Hey, come on, Chirrut and Baze are around 30, I'd imagine they're eligible.

Granted, Bodhi is 4, Cassian is 5, and Jyn is 2 (assuming all still exist--for clarity, Baby!Jyn does, but we're not sure about the others), so unless we recruit from preschools they're out. K-2SO doesn't exist for another nine years.

Next year (barring something going on), Cassian does start child-soldiering for the CIS (yeah, that's kinda horrific) throwing rocks and bottles at Republic troops and walkers on the Outer Rim, so we might want to do something about that.
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It could be cute, in a "muppet babies" kinda way. Totally not the place or tone of this quest, though.
I remember there was some discussion earlier about how Ciaran might be asexual, but while re-reading I found this in a 110% canon omake:
You tilt your head with an inquisitive look on your face. A wholly fictitious look. You of course recognize Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, twenty-eight years old, frequently eats at this diner, slightly right-handed but diligently ambidextrous, newly bearded, seventy-nine kilograms of pure muscle and sinew, shining with an intoxicating white glow in the Force that could get a woman's knees weak-

Ahem. That guy. Yes.
So, she apparently has a thing for nice guys. Or QM will decide he doesn't want to keep that, which is fair.
I remember there was some discussion earlier about how Ciaran might be asexual, but while re-reading I found this in a 110% canon omake:

So, she apparently has a thing for nice guys. Or QM will decide he doesn't want to keep that, which is fair.
she has a thing for force presence. obi-wan is simply amazing to look at, like a super model, got to give him some props for it!
"Can it wait Ciaran? I'm in the middle of calibrating HK-47"
That works both ways doesn't it.
Can it wait Ciaran? I'm in the middle of being calibrated."
I remember there was some discussion earlier about how Ciaran might be asexual, but while re-reading I found this in a 110% canon omake:

So, she apparently has a thing for nice guys. Or QM will decide he doesn't want to keep that, which is fair.
She has a thing for Obi-wan, that just means she's sapient and female. I was going to say alive, sapient and female but then I remembered that Force Ghosts and Sith Spirits are a thing.
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and Jyn is 2 (assuming all still exist)

...Um. Did you not see Baby!Jyn in the interlude? Like, she was there. She said things. Are you being serious right now?

I'm not quite sure how Obi-wan became a harem protagonist during this quest, but its hilarious.

I blame it on the quirkiness of merging the EU/Legends stuff with the mainline continuity. So you have Siri, who was Obi-Wan's Totally Not-Girlfriend in the EU, and then you have Satine, who is Obi-Wan's Totally Not-Girlfriend in canon existing at the same time.

Boom. Instant love triangle. The harem protagonist jokes follow soon after as they do.
I blame it on the quirkiness of merging the EU/Legends stuff with the mainline continuity. So you have Siri, who was Obi-Wan's Totally Not-Girlfriend in the EU, and then you have Satine, who is Obi-Wan's Totally Not-Girlfriend in canon existing at the same time.

Boom. Instant love triangle. The harem protagonist jokes follow soon after as they do.

Of course, you can add Ventress in there for the token Tsundere.