There is a delicate balance of "don't kill the CIS until we are ready for Palps to declare Empire" and "kill the CIS before Palps is ready to declare Empire".
The CIS is fragile and so far we have only made it moreso. We need to be careful about continuing to kneecap it, while still milking the hell out of this war for profit and power.
I can understand your first point but your second one I completely disagree with, if only because of the subtly priority clash. At this point in time, I don't care about money or power by themselves; I care about money and power in regards to "how does this help us deal with Palpatine?"
The Bounty gives money. We already have money. You might counter with "it gives us a lot of money." I counter with, "but does that extra amount of money open up options we don't already have?"I would say no, it does not. So therefore, the bounty doesn't give us anything we don't already have and so that option can be forgotten for now. This option i would argue is short-sighted.
Let's now consider turning them over to the Eternal City escapees. Let's imagine a vague individual as well as a vague group of people. Two separate entities. Both of these were previously
prisoners. Powerless and not a part of the Techno Union. They are currently threats to the Techno Union. For them to "get leverage over the TU as a whole" in a way to wrangle an Anti-Palps asset and not just extortion credits is probably laughable. As an individual or group to become an asset by gifting them the face of their tormentor? Possible. Out of a planet's worth of people I am sure that there is probably someone or someones who could be useful even as a weak anti-palps asset themselves or the contacts they may have. I give this option consideration if only because it might lower the potential blow out from Palp's death and thus has more potential than just credits.
Now for the Gurlanin impersonator option. Nay-sayers do bring up a good point that Count Dooku would sense that Wat Tambor is not Wat Tambor.
Who and what says Gurlanin!Tambor has to meet with Dooku at all? Now, as for my plan, we don't even have to point fingers at Dooku. Making Wat Tambor out to have "found shady dealings with external powers" that "threaten the CIS's independence or have restricted our actions" is a perfectly legitimate way to force Palpatine to act in a way that we can then plan around. Make it so that Wat Tambor's assassination was made to be hidden but "accidentally" leaks out. Point it at Maul for all I care. Possible way to get rid of that asshole and his brother. This has potential because it
does weaken Palpatine if only because it forces him to act when we are looking for said actions. It opens up new possibilities narrative wise to get one up on him. This is the long-term option with a wide plethora of useful possibilites. If you want short-term gain, this isn't for you. But I see it as a long-term scam. It opens up the Gurlanin's as well. They can be a great asset.
So many damn possibilites you just can't imagine.
*to be continued dinner calling*