Well there is literally a Fuckton of Colours

The following is a list of all known blade colors.

Ciaran and the Abyss Watchers are all about taking the strong points of other traditions and integrating it with their own. Therefore, I vote for White.
Well there is literally a Fuckton of Colours

The following is a list of all known blade colors.

Yellow with black core or red with black core where pretty spiffy looking in knights of the old republic.
Out of interest can anyone tell me what the properties of Beskar Iron and Cortoise is and how they interact with each other?
Out of interest can anyone tell me what the properties of Beskar Iron and Cortoise is and how they interact with each other?
Beskar, AFAICT, is basically some kind of extremely strong iron, even capable of surviving lightsaber blows. Cortosis causes lightsabers to go out for a moment when it hits, and is also able to resist blaster bolts.
Beskar, AFAICT, is basically some kind of extremely strong iron, even capable of surviving lightsaber blows. Cortosis causes lightsabers to go out for a moment when it hits, and is also able to resist blaster bolts.
mmm, I wonder if anyone's tried to alloy the two together.

You know what we need, Mandalorian and Sith techniques for armour making (ancient sith made battle armour and the Jenissari make something like that) combine them add Cortis for super protection :D.

Actually that would be a holy triad, as the Abyssal Agent ascends, first they make a Lightsaber, then at the next level a force gun and finally a suit of super armour to symbolise stuff.

I like this idea can we do it?
mmm, I wonder if anyone's tried to alloy the two together.

You know what we need, Mandalorian and Sith techniques for armour making (ancient sith made battle armour and the Jenissari make something like that) combine them add Cortis for super protection :D.

Actually that would be a holy triad, as the Abyssal Agent ascends, first they make a Lightsaber, then at the next level a force gun and finally a suit of super armour to symbolise stuff.

I like this idea can we do it?
Minor issue, first the method to actually turning the ore into Mandalorian Iron is stupidly well guarded by the Mandalorian smiths.
Out of interest can anyone tell me what the properties of Beskar Iron and Cortoise is and how they interact with each other?
Check out the 'Anomalous Materials Report' omake (threadmarked as 'canon non-story'):


'Cortosis' is primarily known for its tendency to violently disrupt lightsaber blades; however, this is merely an applied instance of the unique property of pure cortosis to redirect energy and disrupt energy fields. It is for this reason that cortosis is considered an Anomalous Material. In addition to its most distinctive ability, cortosis is one of the best materials in the galaxy for resisting heat and electromagnetic energy. Though extraordinarily brittle in its pure form, cortosis alloys are considerably more resistant to kinetic energy, while losing little of the thermal and electromagnetic resistance that defines the pure variants.

Cortosis and its alloys are primarily considered for military applications (such as anti-lightsaber armor or weaponry), but the economic and industrial applications of such material technology should be obvious, however untapped such applications may be. While the properties of cortosis remain poorly understood, the material itself has been subject to thousands of years of military application, and may thus be considered one of the safest AMs on this list.

Moreover, cortosis is significantly less scare than other materials on this list -- known cortosis deposits exist on Bal'demnic, Obredaan, Apatros, Duro, and Katanos VII, with other rumored sources around the Outer Rim and Wild Space. Accordingly, cortosis products may in fact be viable for large-scale use.

ADDENDUM TO ITEM 1: CORTOSIS. For additional analysis, see RA 167/762 "Materials Analysis for Cortosis and Derivative Alloys." (15:2:33)

'Beskar' (also known as 'Mandalorian Iron') is not in fact a distinct Anomalous Material, nor is it related to iron. Beskar is in fact a family of naturally-occurring cortosis alloys found solely within the Mandalore system, principally on Mandalore proper and on its moon Concordia.

In most alloys, the cortosis forms a distinctive nano-scale honeycomb lattice, within which another material such as durasteel is suspended. In beskar, the other material alloyed is fully integrated within the lattice, such that the resulting alloy contains very little pure cortosis and demonstrates none of cortosis's vulnerability to kinetic force. Moreover, while much of cortosis's ability to disrupt electromagnetic energy is lost, beskar is still capable of resisting magnetic fields, and thus retains the ability to resist lightsabers.

Beskar's use in Mandalorian armor is well-documented and date from the earliest days of Mandalorian civilization; however, its uses for industrial applications appear to be largely unexplored. However, the widespread use of beskar'gam and beskar'kandar indicate that, like cortosis, this is a thoroughly time-tested AM that may be considered safe for routine analysis and application. Investment in Concordia beskar mines, for additional samples and sufficient supply for wide-spread use.

TL,DR: at least within this quest's canon, beskar is considered to be a cortosis alloy.
In unrelated news, this is from the same omake:


Of far greater interest to our researchers, is the implication that Jedi are able to transmute otherwise commonplace crystals into unique forms of AM. Tellingly, many Jedi consider the construction of their lightsaber to be a sign of Force mastery, and records indicate that such construction often takes place while the Jedi are in a trance-like state. The obvious implication is that these Jedi are using the Force to imbue the crystal with its unique properties, which may shed light on why most forms of AM are themselves crystalline in nature.
Which might be very relevant given that we rolled crits on both lightsaber-construction actions this turn....
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Just gonna note that an unorthodox blade is going to be dangerous and arduous to adapt to, Ciaran was trained to wield a lightfoil, her entire understanding of the art of lightsaber duelling is based on that.
Altering the blade from what she's trained with would be disastrous, give a master fencer a longsword and he'll be as useless as a novice.

If she wasn't going to make any changes there'd be no point in making her own lightsaber in the first place, she might as well stick with the lightfoil which is no different in quality to an actual lightsaber.

You might as well choose Beige :p

Guys, the lightsaber color will obviously be gold. Come on.

Pah, the colour of some insignificant worthless metal?

I'm confident that whatever colour Snark chooses it'll be something we'll appreciate.
I've honestly always had a soft spot for the traditional red, if only for the universal oh shit reaction that comes from a red lightsaber being ignited, once one of those goes up you know that you're not dealing with a 'nice' Jedi.

Although I'm cool with other colours too, so long as it's not some silly mary sue bullshit like rainbow or whatever.


If she wasn't going to make any changes there'd be no point in making her own lightsaber in the first place, she might as well stick with the lightfoil which is no different in quality to an actual lightsaber.

There absolutely is!

A blade can be the same general dimensions but be customised in a thousand ways to truly fit the wielder. Adjusting the grip to perfectly match her hands, adjusting the positioning of weight so she can more fluidly manoeuvre the hilt around her palms along with things like how the energy field behaves, does it 'bounce' more or does it 'stick' more to an opponent's blade when colliding?

There are a huge number of changes that can be made, but what I'm getting at is that something like the length a gigantic alteration beyond customisation. Adding inches to a blade completely alters the range of movement you have available.

The most important part of this however is beyond the mere physical parameters of the blade, it's the connection through the Force, the very ritual of blade construction is a significant event.
No other blade will 'respond' to Ciaran quite as well as this one will, the Force will dance through it far better than it would any other for her.

I'm just saying it'd be crazy for this to go from a rapier to longsword in design.
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Although I'm cool with other colours too, so long as it's not some silly mary sue bullshit like rainbow or whatever.

Vectivus: What...how did you...why is your lightsaber constantly changing color!?
Ciaran: Uh...I dunno? I mean, I kind of like it...
Vectivus: It's making my eyes hurt and I don't even have a physical body.
Ciaran: Maybe I can use it to-
Vectivus: No. Start over, and this time make sure your lightsaber stays a consistent color.
Vectivus: What...how did you...why is your lightsaber constantly changing color!?
Ciaran: Uh...I dunno? I mean, I kind of like it...
Vectivus: It's making my eyes hurt and I don't even have a physical body.
Ciaran: Maybe I can use it to-
Vectivus: No. Start over, and this time make sure your lightsaber stays a consistent color.

Maybe we could install a speaker and have it blast out Sandstorm by Darude whenever it ignites!

hey is the option of having it do a corran horn thing a option? you know where he jury rigged one that could become 3 time the length of a normal one

but seeing you have an artist or something you can do that too without it burning out or failing after one hit
I really doubt that. If it can be fueled for a significant time period from a single star? For all that they say it creates things, its just manipulation of existing matter. Still impressive, but not anywhere near enough to accomplish something on the scale of galaxy creation (or rather, translation) in anything less than positively extreme lengths of time. Like billions of years time, and even then I don't know it could move it all that far away from the original galaxy. It'd be a minor shift at most.

However, he took a small fragment from the machine where he learnt that it had far greater potential, with it even being possible to create entire galaxies given time. The Engine's power allowed it to manipulate energy and create anything that was desired, from air to food or shelter.

That was what he figured out from examining the small fragment he took known as the Infinite Engine, which grew from a pretty small size to what it was in SWTOR over a few centuries with only a small number of cultists providing it energy. Energy countless times smaller than energy a sun or whatever would produce in the same time frame.

It can explicitly create anything, and is explicitly noted as being able to create galaxies.

If it grew to a decent size over centuries of being fed cultists, imagine it being fed energy from stars, which have waaaaaaaaay more energy. It'd grow larger, and be able to produce more, hold more energy, produce stuff faster etc. etc. at an obscene rate. I mean, just look at the Star Forge, it produced an enormous armada of large ships, droids, weapons, armour, etc. in the span of two years(which is how long the Jedi Civil War lasted), and it hadn't exhausted the energy from the star.

Billions of years is vastly overestimating how long it'd take in my view. It's Rakatan technology, extremely advanced tech that could do the unthinkable. For all we know, the Star Forge had a built-in system for how to produce a galaxy and knew how to put it in place without decimating the Star Wars galaxy. After all, we're talking about one of the several super advanced ancient races whose technology was arguably godlike compared to what the current technological position is..
We could always just find out what Padme's favorite color is, and go with that.

Or Dooku's original lightsaber color, presuming it wasn't always red.

Green is probably a bad idea, we don't want to imitate Qui-Gon.

Unfortunately, a transparent lightsaber is probably not going to happen, even if it would be spot-on for Ciaran and hilarious to boot.
We could always just find out what Padme's favorite color is, and go with that.

Or Dooku's original lightsaber color, presuming it wasn't always red.

Green is probably a bad idea, we don't want to imitate Qui-Gon.

Unfortunately, a transparent lightsaber is probably not going to happen, even if it would be spot-on for Ciaran and hilarious to boot.

Who knows what is possible on a crit?