Wonder if we can spend a lore or personal action on investigating the foundry for any Force echo's of Revan or anyone else important that ended up on the foundry, doubt we'd get to talk to Revans ghost or anything like that but it might be possible to learn interesting things.

I'm going to preempt that with a "no" mainly because if there was something to find one of the Abysswalkers would have sensed it. Also in a meta sense the Foundry mini-arc is finished. Finito.
Now, here's the really scary part, he likely knows force phantom, so he's still out there, unless and until we stab him with the Mortis dagger. Pleasant dreams.
I have just had a terrible brilliant Idea! if we can somehow get him to possess Palpy we can take out 2 major threats when we kill him and have a lot less people objecting to our all out assault on the supreme chancellor when it happens.

I'm going to preempt that with a "no" mainly because if there was something to find one of the Abysswalkers would have sensed it. Also in a meta sense the Foundry mini-arc is finished. Finito.

Fair enough, just thought it would of been something Ciaran would of investigated as learning even non-usable stuff from the Sith empire time period seemed like something she would enjoy.
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I checked and you people can relax because Valkorion/Vitate/whatever his name was in the other host bodies he had is most assuredly Capital D-Dead. No Force ghost or anything.

When you're completely destroyed in a burst of Dark Side energy there's really no coming back from that.
Because the Light Side doesn't tend towards causing big changes, for good or ill. You'll never see a lightsider who can heal entire planets the way the Sith Emperor could eat them. The light tends towards enforcing the status quo, the dark towards upsetting it. That's why, when their opposite number goes extinct, the Sith pick a new fight and the Jedi sit and meditate.
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Unless you're Palpatine in Dark Empire after blowing up in Endor

But yeah, he should stay dead. And I'm not just saying that because I loathe what Sithperor did to Revan's character development.
I checked and you people can relax because Valkorion/Vitate/whatever his name was in the other host bodies he had is most assuredly Capital D-Dead. No Force ghost or anything.

When you're completely destroyed in a burst of Dark Side energy there's really no coming back from that.

You sure about that? Not the first time someone blew up only to be galivanting around later again to torch a few more things.

Edit: Wow. I got... whats the most current equivalent to Ninja'd around here?
... well then, I suspect that pretty much everyone in the galaxy, including Palpatine, likely would find the plans of the Emperor from that era monstrous to the point of being willing to ally with the Jedi if he reemerged. If it was a choice between him or the Mother being unleashed upon the galaxy, I'm more likely to let the Mother go. Now, here's the really scary part, he likely knows force phantom, so he's still out there, unless and until we stab him with the Mortis dagger. Pleasant dreams.

Nah, his spirit got destroyed because he made the mistake of tying himself to a mindscape in order to control the body of The Outlander (which I view as Cipher Nine due to the Imperial Agent having the best story to choose from) and thus made himself vulnerable to the rules of the mindscape... such as reacting to the same trigger phrase as his daughter which made him powerless, unable to use The Force. Since no one could feel his presence afterwards, I presume that he died for real.

It's a good idea as any for a plot point. Don't look at me, ask the dozens of EU writers instead!

My guess is that when you're dying or about to die, it's a lot easier to hold on to Dark Side emotions than accept peace and tranquillity.
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Unless you're Palpatine in Dark Empire after blowing up in Endor

But yeah, he should stay dead. And I'm not just saying that because I loathe what Sithperor did to Revan's character development.

Nah, his spirit got destroyed because he made the mistake of tying himself to a mindscape in order to control the body of The Outlander (which I view as Cipher Nine due to the Imperial Agent having the best story to choose from) and thus made himself vulnerable to the rules of the mindscape... such as reacting to the same trigger phrase as his daughter which made him powerless, unable to use The Force. Since no one could feel his presence afterwards, I presume that de died for real.

This. This right here. That is what happened. Accept that because I am not starting up another fucking arc to deal with that.

*breathes out* Okay, got a bit intense there and I'm sorry for that. But seriously we've got enough stuff going on as it is and quite frankly I'm kind of burnt out on major TOR stuff in general after this. You could still eventually visit Ziost and Zakuul as archaeology destinations, sure, but aside from that I'm pretty sure we're done there.

You sure about that? Not the first time someone blew up only to be galivanting around later again to torch a few more things.

Edit: Wow. I got... whats the most current equivalent to Ninja'd around here?

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ok now we NEED to make something for revan for the public, people need to know revans legacy, for it is truly a great one.

Honestly? Do the whole, large scale information offense. Educate the common people on the Orders and Sects to take away some of the mysticism AND the huge expectations of them, make movies, build a bunch of memorials, etc.
Because the Light Side doesn't tend towards causing big changes, for good or ill. You'll never see a lightsider who can heal entire planets the way the Sith Emperor could eat them. The light tends towards enforcing the status quo, the dark towards upsetting it. That's why, when their opposite number goes extinct, the Sith pick a new fight and the Jedi sit and meditate.
The real reason is that the EU writers are hacks who only know how to write story by making the Dark Side more powerful and capable of a whole bunch more than the Light Side.
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Honestly? Do the whole, large scale information offense. Educate the common people on the Orders and Sects to take away some of the mysticism AND the huge expectations of them, make movies, build a bunch of memorials, etc.
This might also be able to rectify misconceptions and/or distrust regarding the Jedi Order and other Force traditions.
This might also be able to rectify misconceptions and/or distrust regarding the Jedi Order and other Force traditions.

*Prepares for all the people who will scream about wanting to crush the Jedi, not help them*
I mean, seriously. Yes, we are a galactic crime lord with our own Force Users, but the Jedi are USEFUL if they aren't being manipulated.
*Prepares for all the people who will scream about wanting to crush the Jedi, not help them*
I mean, seriously. Yes, we are a galactic crime lord with our own Force Users, but the Jedi are USEFUL if they aren't being manipulated.
They can be useful if they're being manipulated if we're the ones doing the manipulating.
I mean, that is what I meant by 'not just because I loathe him in general' :p

There's quite enough going on without trying to hammer Sithperor in on top of everything else. To say the least.
Immortality gimmicks: a treatise by Gallus Artrian, Jedi Archivist. In the Restricted section of the Jedi Archives for obvious reasons. Notes in the margins in italics.

While this is by no means a complete list, I have catalogued a wide variety of means used to accomplish these. The table of contents is as follows:

Gorach, Diathim, Maelibus species are said to not die unless killed. Yes, that's the "Angels" of Iego and their counterparts.
The Ones of Mortis (unless killed with the Dagger of Mortis). The Dagger's location is currently unknown, though the Ones appear to be well--Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Orgus Din, somewhere in the Alderaan system, (see my other works on SWTOR for details on this and other immortality methods developed during this time).
The Imprisoned One, the Rakata stuck in the mind prison (see my other works on KOTOR for details). Consciousness only, but capable of body-hopping with the use of the prison.
Karness Muur, possessing the Muur Talisman (allowing for Sith Alchemical transformation of people into rakghouls). Still extant within Dreypa's Oubliette, currently being black-market traded under the name Jebble Box. We've heard rumors but haven't encountered it. Likely near the Chubbits of Aridus at this time. -- QV
Transfer Essence. Force Power Currently Taught By Djinn Altis and known by his student Callista. Also known by Darth Andeddu, whose holocron is currently lost. Found it last year. --QV
Darth Sion, held together by hatred. Will eventually broken by Meetra Surik.
Darth Drear, failed immortality attempt with a disease vector stabilized by physically eating the literal heart of a Jedi. Attempt failed due to insufficient stabilization effect. A more powerful Jedi may have led to success.
Darth Zash, essence transfer with a ritual using artifacts related to Tulak Hord.
Darth Bane, failed immortality attempt ended when slain by apprentice.
Rumors of a Sith Lord Darth Tenebrous, trapped reliving the final moments of his physical life as a Force entity due to experiments with Foresight.
Jedi Master Fay certainly has lived a long time for a near-Human. Still alive as far as I'm aware. Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Sidious found out about them from the Jedi archives, so when he calls them the "Mortis gods", it's because that would be how they're described in the archives.
It would not be unbelievable for there to be multiple books about individuals believed to be literal incarnations of sides of the Force, at least one of which calling them Mortis gods.
Yeah, Valkorian is absolutely, 100%, super turbo duper dead.

He was already a disembodied force ghost, and then his disembodied force ghost was exploded due to the collective wrath of the family he manipulated for his own amusement, combined with the Outlander's finishing strike.

You don't get more dead than that in Star Wars. He is super dead