Tython Operations : A Summary
"Given the nature of operations on Mandalore, I understand that you are the member of the command staff who is available and knowledgeable to understand and act on my report or inform others as needed, Darth Vectivus, considering it has to do with the Jedi knight Darra Thel-Tanis."
An eyebrow raised on the shadowy form of the phantom, but otherwise seemed unmoved.
"Very well. I'll begin with total expenditures." I had structured my report like a business venture when i was informed that there was a significant situation on Mandalore, hoping that might put my actions in a better light.
"Approximately five thousand standard credits in medical supplies, deducted from Karada materials commonly on hand, provided to the Jedi, may be claimed as a charitable deduction. Approximately twenty thousand standard credits in the unique prosthetics created by Miss Sair, provided to the Tython Jedi, may be claimed as a charitable deduction. One culich class shuttle, from Sienar. Crashed and inoperable, I'm afraid, barring a concerted repair or salvage effort. Oh, right, something like a month of my time, none of it preventing participation in desired operations. This was developed independently and approved by Intel division. I don't know how Gulan made it happen. Not my business."
"How did the ship crash?" Naturally, Vectivus had found the big issue.
"Engine failure due to telekinesis," I answered. "By Darra Thel-Tanis. Followed shortly by her rescuing me from the wreckage. I'm told I spent a day in the bacta tank, and then the Jedi healers worked on me to bring me back from the brink, at Darra's insistence. At any rate, the ship is a wreck, and I've purged the databanks on it. With my lightsaber."
"A few days they may have had access to them. Given the security systems it should be fine, but still a liability worth noting," Vectivus observed.
"I suppose then I should also point out other potential liabilities. A few of the Tython Jedi know that I know secrets critical to ongoing operations. They have been persuaded that helping me keep those secrets is in their best interest, and assisted in helping me learn to better shield my mind. My conversations with Master Jansen were monitored by the Jedi, but did not reveal anything of importance. I am a known agent of the Abyss Watchers and no longer can claim otherwise."
Vectivus seemed pensive. "Well, given that the Matukai tend to be more independent and scattered, Veskasa Jansen being your tutor hardly exposes anything. Jedi Thel-Tanis making you as an agent of the Watchers is entirely within expectations. Given your specialty makes you more suited to operating publicly, I can't imagine the forfeit of your black ops ability as any great loss. Maintaining your viability as an ambassador in spite of all that is well done for an agent-in-place."
I understood now how the man had made it in business. "Thank you, sir. When you put people back together for a living, and you're good at it, it buys a lot of social capital. Being revealed as a Watcher spent some of it, but that was expected. Were I to be cynical about it, I'd say that was the purpose of collecting that capital, but I'm a bit too much an idealist for that. I collected a few other gains as well, to the point that the costs and liabilities paid are a pittance."
"I have acquired some skill in the Ataru form. My other blade skills have generally improved. I finally feel like a capable fighter. That may be in part due to the fact that the Jedi also bolstered my strength in the Force when they brought me back. Considering my tendency towards light side skills and the inability to conceal my presence when they brought me back, they likely believe the Watchers benign."
I smiled serenely. "The Tython Jedi are positively disposed towards myself and are likely now open to talks with the organization. In particular, while Darra Thel-Tanis is still resentful about the elements responsible for her injuries, she has sworn herself to be my partner among the Jedi. She knows I work for the same organization. Knew that before making the oath. I can't make any guarantees, but I know she's willing to work with me personally. This is to the widespread approval of their council."
I smiled. "I am more than a little amused at the irony of reporting to the phantom of a Sith Lord that a Jedi is now my lover, and that at least one group of Jedi have started having monogamous relationships publicly."
Vectivus' brow knit in thought. "The fact that the Tython Jedi would reconsider their attachments policy is interesting. Perhaps the first real evolution of the Order in a thousand years. For the test case to be that particular Jedi and a member of the group that caused her injuries is..."
"Nothing less than the will of the Force, given the bond between us," I replied. "We have one. It's known to the Tython Jedi. Which brings me to my last point: recommended follow-up action."
I paused and took a breath. "One NDA back dated to when I became a Walker, which prevents me from talking about operational details. One shuttle for me to continue going to Tython. The last one crashed due to force powers beyond my control. As I am a known agent, secrecy is not critical."
"Done and done," Vectivus said. "Maintaining a
de facto ambassador among the Jedi is worth any number of ships, but try not to crash this one," he said, phantasmal face smirking slightly.
"Thank you, sir. One archaeological team and a translation team for Tython. That failing, a translation device and a crash course in basic archaeology would be good. From what I could see there were about a dozen temples there and I imagine the Jedi might be interested in having Darra go. She liked me as a travel partner, so while we might not be able to make acquisitions, gathering knowledge is probably of at least some value."
"The language is Dai Bendu, similar to that of the Bendu monks. A few of our people managed some translations of the data you sent. Among other things, references to some other temples and a hypergate beneath the first one you visited are interesting."
The phantom seemed to come to a conclusion. "For the price of a shuttle and some of your free time, you have made inroads with the Jedi and made yourself something of an ambassador to them. I will see to it your resources are approved. The reward for work well done is, naturally, more work. It shouldn't be too difficult for Intelligence to get you some cultural data on the different species of the Jedi and Jedi culture."
I smiled. "I was and am a trauma surgeon. The best guys get the worst cases and the most cases."