Can Ciaran cook? if so, what?

She's not too big on cooking fancy dishes, probably due to living a very limited lifestyle in the Undercity for a few years. The most she ever does is the Star Wars equivalent of heating up frozen meals.

Has Ciaran had any public/ publicized flings? She's a thirty something attractive humanoid with ALL the money and fame. I'm sure there's been attempts, especially since I can't picture her not being a shameless flirt everywhere now.

How well has anyone done on trying to leverage something on the 'naive' Lady Ciaran?

Are there Ciaran or Watcher plushies? If not, why hasn't Ciaran merchandized?

What sort of population and society has developed on Kiln?

I thought we let plenty of employees leave, they're just under a death threat if they ever Fuck up.

1. Aside from tabloid speculation...not really. Sure some people have tried, but usually either the person trying to flirt back is an arrogant rich snob of some persuasion, or they're too intimidated by her position to really get anywhere. It also doesn't help that Ciaran's almost constantly on the move and only rarely spends a long period of time on a singular world.
2. Not very. The dumb ones get noticed quickly. The smart ones don't bother.
3. There are definitely Ciaran plushies, but there wasn't really a market for a plush version of the Abyss Watcher logo. Something about it scaring kids or whatever.
4. It's interesting; due to its nature it's more of a home for the particularly high-ranking personnel that don't have to move around too much and can keep their mouths shut about the planet, as well as the various workers and engineers that stay on the planet keep everything functional. As such it's an eclectic mix of various species the Watchers have hired on, from Wookiees to Kaleesh to Arkanians, the list goes on. Society-wise there tends to be an unspoken but respected divide between the workers and the administrators, and they tend to stay in their own groups unless there's a larger event that brings them together. As for leaving, well the residents are actively encouraged to stay or keep most of their work on the planet due to its secrecy, and many appreciate the chance to fall off of the galaxy's radar and have a clean start there.
5. That's certainly true, it's just that people in teams like Legal have much more incentives to stay. Both in benefits and increased threat severity.

What's Ciaran's favorite entertainment program? Who does she make watch it with her at unreasonable hours?

She has a blast watching shows involving police work, courtroom drama and the like, mostly because she likes riffing the hell out of them. Sometimes she manages to drag Silas in, but most of the time Gulan is her co-riffer; he enjoys doing it as much as she does.
You know, about those plushies.....

I can totally see:

"We're sorry about this, but any Ciaran plushie produced after *insert date here* has been recalled, due to concerns of rare, alarming, not suitable for children statements have been programmed into it's hug response.

Please know that the following statements:

1: I'm off to troll Obi Wan Kenobi about his girlfriends. Chaio~
2: Sarcasm: I'm Darth Traya, you keep hugging me, I'll murder you in your sleep, young meatbag.
3: I'm secretly planning on taking over the galaxy, wanna come with?

Are an indication of programming error and in no way reflect Lady Ciaran or the views of *insert the name of plushie producer here*.

Those at fault have already been dismissed."
Just out of curiosity, but are there any canonical Star Wars super pistols or will they have to be made up/custom made?
Just how many siblings/extended family does Ciaran really have via Silas around the galaxy?

What do each of the hero units of Abyss Watchers do for a hobby/downtime activity?
On the topic of a squid plushie...

Karada could go with something along the lines of a floating therapeutic droid that gives firm but by design soft and safe hugs, no strangling or obstructing airways, gills, etc. Child-like 'huggle-huggle' noises included. Marketed as a kind of a nanny-bot/child-monitor. Give one to Ahsoka before letting her know it's a nanny-droid.

Conversely keep the child-like giggle on something like the unholy love-child of of a buzz-droid and an assassin droid with laser whip tentacles. Give some to HK for evaluation of it's murder protocols. Pro tip, let a swarm out into a base's ventilation system.
without letting him know it's a nanny-droid
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The most she ever does is the Star Wars equivalent of heating up frozen meals.
Does Ciaran eat the fancy stuff that comes in edible dessert pack? Or was it just the utensils?

Do people use forks in this quest? Spoons? Knives for more purposes than stabbing each other?

Whom will Ciaran coerce to bridesmaid when Anakin and Padme are wed?

Will R2-D2 blackmail Anakin and Padme with the record of their wedding night?
Fortunately cloning force users is much more difficult than it seems. Look at Joruus C'baoth and Starkiller.

What would Ciaran's "evil" twin/clone be like?

I think she be a well intentioned extremist a Jedi who falls into the darkside without even knowing it.

Unless she was made in an area cut off from the Force, she'd be an utterly crazy being suffering mental degradation and consumed by the Darkside, potentially with the whole got to kill the "fake" plot.

Being a force sensitive clone while there is another of you running around causes you to get memories from the original as well as to believe you are the original and on top of that it causes your mind to go a bit off.

As you can see from the C'baoth and Starkiller clones.

I think the explanation was that the force recognizes you as the same being so your mind get's all the memories via the force, but by being in an area cut off from the force you develop sufficiently enough as a different person that the force doesn't shove memories into your head.
So I have to ask, does Ciaran ever feel nostalgic, takes a day off to go to her old bar and do the bartender gig for a little while?

Also how often do we have to deal with a con-artist pretending to be us in order to run some kind of scam?
Unless she was made in an area cut off from the Force, she'd be an utterly crazy being suffering mental degradation and consumed by the Darkside, potentially with the whole got to kill the "fake" plot.

Being a force sensitive clone while there is another of you running around causes you to get memories from the original as well as to believe you are the original and on top of that it causes your mind to go a bit off.

As you can see from the C'baoth and Starkiller clones.

I think the explanation was that the force recognizes you as the same being so your mind get's all the memories via the force, but by being in an area cut off from the force you develop sufficiently enough as a different person that the force doesn't shove memories into your head.

If I remember rightly, if the 'blanked' clone approaches the original, the original basically gets a ringing or buzzing sound in his/her head...or was it simply described as 'a pressure'?

Anyway, Luke ends up fighting a silent clone version of himself who came from the hand he lost and had his dads blue lightsaber as well.

Thrawn mentions that it was only possible because the Emperor more or less went out of his way to look for it as a possible weapon to use against Darth Vader and due to the 'Force blanked areas'.
If I remember rightly, if the 'blanked' clone approaches the original, the original basically gets a ringing or buzzing sound in his/her head...or was it simply described as 'a pressure'?

Anyway, Luke ends up fighting a silent clone version of himself who came from the hand he lost and had his dads blue lightsaber as well.

Thrawn mentions that it was only possible because the Emperor more or less went out of his way to look for it as a possible weapon to use against Darth Vader and due to the 'Force blanked areas'.

Yeah, so long as the clone is blanked they can interact with each other with merely a headache, otherwise it's attempts to kill each other.
Unless she was made in an area cut off from the Force, she'd be an utterly crazy being suffering mental degradation and consumed by the Darkside, potentially with the whole got to kill the "fake" plot.

Being a force sensitive clone while there is another of you running around causes you to get memories from the original as well as to believe you are the original and on top of that it causes your mind to go a bit off.

As you can see from the C'baoth and Starkiller clones.

I think the explanation was that the force recognizes you as the same being so your mind get's all the memories via the force, but by being in an area cut off from the force you develop sufficiently enough as a different person that the force doesn't shove memories into your head.
That's...not really what I was going for.
Will Ciaran ever get into a romantic relationship in this quest or will she be forever a bridesmaid, never a bride?

What wasn't mentioned is how most of 'the maniac's' victims screamed out "NOT THE FACE!" before he promptly broke them so hard no amount of plastic surgery could fix it. Currently non-canon, +10.
Good. Now we wait for it becoming canon. Because we need MORE isanity! Also, why only "NOT THE FACE!"? Have you seen his HEAT moves in Zero? It probably would be "NOT THE EVERYTHING!"

While there are some things I can mark down as spoilers, I can say that the Mantle of the Force amplifies any "outward" Force abilities considerably. A push that knocks over a vase would shatter it if the user had the Mantle. Things like that.
Essentially, the Mantle of the Force works as an amplifier. A pretty powerfull one.

She tends to prefer models that let her hide it easily, draw fast, shoot first, and guarantee kills. She's not too picky, but tends to opt for pistols like Han's DL-44. She respects the DC-17, but doesn't like that it's hard to hide. As for the DC-17 variable rifle (I think that's the model you meant to ask about) she really likes its versatility and given the chance would mass-produce it and hand it over to her high-ranking soldiers/Agents and Walkers to give them more versatility.
She also selects her dresses according to which blasters and weapons she will try to hide. It used to be a lot easier when she was only using holdout-blasters, but even with the best modifications she wasn't able to get enough shots out of those... and she loves to shoot people first before resorting to anything else.

Self-control is needed to use the Light effectively, and it keeps you from going batshit insane if you use the Dark.
Fortunately Ciaran is despite all her character flaws pretty iron-willed beneath all her quirky behaviour and through her good understanding of the Force she is rather capable of tapping into both.

There's an understanding in the Undercity that there is no gang called the Abyss Watchers. Anyone who tells you that is a liar and/or is about to die. Aside from that who else would have heard of some Coruscant Undercity street gang? Those guys are practically limitless down there, who cares about some random group of thugs?
Also, Ciaran has a bunch of proxies even back down there who are in charge of keeping an eye on the Undercity and 'removing rumors'.

Teron was pretty blunt about them not appearing. As for me...look, I'll be blunt: if the Vong ever actually show up that means I've run out of good ideas and you should all flee as fast as you can.
Yep. I REALLY don't like the Vong.

Shit, now I am going to see it like that forever. Thanks? Though now I have some very strange mental images involving Cheriss...
WELL, it is kinda fitting, isn't it?

She's not too big on cooking fancy dishes, probably due to living a very limited lifestyle in the Undercity for a few years. The most she ever does is the Star Wars equivalent of heating up frozen meals.
Essentially, she is average at it and doesn't really bother since she can just have others prepare meals for her. Although even when she does the equivalent of heating up food she at least makes sure that she gets some stuff of at least decent quality.

She has a blast watching shows involving police work, courtroom drama and the like, mostly because she likes riffing the hell out of them. Sometimes she manages to drag Silas in, but most of the time Gulan is her co-riffer; he enjoys doing it as much as she does.
Also, trolling people... and more curiously randomly (and anonymiously) donating money to people, groups or organisations and keeping track of what they do with it. If you have the power, enjoy it.

So I have to ask, does Ciaran ever feel nostalgic, takes a day off to go to her old bar and do the bartender gig for a little while?
I think there was a interlude or canon omake allready where its shown that she indeed does that. Had to head to Coruscant to restore the license of the Cantina, spent a day bartending and singed the ownership over to one of her employees. Also talked with Padme about her time in the Undercity before both got drunk.
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