"No, that's not possible; the Jedi would be aware of it."
"The dark side of the Force has clouded their vision, my friend. Hundreds of Senators are now under the influence of a Sith Lord called... Darth Traya."
"Oh, and there are hundreds more under the control of Darth Sidious, but never mind that."
"Then there's the Separatist Senate, under the control of Darth Tyrannus."
"Yeah, this whole Clone Wars thing was really just an excuse for us Sith to have some fun. Tea?"
" Sith?!"
"You'll have to forgive him, he spent several thousand years as a tree, so re-learning how to use his vocal cords is taking a bit of time."
"He's still good with a datapad, though, so he's been a big help with our expedition to Ossus. Of course, the dozens of Force Ghosts have been pretty handy as well. We've nearly cleared out the upper level of the Great Jedi Library. Would you like to know where the Jedi Order was founded? We know that now."
"And I'm telling you, of course he has issues. When he was four his aunt murdered both his parents, and made him use his psychometry to relive their deaths over and over and over again. Then he became a Jedi, and was forced to repress all of it. A few decades later, he was assigned to infiltrate the Separatists as one of Dooku's Dark Acolytes, to revel in all kinds of Sith-y violence in hopes that of gaining their trust and finding a lead on Dooku's master. Quinlan Vos is so unstable, it's entirely possible that falling to the dark side would make him a better, healthier, more balanced human being."
"...I'm still not hearing why I went to all the effort of recruiting him..."
"Asajj thinks he's cute."
"Technically it's a spaceship."
"Thanks Priam."
"I exist to serve."
"Glad to be here. What's all this?"
"Oh, we're in pre-production for a holofilm about the Battle of Naboo. Representative Binks will be the main character; we're hoping we can get him to play himself."
"...How about I get Senator Amidala to tell you the true story of Naboo, in exchange for Jar Jar not coming within fifty parsecs of this project?"
""CT-3854/9790, 501st," the Silencer stoically replied, slowly holding up his pass.
"501st? Shouldn't you be out in the Outer Rim somewhere?"
"Uh-huh. Why are you here?"
"And you're alone because..."
"And you are aware that the Chancellor has restricted access-"
"Would you just let him by already?" the other trooper said annoyed. "He has the pass, what does it matter?"
And that's the story of how the Silencer infiltrated Palpatine's cloning facilities on Centax. (Hey, don't mess with what works.)
Bad move.
Turns out for the past two years Seti Ashgad has been gathering evidence against the man responsible for his exile. It also turns out that for the past two and a half years, Kal Skirata has been gathering evidence against the man responsible for issuing the orders to execute any 'disloyal' clones.
Isard never stood a chance.
Considering it contains a Sith alchemical zombie plague that was responsible for the rakghouls, perhaps it's better Cheriss recovered it first. Thank the Force the natives of Aridus so recently joined the CNS, or she might have never found it.
(Because the only thing better than 'Blank' that nullifies Contessa's Path-to-Victory, is a power that spoofs the Path-to-Victory so Contessa doesn't notice it.
"You've been here before."
"Well yes, but never while riding a taozin. It's giving me a whole new perspective on things."
"Like what?"
" Animal Friendship is the best Force Power ever."
He may not be able to wield the Force, but really, even vague hints and premonitions are more than enough to amplify his usefulness.
The Nebulon-B Frigate becomes a mainstay of CNS planetary defense fleets. Larger systems also buy heavy cruisers, and occasionally dreadnaughts as well.
While many paramilitary groups are basically pirates with delusions of grandeur, our work with both Clan Skirata and the Antarian Rangers promises to be exceptionally helpful for our future operations.
All Yularen had to do, was set up a meeting with Obi-Wan on Mandalore. We handled the rest.Yularen Subversion: 43 + 20 + 5 = 68 (Nothing exciting here. Man did his job.)
"What if I told you, that the Republic was now under the control of a Dark Lord of the Sith?"Obi-Wan: Rolled 98 + 20 + 20 = 138 (Now I have to figure out what the fuck that even means)
"No, that's not possible; the Jedi would be aware of it."
"The dark side of the Force has clouded their vision, my friend. Hundreds of Senators are now under the influence of a Sith Lord called... Darth Traya."
"Oh, and there are hundreds more under the control of Darth Sidious, but never mind that."
"Then there's the Separatist Senate, under the control of Darth Tyrannus."
"Yeah, this whole Clone Wars thing was really just an excuse for us Sith to have some fun. Tea?"
" Sith?!"
They're sapient crystals with Force sensitivity, who have an intuitive grasp of technology and a proclivity for mechu daru. We want to hire all of them.
"Obi-Wan, have you met Ood Bnar?"Ysanna: Rolled 96 + 20 + 20 = 136 (I'm pretty sure Ciaran is the Devil incarnate at this point. How does that even happen)
"You'll have to forgive him, he spent several thousand years as a tree, so re-learning how to use his vocal cords is taking a bit of time."
"He's still good with a datapad, though, so he's been a big help with our expedition to Ossus. Of course, the dozens of Force Ghosts have been pretty handy as well. We've nearly cleared out the upper level of the Great Jedi Library. Would you like to know where the Jedi Order was founded? We know that now."
"Ciaran, honey, I'm telling you, this kid has more issues than Taly."Vos: Rolled20 + 15 + 20 + 14 + 6 = 85Reroll: 89 + 15 + 20 + 14 + 6 = 144
"And I'm telling you, of course he has issues. When he was four his aunt murdered both his parents, and made him use his psychometry to relive their deaths over and over and over again. Then he became a Jedi, and was forced to repress all of it. A few decades later, he was assigned to infiltrate the Separatists as one of Dooku's Dark Acolytes, to revel in all kinds of Sith-y violence in hopes that of gaining their trust and finding a lead on Dooku's master. Quinlan Vos is so unstable, it's entirely possible that falling to the dark side would make him a better, healthier, more balanced human being."
"...I'm still not hearing why I went to all the effort of recruiting him..."
"Asajj thinks he's cute."
"Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherf***ing bioweapons on this motherf***ing plane!"Honoghr: Rolled3 + 20 + 20 + 44 = 87Reroll: 32 + 20 + 20 + 44 = 116
"Technically it's a spaceship."
"Thanks Priam."
"I exist to serve."
Thrawn gets ideas.Interdictors: Rolled 89 + 10 + 20 = 119 (Spoilers: You're getting a one-of a kind Super Prototype because Raith loves that sort of thing.)
All the credits. We get all the credits.
"Jar-Jar is the key to all of this. If we get Jar Jar working -- 'cause he's a funnier character than we've ever had in any of the movies before... Oh, Lady Ciaran, you've arrived! So glad you could join us."Paponoida: Rolled NATURAL GODDAMNED 100 + 10 + 20 = 130 (what)
"Glad to be here. What's all this?"
"Oh, we're in pre-production for a holofilm about the Battle of Naboo. Representative Binks will be the main character; we're hoping we can get him to play himself."
"...How about I get Senator Amidala to tell you the true story of Naboo, in exchange for Jar Jar not coming within fifty parsecs of this project?"
After all was said and done, it was a simple matter to formally vote out Shu Mai as Presidente of the Commerce Guild. Of course, when the time came to tap Shu Mai's successor, Lady Ciaran was the only one surprised to learn that she was the unanimous choice.Shu Mai: Rolled 68 + 10 + 20 + 15 + 12 = 125 (Yep. Yeeeeeeppppp.)
"Designation. Now." A squad of Covert Ops troopers demanded.
""CT-3854/9790, 501st," the Silencer stoically replied, slowly holding up his pass.
"501st? Shouldn't you be out in the Outer Rim somewhere?"
"Uh-huh. Why are you here?"
"And you're alone because..."
"And you are aware that the Chancellor has restricted access-"
"Would you just let him by already?" the other trooper said annoyed. "He has the pass, what does it matter?"
And that's the story of how the Silencer infiltrated Palpatine's cloning facilities on Centax. (Hey, don't mess with what works.)
"You have transports on call, to go anywhere you need to be. You have wiretaps, codebreakers, and an entire fleet of analysis droids, to provide all the information you could possibly want. You have support from the Jedi Sentinels, the Bothan Spynet, and our own Gurlanin shapeshifters. Handle it."Hunter-Seekers: Rolled 25 + 20 + 20 = 65 (I don't know what I would have done had that critted.)
Armand Isard tries to discredit Jango Fett.
Bad move.
Turns out for the past two years Seti Ashgad has been gathering evidence against the man responsible for his exile. It also turns out that for the past two and a half years, Kal Skirata has been gathering evidence against the man responsible for issuing the orders to execute any 'disloyal' clones.
Isard never stood a chance.
Abyss Agents are basically ninjas now. After a thousand years to perfect their art, the Disciples of Twilight are really good at teaching light-bending and shadow-bending to amateurs.Disciples of Twilight: Rolled 94 + 20 + 20 = 134 (There you go Barondoctor, both you and Publicola have caught your white whales. Happy now?)
Cheriss heard about the upcoming expedition to the planet of the Jedi Builders, and had Galvin sneak her aboard the Chu'unthor.
Several years ago, two princes of Aridus laid claim to the mysterious Jebble Box. Their rivalry came to blows, and neither prince survived the war that followed. In disgust, the surviving Chubbits left the Box where it fell, on the final battlefield of that war, surrounded by the dead from two armies.
Considering it contains a Sith alchemical zombie plague that was responsible for the rakghouls, perhaps it's better Cheriss recovered it first. Thank the Force the natives of Aridus so recently joined the CNS, or she might have never found it.
Arkanians do more mad science, because Arkanians.
For many years, taozin were thought to be extinct. Then, ten years ago, one was discovered in the bowels of the Coruscant undercity. Turns out there's a whole colony of them. Fortunately, they're territorial, so it was easy enough to isolate them, stun them, and smuggle them off-planet for our researchers to study. Now our new Megafauna Museum has a whole exhibit for the beasties, and our Abysswalkers have learned the secrets of the taozin nodules. Unlike ysalamiri, these creatures don't carve out a 'hole' in the Force where active techniques can't be used. The taozin generate the Force equivalent of a SEP field, a persistent "I don't matter, pay no attention to me" message to the Force.
(Because the only thing better than 'Blank' that nullifies Contessa's Path-to-Victory, is a power that spoofs the Path-to-Victory so Contessa doesn't notice it.
Padme is getting anxious over how long it's taking Anakin to return home from his odyssey. We prank her repeatedly with news that Anakin has returned, only to pull the rug out from under her. At the end of the month, Anakin returns for real -- and she doesn't believe him.
"So this is Dathomir."Talzin: Rolled 20 + 15 + 20 + 44 + 14 + 10 = 113 (I'm so happy you guys put Ciaran and Asajj together on this in all sincerity.)
"You've been here before."
"Well yes, but never while riding a taozin. It's giving me a whole new perspective on things."
"Like what?"
" Animal Friendship is the best Force Power ever."
Thrawn is so brilliant, he can draw insights from a culture's artwork in order to anticipate their battle plans.Genemod: Rolled 37 + 25 + 20 = 82 (...Sorry. No Force-Sensitive Thrawn for you barring a reroll.)
He may not be able to wield the Force, but really, even vague hints and premonitions are more than enough to amplify his usefulness.
Trench is the finest admiral in the Separatist Navy. Pity he's about to be pitted against the finest admiral in galactic history
HK-47 is an assassination droid with a specialty for fighting Force Users. Of course he knows Teras Kasi. And now he's willing to teach it.HK-47: Rolled 55 + 20 + 20 + 17 = 112 (Of course this crits the same time the Taozin thing does. Of fucking course.)
Hoersch-Kessel Drive is on the verge of bankruptcy, and now they've found a buyer. The Council of Neutral Systems is on the brink of invasion, and now they've found someone willing to sell them a fleet.
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