In all sincerity it describes the Abyss Watchers and Ciaran so very well. It is a religion that may or may not have been created by a couple of guys who got really high one time and decided to write a holy book.
Some interesting factoids:
-Discordians are encouraged to take absolutely everything completely seriously and at the exact same time not give a fuck about everything.
-Everyone is a Discordian Pope. Yes, everyone. Including you and me. The powers of a Discordian Pope are basically whatever the hell any individual pope says they are, which of course can be contradicted by any other Pope (i.e. everybody).
-Discordianism teaches you to believe absolutely nothing you read, including anything about Discordianism.
-Fractures, sects, cults, and branching of Discordianism is
openly encouraged by it.
-Discordians worship the Goddess Eris (yes, the one from Greek myth), and refer to the whole Apple of Discord incident as "The Original Snub." (Which to be fair isn't inaccurate)
-One of the greatest patron saints of Discordianism is
Emperor Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. (If you haven't heard of him, check that link. Or read "Three Septembers and a January" from the Sandman comics).
In other words it encourages chaos (albeit a more humorous and well-meaning sort) and the idea that nobody really has any idea about anything that's happening.
Sound familiar?