Sun Guard has proven fruitful (the betrayal notwithstanding), Grievous has floated the idea that you also send him to train with the Echani as well in the hopes of giving him a different perspective on his martial arts. At least this time you know the Echani aren't Sith cultists. (Uses Martial Bonuses, The Silencer must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Reward: The Silencer trains with the Echani, ???

[] Cheriss Sair - The Art Of The Droid: Granted, Cheriss' new mechu-daru abilites certainly speak for themselves but it couldn't hurt for other members of your organization to learn about them in more detail. Sadly, since she is currently the only one within it to fully master the ability, she'd have to commit to teaching this for the immediate future. (Uses Lore Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Cheriss teaches mechu-deru to Agent teams, ???

[] Thrawn - Most Curious Individuals: Thrawn has brought up a captain that he believes is an individual of interest, and that has given you an idea - why not let Thrawn dig into various military records around the galaxy and see if he can find other "interesting" individuals that could be brought into the fold? (Uses Martial Bonuses, Thrawn must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 100 Reward: Thrawn goes on a talent search for people of interest, ???

[] Grievous - One Last Ride: While Grievous is more than happy to see Kalee properly brought into the galaxy and given the chance to modernize, he feels that it also means that the age of the Kaleesh hunter is largely coming to an end. He doesn't want it to end quietly though, and has requested that he have the chance to go to Vendaxa with as many of his hunter brethren as he can possibly muster for what he describes as "the greatest and final hunt of the Kaleesh." (Uses Martial Bonuses, Grievous must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Grievous goes on what he terms "The Greatest Hunt," ???

[] Talesan Fry - You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die: The current leader of the Corporate Alliance, Passel Argente, was the man responsible for the deaths of Fry's parents. While he has so far largely kept his mouth shut about the matter, he's quietly admitted that he wants the chance for revenge. He doesn't want Argente dead(likely due to Obi-Wan and Siri's influence),but he does want to see him brought to ruin. Dooku's idly mentioned that he just doesn't care about Argente anyway, so maybe there's a chance for some payback. (Uses Intrigue Bonuses, Talesan Fry must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Talesan gets his revenge on Argente, ???

[] Galen Erso - Heart Of Kyber: With increased funding, access to your advanced laboratories, and a supply of kyber crystals to analyze, Galen can now set out on his life's work to understand the potential applications of kyber crystals. All he needs is approval and the money to do it. (Uses Learning Bonuses, Galen Erso must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 300 Reward: Kyber crystals analyzed by Galen, ??? [Takes 2 Turns, Galen locked to this action until completion]

Thing that we learned so far that need to be done:
Fixing the Wound.
Moving the Jedi to another place.
Find Yoda.
The back door to the Treasury.
[] The Return of Galactic Sushi: Bringing in the Ithorians means that you have some of the greatest agriculturalists in the galaxy to call on. You also have a number of agriworlds and other farming areas (like Taris) that could use their aid. The solution seems obvious, doesn't it? Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Agricultural output increase in CNS space

It would be very cool if we could bring the Ithorians into the current Honoghr disaster. We already have the Silver Cross for relief efforts, but if we had an Ithorian herd around, I think we could do an even better job of restoring their environment.

@Dr. Snark
Can we modify the above action to do this? Or possibly a have a similar action to do that?
Actually, unless I'm mistaken, Jango should have encountered Nym and the Revenants before this, since he shows up in one level of Jedi Starfighter trying to catch Reti (granted, he was more focused on Reti and didn't stick around for long after Reti escaped), and from the sound of what PR-1 said when we ran into Saboath Squadron, most of the game should still have happened.

Oh shit, I forgot about that! And this from a guy who actually played Jedi Starfighter to death. Egg on my face there...I'll have to edit that in.

Oh, I don't really care about Ackbar. I simply disagree that a planetary guerrilla leader would be given serious naval training instead of ground training.

To be fair an Interdictor captain's job in a battle boils down to two objectives and literally nothing else:

1. Turn on gravity well projectors
2. Don't die

It ain't exactly a position that needs a lot of training.

So I just tossed in Steela because I needed a Named Character for a ship that important to the fight and I never got a concrete agreement on who would make for a decent captain otherwise.

@Dr. Snark
Can we modify the above action to do this? Or possibly a have a similar action to do that?

Remind me about it when the next turn rolls around. It sounds legit now, but I'm going to forget about it by then for sure :V
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To be fair an Interdictor captain's job in a battle boils down to two objectives and literally nothing else:

1. Turn on gravity well projectors
2. Don't die

It ain't exactly a position that needs a lot of training.

So I just tossed in Steela because I needed a Named Character for a ship that important to the fight and I never got a concrete agreement on who would make for a decent captain otherwise.
I didn't realise that she was a previously established character until you said that you needed someone with a name. I am guessing that she was one of those two guerilla leaders that Grevious showed how to actually guerilla.