All these cousins imply a downright enormous extended family

Yep. Its another though I had behind it when I introduced the cousins (and more or less got all the running gags about Silas started). There are several cousins. They are easy to keep track off. NOW think a bit bigger and you will notce that that means that there is an ENORMOUS extended family up and about.
Mace needs anger management? But he already has plenty of self-control and discipline due to creating and practicing Vaapad.
You should have made Mace teach the class while still sounding like Samuel L Jackson in the Tarantino films. I just find it funny if that's just how Mace talks instead of him being angry.
You should have made Mace teach the class while still sounding like Samuel L Jackson in the Tarantino films. I just find it funny if that's just how Mace talks instead of him being angry.
If you're doing that, you might as well make that be the joke. Mace is absolutely great at controlling himself, and has no issues with anger, but he talk like a memetic SLJ. And that's why he's taking the classes, because [insert person here] thought he had anger issues and was trying to help. Or because they knew he sounded like he did, and wanted to screw with him. Either works.
It'd be a funny moment for the theoretical new SW movies/shows if Ciaran legitimately didn't know the mind trick existed. Having the new Darth Traya going 'You can DO that?!' in response to Obi-wan waving someone off, for example.
It'd be a funny moment for the theoretical new SW movies/shows if Ciaran legitimately didn't know the mind trick existed. Having the new Darth Traya going 'You can DO that?!' in response to Obi-wan waving someone off, for example.

Although, she doesn't even NEED Mind Trick for what she does, considering how good she is at what she does (that being utterly unsettling, unbalancing, confusing and misdirecting people).
...I might try it if I can find the time; I've been meaning to try and do an 'Abyss Watcher's get an actual philosophy regarding the force' thing, and having it be 'Force Discordianism' could work.... disturbingly well.
I like that idea and will be on the lookout for Illuminatus! Trilogy references in any omakes you write for it.
i....dont realy know what discorianism is realy. but i got a vuage idea of it, and yeah i can see it working.

In all sincerity it describes the Abyss Watchers and Ciaran so very well. It is a religion that may or may not have been created by a couple of guys who got really high one time and decided to write a holy book.

Some interesting factoids:
-Discordians are encouraged to take absolutely everything completely seriously and at the exact same time not give a fuck about everything.
-Everyone is a Discordian Pope. Yes, everyone. Including you and me. The powers of a Discordian Pope are basically whatever the hell any individual pope says they are, which of course can be contradicted by any other Pope (i.e. everybody).
-Discordianism teaches you to believe absolutely nothing you read, including anything about Discordianism.
-Fractures, sects, cults, and branching of Discordianism is openly encouraged by it.
-Discordians worship the Goddess Eris (yes, the one from Greek myth), and refer to the whole Apple of Discord incident as "The Original Snub." (Which to be fair isn't inaccurate)
-One of the greatest patron saints of Discordianism is Emperor Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. (If you haven't heard of him, check that link. Or read "Three Septembers and a January" from the Sandman comics).

In other words it encourages chaos (albeit a more humorous and well-meaning sort) and the idea that nobody really has any idea about anything that's happening.

Sound familiar?
I like that idea and will be on the lookout for Illuminatus! Trilogy references in any omakes you write for it.

You know, I haven't actually read that trilogy yet? The Principia Discordia, most of Apocrypha Discordia, the Book of Eris, some other stuff - but not the Illuminatus Trilogy.

Now, just to figure out how to make it work...
You know, I haven't actually read that trilogy yet? The Principia Discordia, most of Apocrypha Discordia, the Book of Eris, some other stuff - but not the Illuminatus Trilogy.

Now, just to figure out how to make it work...

It's not hard.

Just imagine it's Ciaran writing it.

You can probably work it out from there.
In all sincerity it describes the Abyss Watchers and Ciaran so very well. It is a religion that may or may not have been created by a couple of guys who got really high one time and decided to write a holy book.

Some interesting factoids:
-Discordians are encouraged to take absolutely everything completely seriously and at the exact same time not give a fuck about everything.
-Everyone is a Discordian Pope. Yes, everyone. Including you and me. The powers of a Discordian Pope are basically whatever the hell any individual pope says they are, which of course can be contradicted by any other Pope (i.e. everybody).
-Discordianism teaches you to believe absolutely nothing you read, including anything about Discordianism.
-Fractures, sects, cults, and branching of Discordianism is openly encouraged by it.
-Discordians worship the Goddess Eris (yes, the one from Greek myth), and refer to the whole Apple of Discord incident as "The Original Snub." (Which to be fair isn't inaccurate)
-One of the greatest patron saints of Discordianism is Emperor Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. (If you haven't heard of him, check that link. Or read "Three Septembers and a January" from the Sandman comics).

In other words it encourages chaos (albeit a more humorous and well-meaning sort) and the idea that nobody really has any idea about anything that's happening.

Sound familiar?
hahaha wow. thats amazing and sounds like something ciaran would do.
Just imagine it's Ciaran writing it.

Hrm... some quick tests:

"The thing you need to remember is that All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense. If that makes no sense to you, that fine. If it does, then you've either read this before or you're REALLY drunk and whatever you're drinking, I want some."

"The Jedi are under the impression that peace and tranquility are good things and acting on your emotions is bad. The Sith believe that ignoring your emotions is stupid and you should just do whatever the fsck you want. Neither has ever stopped to consider that they are simultaneously right and wrong."

"The galaxy will begin solving its problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously."

Hrm... Can't figure out how to get the Curse of Greyface to work off the top of my head. will need to work on that.

Edit: Actually, thinking that a better concept would be 'Ciaran is lounging around in the Abyss Walker's lounge and ends up in a conversation with them regarding the Force. Hilarity ensues.'
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-One of the greatest patron saints of Discordianism is Emperor Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. (If you haven't heard of him, check that link. Or read "Three Septembers and a January" from the Sandman comics).
I did not recognize him, and then I did. I read Christopher Moore's Bloodsucking Fiends series (including You Suck: A love story and Bite Me: A love story, both of which leaped off the library shelf at me because the title alone suggested it was worth a look) and they had an "Emperor of San Francisco" with Bummer and Lazarus who followed him.

I rather like this "Abyss Watchers Philosophy". It's simultaneously brilliant and insane.