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...I started at 70-30 Obi-Wan, then 50-50, and now I'm about 70-30 in favor of Quinlan Vos. Darn it, stop giving such good arguments.
... I still have even more arguments... Want to hear them?
...I started at 70-30 Obi-Wan, then 50-50, and now I'm about 70-30 in favor of Quinlan Vos. Darn it, stop giving such good arguments.
The thing is though, having good PR for us isn't something I think we need that much more of, but with a media network, we have a much greater ability to cause bad PR for our enemies.Same reason real-world countries vie to host the Olympics. Even if it doesn't 'break even' in raw credits, this is will be a massive PR shot in the arm for the Council of Neutral Systems and for Ciaran, personally. To take the ruins of Taris, and over a little more than a year convert it into one of the finest city-planets in the galaxy, is a genuine economic miracle, and reminding the galaxy of what she's done is always a good idea. It's a PR coup the likes of which politicians can only dream of in their sleep.
Yes, I think the Galactic Games are more important than investing in a media network, even one as useful as Papanoida's.
Also on bases:The latter - the reason I dropped the other Karada upgrades from Courscant was basically for narrative reasons of "why would you build more stuff there when you want to get everything off-planet?"
If you note I have money leftover, what I set out to do is try to establish a base of lets take these upgrades but also leave funds left over (1.7 or 1.8k in this case) for people to add onto them, which would include things like rolling takeover and some of your other comments. Basically I was looking to provide a rough starting point to help people with picking base options while also leaving funds to add additional base upgrades.I'm inclined to pick the 'Rolling Takeovers' as a 'click it and forget it' upgrade. It's 100 credits per turn, but it also increases our Guardian and Seeker recruitment at exponential rates: +1 per turn per 'takeover', forever. Our business empire is already at the top of the pyramid, but if we want the Abyss Watchers to reach the same tier, and make it sustainable even without the corp of Martial heroes we've assembled... 'Rolling Takeovers' strikes me as pretty darn effective. (Remember: Coruscant isn't one planet, it's 5000 planets stacked on top of each other. Let's take over the other 4999...).
5% from Muun Bankers which is multiplicative....How are you getting 105 income from this? Taris gives +100%, but that's just 100, isn't it?
I think I grabbed one of the Fort upgrades, the drydocks, as it seems like a series we want to chip away at each turn. But yeah since they don't provide income they really eat into the budget.@Void Stalker, I'm pretty sure this is where you saved most of your money -- my 'first pass' through the bases bought all of the Fort Garnik upgrades. At this point, I'm pretty sure we should hold off on most (if not all) of those. The CNS needs a stronger defensive posture, but I don't think there's a danger of either the CIS or Republic invading in the immediate future, so we should be safe leaving this on the table for a turn.
How much money do you guys expect we'll be paying for actions? My estimates with the plans so far is somewhere around 1700-1500. Is that a good estimate to run with for Base purchases?
For my base options I put 1700 as that seemed a high end guess after adding up some actions.How much money do you guys expect we'll be paying for actions? My estimates with the plans so far is somewhere around 1700-1500. Is that a good estimate to run with for Base purchases?
[] Corporate Espionage Program: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 information income
[X] Smuggler's Den: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
[X] Gossam Development Programs: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Castell income
[X] Mining Guild Production Investments: Cost: 200 Rewards: +50 investment income, 5% discount on base upgrades
[X] Wookiee Infrastructure Programs: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Kashyyyk income
[X] Asset Centralization: Cost: 50 Reward: +50 investment income
[X] Naboo Development Program: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Naboo income
[X] Silver Cross Distribution Center: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Silver Cross income
[X] Expanded Shadowports: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 smuggling income
[X] Silver Cross Distribution Centers: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Silver Cross income
[X] Large-scale Wiretaps: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 information income
[X] Large-scale Wiretaps: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 information income
[X] Karada Research Complex: Cost: 100 Rewards: +50 Karada income
[X] Large-scale Wiretaps: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 information income
[X] Benelex House Facility: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 security income
[X] Vianist Safehouses: Cost: 100 Rewards: +25 investment income, +25 Silver Cross income
@Publicola, these base upgrades do nothing more besides give us more money. We have enough money, so we shouldn't acquire upgrades that make us more of it when it's at the expense of getting other kinds of resources. Replace them with base upgrades that get us resources besides credits or with entirely new bases.
At least build a base on Iego. There's a hero there that we can recruit.[X] Yavin: Cost: 250 Rewards: Base at Yavin, Archaeology teams automatically set up with three rolls per turn for discoveries.
[X] Thyferra: Cost: 150 Reward: Facility on Thyferra
[X] Mustafar: Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Mustafar
This doesn't make sense to me. Bacta does indeed keep our forces alive, but having more of it would only help if we for some reason didn't have enough bacta already to meet demand. How exactly is that the case? We are very rich so it seems to me like if we were short on bacta we could just buy more bacta.Also, Thyferra should be good for lots of medical and smuggling income (because bacta), but it might also help keep our forces alive, since we'll have a lot more bacta available to use.
...We've been successful so far because we balance upgrades that give us useful resources (recruitment, default bonuses, etc.) with upgrades that give us credits, so long as the ROI is high enough. All of the upgrades you list return our investment in full, in less than two turns. That means, by next turn, those same updates will let us afford even more stuff than before -- like new bases, new troops, new bonuses, and new 'superships coats in phrik that can tank a Death Star' (I'm really looking forward to that...).@Publicola, these base upgrades do nothing more besides give us more money. We have enough money, so we shouldn't acquire upgrades that make us more of it when it's at the expense of getting other kinds of resources.
...I thought I had.Can someone explain to me why the Galactic Games are important?
I'd love to, but it depends on what we can afford. Yavin is a must, but everything else is second or third tier. I think Mustafar would be really useful for lots of reasons, and we did spend an action last turn that unlocked the Thyferra base now (plus, smuggling medicine is exactly the sort of thing that Abyss Watchers/Karada should do more of). However, there were a lot of other planets in the 'honorable mention' category, and I agree we should pick them up sooner than later. Iego and Pantora are both in that category.If we're not going to invest in the media network through Actions, can we at least build a base on Pantora?
Thank you! I kinda figured Karada would be a default buy, since it was one of our OG base upgrades, but if there are better ROI elsewhere, we should pick those. I'll fix it.@Publicola a lot of those Karada facilities (not the ones on Taris though) have a turns to repay of 1.71, while we have multiple options with a better value than those. Also some of the wiretaps are in the same situation.
@Killerflood taking a look at base upgrades, if you drop Droid Marketing Office on Coruscant and Agricultural Revitalization on Mandalorian you can add Labor Droid Plants, Kalee Gravball League and Cantina Franchise, all on Kalee, while also saving 38.25 credits this turn to spend elsewhere and providing more income. There might be some more, once you are done I can run through and let you know if I spot anything else like that.
We'll be able to afford all those things even if our income doesn't change at all this turn. Getting more income this turn won't change things in that regard. The only thing getting income-exclusive upgrades will do is allow us to buy more income-exclusive upgrades the next turn. There is no other benefit. We have reached the point where such upgrades are an afterthought, so we should really start treating them as such.That means, by next turn, those same updates will let us afford even more stuff than before -- like new bases, new troops, new bonuses, and new 'superships coats in phrik that can tank a Death Star' (I'm really looking forward to that...).
It increases the prestige of the CNS and thus its soft power, giving us by proxy greater control of the galaxy. It also enhances our own prestige which gives similar benefits.Can someone explain to me why the Galactic Games are important?
I do have turns to repay for a lot of the actions on a previous page so that should make it easier.Thanks for letting me know. After a certain amount of time I just gave up going back and auditing myself.
I mean, part of the reason why we don't have the money to buy all the upgrades we want is because we always buy tons and tons of upgrades to increase our income, so we never have any funds getting stockpiled and almost all our income is just used for more income. Yes, they more than pay for themselves in only a bit more than one turn, but that doesn't help much when we keep using that extra money to just buy more of those upgrades instead of putting the money to work on other stuff.
It says something about the standards of this Quest when a 75% chance of success is not considered reasonable.Capturing the Devastation was much more iffy -- it's a remarkably low-probability operation, so I needed to attach Asajj (her +5 Force Sight bonus saved the day) to give a reasonable chance of success.
Unless I'm misunderstanding how the bonuses work, we actually have a default bonus of 15 for Martial.Devastation: 40% + 10 (default bonus) + 20 (omakes) + 23 (Asajj) + 2 (Watchers) = 95% odds, with 55% chance of crit
Random trivia: I actually considered Cheriss for this since, at the time, I was planning to have Ventress get in touch with the Jensaarai.Finally, we should definitely recruit Galen Erso this turn, especially as it's fairly time-sensitive. I have to admit, though, I love who I assigned to help out. After all, Erso's research specialty is crystals. Who better to recruit him, than a living, breathing crystal? Cheriss may have the worst Intrigue stats of our hero unit, but we don't need much of a bonus to ensure success, and I can't wait to see how Dr. Snark lets it play out.