Our reasons for investing in the place would, for once, be 100% legal, legitimate, and publicly excusable because it's a giant industrial district on Coruscant with no owners, a cheap buying price, and loads of potential. It's such an obviously smart business decision so Palpatine would just think we're being annoying on accident again.
We will get his attention, but in this case that's very much a good thing. If he wants to stop us, he'll have to spend disproportionate time, influence, and resources to stop us, because there's no above-board reason for him to stop us and every above-board reason for us to continue. That's time, influence, and resources he could be spending on doing something else, something legitimately dangerous, damaging, and that'll be hard for us to defeat. Palpatine's so far had the upper hand in dictating the pace of our shadow war, and investing in The Works is the best opportunity available to us to dictate the pace ourselves. We would be the actor and he would be the one forced to react.