All right, the plan's been updated per
@Stealthy's suggestion, and we're no longer running a deficit this turn:
- Base upgrade changes -- removed Cato Neimoidia (Clovis Factory - BX Droids) and Ord Mantell (Expanded Shadowports) and Tibannopolis (Shadowport); added Taris (Bureau of Ships and Services, CNS Assembly Hall) and Chu'unthor (Personal Quarters)
Next Turn's Balance: 22 credits
That should just about cover it from my end.
I'm still not entirely convinced about getting Phrik instead of Non-Human/Mass Genemods, but can you please please please promise that next turn, we take it?
That is
definitely my plan for next turn, ideally both of them at the same time for synergy reasons.
[X] Cheriss Sair - The Art Of The Droid: (Uses Lore Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Cheriss teaches mechu-deru to Agent teams, ???
Reasoning: Her bonus is not needed for actions, and Art of the Droid is guaranteed to succeed.
This was one of my big regrets this turn -- I
really liked the concept of mechu-daru, but I felt recruiting Galen Erso was important enough to deserve hero support. (Plus, it's omake bait to send the living crystal after the crystal specialist.) I'm still tempted to shift her over, but that'd be an extra 150 credit expense, and I really don't want to revisit the balance sheet again.
We already have this, no need to buy it twice.
We have 'Ojoster
Intelligencer' (like a newspaper), but the current update is for a
Media Group (like a media corporation with a TV channel, etc.) Basically expanding the extent of our PR push.
Considering that there have been 5 months since the start of turn 27 and the start of turn 28, I think it might be worth picking less interlude-bait this turn to get the momentum up.
'Interlude-bait' is pretty much anything Dr. Snark feels inspired to write at length about, which usually includes the most important and most interesting actions each turn. Avoiding such actions seems... counterproductive.
On the other hand, you make a good point that it feels like forever since the start of last turn, so if we could subtly 'nudge'
@Dr. Snark to write fewer interludes, that might work just as well.
Nudges like:
Dr. Snark, your writing's nice, but let me offer you some free advice.
Write less.
Smile more.
Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for.
You wanna get ahead?
Quests that run their mouths off, wind up dead.
...A few months back for my birthday I got tickets to see
Hamilton. Got to go see the performance this weekend. Worth it!