[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Hand him over to some of the Eternal City escapees, odds are they'd be happy to have custody of him and could use him to get leverage over the TU as a whole.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] No. Dooku would probably pick them up and the consequences of that would be very bad.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] Yes. Getting someone to impersonate Wat for even a few days could be invaluable. Who knows where you could get them? (Naturally you'd hold off on dealing with Wat until after they're finished with their mission)
[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Kill him and collect the myriad bounties that are no doubt on his head.

The only good enemy is a dead one. Wat has taken too much of our time, money and effort already. End him and move on. At least the bounties might compensate a bit for that money part.
[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Hand him over to some of the Eternal City escapees, odds are they'd be happy to have custody of him and could use him to get leverage over the TU as a whole.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] Yes. Getting someone to impersonate Wat for even a few days could be invaluable. Who knows where you could get them? (Naturally you'd hold off on dealing with Wat until after they're finished with their mission)

Better keep Wat Tambor and Dooku separate from each other, but also doing a few things in the shadows.
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[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Hand him over to some of the Eternal City escapees, odds are they'd be happy to have custody of him and could use him to get leverage over the TU as a whole.
[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Hand him over to some of the Eternal City escapees, odds are they'd be happy to have custody of him and could use him to get leverage over the TU as a whole.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] No. Dooku would probably pick them up and the consequences of that would be very bad.
-[] Hand him over to some of the Eternal City escapees, odds are they'd be happy to have custody of him and could use him to get leverage over the TU as a whole.
While it's a solid option I just can't shake off the feeling that this also gives an opening for TU/Seps to stage a rescue operation or something--assuming that guys in the EC won't kill him upfront :p

Anyways, I guess it is an unfound paranoia, but my vote will go that way:

[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Kill him and collect the myriad bounties that are no doubt on his head.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] No. Dooku would probably pick them up and the consequences of that would be very bad.
[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Kill him and collect the myriad bounties that are no doubt on his head.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] Yes. Getting someone to impersonate Wat for even a few days could be invaluable. Who knows where you could get them? (Naturally you'd hold off on dealing with Wat until after they're finished with their mission)
[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Hand him over to some of the Eternal City escapees, odds are they'd be happy to have custody of him and could use him to get leverage over the TU as a whole.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] Yes. Getting someone to impersonate Wat for even a few days could be invaluable. Who knows where you could get them? (Naturally you'd hold off on dealing with Wat until after they're finished with their mission)
I mean, it's not inconceivable with our crit chatting with Dooku, he might be willing to let the impersonation continue. It gives him a means of coordinating and collaborating with Ciaran, a bit of insurance against her, and ironically starts the process of replacing Sidious' influence amongst the Separatists with more of his own.

I'm pretty sure by this point it's been established that Dooku actually has no real love for Sidious- and (what were) his priorities were along the lines of; personal power, authoritative power, and a reformed republic. Ciaran can assist him with all of those things to some degree or another- and Sidious' fear derived authority is compromised by the mere existence of Ciaran and friends. A) in that Sidious actually has a meaningful counter-conspiracy working against him and B) in that Sidious doesn't know the real scope of the counter-conspiracy C) that any opposition at all is aware of his plans. It really hurts the image of an all-knowing manipulator when the other party has crucial information they're certain he doesn't

Now, I think that expecting Dooku's support right off the bat, let alone with the infiltrator is optimistic- but I think he'll see enough to start hedging his bets either way and that means not blowing all this open for Sidious to see if he can avoid it.
[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Hand him over to some of the Eternal City escapees, odds are they'd be happy to have custody of him and could use him to get leverage over the TU as a whole.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] No. Dooku would probably pick them up and the consequences of that would be very bad.
Can we have at least 24 hours to think on this? I'd rather not put thought into this and then find out that votes closed before getting home.
[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Hand him over to some of the Eternal City escapees, odds are they'd be happy to have custody of him and could use him to get leverage over the TU as a whole.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] No. Dooku would probably pick them up and the consequences of that would be very bad.
Gurlanin -
Impersonate Wat Tambor
Exchange => Supplies and fund defense/training to strengthen their
self-imposed exile from the rest of the galaxy
(Opens up possible hiring for further missions in exchange for more aid)

Use Wat Tambor impersonator to sow paranoia into CIS leadership
- Call his contacts and say he's found evidence that Dooku isn't completely
on his own.
- Call a meeting of CIS contemporaries, EXCLUDING DOOKU
- Die en route to meeting with planted evidence towards "puppet-master"
- For the two days run amok with Techno Union resources to strengthen
"Tambor was silenced by third party"
- Have multiple parties (untrustworthy or releasable assets) take credit for
kill to muddy waters for any bounty taking

Cons: No bounty.
Pros: Creates paranoia in CIS leadership, creates opening for idea of External threat
to leak into public knowledge.
There is a delicate balance of "don't kill the CIS until we are ready for Palps to declare Empire" and "kill the CIS before Palps is ready to declare Empire".

The CIS is fragile and so far we have only made it moreso. We need to be careful about continuing to kneecap it, while still milking the hell out of this war for profit and power.
re-program a clone bio-chip and implant it into his brain? basically convert him into a sleeper agent. simple programed in commands we can trigger at a later date, such as blowing something up, concealing the entrance some force of ours, or transferring a large chunk of the separatist budget to our coffers at a later date. or even a simple order/desire to KILL dooku. we would have to conceal that we ever had him in the first place, but if he dose not know he is working for us, how can he betray us in the first place? meh. it is an option, but not a good one.

I do suggest that we hold off disposing of Wat until after Dooku's meeting, no matter what. He is a valuable bargning chip to return to Dooku. ether for good will if he is trying to switch sides, or in exchange for something if he is still our enemy. It then becomes a question of not what his value is to us, but rather what value he is to the separatists/Dooku. And if he turns out to be of no value, well, then we go through the disposal.

[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Hand him over to some of the Eternal City escapees, odds are they'd be happy to have custody of him and could use him to get leverage over the TU as a whole.
--[X] hold of doing so until AFTER the meeting with Dooku. something unexpected might come up.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] No. Dooku would probably pick them up and the consequences of that would be very bad.
--[X] likewise, hold off final say till after the meeting with Dooku.
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Quick question: who would be the most likely individual to take Wat's place in leadership of the Technounion? Knowing who is the one liable to replace him is important.
[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Kill him and collect the myriad bounties that are no doubt on his head.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] No. Dooku would probably pick them up and the consequences of that would be very bad.

The Techno Union is simply not important to us anymore. We stole all their designs already. What influence they have in the Separatists is frankly irrelevant to us. The only thing that's important is weakening Palpatine's power within the Republic and this doesn't help. Better to just get the money from killing Wat instead of inevitably having to put in more actions for something that won't even benefit us that much. The quick and expedient solution is sometimes the best one.
[] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Kill him and collect the myriad bounties that are no doubt on his head.

We already have a an amazing INT network, so I think any info we get will just be extra stuff.
Besides this way we have MORE credits to do MORE stuff when the time comes
There is a delicate balance of "don't kill the CIS until we are ready for Palps to declare Empire" and "kill the CIS before Palps is ready to declare Empire".

The CIS is fragile and so far we have only made it moreso. We need to be careful about continuing to kneecap it, while still milking the hell out of this war for profit and power.

I can understand your first point but your second one I completely disagree with, if only because of the subtly priority clash. At this point in time, I don't care about money or power by themselves; I care about money and power in regards to "how does this help us deal with Palpatine?"

The Bounty gives money. We already have money. You might counter with "it gives us a lot of money." I counter with, "but does that extra amount of money open up options we don't already have?"I would say no, it does not. So therefore, the bounty doesn't give us anything we don't already have and so that option can be forgotten for now. This option i would argue is short-sighted.

Let's now consider turning them over to the Eternal City escapees. Let's imagine a vague individual as well as a vague group of people. Two separate entities. Both of these were previously prisoners. Powerless and not a part of the Techno Union. They are currently threats to the Techno Union. For them to "get leverage over the TU as a whole" in a way to wrangle an Anti-Palps asset and not just extortion credits is probably laughable. As an individual or group to become an asset by gifting them the face of their tormentor? Possible. Out of a planet's worth of people I am sure that there is probably someone or someones who could be useful even as a weak anti-palps asset themselves or the contacts they may have. I give this option consideration if only because it might lower the potential blow out from Palp's death and thus has more potential than just credits.

Now for the Gurlanin impersonator option. Nay-sayers do bring up a good point that Count Dooku would sense that Wat Tambor is not Wat Tambor. Who and what says Gurlanin!Tambor has to meet with Dooku at all? Now, as for my plan, we don't even have to point fingers at Dooku. Making Wat Tambor out to have "found shady dealings with external powers" that "threaten the CIS's independence or have restricted our actions" is a perfectly legitimate way to force Palpatine to act in a way that we can then plan around. Make it so that Wat Tambor's assassination was made to be hidden but "accidentally" leaks out. Point it at Maul for all I care. Possible way to get rid of that asshole and his brother. This has potential because it does weaken Palpatine if only because it forces him to act when we are looking for said actions. It opens up new possibilities narrative wise to get one up on him. This is the long-term option with a wide plethora of useful possibilites. If you want short-term gain, this isn't for you. But I see it as a long-term scam. It opens up the Gurlanin's as well. They can be a great asset. So many damn possibilites you just can't imagine.

*to be continued dinner calling*
[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Hand him over to some of the Eternal City escapees, odds are they'd be happy to have custody of him and could use him to get leverage over the TU as a whole.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] No. Dooku would probably pick them up and the consequences of that would be very bad.