Immortality gimmicks: a treatise by Gallus Artrian, Jedi Archivist.
In the Restricted section of the Jedi Archives for obvious reasons.
Notes in the margins in italics.
While this is by no means a complete list, I have catalogued a wide variety of means used to accomplish these. The table of contents is as follows:
Gorach, Diathim, Maelibus species are said to not die unless killed.
Yes, that's the "Angels" of Iego and their counterparts.
The Ones of Mortis (unless killed with the Dagger of Mortis).
The Dagger's location is currently unknown, though the Ones appear to be well--Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Orgus Din, somewhere in the Alderaan system, (see my other works on SWTOR for details on this and other immortality methods developed during this time).
The Imprisoned One, the Rakata stuck in the mind prison (see my other works on KOTOR for details).
Consciousness only, but capable of body-hopping with the use of the prison.
Karness Muur, possessing the Muur Talisman (allowing for Sith Alchemical transformation of people into rakghouls).
Still extant within Dreypa's Oubliette, currently being black-market traded under the name Jebble Box. We've heard rumors but haven't encountered it. Likely near the Chubbits of Aridus at this time. -- QV
Transfer Essence.
Force Power Currently Taught By Djinn Altis and known by his student Callista. Also known by Darth Andeddu, whose
holocron is currently lost.
Found it last year. --QV
Darth Sion, held together by hatred. Will eventually broken by Meetra Surik.
Darth Drear, failed immortality attempt with a disease vector stabilized by physically eating the literal heart of a Jedi. Attempt failed due to insufficient stabilization effect. A more powerful Jedi may have led to success.
Darth Zash, essence transfer with a ritual using artifacts related to Tulak Hord.
Darth Bane, failed immortality attempt ended when slain by apprentice.
Rumors of a Sith Lord
Darth Tenebrous, trapped reliving the final moments of his physical life as a Force entity due to experiments with Foresight.
Jedi Master Fay certainly has lived a long time for a near-Human.
Still alive as far as I'm aware.
Obi-Wan Kenobi