The question I ask is what other planets would be good to add to the diadem?
Muunilist gets a +80% income bonus, while Kalee enjoys a +50% bonuses, so either of those would be great for investment. In the Mid Rim, both Kashyyyk and Ord Mantell have a lot to offer, though no income bonuses. I'm really looking forward to our base upgrades for Corellia next turn, though.

I'm not sure about new bases. I definitely see Arkania on the immediate horizon, but I suspect most of our attention will be on some of the 'mobile' bases -- Arkanian Legacy (assuming we're allowed to treat it as a base), Chu'unthor, The Foundry, potentially even Space City for Thrawn's great galactic museum. There are a number of other sites that would be good for bases, but there are plenty of currently-available upgrades that we left on the table, that I don't think we need to buy too many new bases each turn.

20 Watcher teams + 2-5 per turn (Survival Rate 60%) (Cap 20)
@Dr. Snark: did we really max out our Watcher count at the end of the turn? :rofl:

Muun Modernization/Development Program (150% income for planet)
- Industrial Investments
- Agriculture Investments
Rewards: +25 agriculture investment income, increases over time, +25 industry investment income, significantly increases over time
Can you clarify how this will work, or will we discover how much our income increases once we get to next turn's results? Curious minds want to know...
I'm not sure about new bases. I definitely see Arkania on the immediate horizon, but I suspect most of our attention will be on some of the 'mobile' bases -- Arkanian Legacy (assuming we're allowed to treat it as a base), Chu'unthor, The Foundry, potentially even Space City for Thrawn's great galactic museum. There are a number of other sites that would be good for bases, but there are plenty of currently-available upgrades that we left on the table, that I don't think we need to buy too many new bases each turn.

The Legacy won't have upgrades, mainly because the facility doesn't need upgrades in the slightest.

@Dr. Snark: did we really max out our Watcher count at the end of the turn? :rofl:

...Yes. Yes you did.

Can you clarify how this will work, or will we discover how much our income increases once we get to next turn's results? Curious minds want to know...

Per turn increase to income. Aside from that, wait and see.
Scipio for the upgrades dealing with the Banking Clans, Fresia where Incom is located, Sullust has a strong industry as well we can tap into. And there are other bases that we would want to setup (Bothawui anyone?)

Nar Shadda has a planetary multiplier we can take at some point, only 30% but it pays for itself already (though not as big a ROI as the other upgrades were this past turn). A big part will be how much money we need for the various actions next turn but hopefully we can get to investing in some of the non income base upgrades.
Scipio for the upgrades dealing with the Banking Clans
Scipio is an ice planet best known as the location of IGBC's bank vaults. Unless we plan on an elaborate heist (which, to be fair, we totally were at one point), I'm not sure how useful a base on Scipio would be. We already have a substantial presence on Muunilist where we can conduct business with the bankers...

Fresia where Incom is located
From what I can tell, Incom is desperately trying to move their assets away from Fresia, given its proximity to Palpatine's seat of power in the Core. Helping them expand to shipyards above Taris was a big move, and I expect those to become a pretty big deal in the near future.

Sullust has a strong industry as well we can tap into.
Agreed. My main concern was that it was full price (200 credits), but Sullust could be a pretty big deal for us, maybe not as much as Castell but probably more comparable to Ord Mantell or Naboo. I'll add that to the wish-list for next turn. :D

And there are other bases that we would want to setup (Bothawui anyone?)
Like Scipio, I'm just not sure how a base on Bothawui would benefit us. Sure, the population is 'memetic spies', but the EU contains very little info on what can actually be found planet-side, and I'm not sure what base upgrades would work there. (Somehow I suspect that 'large-scale wiretaps' might get us in a bit of trouble...).

Basically, here's a PSA: if people want us to buy a particular base, they should propose a list of specific base upgrades that the new base would unlock. Otherwise, we should prioritize the other bases that already have such a list.

Nar Shadda has a planetary multiplier we can take at some point, only 30% but it pays for itself already
Agree entirely, but I don't know what other base upgrades we could buy there. Suggestions?

Two items for @Dr. Snark:
1) Can you please threadmark my latest Map + Index post?

2) Should we start proposing write-ins for next turn now, or wait until you've finished the Rumor Mill?
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Like Scipio, I'm just not sure how a base on Bothawui would benefit us. Sure, the population is 'memetic spies', but the EU contains very little info on what can actually be found planet-side, and I'm not sure what base upgrades would work there. (Somehow I suspect that 'large-scale wiretaps' might get us in a bit of trouble...).

Basically, here's a PSA: if people want us to buy a particular base, they should propose a list of specific base upgrades that the new base would unlock. Otherwise, we should prioritize the other bases that already have such a list.
For Bothawui I would imagine investing into a Clan to gain access to some of their Intel Info, so a small upkeep to get Rumors from Bothan Spynets. Also for most planets expanded our Cantina franchises to them is an obvious choice. For Bothawui (and Camaasa now that it joined the CNS) also expanding the Karada facilities to cover them, actually Karada can go on any major inhabitable planet, same with the Cantina franchise, wiretaps for places NOT like Bothawui (might be good on Scipio to make sure no one is messing with anything there).

Going to have to take a look at what we have on Nar Shadda, I might be able to come up with a few.
"Gene-modding Hero Units is now a free action."
this just became a thing, free actions yes please

I don't know if anyone would be interested in giving Hero Units modifications given the lack of interest. Also there still seems to be more of the Gene branch we could research so we might have to hold off on Hero Units.

If it is free, maybe we can give it to any elite troops we have instead? Plenty of our agents probably wouldn't mind Gene-modding if given the chance. It could boost their effectiveness and probably wouldn't be too expensive if given limited production.
I don't know if anyone would be interested in giving Hero Units modifications given the lack of interest. Also there still seems to be more of the Gene branch we could research so we might have to hold off on Hero Units.

If it is free, maybe we can give it to any elite troops we have instead? Plenty of our agents probably wouldn't mind Gene-modding if given the chance. It could boost their effectiveness and probably wouldn't be too expensive if given limited production.
We aren't very interested in it because its a minor boost. On the other hand, its now free. So yay!
is there anyway to increase the guardians/watchers/agent amounts? also, is there a way that we can increase the chance for more abyss watchers?(next level agents i mean )
I am hoping for the opportunity for Veveticus to get his body back. It is both an opportunity for another advisor/hero unit, and the first step to making our major force users really hard to kill.
"So you say...leaving that aside for the moment I am curious about one other thing; did your men find anything while they were excavating the Jedi Tower?"

"Actually yes. The excavation teams found records of something called the 'Jedi Covenant' that existed around the time of Revan; according to what they could piece together they were a sect in the Order that...took extreme measures to deal with potential Sith."

"Internal purges and the like?"

"The information they found was hazy but pointed in that direction. Nothing that practical but it is an...interesting piece of history that I'm positive the Order would try to bury."

"I'm half tempted to tell you to make an exhibit on them."

"So was I, but I realized that would probably be a bit too provocative as it were. It'll just go in the databanks here if anyone cares to read about them."

That is an understatement. If you ever wanted to cripple the credibility of the Jedi Order, the story of the Jedi Covenant would sink their reputation faster than Anakin Skywalker's landing strategies.

Long story short, five Jedi Masters had a Force Vision which appeared to show one of their padawans turning to the Dark Side, bringing about the return of the Sith and the destruction of Taris. So they decided, like good, responsible and fanatical extremists, to kill their padawans during a fake Knighting Ceremony and blame it on the more unstable of the Padawans. The leader of the group even lied, saying that the Jedi Council had given them permission.

Unfortunately, things went wrong one of the Padawans was late due to chasing after a criminal and the one they planned to blame it on figured out something was wrong forcing their hand early. Pinning the blame on the late Padawan, the situation spiralled out of control as a manhunt ensued. They did capture him once, but he escaped with the aid of the criminal he'd previously captured by playing on their fears by recreating the Masters' Force Vision to make them think a Sith was attacking them.

The audacity of such a high profile escape led to mass panic in the streets and a loss on confidence in the Jedi Order. So the Jedi High Council (who was completely in the dark about the truth of the matter) decided it would be better to recall the Masters and split them up and disperse them all over the Galaxy, until the fallout died down. This situation of chaos on the planet was the perfect situation of somebody called Mandalore The Ultimate to kick off The Mandalorian Wars by invading Taris.

The Padawan and his criminal friend where later (in a series of wacky adventures) able to reveal the Conspiracy to the Jedi High Council (with the aid of one of the guilt ridden Masters), dismantle Jedi Covenant and helped stop an attempted coup by one of the more fanatical members to take over the Jedi Order. The Council, not wanting to be blamed for creating the circumstances that lead to a long and bloody war, covered it up by blaming the whole thing on a Mandalorian terrorist attack.

The only people who knew the truth was the Padawan, his criminal friend and the families of the deceased padawans and they went on to form the Rogue Moon Project (funded by the criminal's con money), an organisation dedicated to helping refugees, wrongly accused people, and beings marginalized during the raging Mandalorian Wars.

So yeah, maybe we save this till after Sidious is taken care of. It would make good blackmail material for the Jedi Order, should it come to it.
I wonder if with the Arkanian Legacy available we can develop a relatively straightforward uniform gene therapy for our elite soldiers.

If we're going to be giving our baddest of badasses beskar wargear, we might as well turn them into even better murderhobos on a biological level.
I wonder if with the Arkanian Legacy available we can develop a relatively straightforward uniform gene therapy for our elite soldiers.
Having three or four gene packages that let them specialize for different roles seems more our style. Also, wow, that would be very X-Com, wouldn't it?
To be fair it sort of worked since in canon Revan was explicitly on the light side of the Force.

Oh, sure, it worked. But just because what you did worked doesn't mean it was morally "right".

What they did was:
  1. Suppress a man's memories/personality until he's a blank slate.
  2. Introduce new memories and personality until he's cognitive again.
  3. Pray to the force that he regains just enough to show you how he and his apprentice were able to conjure up war fleets seemingly out of nowhere. Any more and you're back to step 1.
What the Jedi did to Revan was to basically kill him (My philosophy is that any major disconnect in a person's memories/experiences means that the previous person no longer exists (i.e. dead) and is replaced with a new person even if said new person shares some with the old) and then regrow him into a tool. Now, to most people I would assume that killing someone or using someone as a tool is ethically questionable at best.

Now what did this ethically questionable action result in? The Galactic Republic is saved from Malak and Sith Lord Revan by Jedi Tool Revan and his followers. To the Galactic Republic (and to many of us who think the Republic is better than anything Sith) this is a good thing. A "bad" action results in a "good" effect.

The issue that I take with this is that the Jedi Council focused on the good effect that "they" made happen and seemed to completely ignore the bad action. This means that in the end they learned absolutely nothing. This wouldn't be as large of an issue for the Order if they took the time to go over the contradictions in their creed said Brainwashing creates. Now don't get me wrong, creeds are meant to be simple. But to be a Master I would assume one must be able to understand the subtleties in how such a creed interacts with reality. The Council refused to even consider them.

Now maybe they thought about all this before and during said Brainwashing. Maybe they actually had personally reconciled their beliefs and their actions with Revan. Maybe. But there is no story to tell us they did and so we are forced to assume based on previous evidence and future events. Remember the Grand Council's decision to betray the Exile in KOTOR 2? This makes me believe, as I said, that they learned absolutely nothing.

Without reconciling their generally "good" code with the questionably "bad" actions that they sometimes commit, we are given a view that the Order (as it was back then) were willfully ignorant and hypocritical.

This is the main flaw of the Council if not the Order as a whole in regards to Revan and the Exile. They're hypocrites, and willfully so.
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