I don't know, having HK remove any number of Palpatine's political supporters, off or on Coruscant, might prove enough of a challenge to keep him satisfied. Minimum collateral, no affiliation to us, quiet in public, as loud as he wants in 'private'. He shouldn't be too connected to us as his only known appearance was helping fight off the pursuit of Anakin's padawan. Right?
I like this idea. Hell, we could pay him to buy new guns and bribe people and give him a list of Palpatine's supporters with the only caveat being they have to die in interesting ways. Then wait for the news to mention each death.
That is an interesting idea. Give him a few Watcher teams, maybe the Silencer for when you need a meatbag to get somewhere, and inform him not to attract too much attention or climb too high up the food chain, lest we draw the Eye of SauronSidious, but apart from those two provisos...go nuts. Hilarity, audacity, and/or irony are not required, but appreciated with terminations. Like, say, a bunch of slavers strangled & strung up by chains. Or blowing up an entire restaurant of super-rich to take out one patron. I figure his methods would prove entertaining.
The Mother is Abeloth. Since this is running on the old EU (Legends) continuity, she's currently stuck in her prison in the Maw and the Ones can continue to ensure she remains locked away (since they're not dead).
Thank goodness. We're already Darth "Galactic Monopoly" Thraya, no need to add more bullshit to the character sheet.
I now have the Original A-Team Opening Theme playing in my head, and it is entirely all your fault.

oh you poor thing tortured with awesome

but in all seriousness it isn't a bad idea like honestly it's something we should've done earlier if only to get old palpy to get Dooku pressure the rank and file cis senators and commanders.
[Ciaran with the Silencer]
"I will pay you a thousand credits, right here, to say 'I pity the fool'. A thousand."
"Ten thousand."
"Hundred thousand?"
"One million. ... ten million ... twenty-"
"Beleaguered Statement: Master, please leave the meatbag alone."

Silencer (non-verbaly): "I can't hear you over how much I plan to kill someone right now."
The Works
The Works, also called the Industrial Sector or Industrial District, was located on the planet Coruscant and was a vast, burned out district that was mostly abandoned. The sector was largely flat and was covered in gases, smoke, and vapors pouring from those factories that were still standing.


The Works was once a manufacturing powerhouse known throughout the galaxy. However, businesses which operated within The Works were eventually driven elsewhere due to the increasing cost of doing business on Coruscant, leaving the once-booming industrial sector neglected and abandoned.
@Dr. Snark, I'd like to suggest an option to invest in this place. A lot of the industrial stuff there is merely neglected and abandoned, not removed or destroyed. It would have major industrial capabilities once set up, have reduced build costs due to what remains of the existing infrastructure and the recycling of the rest as scrap, and its current abandonment and neglect means that its property values would be very low. The money would be very good, but the sheer industrial capability of The Works and the influence on Coruscant it would give us are advantages of their own. The cherry on top is that Sidious uses that location to do secret stuff like sorcerous rituals, so it'd slightly hamper him if we took over the spot.
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The Works

@Dr. Snark, I'd like to suggest an option to invest in this place. A lot of the industrial stuff there is merely neglected and abandoned, not removed or destroyed. It would have major industrial capabilities once set up, have reduced build costs due to what remains of the existing infrastructure and the recycling of the rest as scrap, and its current abandonment and neglect means that its property values would be very low. The money would be very good, but the sheer industrial capability of The Works and the influence on Coruscant it would give us are advantages of their own. The cherry on top is that Sidious uses that location to do secret stuff like sorcerous rituals, so it'd slightly hamper him if we took over the spot.

How do we get around the work cost issues that lead to it's current state? The previous businesses left for a reason after all.

Nope nope nope.

'The Works' is an abandoned industrial district, because it was bought out by a Sith holding company so that the Baneite Sith (Plagueis, Palpatine, all the rest) would have a base of operations on Coruscant near the Senate District.

Investing there would be a really easy way to get Palpatine's direct and undivided attention.
Those links you gave said they bought a single factory in The Works, not the entirety of The Works.

Our reasons for investing in the place would, for once, be 100% legal, legitimate, and publicly excusable because it's a giant industrial district on Coruscant with no owners, a cheap buying price, and loads of potential. It's such an obviously smart business decision so Palpatine would just think we're being annoying on accident again.

We will get his attention, but in this case that's very much a good thing. If he wants to stop us, he'll have to spend disproportionate time, influence, and resources to stop us, because there's no above-board reason for him to stop us and every above-board reason for us to continue. That's time, influence, and resources he could be spending on doing something else, something legitimately dangerous, damaging, and that'll be hard for us to defeat. Palpatine's so far had the upper hand in dictating the pace of our shadow war, and investing in The Works is the best opportunity available to us to dictate the pace ourselves. We would be the actor and he would be the one forced to react.
Idea for New Ventress Trait/Title:

Abyss' Wrath: In the ancient times of the Sith Empire, the Emperor's Wrath was the personal enforcer and executioner of the Sith Emperor. Taking direct orders from and answering only to them, the Wrath was granted almost limitless autonomy to carry out the will of the Emperor using their skills and the full fury of their power. In modern times, bound by blood and choice, Asajj Ventress has come to embody that role under her sister Ciaran.
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Our reasons for investing in the place would, for once, be 100% legal, legitimate, and publicly excusable because it's a giant industrial district on Coruscant with no owners, a cheap buying price, and loads of potential. It's such an obviously smart business decision so Palpatine would just think we're being annoying on accident again.

We will get his attention, but in this case that's very much a good thing. If he wants to stop us, he'll have to spend disproportionate time, influence, and resources to stop us, because there's no above-board reason for him to stop us and every above-board reason for us to continue. That's time, influence, and resources he could be spending on doing something else, something legitimately dangerous, damaging, and that'll be hard for us to defeat. Palpatine's so far had the upper hand in dictating the pace of our shadow war, and investing in The Works is the best opportunity available to us to dictate the pace ourselves. We would be the actor and he would be the one forced to react.
And y'know, even if it is slightly cost-inefficient, forcing Palpatine to split his focus and burn some of his various forms of capital makes the cost worthwhile. Also, we can start making the Works a refugee hub, making it even harder for him to a) attack us directly through our presence there, and b) move about unimpeded in the shadows. We could make our presence in the Works the epitome of above-board and public, which would also increase public/media attention there, further hampering his options in the area. Plus, then that would free up some other areas for us to build up our Order 66 contingencies while Palpatine's attention is drawn elsewhere.
My question is this: is it time for us to go loud, so to speak, in that shadow war?

We have been doing prep work. Set-up. Messing with Sid's setup.

Going into the works is an opening move.

Things have been indirect and quiet, so to speak. If we go loud, we can't go back.
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Valid point. Maybe it's something to start looking into, at least, laying groundwork for?

Also: I love referring to him as Sid, it makes him less "Sidious, the Man who Would be King" and more, y'know, Sid the Sloth.