@Dr. Snark
Do the following count as Military for our 40% Military Upkeep reduction:
Corellia-Mandalore Pilot Training Initiative- Mandalorian
Blacksite- Nar Shadda (increases recruitment rate)
Systemwide Defenses- Kashyyyk, Taris, Ord Mantell
Recruitment Center- Taris (both guardian/seeker and nekghoul variants)
Corellian Recruitment- Corellia
Wait, you can do that?

Eh, planning for bases was never really my specialty.
Yeah, income from base upgrades is generated the same turn so it has worked in all previous turns. I can get the confusion as it seems every ck2 game when income from actions and upgrades is calculated is different. As for base planning, I tried to get a solid foundational plan out that still left a lot of funds for customization to give people a framework to work around. I actually enjoy the base planning more then figuring out the action choices, so if you want me to help out there I am willing.

Yeah, we have a lot of discounts and bonuses floating around. Also the mining guild on castell gives us a 5% discount to bases and base upgrades, including ones bough this turn if we buy the upgrade this turn.

Also for both of you, I posted the combined stats of our pc and heroes on the page after the update to make it easier to figure out how much each one adds as support to an action. They are high to low broken down by each stat (does not include the +5 for Ventress from force vision though, or PC force vision bonus).
Since everyone else is, here's what I got so far.

[] Plan Publicola - WIP
There were a lot of tough decisions this round, partly because of just how many decisions there were (that's the drawback, I suppose, of having so many write-ins).

Martial: Pick 2:
[] Foundry Raid Night II: (Starts Foundry Assault mini-turn)
-[] HK-47
-[] Grievous
[] Capture Devastation: Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Devastation stolen, potential to forge alliance with Chiss Ascendancy
-[] Asajj Ventress
-[] 2 Watchers
[] Heroes of the Clone Wars: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Ashoka, Yularan, and 501st fully subverted
Foundry Raid because of course, with HK-47 providing hero support to ensure his bonuses apply to this next set of levels, and Grievous so we get the full bonus from inviting the Kaleesh Warriors.

Capturing the Devastation was much more iffy -- it's a remarkably low-probability operation, so I needed to attach Asajj (her +5 Force Sight bonus saved the day) to give a reasonable chance of success. While we could wait for a turn to add more hero support or Personal Attention, I decided that the Devastation was too time-sensitive -- we don't know when it will start its 'attack run' on Coruscant, and I'd rather not risk the Jedi or Palpatine getting their hands on it, when we can put it to so much better use. There's also an interesting story hook, as the attack on Coruscant was led by Nightsisters. It'd be interesting to see Asajj deal with dark-siders obsessed with revenge to the point of genocide -- subtle hint is subtle, and this might synergize well with Ciaran's conversation with her about Dooku.

Finally, I spent our free action on the 501st, subverting the best legion in the Republic and continuing our recruitment to Ahsoka. This should pair nicely with our Intrigue action targeting Wilhuff Tarkin, as well.

Foundry: ???
Devastation: 40% + 10 (default bonus) + 20 (omakes) + 23 (Asajj) + 2 (Watchers) = 95% odds, with 55% chance of crit
501st: 70% + 10 (default bonus) + 20 (omakes) = 100% odds, with 30% chance of crit

Diplomacy: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 CNS Action, 1 Force Order Action:
[] Negotiating With "The Negotiator:" Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Obi-Wan Kenobi brought into the anti-Palpatine conspiracy
-[] Silas Cata
[] Between the Light and Dark: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Contact with chosen organization established
-[] Corellian Jedi Order
[] To Bind The Jedi (CNS): Chance of Success: 30% Cost: 250 Reward: Severity of new laws reduced
-[] Personal Attention
For our regular action, it came down to Quinlan Vos vs. Obi-Wan. While Quinlan is awesome and talented and fairly time-sensitive -- his spying is one of the obstacles Dooku cited that kept us from working as well together -- our odds for recruiting him are fairly low, and would require hero support that we can't spare. Obi-Wan has better odds, and an outstanding reward: one of the finest Jedi Masters of this generation, one with a close connection to most of the Jedi we'd like to recruit (like Ahsoka and Anakin...), and a straight-and-narrow Jedi who might be willing to work with us in a formal capacity. If there's a chance we can turn him into a hero unit, let's carpe that diem.

NOTE: I'm still 50-50 on whether to go with Quinlan or Obi-Wan this turn. This was what I wrote when I was about 70% sold on Obi-Wan, so feel free to disagree...

For our CNS action, as much as I desperately want those Shard engineers (they're been 'runner up' and 'honorable mention' for more than a year now :() the obvious pick is obvious. We need to counter Palpatine's legal attack on the Jedi. It does require a Personal Attention to succeed, but I think it'll be worthwhile. It has a very good chance of a crit as well, which means this might help Ciaran ingratiate herself with the Jedi Order (either on Tython or Coruscant) or ingratiate herself with any of the Jedi around the galaxy (like Ahsoka...).of the 'integration' actions are nice, but I really want those Shard engineers. It's been way too long.

For our Force Order action, I picked the Corellian Jedi since a) they're the biggest Force sect in the galaxy next to the main Jedi Order, b) they have some really interesting traditions and rules, including an openness to normal relationships, and c) they remember the Battle of Ruusan, and might be able to point Ciaran to the Valley of the Jedi.

Obi-Wan: 60% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 14 (Silas) = 99% odds, with 39% chance of crit
Corellian Jedi: 70% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with 25% chance of crit
Jedi Reform Laws: 30% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 44 (Personal Attention) = 100+% odds, with 74% chance of crit

Stewardship: Pick 2 Regular Actions, Up to 1 Sienar Action:
[] Sienar Custom Vessel: Chance of Success: 90%
-[] "Diplomatic" Ships: Cost: 150 Reward: "Diplomatic" Cruiser designed/produced
[] Bring The Games To Taris: Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 200 Reward: Galactic Games brought to Taris
-[] 3 Watchers
[] Scion of the Baobabs: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Mungo Baobab formally brought on as a "financial consultant"
-[] Talesan Fry
The Galactic Games are somewhat time-sensitive -- they will be held this year, but we're not sure what quarter, so we should pick it before it expires -- and would be a massive boon to CNS credibility and to our personal restoration of Taris. We had some free Watchers, so I added them to bring the odds of succeeding up to the level of our other actions.

As for Mungo Baobab... is there any chance we wouldn't try to recruit another Stewardship hero from one of the biggest merchant families in the galaxy, especially when the Hero in question is also a fan of archaeological expeditions? I added hero support to ensure our recruitment goes well -- I also hope that asking Talesan Fry to take the lead, will help ameliorate some of his paranoia, or that Mungo Baobab (the galaxy-trotting adventurer) could help Taly get out of his shell a bit.

As for Sienar... I was torn between 'Archaeology' and 'Diplomacy'. Ultimately, as much as I really liked the 'archaeology' concept, I couldn't help but look at the front page and realize that we have far too few default bonuses that apply to Diplomacy, and 'diplomatic cruisers' might be the ticket to improve our odds. I am willing to be persuaded, but we can always pick up the archaeology ships next turn.

As for others 'roads not taken', contacting (and/or buying out) Hoersch-Kessel or Subpro would have given us the keys to one of the biggest/best shipwrights in the galaxy, but it's not especially urgent or high-priority. I decided against 'ousting Shu Mai' due to the low probability -- I'd prefer to lay more groundwork before we pull the trigger, and we don't have the hero support to make it feasible this turn. Developing the X-Wing would be awesome (however blatant the fan-service may be :D) but also not an urgent task. I love the idea of working with Papanoida for the PR push, and the Revan Saga sounds wonderful, but there are just too many actions and too little time.

Sienar: 90% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 30% chance of crit
Taris Games: 60% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 3 (Watchers) = 93% odds, with 33% chance of crit
Mungo Baobab: 60% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 12 (Talesan) = 100+% odds, with 42% chance of crit

Intrigue: Pick 3:
[] Putting Down Monsters: Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Maul and Savage terminated
-[] Jango Fett
-[] 2 Watchers
[] Strike Palpatine's Inner Circle: Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 150 Reward: Targeted member/group discredited/neutralized/etc
-[] Wilhuff Tarkin
-[] The Silencer
-[] 3 Watchers
[] Mote of Stardust: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Galen Erso extracted from Coruscant
-[] Cheriss Sair
We should end Maul and Savage this turn, to ensure that nothing interferes with our plans with Dooku. Plus, Maul is no slouch in combat, and Savage isn't far behind, so this also removes a threat to our agents or ourselves.

We start targeting Palpatine's Inner Circle this turn as well. My preference is to begin with Tarkin, given his recent bungling of the Temple Bombing investigation, but I'm open to being persuaded.

Finally, we should definitely recruit Galen Erso this turn, especially as it's fairly time-sensitive. I have to admit, though, I love who I assigned to help out. After all, Erso's research specialty is crystals. Who better to recruit him, than a living, breathing crystal? Cheriss may have the worst Intrigue stats of our hero unit, but we don't need much of a bonus to ensure success, and I can't wait to see how Dr. Snark lets it play out.

Maul: 40% + 20 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 13 (Jango) + 2 (Watchers) = 95% odds, with 55% chance of crit
Tarkin: 40% + 20 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 12 (Silencer) + 3 (Watchers) = 95% odds, with 55% chance of crit
Erso: 50% + 20 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 6 (Cheriss) = 96% odds, with 46% chance of crit

Lore: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 Archaeological Action:

[] Archaeological Expeditions: Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[] Cularin
[] A "Blind" Explorer (Archaeology): Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Renewed association with Jerec, information on Unknown Regions
I really want a base on Cularin -- to work with the Almas Jedi, to recruit Tarasin, to explore the amazingness that is that system -- so that's pretty solidly locked in. As for the other action, I was very torn about studying with another sect, but decided that we should push to recruit Jerec as a hero or asset. He's awesome, and probably knows a lot of things about the Unknown Regions that might help us out down the road...

Cularin: 80% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 35% chance of crit
Jerec: 60% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with 35% chance of crit

Learning: Pick 2, or pick only one Research action and halve its time:

[] Force-Sensitive Genemods: Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 300 Reward: Genemods from Force-sensitive species gathered
[] Personal Shield Technology: Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Personal Shields (re-)developed [Finishes This Turn]
[] Materials Research: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Selected material analyzed for usage in weapons/armor
-[] Phirk
Since we invested in the Svivreni materials lab last turn, studying 'exotic materials' is now cheaper and only takes a single turn. We should really pursue that line of research, now that it's no longer so far out of reach. I picked phrik -- its main weakness is that it's really expensive compared to cortosis, but our balance sheet should prove that we are, in fact, filthy stinking rich.

Thanks to our default bonuses, I also found that 'Force-Sensitive Genemods' was in our reach, so I picked that and held off on 'Mass Genemodding' for another turn. 'Force-Sensitive Genemods' has amazing potential, especially since we might be able to give heroes like Thrawn and The Silencer the ability and the innate talent to wield the Force. Imagine Thrawn with a Voss genemod -- the best strategist in the galaxy, with a talent for Force Visions? I want it.

Force Genemods: 50% + 25 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with 45% chance of crit
Phrik: 70% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 35% chance of crit

Personal: Pick 3:
[] Physical Training: Chance of Success: 70%
-[] Form III (Soresu) Training: Reward: Martial Increase, Form III training (Finishes this turn)
[] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
-[] The Conversation No One Wants To Have
[] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
-[] To Bind The Jedi
[] The Conversation No One Wants To Have: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
-[] Personal Attention
[] Annoy Padme (Free Action, no bonuses): Chance of Success: Yes. Reward: Entertainment
I'd have loved to develop our Force Training, especially with Blazing Chain or Telekinetic Lightsabers, but at least we're getting the benefit of Soresu Training with Obi-Wan. We must talk with Asajj -- she is simply too useful to let her slip away -- and I definitely want to attach our Personal Attention to that since we don't know the baseline odds.

That leaves one action left, and one Diplomacy action (Palpatine's anti-Jedi laws) with odds that demand our Personal Attention. Unless we ignore the law, I don't see any other choice here.

Asajj: ??? + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 44 (Ciaran) = ??? odds, with 69% chance of crit

Hero Units: Optional, Pick Up To 3 & 1 Genemod, Uses Hero Unit's Full Stats:
[] Under The Knife: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected Hero Unit genemodded
-[] Choose 1 Hero Unit:
--[] Jango: A bit suspicious of the Arkanians but he acknowledges the benefits of the mods.
-[] Choose 1 Genemod:
--[] Balosar: A species that has incredible intuition, allowing them to read emotions or detect incoming threats. (Diplomacy, Intrigue)
[] PR-1 - From The Ground Up: (Uses Learning Bonuses, PR-1 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 200 Reward: PR-1 transferred to android frame, ???
[] Thrawn - Understanding A Warrior's Heart: (Uses Martial Bonuses, Thrawn must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Foundry assault data analyzed by Thrawn, ???
One of my big uncertainties concerns 'Under The Knife'. If we're going to get Force-Sensitive Genemods next turn, does that mean we should wait to see what options become available then? However, we have a lot of Heroes, and we've been adding more each turn. We should probably upgrade the ones we can before we're swamped.

I definitely want to wait on Thrawn until the Force genemods become available, but I eventually picked Jango over the Silencer, as Jango's fighting style (jet-pack-fu) works as well with or without the Force. As for which genemod, we have a lot of strong Martial heroes (7 with Martial 40 or higher) so I'd prefer to improve Jango's secondary skills to see if we can make him slightly more versatile. Both Balosar and Zeltron affect Diplomacy/Intrigue stats, which is ideal, though in slightly different ways. Zeltron is about improving personal attractiveness and exuding 'pheromones' to sway others in the room; Balosar is about using intuition and specialized senses to read emotion and perceive danger in advance. I figured a Balosar upgrade was better suited for Jango's lifestyle.

As for the normal hero actions... we ran out of Heroes to use all three available actions. Thrawn analyzing the Foundry assault records was pretty much locked in from the get-go -- I imagine it will provide key insights for our next assault, and boost his strategic skill considerably. PR-1's stats are falling behind the rest, so upgrading him to maximize his usefulness as a diplomat could prove key. However, pretty much everyone else is assigned to ensure we succeed on most of our actions. We do have one hero -- Cheriss -- who might be spared, but removing her would put our recruitment of Galen Erso at greater risk.

Genemod: 70% + 25 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 45% chance of crit
PR-1: 60% + 20 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 12 (PR-1) = 100+% odds, with a 52% chance of crit
Thrawn: 60% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 38 (Thrawn) = 100+% odds, with a 68% chance of crit

NOTE: I decided to split out base purchases & upgrades in a separate post, since it got a bit complicated...
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Thankfully I hadn't missed that one as I stumbled over it when skimming the discussion.
Ah right now you have the 5% from wookie engineers that we started with.

Mining Guild Production Investments: Go a step further with your deals with the Mining Guild and buy out some of their production facilities on Castell and across the galaxy in general to ensure you have a constant supply of raw materials. Cost: 200 Rewards: +50 investment income, discount on base upgrades

Is a new option on Castell that gives us another 5% that will apply this turn as well, so a 10% discount on bases now.

You did hit something I miss, which is the loss of income from moving facilities to Taris. Going to have to add those in.
You did hit something I miss, which is the loss of income from moving facilities to Taris. Going to have to add those in.
I'm actually curious about that. @Dr. Snark -- when we 'relocate' our Karada divisions from Coruscant to Taris, does the Coruscant upgrade vanish? Or do we 'relocate' that facility (along with its income) to Taris? Or does our Coruscant upgrades just stay where they are, giving the same income as before, with the understanding that the sensitive files and personnel are now working out of Taris?

Basically: how does it work?
@Dr. Snark
For these:
-[] Karada Pharmecuticals Division Relocation: While not your most important branch, getting this away from Palpatine would hardly be a bad idea. Cost: 100 Rewards: +25 Karada income, divison reolcated from Coruscant
-[] Karada Maufacturing Division Relocation: It would be nice to know that your manufacturing wouldn't be cut off by a sudden blockade. Cost: 100 Rewards: +25 Karada income, divison reolcated from Coruscant
-[] Karada Medical Program Relocation: Sure the medical programs are somewhat decentralized, but you'd prefer if they reported to Taris rather than Coruscant. Cost: 100 Rewards: +25 Karada income, divison reolcated from Coruscant
-[] Karada Cybernetics Division Relocation: You cannot risk Palpatine getting his hands on your cybernetics. Who knows what he'd try to do with the ones designed specifically for Force-users... Cost: 100 Rewards: +25 Karada income, divison reolcated from Coruscant
Do we also lose the income from the Coruscant version?
Asking as currently they are base incomes of:
50 Pharma
50 Manufacturing
50 Medical
70 Cybernetics
Which are all more then the income provided on Taris.

There is also the 100 for a Research Complex on Coruscant, would that need to be moved as well?
I really want a base on Cularin -- to work with the Almas Jedi, to recruit Tarasin, to explore the amazingness that is that system -- so that's pretty solidly locked in.
Honestly, our archaeological rewards have been very disappointing. I'd strongly reccomend recruiting the Jensaarai. I realize I say that every time the action comes up, but there are very good reasons for that.
[] Strike Palpatine's Inner Circle: Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 150 Reward: Targeted member/group discredited/neutralized/etc
-[] Wilhuff Tarkin
-[] The Silencer
-[] 3 Watchers
My preference is to begin with Tarkin, given his recent bungling of the Temple Bombing investigation
Dude. Look at what you're doing. Tarkin is easily someone who can be taken out by being discredited and made irrelevant, but the hero you're sticking on him is one that's better for assassination than discrediting. Pick another target or remove the Silencer. (Preferably the latter.)

Imagine Thrawn with a Voss genemod -- the best strategist in the galaxy, with a talent for Force Visions?
He can already gain a lot of information on the enemy just by looking at their art. He of all our heroes would benefit least from Force visions. Getting information and making good plans based off of that information is not something he has trouble with.
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If there's a chance we can turn him into a hero unit, let's carpe that diem.

Sorry man, but I literally cannot think of any situation in which this is possible, Obi-Wan is not going to join tha Abyss Watcher as a hero unit, he is not in deep doubts about the Jedi Order like Anakin, nor he is a victim of the circumstances we may convince to join our side like Ventress, he is perfectly content with his life as a Jedi Knight he has no doubts about his loyalties and he is in no conflict whatsoever with the Jedi council...

Tell me why a man like Obi Wan do you think he is going to join the Abyss Walkers (a criminal organization)?

We will never get him as a hero unit, we will probably get him as an asset...

On the other hand Recruiting Quinlan gives us 2 things that are immediately more useful than an Asset(which will only became useful once we go for Palpatine), a hero unit (that we can use to apply even more bonuses) and a a step closer to get Dooku alliance

Another thing, let's use our intrigue to deal with Shu Mai, so we can get our full alliance with Dooku.
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Dude. Look at what you're doing. Tarkin is easily someone who can be taken out by being discredited and made irrelevant, but the hero you're sticking on him is one that's better for assassination than discrediting. Pick another target or remove the Silencer. (Preferably the latter.)
Fair enough -- my impression was that the Silencer can sneak around (you know, silently) gathering intel that can be used against Tarkin. The Silencer may prefer explosives, but he's competent at infiltration and intelligence gathering (which is why he has a very strong Intrigue stat on top of his Martial stat).

That said, if people would prefer, I could probably move him to 'Capture the Devastation', and move Asajj to one of the Intrigue actions instead. We could have her take the lead fighting Maul/Savage, or we could use her against Tarkin (mirroring her canon presence on Coruscant during the Temple Bombing incident).


On the other hand Recruiting Quinlan gives us 2 things that are immediately more useful than an Asset(which will only became useful once we go for Palpatine), a hero unit (that we can use to apply even more bonuses) and a a step closer to get Dooku alliance
As I said, I wrote the 'reasoning' when I was mostly sold on Obi-Wan, and when I posted it I was closer to 50-50. Obi-Wan is awesome, and even if he's an asset, we should still be able to invite him to help out (a la Jedi Sentinels). At the same time: Quinlan is a potential Hero Unit (might take two or more turns, but still) and it does solidify our agreement with Dooku.

I don't think we can 'oust' or 'assassinate Shu Mai' this turn -- we don't have the hero support, and there are other higher priorities to finish before we take that on. I'm okay waiting another turn -- as nice as it'd be to take over the Commerce Guild, we already have a lot of income, and you can see why we should prioritize other options for Stewardship and Intrigue.
The Galactic Games are somewhat time-sensitive -- they will be held this year, but we're not sure what quarter, so we should pick it before it expires -- and would be a massive boon to CNS credibility and to our personal restoration of Taris.
Why are the Games so important? Seriously, why do you think they are a more important choice than building a media empire to use against Palpatine?

Since we invested in the Svivreni materials lab last turn, studying 'exotic materials' is now cheaper and only takes a single turn. We should really pursue that line of research, now that it's no longer so far out of reach. I picked phrik -- its main weakness is that it's really expensive compared to cortosis, but our balance sheet should prove that we are, in fact, filthy stinking rich.
Phrik is useful, but I still think we should get Non-Human genemods ready for next turn so that when we get Mass Genemods, we can use it on our Kaleesh and Wookie troops.
we should still be able to invite him to help out (a la Jedi Sentinels)

Yeah... If it's around Mandalore. And in plain sight of everyone. He's staying as an ambassador to the CNS and Mandalore. There's going to be eyes on him to see what he does. So, unless another mission needs to be done on Mandalore in the dead of night, it's very, very unlikely we'll be able to have him assist us.
@Publicola I really think Voss is a better choice right now. Obi-Wan is not going to be a hero recruit as long as the Jedi Order is around. He will be an asset that we can use to activate the Jedi Council against Palpatine, but Voss is time sensitive and we want to catch him before he falls to the dark side and to stop sending info that makes it back to Palpatine. This also frees up Dooku to maneuver more against Palpatine and the sooner he can do that the better. Obi-Wan on the flip side is much more constrained in action, bringing him on a turn early does not help us.
I don't think we can 'oust' or 'assassinate Shu Mai' this turn -- we don't have the hero support, and there are other higher priorities to finish before we take that on. I'm okay waiting another turn -- as nice as it'd be to take over the Commerce Guild, we already have a lot of income, and you can see why we should prioritize other options for Stewardship and Intrigue.

Why not? Killing Tarkin is less important than cementing an alliance with the leader of the CIS, let's just send the Silencer after Shu Mai and watch him do the thing...

By the way, revise your Lore Actions, we can only take one Archeological action each turn...

And I agree with @Jakobstj lets do both the Force Sensitive and Non Human genemods this turn, we may find useful bonuses that way...
I'm actually curious about that. @Dr. Snark -- when we 'relocate' our Karada divisions from Coruscant to Taris, does the Coruscant upgrade vanish? Or do we 'relocate' that facility (along with its income) to Taris? Or does our Coruscant upgrades just stay where they are, giving the same income as before, with the understanding that the sensitive files and personnel are now working out of Taris?

Basically: how does it work?

The latter - the reason I dropped the other Karada upgrades from Courscant was basically for narrative reasons of "why would you build more stuff there when you want to get everything off-planet?"

Is that allowed? I understood that we can not use our regular Lore action for archeology...

You've got it backwards. There's one Lore action (which can be used on anything) and one Archaeology action (which can only be used on Archaeology stuff)
Intelligencer Expansion- 100/+50(52.5) Investment
Coruscant Enquirer- 100/25(26.25)-Investment
Smugglers Den- 100/+50(63)-Smuggling
Regional Strongholds 150
I'm inclined to pick the 'Rolling Takeovers' as a 'click it and forget it' upgrade. It's 100 credits per turn, but it also increases our Guardian and Seeker recruitment at exponential rates: +1 per turn per 'takeover', forever. Our business empire is already at the top of the pyramid, but if we want the Abyss Watchers to reach the same tier, and make it sustainable even without the corp of Martial heroes we've assembled... 'Rolling Takeovers' strikes me as pretty darn effective. (Remember: Coruscant isn't one planet, it's 5000 planets stacked on top of each other. Let's take over the other 4999...).

Kashyyyk: (current base income- 495)
Wookiee Infrastructure Programs- 150/-50,+148.5(155.925)
Don't forget that the Systemwide Defenses unlocks our Wookie recruitment to let us hire more than 8. It's expensive, but cheaper than spending an action to cover the same ground.

Don't forget 'Beautification' for the synergy with Galactic Games (see below)

House Benelex Facilities- 100/+50(105)- Military
...How are you getting 105 income from this? Taris gives +100%, but that's just 100, isn't it?

Ord Mantell:
Expanded Shadowports- 150/+75(78.75)- Smuggling
Drydock- 150/+50(52.5)- Military
Total: 300(270)/+131.25: 138.75
@Void Stalker, I'm pretty sure this is where you saved most of your money -- my 'first pass' through the bases bought all of the Fort Garnik upgrades. At this point, I'm pretty sure we should hold off on most (if not all) of those. The CNS needs a stronger defensive posture, but I don't think there's a danger of either the CIS or Republic invading in the immediate future, so we should be safe leaving this on the table for a turn.

Why are the Games so important? Seriously, why do you think they are a more important choice than building a media empire to use against Palpatine?
Same reason real-world countries vie to host the Olympics. Even if it doesn't 'break even' in raw credits, this is will be a massive PR shot in the arm for the Council of Neutral Systems and for Ciaran, personally. To take the ruins of Taris, and over a little more than a year convert it into one of the finest city-planets in the galaxy, is a genuine economic miracle, and reminding the galaxy of what she's done is always a good idea. It's a PR coup the likes of which politicians can only dream of.

Yes, I think the Galactic Games are more important than investing in a media network, even one as useful as Papanoida's.

Phrik is useful, but I still think we should get Non-Human genemods ready for next turn so that when we get Mass Genemods, we can use it on our Kaleesh and Wookie troops.
I get the 'all of the above', but I really want to start that materials research, so we can actually do things with the amazing things we know about then. Phrik is essentially indestructible -- it's lighter and more effective than cortosis in resisting lightsabers, and it's infinitely better than cortosis at dealing with everything else. You want to fight a super-capital ship? Make a snub-fighter out of something indestructible and fly it into the enemy bridge. Or make your own super-capital ship, except armor it so thoroughly that it can tank a 'fully armed and operational' Death Star.

No joke: phrik is that good. It's just ludicrously expensive, but that's why we pushed to have all the money.

Obi-Wan is not going to be a hero recruit as long as the Jedi Order is around. He will be an asset that we can use to activate the Jedi Council against Palpatine, but Voss is time sensitive and we want to catch him before he falls to the dark side and to stop sending info that makes it back to Palpatine. This also frees up Dooku to maneuver more against Palpatine and the sooner he can do that the better. Obi-Wan on the flip side is much more constrained in action, bringing him on a turn early does not help us.
...I started at 70-30 Obi-Wan, then 50-50, and now I'm about 70-30 in favor of Quinlan Vos. Darn it, stop giving such good arguments.

Why not? Killing Tarkin is less important than cementing an alliance with the leader of the CIS, let's just send the Silencer after Shu Mai and watch him do the thing...
The Separatists are not the enemy -- Palpatine is. Honestly, the CIS is kinda falling apart -- we've taken most of the Rim systems, eroding their popular support, and of the megacorporations, the Corporate Alliance is the only big one we haven't sunk our teeth into. (There's also the Geonosian Industries, the Hyper-Communications Cartel, and the Quarren Independence League, but those are relative big players). We own the IGBC. We cut off the head of Techno Union. The Trade Federation owes us so many favors it isn't funny. Now we're on the verge of taking over the Commerce Guild, and we have Talesan's hero action to decapitate the Corporate Alliance leadership (not literally).

TL,DR: we need to direct our attention against Palpatine. The Separatists are still important, but not nearly as much as the man himself. The reason we should consider ousting Shu Mai, is to enable Dooku to start working more closely with us. At this point, we don't have a spare Intrigue action to assassinate, and we don't have the hero support to let us oust non-violently, so my proposal is to wait until next turn when we're better situated.

By the way, revise your Lore Actions, we can only take one Archeological action each turn...
Answered above.

And I agree with @Jakobstj lets do both the Force Sensitive and Non Human genemods this turn, we may find useful bonuses that way...
...You're right that there's some nice synergy there. I'd be more inclined to wait for Non-Human + Mass Genemodding, though; 'Force-Sensitive Genemods' is mainly about taking genetic code from Force-strong species, while 'Non-Human' is about making genemods available to non-human subjects. It's the difference between giving Jango a Kaleesh genemod, and giving Grievous a Zeltron genemod (which, now that I think about it, sounds hilarious).

Still working on the 'Bases' part of the plan...