Addition to the already given answers:
Borvo buys food, invest in criminal enterprises, pirates, etc.
Talesan buys raw materials (that he checks for bugs) for his projects and a lot of energy to power his counter-spying devices and scanners.
@Dr. Snark: assuming that's everything for Turn 27, here's the new Balance Sheet for the front page.

Treasury: 1108

Income: 9719
500 (Information)
40 (Cantina surveillance, Coruscant; Turn 1)
10 (Information brokering, Coruscant; Turn 2)
50 (Senate District surveillance, Coruscant; Turn 3)
30 (Starport surveillance, Coruscant; Turn 4)
50 (High Society matchmaking, Coruscant; Turn 9)
50 (Large-scale wiretaps, Coruscant; Turn 20)
70 (Black Sun diverted funds; Turns 21 & 24)
25 (Local Wiretaps, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 23)
25 (Large-scale wiretaps, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 24)
25 (Large-scale wiretaps, Castell; Turn 24)
25 (Large-scale wiretaps, Muunilist; Turn 25)
25 (Large-scale wiretaps, Taris; Turn 25)
25 (Large-scale wiretaps, Naboo; Turn 26)
25 (Large-scale wiretaps, Cato Neimoidia; Turn 26)
25 (Large-scale wiretaps, Corellia; Turn 27)
3420 (Investment)
30 ('Diamond Deception' cantina, Coruscant; Turns 1 & 2)
40 (Droid factory, Coruscant; Turn 3)
140 (Baktoid Armor Workshop factory, Neimoidia; Turns 6 & 8)
140 (Spinnaker and Theed businesses, Naboo; Turns 6 & 7)
220 (Commerce Guild businesses, Castell; Turns 7 & 13 & 14)
60 (Abyss Watchers freighters; Turn 8)
60 (Luxus Resort, Dantooine; Turn 9)
60 (Financial District businesses, Coruscant; Turn 9)
130 (Wookie Trade Guild businesses, Kashyyyk; Turns 10 & 24)
140 (Alaris Prime businesses, Kashyyyk; Turns 11 & 14)
80 (Trade Federation businesses, Neimoidia; Turn 12)
50 ('Orb of Phantasticoria' casino, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 22)
50 (Nightclub, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 23)
150 (Expanded Tradeport, Castell; Turns 23 & 24)
50 (Asset Centralization, Castell; Turn 23)
50 (Bank Investments, Muunilist; Turn 23)
50 (Loan Programs, Muunilist; Turn 24)
50 (Economic Planning offices, Muunilist; Turn 24)
50 (Economic Planning offices, Taris; Turn 24)
50 (Incom Corporation facilities, Taris; Turn 24)
50 (Republic Sienar Systems facilities, Taris; Turn 24)
75 (Tarisian Kelp farms, Taris; Turn 24)
50 (Polar Mine-Spire, Muunilist; Turn 25)
25 (Plain Family investments, Muunilist; Turn 25)
75 (Plasma Refinery Complex investments, Naboo; Turn 25)
50 (Luxus Resort, Naboo; Turn 25)
25 (Gungan Engineering investments, Naboo; Turn 25)
50 (Arcona Mineral Harvest investments, Castell; Turn 25)
75 (Cantina franchise, Castell; Turn 25)
75 (Cantina franchise, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 25)
50 (House Benelex guildhouse, Kashyyyk; Turn 25)
50 (KashyCorps investments, Kashyyyk; Turn 25)
50 (Wookie Trade Guild facilities, Taris; Turn 25)
50 (Kuat Drive Yards facilities, Taris; Turn 25)
25 (Lhosan Industries Swoop-Bike factory, Taris; Turn 25)
50 (SoroSuub Landing investments, Taris; Turn 25)
50 (Trade Port, Taris; Turn 25)
100 (Expanded Trade Port, Taris; Turn 26)
100 (Incom Orbital Shipyards, Taris; Turn 26)
50 (Lhosan Expansion, Taris; Turn 26)
100 (Eastgate District, Taris; Turn 26)
75 (Cantina Franchise, Taris; Turn 26)
75 (Talesan's Box, Taris; Turn 26)
50 (Jedi Tower Museum, Taris; Turn 26)
50 (Sports Development Program, Taris; Turn 26)
25 (Space Curling Arenas, Taris; Turn 26)
50 (Ecological Renewal, Taris; Turn 26)
75 (Tarisian Aquaculture, Taris; Turn 26)
50 (Farming Complex, Kalee; Turn 26 & 27)
75 (Industrial District, Kalee; Turn 26 & 27)
50 (Tradeport, Kalee; Turn 27)
50 (Benelex Expansion, Kalee; Turn 27)
25 (Phlut Design Systems, Muunilist; Turn 27)
75 (Muun Auditors, Muunilist; Turn 27)
50 (Ithorian Botanical Garden, Kashyyyk; Turn 27)
25 (Sienar Expansion, Kashyyyk; Turn 27)
50 (Moon Mining Guild, Naboo; Turn 27)
75 (Uscru Investments, Coruscant; Turn 27)
75 (All Planets Markets, Coruscant; Turn 27)
25 (Corusca Intelligencer, Coruscant; Turn 27)
100 (Versuch Labs, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 27)
25 (Serv-O-Droid Expansion, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 27)
50 (CEC Nerfworks, Corellia; Turn 27)
100 (Orbital Drydocks, Taris; Turn 27)
75 (Svivreni Mines, Taris; Turn 27)
25 (Ojoster Intelligencer, Taris; Turn 27)

-855 (20% investment penalty, applied to 4275 subtotal)
-50% ('It Begins'/Outbreak of War, Separatist Space; Turn 16)
+5% ('Favored Nation Neutrals', CNS Space; Turn 17)
+10% ('Restoring the Trade Lanes', CNS Space; Turn 19)
+15% ('Hunt for Rotta', Hutt Space; Turn 21)
+15% ('Hey Trade Federation', Separatist Space; Turn 22)
+5% ('War-Ravaged Recovery', Republic Space, Turn 22)
-40% (Palpatine; Turn 26)
+10% (Baobab Merchant Fleet; Turn 26)
+5% ('CNS Defense Taskforce'; Turn 27)
+5% ('Deepen The Baobab Partnership'; Turn 27)
820 (Karada Corporation)
70 (Cybernetics division, Coruscant; Turns 4 & 20 & 25)
100 (Research-complex, Coruscant; Turn 11)
50 (Medical Programs, Coruscant; Turn 25)
50 (Manufacturing division, Coruscant; Turn 25)
50 (Pharmaceuticals division, Coruscant; Turn 25)
50 (Karada Facilities, Kalee; Turn 26)
50 (Mercy Hospital, Taris; Turn 26)
100 (Karada Shipyards, Taris; Turn 26)
100 (Mercy Medcenter Expansion, Taris; Turn 27)
50 (Karada Facility, Mandalore; Turn 27)
50 (Karada Medcenters, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 27)
50 (Karada Medcenter, Cato Neimoidia; Turn 27)
50 (Karada Medcenter, Corellia; Turn 27)
360 (Silver Cross)
100 (Refugee camps; Turn 18)
50 (Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans investments, Kashyyyk; Turn 25)
75 (Undercity Healthcare, Coruscant; Turn 27)

+135 (60% increase to Silver Cross income, applied to 225 subtotal)
+10% (Token Republic Subsidies, Turn 26)
+50% (Claatuvac Guild Maps, Turn 26)
595 (Military)
60 (Security teams, Coruscant; Turn 10)
60 (Mercenaries, CIS Space; Turn 14)
60 (Mercenaries, Republic Space; Turn 14)
60 (Bodyguards; Turn 15)
5 (Aegis Security, Coruscant; Turn 22)
100 (Senatorial Security Systems, Coruscant; Turn 23)
25 (Amateur Bounty Hunter teams, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 25)
50 (SSS Training Compound, Coruscant; Turn 26)
50 (Kaleesh Security Agency, Kalee; Turn 26)
25 (Aegis Security Facility, Mandalore; Turn 27)
25 (Aegis Security Expansion, Taris; Turn 27)
25 (Aegis Security Facility, Corellia; turn 27)
50 (Fort Garnik Depot, Ord Mantell; Turn 27)
690 (Smuggling)
60 (Borvo's black market, Naboo; Turn 5)
50 (Smuggler's den, Kalee, Turn 20)
80 (Black Sun diverted funds; Turn 21)
25 (Yorvi Extortion, Riileb; Turn 23)
25 (Blockade running, Pantora; Turn 24)
50 (Smuggler's den, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 24)
100 (Bacta smuggling, Thyferra; Turn 27)
50 (Expanded smuggler's den, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 27)
50 (Black Market, Taris; Turn 27)
50 (Borvo's Black Market, Naboo; Turn 27)
50 (Borvo's Black Market, Rori; Turn 27)
50 (Smuggler's den, Ord Mantell; Turn 27)
50 (Conference Center, Ord Mantell; Turn 27)
225 (Salvage)
25 (Lower-level salvage teams, Coruscant; Turn 21)
25 (Lower-level Salvage Teams, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 24)
25 (Undercity Reclamation/Salvage Teams, Taris; Turn 24)
75 (Salvage Fleet, Oracle; Turn 25)
25 (Coruscant History Museum, Coruscant; Turn 26)
25 (Salvage Teams, Ord Mantell; Turn 26)
25 (Salvage Teams, Corellia; Turn 27)
2646 (Planetary Bonuses)
105 (Economic Recovery, Muunilist; Turn 23 -- 30% increase to Muunilist income)
1775 (Refugee Resettlement & Revitalization, Taris; Turn 23 -- 100% increase to Taris income)
239 (Undercity Charities, Coruscant; Turn 24 -- 20% increase to Coruscant income)
175 (Kaleesh Police & Planetary Defense, Muunilist; Turn 25 -- 50% increase to Muunilist income)
187 (Muun Development Program, Kalee; Turn 25 -- 50% increase to Kalee income)
165 (Undercity Investment, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 27 -- 30% increase to Nar Shaddaa income)
463 (Organization Bonuses)
463 (Muun Banker Programs, Muunilist; Turn 24 -- 5% increase to all income, applied to 9256 subtotal)

Upkeep: -2365
-85 (Information)
-20 (Cantina surveillance, Coruscant; Turn 1)
-15 (Starport surveillance, Coruscant; Turn 4)
-50 (Senatorial Accounts Presidium, Coruscant; Turn 26)
-915 (Investment)
-10 (Droid factory, Coruscant; Turn 3)
-60 (Baktoid vehicle factory, Neimoidia; Turns 6 & 8)
-50 (Spinnaker and Theed businesses, Naboo; Turns 6 & 7)
-70 (Commerce Guild businesses, Castell; Turns 7 & 13 & 14)
-20 (Abyss Watchers freighters; Turn 8)
-20 (Wookie Trade Guild businesses, Kashyyyk; Turn 10)
-40 (Alaris Prime businesses, Kashyyyk; Turns 11 & 14)
-20 (Trade Federation businesses, Neimoidia; Turn 12)
-100 (Muun Banker Programs, Muunilist; Turn 24)
-200 (Sustained Revitalization, Taris; Turn 25)
-50 (Beskar Iron Mines, Mandalore; Turn 26)
-75 (Engineer Recruitment Center, Kashyyyk; Turn 26)
-50 (Undercity Investment, Nar Shaddaa; Turn 27)
-50 (Promised Land Skyway Lanes, Taris; Turn 27)
-100 (Clovis Factory, Cato Neimoidia; Turn 27)
-88 (Karada Corporation)
-10 (Cybernetics division, Coruscant; Turns 4 & 20)
-50 (Research-complex, Coruscant; Turn 11)
-50 (Versuch Labs, Coruscant; Turn 19)
+22 (Darkroot chemical plant, Kiln; Turn 17 -- 20% discount on Karada upkeep)
-160 (Silver Cross)
-40 (Humanitarian organization; Turn 16)
-70 (Refugee camps; Turns 18 & 22)
-50 (Undercity Charities, Coruscant; Turn 24)
-825 (Military)
-20 (Watcher recruitment; Turn 7)
-80 (Guardian recruitment; Turn 9)
-80 (Seeker recruitment; Turn 10)
-80 (Guardian & Seeker training; Turn 10, Now High-Grade Training Facility, Kalee; Turn 23)
-40 (Abyss Watcher vehicles; Turn 11)
-40 (Abyss Watcher starships; Turn 11)
-40 (Force User recruitment; Turn 12)
-20 (Recruitment bureau, Kalee; Turn 13)
-50 (Blacksite, Kalee; Turn 21)
-25 (Agent Training Facility, The Home; Turn 23)
-50 (Recruitment Center, Kashyyyk; Turn 24)
-50 (Simulation Centers, Kalee; Turn 25)
-50 (Gurlanin Recruitment Center, Ord Mantell; Turn 26)
-25 (Castell Academy, Castell; Turn 27)
-100 (Planetary Shield, Taris; Turn 27)
-75 (Bel Iblis Milita, Corllia; Turn 27)
-20 (Smuggling)
-20 (Borvo's black market, Naboo; Turn 5)
-125 (Lucrehulk mobile base)
-50 (Lucrehulk-class freighter 'Oracle'; Turn 7)
-75 ('Oracle' support fleet; Turn 20)
-333 (S-840 a.k.a. 'Kiln' system)
-50 (Devastator tank factory, Kiln; Turn 19)
-50 (System defenses, Kiln; Turn 21)
-100 (Orbital shipyards, Kiln; Turn 25)
-75 (Military production facilities, Kiln; Turn 25)
-35 (Commando Droid factory, Kiln; Turn 26)
-20 (Basic Battle Droid factory, Kiln; Turn 27)
-25 (OOM Battle Droid factory, Kiln; Turn 27)
-25 (STAP Baktoid vehicle factory, Kiln; Turn 27)
-75 (Vulture Droid factory, Kiln; Turn 27)
-100 (C-9979 Landing Craft Slipways, Kiln; Turn 27)

+222 (Labor droid factory, Kiln; Turn 21 -- 40% discount on Kiln upkeep, from 555 subtotal)
-125 (La'Sombra asteroid base)
-50 (Bio-research facility, La'Sombra; Turn 21)
-75 (Svivreni Material Research Facilities, La'Sombra; Turn 27)
-185 (Council of Neutral Systems)
-60 (Militia recruitment; Turn 19)
-50 (Military Academy, Kalee; Turn 19)
-75 (CNS Embassy, Coruscant; Turn 22)
-100 (Abyss Walkers)
-75 (Discovery Corps; Turn 23)
-25 (Archaeological Facility, The Home; Turn 25)
+596 (Organization Discounts)
+596 (Military Production Facilities, Kiln; Turn 25 -- 40% discount on military upkeep, out of
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@Dr. Snark: I also updated the list of Planetary Assets with the results of this turn.

Two points:

First, I didn't update the Non-Planetary Assets, so I didn't add the 'Grand Fleet' to the Oracle's description

Second, I also didn't include any Dark Souls-themed names for our Kiln/Lordran base upgrades. I wasn't sure how you wanted to organize them, whether the two vehicle types (STAP and vulture-droids) should be listed as separate factories, or as production lines in a single vehicle factory

Planetary Assets (by system)
Coruscant, Core Worlds
'Diamond Deception' cantina
Droid Factory (+2 'basic droid' squads per turn)
Financial District businesses
Uscru Entertainment District businesses
All Planets Markets businesses
Coruscant History Museum
Senatorial Accounts Presidium Funding
Corusca Intelligencer
Council of Neutral Systems Embassy (+1 Diplomacy action, CNS)
Surveillance Infrastructure
- Cantina surveillance
- Senate District surveillance
- Starport surveillance
- Large-scale Wiretaps (+5 Intrigue)
Karada Corporation
- Research-complex & Headquarters
- Cybernetics division (organic squads less likely to die/chance of recovery)
- Versuch Labs (+1 Learning action, biotech)
- Karada Medical Programs division
- Karada Manufacturing division
- Karada Pharmaceuticals division
Silver Cross
- Humanitarian Headquarters
- Undercity Charities (120% income for planet)
- Undercity Healthcare
Lower-level Salvage Teams (+1 salvage roll)
Borvo the Hutt's Palace
Undercity Base
- Main Hangar (Capacity: two ships)
- Hidden Turrets
- Secret Lab (+5 Learning rolls, research)
- A9G-series Archive/Data Analysis Droid (+5 Intrigue)
- A1-series Business/Accounting Droid (+5 Stewardship)
Aegis Security
- Senatorial Security Systems
- Training Compound
Underworld Takeover

Cato Neimoidia, Colonies
Baktoid vehicle factory (combat vehicle production)
Clovis droid factory (OOM and B2 production)
Trade Federation businesses
Nemodia Mansion (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
Karada Medcenter

Naboo, Mid Rim
Spinnaker and Theed businesses
Plasma Refinery Complex investments
Moon Mining Guild investments
Borvo the Hutt's Black Market
- Naboo black market takeover
- Rori black market investments
Naboo Mansion (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Luxus Resort
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
Gungan Engineering facilities

Castell, Colonies
Commerce Guild businesses
- Asset Centralization
- Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation investments
- Dorvalla Mining investments
- Mining Guild investments
- Offworld Mining Corporation investments
- Rim Commercial Mining investments
Abyss Watchers facility (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Large-scale Wiretaps
'Garnet Gimmick' Cantina franchise
Trade Port
- Expanded Trade Port
Gossam Militia investments
Castell Academy

Dantooine, Outer Rim
Luxus Resort
Crystal Cave (supply of lightsaber crystals)
Abyss Watchers Facility (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Dedicated Archaeology Teams

Kashyyyk, Mid Rim
Wookiee Trade Guild businesses
- Business Investments
- KashyCorps Investments
- Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans Investments
Alaris Prime businesses
Abyss Watchers Facility (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Warrior Recruitment Program (+1-2 Wookiee warrior squads per turn)
- Engineer Recruitment Center (5% discount to bases/upgrades)
Benelex House facilities
Republic Sienar Systems facilities
Ithorian Botanical Garden & Nursery

Kalee, Wild Space
Smuggler's Den
Blacksite (increased recruitment for all military squads)
Karada Facilities
Trade Port
Kaleesh Security Agency
Benelex House facilities
Muun Modernization/Development Program (150% income for planet)
- Industrial Investments
- Agriculture Investments
Fortified Military Outpost
- Recruitment Bureau (+1-2 Kaleesh warrior squads per turn)
- Shield Generator
- Military Academy (+5 Martial rolls, CNS)
- Advanced Training Facilities
- Simulation Centers (+5 Martial)

S-840 a.k.a. 'Kiln' a.k.a. 'Invalid System', Unknown Regions
System Defenses (Kiln protected against intrusion)
Faraam Orbital Shipyards
Landing Craft Slipways (+1 C-9979 Landers per turn)
Lordran a.k.a. 'Error 404: Planet Not Found'
- Ciaran's Personal Retreat
- Firelink Farming Complex
Anor Londo Industrial District
- Darkroot Chemical Plant (20% discount on Karada Corporation upkeep)
- Kalameet Decimator Factory (+1 Decimators per turn)
- Vamos Labor Droid Plant (40% discount on Kiln system upkeep, decreased construction times)
- Astora Military Production Facilities (40% discount on Military upkeep)
- Kaathe BX Commando Droid Factory (+1 BX Commando droid squad per turn)
- _____ Basic Droid Factory (+2 basic droid squads per turn)
- _____ OOM Droid Factory (+2 OOM droid squads per turn)
- ____ Vehicle Factories
-- Single-Trooper Aerial Platform production line (+2 STAP droid squads per turn)
-- Vulture Droid Starfighter production line (+1 vulture droid squadron per turn)

Mandalore, Outer Rim
Sundari Mansion (Base)
Mandalorian Guardian Corps
- Headquarters (recruitment & training facility)
- Mandalorian History Initiative
Beskar Mine Lease
Aegis Security Facility
Karada Facility

Nar Shaddaa, Outer Rim
'Orb of Phantasticora' Casino (Base)
- Nightclub Expansion
- Local Wiretapping
- Defense Grid
Surveillance Infrastructure
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
Smuggler's Den
- Expanded Smuggler's Den
'Rhinestone Ruse' Cantina franchise
Serv-O-Droid Expansion
Undercity Investment (130% income for planet)
- Karada Medcenters
- Versuch Labs
Salvage Teams
Amateur Bounty Hunter Teams

Muunilist, Outer Rim
Refugee Camps
Economic Recovery (130% income for planet)
- Kaleesh Police and Planetary Defense (+50% income for planet)
Banking Clan Investments
- Loan Programs
- Plain Family Investments
Abyss Watchers facility (Base)
- Hidden Defenses
- Economic Planning Office
- Muun Banker Programs (105% income for organization)
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
- Muun Auditors
Polar Mine-Spire
Phlut Design Systems investments

Taris, Outer Rim
Refugee Resettlement (200% income for planet)
- Sustained Revitalization
Abyss Watchers property (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Economic Planning Office
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
- Aegis Security Expansion
Planetary Shield
Taris Orbital
- Incom Shipyards
- Karada Shipyards
- Space Curling "Arenas"
- Orbital Drydocks
Trade Port
-Expanded Trade Port

Taris Upper City
- Jedi Tower Museum
- Eastgate District Reconstruction
Taris Middle City
- Incom Corporation Facilities
- Republic Sienar Systems Facilities
- Kuat Drive Yards Facilities
- Wookiee Trade Guild Investments
- 'Emerald Enigma' Cantina Franchise
- Ojoster Intelligencer
Mercy Hospital
- Mercy Medcenter Expansion
Taris Lower City
- SoroSuub Landing Investments
- Machineville Racing Course
- Lhosan Industries Swoop-Bike Factory
-- Expanded Product Lines
- Sports Development Progra
- Black Market Investments
Undercity Reclamation/Salvage Teams
Promised Land Skyway Lands
Taris Surface
- Tarisian Kelp Farms
- Ecological Renewal Program
- Aquaculture Investments
- Svivreni Mining Investments

Ord Mantell, Mid Rim
Abyss Watchers Compound (Base)
- Defense Grid
- Salvage Teams
- Gurlanin Recruitment Center
Smuggler's Den
- Conference Center
Fort Garnik Depot

Corellia, Core Worlds
Abyss Watchers Property (Base)
- Aegis Security Facility
- Salvage Teams
- Large-Scale Wiretapping
Karada Medcenter
CEC Nerfworks investments
Garm Bel Iblis Militia funding

Sullust, Outer Rim
Abyss Watchers Facility (Base)

Arkania, Colonies
Abyss Watchers Facility (Base)

Tibannopolis, Bespin, Outer Rim
Abyss Watcher Platform City (Base)

Lorrd, Outer Rim
Abyss Watchers Property (Base)
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A/N: I'm actually curious, @Dr. Snark , what DO Borvo and Talesan do with their money?
Borvo buys food, invest in criminal enterprises, pirates, etc.

Didn't we figure out that Borvo must be one of the richest and most powerful Hutts now?

'Cuz not only is he an important henchbeing for the 2nd largest criminal syndicate in the Galaxy (after the Hutts themselves), he also got most of the assets of that Hutt we liquidated a while back who as I remember was fairly rich and powerful...

Heck, I think Borvo even has a seat on the Hutt "council of Dons" - whatever they actually call it.


Ding ding! Speaking of which:


One of the first things he asked me to do even. Honestly I liked the idea enough that I kept it in the back of my head until now.

Half right, or more accurately there are two separate references there.

A/N: I'm actually curious, @Dr. Snark , what DO Borvo and Talesan do with their money?

What the others said. Borvo does criminal things, Taly does paranoiac things.

Didn't we figure out that Borvo must be one of the richest and most powerful Hutts now?

'Cuz not only is he an important henchbeing for the 2nd largest criminal syndicate in the Galaxy (after the Hutts themselves), he also got most of the assets of that Hutt we liquidated a while back who as I remember was fairly rich and powerful...

Heck, I think Borvo even has a seat on the Hutt "council of Dons" - whatever they actually call it.

I believe it's the Hutt Grand Council you're thinking of there. But yes, he's acquired Ziro's old assets along with his house on Courscant. He's a big name.

The Imperceptible Fire

I really cannot wait to see his reaction to being spoken to by Ciaran and Vectivus. Canon, +10.

Also cheers to Publicola for sorting things out.
So when it comes to hunting down the Temple Bomber....anyone else want to assign Hk and Grievous to the job of tracking the culprit down once we ascertain their identity?
Front page is updated!

Here's the new names for our Lordran factories:
S-840 a.k.a. 'Kiln' a.k.a. 'Invalid System', Unknown Regions
- Domhall B1 Droid Factory (+2 basic droid squads per turn)
- Rickert OOM Droid Factory (+2 OOM droid squads per turn)
- Lautrec Single-Trooper Aerial Platform Factory (+2 STAP droid squads per turn)
- Gough Vulture Droid Starfighter Factory (+1 vulture droid squadron per turn)

Here's the new tally for our Force Users:
Force Users:
13 Abyss Apprentices (Tier 1) + 2-5 per turn, 40% chance to tier up per turn
19 Abyss Agents (Tier 2), 10% chance to tier up per turn
5 Abysswalkers (Tier 3)
- Current Skills Known: Blazing Chains, Buried Presence, Matukai Self-Reinforcement

And here's the new sheet of our Sair Frame-enhanced droid units and vehicles (note that the Devastator is now 'Tier 4'!)
Droid Units:
10 B1 Battle Droid squads (Tier 2) + 2 per turn (Stored at Coruscant, Cap 10)
3 OOM Battle Droid squads (Tier 2) + 3 per turn (Stored at Cato Nemodia, Cap 15)
2 OOM Battle Droid squads (Tier 2) + 2 per turn (Stored at Lordran)
3 B2 Super Battle Droid groups (Tier 3) + 3 per turn (Stored at Cato Nemodia, Cap 15)
4 B2 Super Battle Droid groups (Tier 3) (Stored at Lordran)
2 CB-3 Droid groups (Tier 3) (Stored at Lordran)
2 BX Commando Droid groups (Tier 3) + 1 per turn (Stored at Lordran)
1 Dwarf Spider Droid "Hive" group (Tier 3)

2 STAP Groups (Tier 2) + 2 per turn
1 Vulture Droid Squadron (Tier 3) + 1 per turn
1 Lander (Tier N/A) + 1 per turn
9 Decimators (Tier 4) + 1 per turn
You know one thing I can't wait for is when we get to the Zilo beast. Because we all know that we will have to allow Grievous to attempt to hunt that thing.
It would be amusing for a technically Sith faction to turn someone down because said person is too unstable. Usually instability is how you get into a Sith organization.

And yet some people wonder why organizations that have so many Sith in them tend to collapse in dramatic fashion.

Just goes to show that the Sith Empire could have used a better Sentient Resources division.
So in the original situation Palps used this to discredit Jedi from "within" the Republic and the Order.
Remember why Asoka left?
Yeah, this clusterfuck was the perfect opportunity to incite doubt in the Jedi, uncertainty/fear in the Republic (and majority normal people), and get some of his loyal, (SLAVE factions) to gain more influence.

There were many changes, BUT if some Jedi are still worried about their role in the Galaxy......
And yet some people wonder why organizations that have so many Sith in them tend to collapse in dramatic fashion.

Just goes to show that the Sith Empire could have used a better Sentient Resources division.
hey most of the sith empires were run pretty freakin well all things considered.
infact at some times they were doing better then the republic
You know, it surprises me a bit that the bombing occurred at the temple on Corrusaunt, due to the fact that with all non-essential personal transferred offsite, wouldn't that make the individual whom detonated the bomb be more likely to hit the offsite location?
hey most of the sith empires were run pretty freakin well all things considered.
infact at some times they were doing better then the republic

Oh I won't deny that the Sith can come close to their goals of victory and galactic's just that almost every single time the Sith themselves are responsible for their own downfall.

Revan and Malak nearly won the Jedi Civil War until Malak shot Revan in the back...with turbolasers.
The Sith Truimvirate nearly wiped out the Jedi until Sion and Nihilus didn't like having Traya around.
The Sith Empire nearly took over the galaxy until almost all of their Sith leadership killed each other in power struggles.
Valkorion/Vitate nearly took over the galaxy with the Eternal Empire until his kids stabbed him in the back (and the player character stabbed him in the front, but details).
In canon Palpatine nearly solidified the Empire's control over the galaxy before Vader threw him into a bottomless pit.

You get the idea.
Oh I won't deny that the Sith can come close to their goals of victory and galactic's just that almost every single time the Sith themselves are responsible for their own downfall.

Revan and Malak nearly won the Jedi Civil War until Malak shot Revan in the back...with turbolasers.
The Sith Truimvirate nearly wiped out the Jedi until Sion and Nihilus didn't like having Traya around.
The Sith Empire nearly took over the galaxy until almost all of their Sith leadership killed each other in power struggles.
Valkorion/Vitate nearly took over the galaxy with the Eternal Empire until his kids stabbed him in the back (and the player character stabbed him in the front, but details).
In canon Palpatine nearly solidified the Empire's control over the galaxy before Vader threw him into a bottomless pit.

You get the idea.
You are not a sith unless you have chronic backstabbing syndrome?
Oh I won't deny that the Sith can come close to their goals of victory and galactic's just that almost every single time the Sith themselves are responsible for their own downfall.

Revan and Malak nearly won the Jedi Civil War until Malak shot Revan in the back...with turbolasers.
The Sith Truimvirate nearly wiped out the Jedi until Sion and Nihilus didn't like having Traya around.
The Sith Empire nearly took over the galaxy until almost all of their Sith leadership killed each other in power struggles.
Valkorion/Vitate nearly took over the galaxy with the Eternal Empire until his kids stabbed him in the back (and the player character stabbed him in the front, but details).
In canon Palpatine nearly solidified the Empire's control over the galaxy before Vader threw him into a bottomless pit.

You get the idea.
They really need to sit down and talk about their problems instead of getting so violent over them all the time.