"Lancer" sneak spy
Medic support
Demolition / aoe
Underworld "big guy"
Hacker / Tech

Yeah, they really need a "face". I think because walkers can't be assigned to tasks and the only assignment we can give them as players is as combat units, there is a predilection towards a combat focus.
"Lancer" sneak spy
Medic support
Demolition / aoe
Underworld "big guy"
Hacker / Tech

Yeah, they really need a "face". I think because walkers can't be assigned to tasks and the only assignment we can give them as players is as combat units, there is a predilection towards a combat focus.
Can't the omake call girl with force in curently non-canon section could fufill the role of face in the future? (just need to roll for a new opening next turn)
Wasn't this put on hiatus for a while? (I know I'm a bit late to the party in that regard). I distinctly remember this quest being suspended.
Pibald does have an ant farm, right?
He has thirteen of them. Two on display, six in easily found places, four in hard to find places, one in a place you have to be not respect his privacy and be mad to search and the final one is hidden inside his hollowed out blast vest.

So far Sergeant Clive has managed to find (and detonate) eleven of them. This explains the constantly smoking room in section D8C4 of the Oracle.
Simple and Clean​

"Ah, Anakin. Thank you for coming so quickly." said Ciaran, ushering him into her office and shutting the door behind him.

"Well, you did say it was a matter of business, not pleasure." Anakin smirked. "And I know how seriously you treat matters of pleasure."

"True, there isn't much I don't enjoy in this galaxy. But that's usually because I can benefit from it." Ciaran's face lowered. "I can't benefit from unknowns. Tell me, what do you know of this new Jedi?"

"Apparently, he's been training in the Unknown Regions for… well, a long time, that much is for sure. He's an amazing Jedi." A measure of awe snuck into Anakin's voice.

"From what I gather, nobody in the temple knows a thing about him, not even the archives." stated Ciaran, her tone turning it into a question.

"His records were wiped at his request when he went into exile. He hadn't planned to return, but he gained insight to the nature of The Force while he was away, and he returned to pass on his knowledge."

"That sounds incredibly convenient and a hundred percent fake." Deadpanned Ciaran. "You actually believe that story he's feeding you?"

"Obi-wan doesn't believe him either, but I think I could learn a lot from Master Xehanort." said Anakin. "His views on the Dark Side of The Force are unlike anything taught at the temple. That it cannot be controlled, only channeled. That it should not be feared, but embraced and used."

"Yes, I've seen recordings of his lectures at the temple. I was hoping you would refute my observations." Ciaran paused with a heavy sigh. "Anakin, I don't know how to break this to you, but Master Xehanort is obviously evil."

"What?! That's absurd!" shouted Anakin, abruptly standing up and shoving his chair backwards. "Master Xehanort is an esteemed Jedi Master. He exiled himself decades ago to resist the Dark Side and learned how to bend it to his will instead of becoming twisted by it like some Sith. He deserves your respect, not these baseless accusations."

"Again, I'm sorry Anakin, but look at the evidence." Ciaran gestured to the screen mounted on her desk, which currently displayed picture of the recently un-self-exiled Jedi Master. "He's bald, has yellow eyes, walks hunched over, wears all black, has a goatee…"

"You're judging him based on his appearance. He conquered the Dark Side, and he can teach me to do the same!"

"Anakin, he wiggles his fingers like this when he talks!" said Ciaran, demonstrating the maneuver.

"That… that proves nothing." said Anakin adamantly. He maintained eye contact, or what passed for eye contact when one party was basically blindfolded, for several seconds before breaking. "Oh who am I kidding? He's totally a Sith Lord. How did I not see it sooner?"

"The first step is admitting you have a problem." said Ciaran, nodding sagely.

AN: In case you were curious if you should play Kingdom Heart: Birth By Sleep, the plot is literally just the Star Wars Prequels if Palpatine looked even more evil. Take that as you will.
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The Kik'than Ant/Piebald's Hobby (Canon)
The Kik'than Ant (or Piebald's Hobby)

The Kik'than Ant or Blaster Ant as it is commonly called is a resident of the Kik'than'dig* wastelands. These ants have only been lightly studied due to the difficulty and risk of operating on Kik'than'dig. Only if you are an idiot with no knowledge of basic ordnance removal and hostile environment protocols.

It gained its common name for its unique method of defense.


The Kik'than ant is a true ant possessing a head, thorax and abdomen with two antenna, six legs and a pair of powerful jaws.

It grows to between 0.2 and 1 centimeter in length depending on their diet and available space. Ha, with the right conditions they can get to be 2.5 cm.


The Blaster Ant is usually referred to as an omnivorous hunter scavenger. While technically correct it does not cover the shear marvel that is the Kik'than ant's dietary habits.

The majority of the Blaster ant's diet is as expected composed of fungi, fallen plant matter, invertebrates and the occasional wamp rat. In exception to the usual dietary requirements they also feed heavily on processes chemicals and industrial waste. This can be simulated with the gunk scrapped from beneath the panels in the Oracles engineering bay or by mixing the run off of OOM-9 and the crud found in Borvo's waste disposal unit with finely ground C8D7-9A plastic explosives.


The structure of a mature Kik'than have vary in size between 6.7 meters in diameter and 15 meters deep to 20 meters in diameter and 60 meters deep. They can also live happily in a size 14 wookie shoebox under the bed if necessary.

These hive house between 2 and 15 queens each.

The hive is composed of a metallic ceramic of unknown composition** that is tough enough to withstand blaster fire and low level explosives.

Natural Enemies:

The kik'than ant has only two natural enemies, the Engulfer Fungus and the Armored Driller Snail both native to Kik'than'dig. Shows what you know. Neither is native to anywhere, they are escaped biowarfare projects.

The Engulfer Fungus is a predatory and highly mobile form of slime mold that kills its prey by engulfing them in its mass before releasing digestive enzymes powerful enough to dissolve most forms of personal protection including several forms of power armor. The average mass of a mobile section of this fungus is between 450 kilograms and 2 metric tons although mobile masses have been observed to have reached an estimated 15 tons.Newly discovered strains can melt through separatist tank armor

The Armored Drill Snail is a heavily armored carnivorous gastropod 1 foot in length capable to drilling through most solid materials*** to reach the prey within.


The Kik'than ant possesses the usual means of defense found in ants galaxy wide with a single addition that gained it the name Blaster Ant. Instead of spraying a form of formic acid from its abdomen it instead produces and sprays a highly volatile liquid impact explosive. Perfect for use in combat grade paintballs.

A single spray from an ant produces a blast with between 4 and 8 kilogram of force. The baster ants usual tactic is to form multiple lines or blocks of 50 to a hundred ants and launch synchronized volleys at their enemies or prey.

To see the damage such swarms can produce go Here to see their effectiveness on the Clutu research outpost.

Experts and ongoing Research:

There are currently only four known experts on the Kik'than ant. Biologist Dr. Bladpie Me , Material Engineer Professor Plasteelia Me again, Chemical Engineer Emma Zin Still me., Invertebrate Sociologist Jonny Irvin Your social arts diploma will not save you. I will hunt you down and feed you to your own sample colonies.

All Research on these lifeforms is currently suspended. Yeah right. Like I would listen to those weenies.

Force Sensitivity:

Research on whether or not they can be directed or controlled by a force user is currently underway. So far the results have been inconclusive. That said there are currently no vermin aboard this transport ship.

* For those unfamiliar with Kik'than'dig it was a center of bio-research and industrial production until the lack of environmental controls (and a number of escaped experiments) reduced the planet to nearly dead wasteland. It also possesses a minor death world tag due to several lifeforms found on the planet.

** Attempts to analyse the material were call off after the loss of seven shuttles in a row. There were no survivors.

*** This includes starship hull plating as discovered on the Curiosity's Revenge when a sample batch escaped and eat the captain in his quarters before breaching the hull.

A.N.This color represents Piablad's personal notes scribbled into the margins.
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AN: In case you were curious if you should play Kingdom Heart: Birth By Sleep, the plot is literally just the Star Wars Prequels if Palpatine looked even more evil. Take that as you will.

Re-quoted for truth. As a KH fan I can say with absolute sincerity that if I switched out Palpatine and Anakin with Xehanort and Terra respectively right this moment...this quest would not change in the slightest. At all.

Oh, and yet another +10 for Panory.

The Kik'than Ant (or Piebald's Hobby)

This is so great, both in terms of "weird alien things" and Piebald's lust for destruction. Canon, +10.
I vanish for two weeks and you lot find a swole Hutt and make him a Walker.

You're mad, the lot of you.
Yes, we know. Now, on a different subject, I've been thinking about another possible character to introduce, a female Zeltron with a remarkable talent in the field of Force Drain. It is rumored that she frequently uses such abilities on those who follow her into her bedroom. (because compared to the buff hutt, having the equivalent to a succubus in our employ wouldn't raise any eyebrows.)
Depends on which version we're talking about. Nightsisters are all over the place.

Speaking of nightsisters can we hire some of them?

These are fully trained, mostly sane force sensitives. We could literally drop enough credits for them to live a life of luxury in whatever planet struck their fancy as opposed to eking by on that mud-ball they call home and it would be total worth it from our perspective.

Surely there must be some of them with ambitions that span to the galactic stage, particularly since the Dark Side encourages ambition.
Surely there must be some of them with ambitions that span to the galactic stage, particularly since the Dark Side encourages ambition.
There certainly are. Starting with Gethzerion, their leader. Who is several centuries old, incredibly powerful, insanely skilled, viciously intelligent, and first on the very short list of people that Sheev Palpatine is honestly afraid of.