So (this being my first vote in this quest)... what bonuses do we have?

There's a base chance of success, plus 18 Watcher teams, plus 20% on everything because of omakes, plus hero bonuses equal to half the hero stat to one action each. But IIRC there's other bonuses as well? The third post gives a list - are those one-time, or whenever we take an action that fits into that category? Is it a complete list?

Also, if no plan gets 50%, the votes are tallied separately rather than by plan, correct? (So that i.e. if 40% vote for Plan A, 30% for Plan B, and 30% for Plan C, and Plan A lists Action 1 while B&C list the mutually exclusive Action 2, action 2 gets chosen.)
Okay, so here was my first pass at a Balance Sheet:
Total Expenses: 8084
Total Revenue: 6591
Difference: -1493
:o Clearly, that's not going to happen -- deficit spending isn't an option for this quest (though given how many income-generating upgrades we're looking at, this would be the classic case of 'taking out a business loan'). Anyway, I'll be going over everything with a fine-toothed comb to make sure we don't lose the farm. Expect the final balance sheet to look a lot more reasonable...:rolleyes:
Okay, so here was my first pass at a Balance Sheet:

:o Clearly, that's not going to happen -- deficit spending isn't an option for this quest (though given how many income-generating upgrades we're looking at, this would be the classic case of 'taking out a business loan'). Anyway, I'll be going over everything with a fine-toothed comb to make sure we don't lose the farm. Expect the final balance sheet to look a lot more reasonable...:rolleyes:
I'd like to remind you this quest has literally no incentive to save our credits. Spending as much as possible is preferred so long as income will still outpace upkeep costs.. Otherwise, the closer you can get to zero the better.
They're permanent, and I think it's a complete list.

I've literally never seen that happen. Granted, I haven't been around the whole time, but still.


Also: is it possible to use the Free Action on a Personal Action? (Specifically, to meet Anakin with Personal Attention and still learn Conceptual Shatterpoint. Whether that's a good idea is a different question, of course.)
[X] Plan Kleptomaniac
Balance Sheet

Because what else can you call a Plan that steals the Chosen One, plus Palpatine's ex-apprentice, plus two super-ships, all in a single turn?

So yeah, this turn was busy! The hardest & most controversial choices were in Diplomacy, Intrigue, and especially our Personal Actions. The biggest trouble was deciding whether to try to recruit/sway Anakin Skywalker this turn, or to wait until we had more Hero Support to spare for it. I decided to go for it, but you could easily rewrite the plan to remove that and reshuffle some of the hero support to compensate.

Also, an alternate title here could be 'Double Down on Droids', since that's where quite a few of our other actions went -- our CNS Diplomacy action, one Learning action, and both Hero Actions. The fact that acquiring The Foundry is even possible -- it's listed as a Hero Action for HK-47 -- is itself a game-changer, and I want us to be ready to use it to the full.

Thanks largely to the omakes (definitely a lifesaver this round), I managed to keep everything to reasonable odds. Our lowest probability action is recovering the Arkanian Legacy (at 83%) while everything else is at 90% or higher.

Martial: Pick 2:

[X] Wookieetarian Action: Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 50 Reward: Anti-Trandoshan patrols set up around Kashyyyk system, ???
[X] The Legacy Of Madmen: Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Arkanian Legacy recovered
-[X] Grievous
Militia Standardization seems somewhat useful, but not especially so, and there are obvious (if implicit) risks in having the CNS militarize so openly. Wookietarian Action, on the other hand, is explicitly defensive, protecting our allies (and potentially recruiting Kashyyyk for the CNS) against an obviously aggressive slave-raiding neighbor. PR is our primary weapon against Palpatine at the moment, and Kashyyyk is PR gold. And did I mention that this lets us meet Chewie? Yeah, he was one of the Wookies caught in a slave raid. Also Ahsoka Tano, who was captured shortly thereafter. We might even meet the Marek family and save Galen Marek's mom -- she was killed in a Trandoshan slave raid!

As for the second action, with The Silencer's Grievous's support, we had decent odds for recovering the Arkanian Legacy. We could boost it to a certain 100% with Grievous's support, but he's busy dealing with the clusterf**k that is Talesan Fry's codebreaker, which is a bit higher priority for this turn.

Wookies: 75% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100% odds, with a 25% chance of crit
Arkanian Legacy: 40% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 18 (Grievous) = 83% odds, with a 43% chance of crit

Diplomacy: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 CNS Action, 1 Free Action:
[X] Recovering The Chu'unthor (Diplomatic Option): Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Diplomatically gain access to the Chu'unthor
-[X] Thrawn
-[X] PR-1
[X] For Bothawui's Eyes Only (CNS): Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Bothan Spynet contacted, Bothawui and surrounding systems recruited into CNS
[X] The Resurgent: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Formally recruit Jango Fett
-[X] 5 Watchers
The Chu'unthor is one of my top priorities here -- we've been working on recovering it for several turns, and for good reason. It's a supership, in every sense of the word: it's an almost totally automated capital ship, dedicated specifically to Force research. This means it will quickly become the training center of our Abyss Agents, and will probably give us (by default or by upgrade) a dedicated Lore Action for training our agents in various Force techniques. It's also perfectly suited to conduct Force research -- we could upgrade it with labs to work on materials like cortosis, or on Force-sensitive animals like taozin and ysalamiri. Finally, the Chu'unthor was specifically built for the Jedi 'ExplorCorps', to give them a platform to venture out into the galaxy and make contact with other Force sects. That means it would probably help us start whittling away at the mega-list of Force sects to contact, which could gain us the allies needed to turn the tide in that final battle with Palpatine.

The Chu'unthor will make an increasingly big difference the longer it's helping us out -- we should get it started as soon as possible.

Given just how many other priorities we're looking at, this was an easy call to assign our Free Action here. I decided to use it on recruiting Jango Fett, who is awesome and will make us more awesome as well. On the other hand, this did mean waiting to contact the Jedi Sentinels, or Ferrus Olin, or any of the dozen other actions that would be useful.

As for our CNS action, it came down to either the Shards or the Bothans. Most of the thread discussion seemed to favor the Bothans, which is why I picked it, but take a second look at the Shards. They're sentient crystals, who have an intuitive understanding of electronics and computing technology. That covers a lot on the Learning side of things, and would have amazing synergy with our droid-related actions this turn. Plus, Talesan Fry's codebreaker should give us a nice Intrigue bonus as compensation, so the Bothans aren't as urgent. All the same, I won't change this unless I hear from people they'd prefer Shards.

Chu'unthor: 40% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 15 (Thrawn) + 10 (PR-1) = 90% odds, with 50% chance of crit
Recruit Bothans: 60% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 90% odds, with a 30% chance of crit
Recruit Jango Fett: 60% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 5 (Watchers) = 90% odds, with a 30% chance of crit

Stewardship: Pick 2 Regular Actions, Up to 1 Sienar Action:

[X] Sienar Custom Vessel: Chance of Success: 90%
-[X] Personalized Courier Ships: Cost: 150 Reward: Personalized Courier ships designed/selectively produced
[X] Cord of Three Strands: Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Increased economic development for Kalee, increased stability for Muunilist and surrounding area
[X] Bank of Ciaran: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased economic strength in CNS
This was the easiest category to pick for, by far. Sienar is a free action, and the Courier Ships give us extra Hero actions. 'Cord' boosts our Muunilist investments, and removes the cap on Kalee Warriors. Bank of Ciaran lets us integrate further with the IGBC, and gain a bunch of income.

Courier Ships: 90% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with a 30% chance of a crit
Cord of Three: 60% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 90% odds, with a 30% chance of a crit
Bank of Ciaran: 60% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 90% odds, with a 30% chance of a crit

Intrigue: Pick 2:
[X] Plucking A Clovis: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Rush Clovis no longer a factor on Scipio, other potential benefits
[X] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Fry's codebreaker secured
-[X] The Silencer
We should follow up on our actions last turn -- take care of Rush Clovis (securing IGBC as a Neutral ally, and securing a whole bunch of money and blackmail material for our own use...) and secure the one-size-fits-all codebreaker (probably a default bonus, plus another step in our recruitment of Talesan Fry). With Hero support for the latter, both actions have very good chances of success.

Rush Clovis: 60% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with 35% chance of a crit
Talesan Fry: 50% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes ) + 11 (Silencer) = 96% odds, with a 46% chance of a crit

Unfortunately, this means we won't be able to follow up on investigating the Techno Union cortosis-droid project, or any of the tantalizing Palpatine projects (moon or supercapital ship) that will be major priorities for next turn.

Lore: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 Archaeological Action:
[X] Archaeological Expeditions: Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[X] Inner Rim (Obroa-Skai, Phateem): Two of the Wonders of the Galaxy, these worlds contain expansive databases that could contain valuable information.
[X] A Brother's Lament: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Talzin's person of interest recovered
-[X] Asajj Ventress
I was torn on both halves of this equation. For archaeology, we had long ago discussed checking out Obroa-Skai as soon as we were done with Dathomir. The local Celebratus Archive is the largest library in the galaxy, with the longest history, and so would be able to give us a lot of information on Very Important Things -- things like "what is on Myrkr" and "what should we look for when we visit Rakata Prime." Plus it would retroactively justify PR-1's galaxy survey, and how he has so much intel on everything. Now the same action also has Phateem attached, which is even better -- the Halls of Knowledge should have tons of old Force artifacts lying around.

On the other hand... we did roll a crit-success on salvage to get access to Rakata Prime, and it's obvious that Dr. Snark has a plot hook in mind for that planet. Still, I'm inclined to wait on them for a turn in order to check out Obroa-Skai.

As for our other Lore action... Darth Maul could be horribly disruptive to our operations. We could try to stay far far away... but frankly, given the scale of disruption, it would probably be best to 'get in on the ground floor'. And if Asajj can fill the role that Savage did in canon, even better -- both for Maul and for Asajj's own personal growth (since the best way to learn something is to teach it to another). On the other hand, if we aren't willing to risk Maul, then we should stick to more 'standard fare' and let our agents learn Matukai ("harder, better, faster, stronger") while reassigning Asajj to help out elsewhere.

Archaeology: 70% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with a 25% chance of crit
Return of Maul: 50% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 19 (Asajj) = 94% odds, with 44% chance of crit

Learning: Pick 2, or pick only one Research action and halve its time:
[X] HK-47 Analysis: Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: HK-47's design studied, potential for droid upgrades
[X] Clone Resources: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Medical staff for clone deserters recruited, field-testing of nano-droids commenced
So many options, so little time. Analyzing HK-47 seems like a shoe-in, not just because of the synergy with the two Hero Actions, but also because it leads in to reclaiming the Foundry and using HK-47 as the basis of our own droid production line. Which sounds terrifying and awesome. As for the second, there were a lot of good options, but once Dr. Snark clarified, the choice was obvious. 'Clone Resources' starts dealing with those inhibitor chips and developing our nano-droid capability.

HK-47 Analysis: 60% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with a 35% chance of crit
Nano-Droids: 70% + 25 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with a 45 chance of crit

Personal: Pick 2:
[X] Ciaran's Conundrums: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
-[X] Silas Cata
-[X] Personal Attention
-[X] 4 Watchers
[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
-[X] Ciaran's Conundrums
Gah this one was tough! Frankly, I'm tempted to write up 2 plans, just because of how much of a difference this one choice makes. Anakin is a very risky choice. On the other hand, the rewards could be phenomenal. As difficult as the rest of this turn was, this was easily the hardest decision of all.

Recruit Anakin: ??? + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 34 (Personal Attention) + 12 (Silas) + 4 (Watchers) = 75% chance of a crit
[] Force Training:
-[] Matukai Techniques: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Matukai techniques learned
[] Force Training:
-[] Shatterpoint (Conceptual): Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Conceptual shatterpoint techniques learned
Instead, we can try to figure out 'conceptual Shatterpoint' (the odds aren't great, but failure would be much less catastrophic, and success would be awesome), while Matukai will give us unbelievable physical skills -- speed, strength, resilience, all that. Sadly Ventress is busy with Maul, and wouldn't be able to give hero support for shatterpoint

Matukai Techniques: 70% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with a 25% chance of crit
Conceptual Shatterpoint: 50% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 75% odds, with a 25% chance of crit.

Hero Units: Optional, Pick Up To 2, Uses Hero Unit's Full Stats:

[X] Cheriss Sair: The Art Of Droid Design: (Uses Learning Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Cheriss expands her knowledge of droid design, ???
[X] HK-47: Returning To Form: (Uses Learning Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: HK-47 returned to full functionality, ???
Upgrading HK-47 so he can help us with the Foundry is our biggest priority here. Given the synergy potential, I also decided to assign Cheriss to help analyze HK-47, and a Learning Action to investigate further. Basically, if it's possible to gain mechu-daru from Learning Actions, we probably will this turn, especially given how likely we are to land a crit...

Cheriss: 60% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 20 (Learning stat) = 100+% odds, with a 55% chance of crit
HK-47: 70% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 16 (Learning stat) = 100+% odds, with a 51% chance of crit

Sadly, all this means that we won't be able to steal claim Space City, or recruit miscellaneous scoundrels, or claim the Nar Shaddaa site. Still worth it.

New Bases:
[X] Ord Mantell: Cost: 125 Reward: Compound on Ord Mantell
[X] Dantooine: Cost: 50 Reward: Base on Dantooine
[X] Cato Nemodia: Cost: 150 Reward: Base on Cato Nemodia
This one depends on how much we're able to afford. Ord Mantell is locked in -- it's cheap and immediately useful (Gurlanin recruitment + banking center of the Mid Rim) -- as is Dantooine -- dirt cheap and a useful planet, especially given the abandoned Jedi Enclave next door!

Cato Neimoidia (Trade Federation investments + access to droids plus a bunch of vehicles to boost their combat strength) is second-tier, but I think we'll be able to afford it. That should significantly boost our droid forces, and help end that cap. Unfortunately, this means giving up Arkania until next turn, with its geneticists, dragons, and Force sites. I'm willing to be persuaded -- especially since we'll be laying claim to the Arkanian Legacy this turn, but I'm inclined to say that Cato Neimoidia is more of a long-term investment and thus takes priority.

Base Upgrades:

Coruscant Base:

[X] Karada Expansion:
-[X] Karada Cybernetics Branch: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from cybernetics branch
-[X] Karada Medical Programs: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from tuition fees
-[X] Karada Manufacturing: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Income from medical gear sales
-[X] Karada Pharmaceuticals: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Income from medicine sales
The Karada expansions pay for themselves in two turns (less with bonuses). 'Droid Marketing' is pointless if we're getting Cato Neimoidia this turn or next, since those 'excess' droids will be useful soon. 'Underworld Takeover' is neat, but we can't afford it.

Kaleesh Outpost:
[X] Simulation Centers: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Martial bonus
'Simulation Centers' (aka Battleroom) is obvious,. 'Kalee Development Program' is redundant with our Stewardship action, and way too expensive to boot.

Oracle (Lucrehulk):
[X] Invisible Hand Refit: Cost: 125 Reward: Invisible Hand refit and able to act on own initiative
[X] Salvage Fleet: Cost: 100 Reward: +75 Income from salvage teams, per-turn roll for other benefits
Salvage Fleet is an obvious pick. I was really tempted by the Sienar Customization, but refitting the Invisible Hand took priority given the "act on its own initiative" bit. I am a bit curious to see if we'll get a discount on the cost, since we're also getting an orbital shipyard on Kiln to help with the repairs.

Mandalorian Mansion:
[X] None
...Dammit. I really though this would be the turn we'd afford those beskar mines. We're helping Clan Skirata with nano-droids, so following up on that Karada facility is less urgent as well.

Lordran, Kiln:
[X] Orbital Shipyards: Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Ability to build and repair ships discreetly
[X] Military Production Facilities: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: 40% decrease in military upkeep
Dammit, pt. 2. I really thought we'd be able to afford that 'Personal Retreat'. But it's a huge expense and not an urgent one. Likewise, Andres110 persuaded me that BX Commando droids are well worth the investment, but we really can't afford them this turn.... Orbital Shipyards are really expensive, but basically necessary for dealing with the Chu'unthor and Arkanian Legacy (plus if we want to build our own fleet of, say, hospital ships, or freighters, or anything else). Military Production facilities are also expensive, but that 40% is huge -- we're spending 525 credits per turn on Military upkeep, so 40% discount saves us 210 credits per turn, plus whatever it saves us from the other military buildings this turn. It'll more than pay for itself in a single turn.

La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
[X] None.

Nar Shaddaa Property:
[X] Cantina Franchise: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 cantina income
[X] Amateur Bounty Hunters: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Military Income
The Cantinas and Bounty Hunters pay for themselves in two turns. After much thought, I decided against 'Undercity Investment' -- it would net us roughly +60 income per turn, but would take a bit more than two turns to pay for itself, and that was the cut-off mark. The Blacksite is likewise too expensive for the moment, even with the Martial discount coming online this turn.

Castell Facility:
[X] Cantina Franchise: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 cantina income, increased popularity on Castell
[X] Invest in Mining companies. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 mining income
Mining and Cantina pay for themselves in two turns, and the cantinas set the groundwork for our ouster of Shu Mai. Easy choice.

Muunilist Mansion:
[X] Large-Scale Wiretaps: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income, potential increase to Underworld Rumors
[X] Invest in a polar Mine-Spire: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 banking income OR +50 mining income
[X] Invest in Plain Family businesses: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
All of these will pay for themselves in two turns, and the latter two synergize especially well with our other IGBC actions. Phlut would give us access to IG droids, which Grievous used to construct his MagnaGuards.... but it takes three turns to pay for itself.

Vectivus' Home:
[X] Archaeological Facility: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +5 on Lore rolls
I'm not sure why I didn't pick this earlier (perhaps I misread "Upkeep: 25" as "75"? I also remember wanting to wait on it until we could build it on the Chu'unthor) but it's a pretty cheap upgrade for a Lore default bonus. Despite our tight budget, I decided to go for it this turn

Kashyyyk Facility:
[X] House Benelex Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income (OR military income?)
[X] Invest in KashyCorp: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income, upgraded weapons, Wookie Warrior squads more likely to survive combat
[X] Invest in Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Silver Cross income
Lots and lots of money. All of these pay for themselves in two turns. I decided to cut Tarisian Ale and Ithorian Botanical Garden to save just enough money to afford the new bases -- I'll put them back in if possible. I also had to cut Engineering Recruitment to save the 225 credits. We have quite a few Learning bonuses, so that one is less of a priority no matter how tasty it seems.

Taris Property:
[X] Sustained Revitalization: Cost: 200 Upkeep: 200 Reward: Current economic state sustained, higher-tier upgrades available
[X] SoroSuub Landing Reconstruction: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from SoroSuub investments
[X] Machineville Racing Course: Cost: 50 Reward: Machineville Racing Course rebuilt
[X] Wookiee Trade Guild Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Wookiee Trade Guild investment income
[X] Trade Port: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[X] Large-scale Wiretaps: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income, potential increase to Underworld Rumors
[X] Kuat Drive Yards Branch: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[X] Lhosan Industries Swoop-Bike Factory: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 investment income
'Sustained Revitalization' is costly, but very necessary, if only as a narrative hook to justify the continued good fortune our own investments on the planet, but also to enable the big-ticket items that will remake Taris into the 'Coruscant of the Outer Rim'. Machineville and Lhosan Industries open the door to a bunch of sports-related investments, which should give us a lot of long-term benefits (in both income and PR). Everything else pays for itself this turn. I decided against the Recruitment Center, to afford everything else.

Naboo Mansion:
[X] Defense Grid: Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established
[X] Luxus Resort Branch: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from Luxus Resort.
[X] Plasma Refinery Complex Investments: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 income from investing in complex
[X] Gungan Engineering: Cost: 75 Reward: +25 investment/military income, potential research benefits[/QUOTE]
We're investing heavily in the planet, so defense grid makes sense. The Luxus Resort and Refinery both pay for themselves in two turns. Gungan investment takes three, but may hold benefits for our shield research, so I picked it up. I held off on Moon Mining (three turns to pay off) as well as the black markets and tradeport (two turns) to ensure we could afford everything else this turn. A 'secure location' on Porso Hill sounded nice, but definitely not a priority

Free Action: +1 Diplomacy Action
There were (and are) just too many important Diplomacy actions this turn -- even with three actions, we still left out the Shard engineers, Ferrus Olin, and the Jedi Sentinels -- so that felt like the obvious choice. Still, that did mean we weren't able to follow up on the Techno Union cortosis droid conspiracy, but hopefully we'll be able to catch up on that next turn.

Hero Support (applies half the stats to a chosen action):
PR-1: [X] Recovering The Chu'unthor (Diplomatic Option)
The Silencer: [X] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan
Silas Cata: [X] Ciaran's Conundrums
Cheriss Sair: [X] The Art Of Droid Design
Thrawn: [X] Recovering The Chu'unthor (Diplomatic Option)
Grievous: [X] The Legacy Of Madmen
Asajj Ventress: [X] A Brother's Lament
HK-47: [X] Returning To Form

Watcher Support (18 teams available, 1 Point per assigned team):
[X] 4 teams assigned
-[X] Ciaran's Conundrums
[X] 5 teams assigned
-[X] The Resurgent

  • Adjusted a few income-generating base upgrades; slight change in income
  • By popular demand, swapped the Hero Support assignments for Grievous and The Silencer
  • More base upgrade shuffling, per @Void Stalker's suggestions.
Last edited:
Since our 24 hours are up, let me repost my plan.

[X] Plan Icosahedron Scheme

Because Pyramid Schemes aren't up to the challenge.

[X] Militia Standardization
[X] The Legacy Of Madmen
-[X] Grievous

Strengthening the CNS will allow us to better coordinate military operations without worrying about logistics and give grounds for a true military force. Meanwhile the opportunity of a research him filled with genetic data that brought the galaxy into a bidding war over doomsday weapons is too much to pass up. Our Jedi Super-Ship isn't going anywhere.

[X] The Resurgent
[X] Pull At The Strings (Free Action)
-[X] Thrawn
[X] For Bothawui's Eyes Only (CNS)

We waited patiently and now he's here, time to recruit Jango Fett. Growing our support in the Senate to hold up Palpatine's plots will give us time to cause more havoc. Meanwhile, recruiting the Bothans will increase the power of our expansive intelligence network by... I don't have a number, but it's a lot.

[X] Sienar Custom Vessel
-[X] Personalized Courier Ships
[X] Bank of Ciaran
[X] Cord of Three Strands

If I remember correctly getting personalised ships would increase the abilities of our heroes (so they could do their missions easier or allowing us to use them more effectively). Meanwhile making the CNS more financially independent should come in handy if things turn hot or the war ends and the Republic realises that it owes debts to a lot of people.

[X] Plucking A Clovis
-[X] Silencer
[X] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan
-[X] Silas Cata

Clovis is interfering with our efforts with the IGBC and Scipo and if the rumours are true he's guarding the wealth of Darth Plagueis for Palpatine. Time to help ourselves to that wealth. As for Fry, I don't personally find it that important, but everyone else thinks so.

[X] Archaeological Expeditions
-[X] Lehon/Rakata Prime
[X] A Brother's Lament
-[X] Asajj Ventress

Lehon is simple, us following up on last turn and seeing if there's more than meets the eyes. As for Maul, I know some of you have reservations about bringing him back, but there's nobody better who knows Sidious and having information on his personal abilities will make the Endgame smoother. If that doesn't convince you, remember that Maul was trained in all seven forms of lightsaber combat and if we want a private tutor for duelling, there's no better person if we want it remained out of view of Palpatine and the Jedi Council.

There was also the image of Maul and Ventress sharing the same 'ecleasstical' Mother and if there's one thing that got through to Maul and changed him it was family.

[X] The Mysteries of Myrkr
[X] Clone Resources

Gaining the ultimate anti-force creature, how could I say no. Gaining the loyalty of the Clone Commandos to recruit more Clones to our side, that's tempting as well.

[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus
[X] Ciaran's Conundrums
-[X] Personal Attention
-[X] 10 Watchers

I am taking no chances here. Anakin Skywalker is the most powerful force user in the galaxy and has the ability to decide the fate of the Galaxy. At worse, we need to stack the deck and roll back Palpatine's influence. At best, we convince Anakin to follow his own path and not to listen to others. In ridiculous, we get Ahsoka to join us (because Thrawn's omake mentoring must pay off somehow) as Anakin's liaison as he becomes our spy in the Order.

[X] Cheriss Sair: The Art Of Droid Design
[X] HK-47: Returning To Form

Building a better assassin... and possibly a New Droid Army.

[X] Sienar Ship Customization
[X] Invisible Hand Refit
[X] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative

Upgrading our fleet into something capable of going into a full-pitched battle.

[X] Build personal Retreat
[X] Military Production Facilities
-[X] PR-1

I have wanted our doom fortress so we could plot better for ages and now that we have the money, I'm not letting go. Meanwhile the chance to reduce our maintenance costs is far too enticing.

[X] Sustained Revitalization
[X] SoroSuub Landing Reconstruction
[X] Machineville Racing Course
[X] Wookiee Trade Guild Expansion
[X] Recruitment Center
[X] Trade Port

If you can't tell, I like the concept of restoring Taris and making it the CNS capital. Don't deny, you do as well.

[X] Luxus Resort Branch

Normally I wouldn't have chosen this... but if it allows us to 'rescue' Padme from the stresses of work more often count me in.

Total Cost: 2050
[X] Plan Kleptomaniac
Balance Sheet

Because what else can you call a Plan that steals the Chosen One, plus Palpatine's ex-apprentice, plus two super-ships, all in a single turn?

So yeah, this turn was busy! The hardest & most controversial choices were in Diplomacy, Intrigue, and especially our Personal Actions. The biggest trouble was deciding whether to try to recruit/sway Anakin Skywalker this turn, or to wait until we had more Hero Support to spare for it. I decided to go for it, but you could easily rewrite the plan to remove that and reshuffle some of the hero support to compensate.

Also, an alternate title here could be 'Double Down on Droids', since that's where quite a few of our other actions went -- our CNS Diplomacy action, one Learning action, and both Hero Actions. The fact that acquiring The Foundry is even possible -- it's listed as a Hero Action for HK-47 -- is itself a game-changer, and I want us to be ready to use it to the full.

Thanks largely to the omakes (definitely a lifesaver this round), I managed to keep everything to reasonable odds. Our lowest probability action is recovering the Arkanian Legacy (at 83%) while everything else is at 90% or higher.

Martial: Pick 2:

[X] Wookieetarian Action: Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 50 Reward: Anti-Trandoshan patrols set up around Kashyyyk system, ???
[X] The Legacy Of Madmen: Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Arkanian Legacy recovered
-[X] The Silencer
Militia Standardization seems somewhat useful, but not especially so, and there are obvious (if implicit) risks in having the CNS militarize so openly. Wookietarian Action, on the other hand, is explicitly defensive, protecting our allies (and potentially recruiting Kashyyyk for the CNS) against an obviously aggressive slave-raiding neighbor. PR is our primary weapon against Palpatine at the moment, and Kashyyyk is PR gold. And did I mention that this lets us meet Chewie? Yeah, he was one of the Wookies caught in a slave raid. Also Ahsoka Tano, who was captured shortly thereafter. We might even meet the Marek family and save Galen Marek's mom -- she was killed in a Trandoshan slave raid!

As for the second action, with The Silencer's support, we had decent odds for recovering the Arkanian Legacy. We could boost it to a certain 100% with Grievous's support, but he's busy dealing with the clusterf**k that is Talesan Fry's codebreaker, which is a bit higher priority for this turn.

Wookies: 75% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100% odds, with a 25% chance of crit
Arkanian Legacy: 40% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 18 (Silencer) = 83% odds, with a 43% chance of crit

Diplomacy: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 CNS Action, 1 Free Action:
[X] The Resurgent: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Formally recruit Jango Fett
-[X] 5 Watchers
[X] For Bothawui's Eyes Only (CNS): Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Bothan Spynet contacted, Bothawui and surrounding systems recruited into CNS
[X] Recovering The Chu'unthor (Diplomatic Option): Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Diplomatically gain access to the Chu'unthor
-[X] Thrawn
-[X] PR-1
'Resurgent' was the obvious pick here -- let's recruit Jango! For our CNS action, it came down to either the Shards or the Bothans. Most of the discussion seemed to favor the Bothans, which is why I picked it, but take a second look at the Shards. They're sentient crystals, who have an intuitive understanding of electronics and computing technology. That covers a lot on the Learning side of things, and would have amazing synergy with our droid-related actions this turn. Plus, Talesan Fry's codebreaker should give us a nice Intrigue bonus as compensation, so the Bothans aren't as urgent. All the same, I won't change this unless I hear from people they'd prefer Shards.

Recruit Jango Fett: 60% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 5 (Watchers) = 90% odds, with a 30% chance of crit
Recruit Bothans: 60% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 90% odds, with a 30% chance of crit
Chu'unthor: 40% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 15 (Thrawn) + 10 (PR-1) = 90% odds, with 50% chance of crit

Stewardship: Pick 2 Regular Actions, Up to 1 Sienar Action:

[X] Sienar Custom Vessel: Chance of Success: 90%
-[X] Personalized Courier Ships: Cost: 150 Reward: Personalized Courier ships designed/selectively produced
[X] Cord of Three Strands: Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Increased economic development for Kalee, increased stability for Muunilist and surrounding area
[X] Bank of Ciaran: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased economic strength in CNS
This was the easiest category to pick for, by far. Sienar is a free action, and the Courier Ships give us extra Hero actions. 'Cord' boosts our Muunilist investments, and removes the cap on Kalee Warriors. Bank of Ciaran lets us integrate further with the IGBC, and gain a bunch of income.

Courier Ships: 90% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with a 30% chance of a crit
Cord of Three: 60% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 90% odds, with a 30% chance of a crit
Bank of Ciaran: 60% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 90% odds, with a 30% chance of a crit

Intrigue: Pick 2:
[X] Plucking A Clovis: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Rush Clovis no longer a factor on Scipio, other potential benefits
[X] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Fry's codebreaker secured
-[X] Grievous
We should follow up on our actions last turn -- take care of Rush Clovis (securing IGBC as a Neutral ally, and securing a whole bunch of money and blackmail material for our own use...) and secure the one-size-fits-all codebreaker (probably a default bonus, plus another step in our recruitment of Talesan Fry). With Hero support for the latter, both actions have very good chances of success.

Rush Clovis: 60% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with 35% chance of a crit
Talesan Fry: 50% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes ) + 11 (PR-1) = 96% odds, with a 46% chance of a crit

Unfortunately, this means we won't be able to follow up on investigating the Techno Union cortosis-droid project, or any of the tantalizing Palpatine projects (moon or supercapital ship) that will be major priorities for next turn.

Lore: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 Archaeological Action:
[X] Archaeological Expeditions: Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[X] Inner Rim (Obroa-Skai, Phateem): Two of the Wonders of the Galaxy, these worlds contain expansive databases that could contain valuable information.
[X] A Brother's Lament: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Talzin's person of interest recovered
-[X] Asajj
I was torn on both halves of this equation. For archaeology, we had long ago discussed checking out Obroa-Skai as soon as we were done with Dathomir. The local Celebratus Archive is the largest library in the galaxy, with the longest history, and so would be able to give us a lot of information on Very Important Things -- things like "what is on Myrkr" and "what should we look for when we visit Rakata Prime." Plus it would retroactively justify PR-1's galaxy survey, and how he has so much intel on everything. Now the same action also has Phateem attached, which is even better -- the Halls of Knowledge should have tons of old Force artifacts lying around.

On the other hand... we did roll a crit-success on salvage to get access to Rakata Prime, and it's obvious that Dr. Snark has a plot hook in mind for that planet. Still, I'm inclined to wait on them for a turn in order to check out Obroa-Skai.

As for our other Lore action... Darth Maul could be horribly disruptive to our operations. We could try to stay far far away... but frankly, given the scale of disruption, it would probably be best to 'get in on the ground floor'. And if Asajj can fill the role that Savage did in canon, even better -- both for Maul and for Asajj's own personal growth (since the best way to learn something is to teach it to another). On the other hand, if we aren't willing to risk Maul, then we should stick to more 'standard fare' and let our agents learn Matukai ("harder, better, faster, stronger") while reassigning Asajj to help out elsewhere.

Archaeology: 70% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with a 25% chance of crit
Return of Maul: 50% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 19 (Asajj) = 94% odds, with 44% chance of crit

Learning: Pick 2, or pick only one Research action and halve its time:
[X] HK-47 Analysis: Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: HK-47's design studied, potential for droid upgrades
[X] Clone Resources: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Medical staff for clone deserters recruited, field-testing of nano-droids commenced
So many options, so little time. Analyzing HK-47 seems like a shoe-in, not just because of the synergy with the two Hero Actions, but also because it leads in to reclaiming the Foundry and using HK-47 as the basis of our own droid production line. Which sounds terrifying and awesome. As for the second, there were a lot of good options, but once Dr. Snark clarified, the choice was obvious. 'Clone Resources' starts dealing with those inhibitor chips and developing our nano-droid capability.

HK-47 Analysis: 60% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with a 35% chance of crit
Nano-Droids: 70% + 25 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with a 45 chance of crit

Personal: Pick 2:
[X] Ciaran's Conundrums: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
-[X] Silas Cata
-[X] Personal Attention
-[X] 4 Watchers
[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
-[X] Ciaran's Conundrums
Gah this one was tough! Frankly, I'm tempted to write up 2 plans, just because of how much of a difference this one choice makes. Anakin is a very risky choice. On the other hand, the rewards could be phenomenal. As difficult as the rest of this turn was, this was easily the hardest decision of all.

Recruit Anakin: ??? + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 34 (Personal Attention) + 12 (Silas) + 4 (Watchers) = 75% chance of a crit
[] Force Training:
-[] Matukai Techniques: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Matukai techniques learned
[] Force Training:
-[] Shatterpoint (Conceptual): Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Conceptual shatterpoint techniques learned
Instead, we can try to figure out 'conceptual Shatterpoint' (the odds aren't great, but failure would be much less catastrophic, and success would be awesome), while Matukai will give us unbelievable physical skills -- speed, strength, resilience, all that. Sadly Ventress is busy with Maul, and wouldn't be able to give hero support for shatterpoint

Matukai Techniques: 70% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with a 25% chance of crit
Conceptual Shatterpoint: 50% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 75% odds, with a 25% chance of crit.

Hero Units: Optional, Pick Up To 2, Uses Hero Unit's Full Stats:

[X] Cheriss Sair: The Art Of Droid Design: (Uses Learning Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Cheriss expands her knowledge of droid design, ???
[X] HK-47: Returning To Form: (Uses Learning Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: HK-47 returned to full functionality, ???
Upgrading HK-47 so he can help us with the Foundry is our biggest priority here. Given the synergy potential, I also decided to assign Cheriss to help analyze HK-47, and a Learning Action to investigate further. Basically, if it's possible to gain mechu-daru from Learning Actions, we probably will this turn, especially given how likely we are to land a crit...

Cheriss: 60% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 20 (Learning stat) = 100+% odds, with a 55% chance of crit
HK-47: 70% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 16 (Learning stat) = 100+% odds, with a 51% chance of crit

Sadly, all this means that we won't be able to steal claim Space City, or recruit miscellaneous scoundrels, or claim the Nar Shaddaa site. Still worth it.

New Bases:
[X] Ord Mantell: Cost: 125 Reward: Compound on Ord Mantell
[X] Dantooine: Cost: 50 Reward: Base on Dantooine
[X] Cato Nemodia: Cost: 150 Reward: Base on Cato Nemodia
This one depends on how much we're able to afford. Ord Mantell is locked in -- it's cheap and immediately useful (Gurlanin recruitment + banking center of the Mid Rim) -- as is Dantooine -- dirt cheap and a useful planet, especially given the abandoned Jedi Enclave next door!

Cato Neimoidia (Trade Federation investments + access to droids plus a bunch of vehicles to boost their combat strength) is second-tier, but I think we'll be able to afford it. That should significantly boost our droid forces, and help end that cap. Unfortunately, this means giving up Arkania until next turn, with its geneticists, dragons, and Force sites. I'm willing to be persuaded -- especially since we'll be laying claim to the Arkanian Legacy this turn, but I'm inclined to say that Cato Neimoidia is more of a long-term investment and thus takes priority.

Base Upgrades:

Coruscant Base:

[X] Karada Expansion:
-[X] Karada Cybernetics Branch: Time to really rake in the money from that. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from cybernetics branch
-[X] Karada Medical Programs: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from tuition fees
-[X] Karada Manufacturing: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Income from medical gear sales
-[X] Karada Pharmaceuticals: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Income from medicine sales

The Karada expansions pay for themselves in two turns (less with bonuses). 'Droid Marketing' is pointless if we're getting Cato Neimoidia this turn or next, since those 'excess' droids will be useful soon. 'Underworld Takeover' is neat, but we can't afford it.

Kaleesh Outpost:
[X] Simulation Centers: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Martial bonus
'Simulation Centers' (aka Battleroom) is obvious,. 'Kalee Development Program' is redundant with our Stewardship action, and way too expensive to boot.

Oracle (Lucrehulk):
[X] Invisible Hand Refit: Cost: 125 Reward: Invisible Hand refit and able to act on own initiative
[X] Salvage Fleet: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Income from salvage teams, per-turn roll for other benefits
I was really tempted by the Sienar Customization, but refitting the Invisible Hand took priority given the "act on its own initiative" bit. am a bit curious to see if we'll get a discount on the cost, since we're also getting an orbital shipyard on Kiln to help with the repairs. The Salvage fleet should pay for itself in a turn or two, so I kept that one in as well.

Mandalorian Mansion:
[X] None
...Dammit. I really though this would be the turn we'd afford those beskar mines. We're helping Clan Skirata with nano-droids, so following up on that Karada facility is less urgent as well.

Lordran, Kiln:
[X] Orbital Shipyards: Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Ability to build and repair ships discreetly
[X] Military Production Facilities: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: 40% decrease in military upkeep
Dammit, pt. 2. I really thought we'd be able to afford that 'Personal Retreat'. But it's a huge expense and not an urgent one. Likewise, Andres110 persuaded me that BX Commando droids are well worth the investment, but we really can't afford them this turn.... Orbital Shipyards are really expensive, but basically necessary for dealing with the Chu'unthor and Arkanian Legacy (plus if we want to build our own fleet of, say, hospital ships, or freighters, or anything else). Military Production facilities are also expensive, but that 40% is huge -- we're spending 525 credits per turn on Military upkeep, so 40% discount saves us 210 credits per turn, plus whatever it saves us from the other military buildings this turn. It'll more than pay for itself in a single turn.

La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
[X] None.

Nar Shaddaa Property:
[X] Cantina Franchise: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 cantina income
[X] Expanded Smugglers Den: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Smuggling Income
[X] Amateur Bounty Hunters: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Military Income
The Cantinas, Smugglers Den, and Bounty Hunters pay for themselves in two turns. After much thought, I decided against 'Undercity Investment' -- it would net us roughly +60 income per turn, but would take a bit more than two turns to pay for itself, and that was the cut-off mark. The Blacksite is likewise too expensive for the moment, even with the Martial discount coming online this turn.

Castell Facility:
[X] Invest in Mining companies. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 mining income
Mining pays for itself in two turns. Cantina Franchise takes three, and we're so swamped with actions that organizing the ouster of Shu Mai is not an immediate priority. I decided against it, sadly.

Muunilist Mansion:
[X] Invest in a polar Mine-Spire: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 banking income OR +50 mining income
[X] Invest in Plain Family businesses: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
These pay for themselves in two turns, less with bonus. Phlut gives us access to IG droids, which Grievous used to construct his MagnaGuards.... but it takes four turns to pay for itself.

Vectivus' Home:
[X] Archaeological Facility: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +5 on Lore rolls

Kashyyyk Facility:
[X] House Benelex Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income (OR military income?)
[X] Invest in KashyCorp: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income, upgraded weapons, Wookie Warrior squads more likely to survive combat
[X] Invest in Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Silver Cross income
[X] Incom/Sienar/Kuat Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
Lots and lots of money. All of these pay for themselves in two turns. I decided to cut Tarisian Ale and Ithorian Botanical Garden to save just enough money to afford the new bases -- I'll put them back in if possible. I also had to cut Engineering Recruitment to save the 225 credits. We have quite a few Learning bonuses, so that one is less of a priority no matter how tasty it seems.

Taris Property:
[X] Sustained Revitalization: Cost: 200 Upkeep: 200 Reward: Current economic state sustained, higher-tier upgrades available
[X] SoroSuub Landing Reconstruction: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from SoroSuub investments
[X] Machineville Racing Course: Cost: 50 Reward: Machineville Racing Course rebuilt
[X] Wookiee Trade Guild Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Wookiee Trade Guild investment income
[X] Trade Port: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[X] Large-scale Wiretaps: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income, potential increase to Underworld Rumors
[X] Kuat Drive Yards Branch: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[X] Lhosan Industries Swoop-Bike Factory: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 investment income
'Sustained Revitalization' is costly, but very necessary, if only as a narrative hook to justify the continued good fortune our own investments on the planet, but also to enable the big-ticket items that will remake Taris into the 'Coruscant of the Outer Rim'. Machineville and Khosan Industries open the door to a bunch of sports-related investments, which should give us a lot of long-term benefits (in both income and PR). Everything else pays for itself this turn. I decided against the Recruitment Center, to afford everything else.

Naboo Mansion:
[X] Defense Grid: Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established
[X] Luxus Resort Branch: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from Luxus Resort.
[X] Tradeport Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[X] Plasma Refinery Complex Investments: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 income from investing in complex
We're investing heavily in the planet, so defense grid makes sense. The Luxus Resort, Tradeport, and Refinery all pay for themselves in two turns. I held off on Moon Mining and Gungan investment (which would pay for themselves in three turns) as well as the black markets, to ensure we could afford everything else this turn. A 'secure location' on Porso Hill sounded nice, but definitely not a priority

Free Action: +1 Diplomacy Action
There were (and are) just too many important Diplomacy actions this turn -- even with three actions, we still left out the Shard engineers, Ferrus Olin, and the Jedi Sentinels -- so that felt like the obvious choice. Still, that did mean we weren't able to follow up on the Techno Union cortosis droid conspiracy, but hopefully we'll be able to catch up on that next turn./SPOILER]

Hero Support (applies half the stats to a chosen action):
PR-1: [X] Recovering The Chu'unthor (Diplomatic Option)
The Silencer: [X] The Legacy Of Madmen
Silas Cata: [X] Ciaran's Conundrums
Cheriss Sair: [X] The Art Of Droid Design
Thrawn: [X] Recovering The Chu'unthor (Diplomatic Option)
Grievous: [X] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan
Asajj Ventress: [X] A Brother's Lament
HK-47: [X] Returning To Form

Watcher Support (18 teams available, 1 Point per assigned team):
[X] 4 teams assigned
-[X] Ciaran's Conundrums
[X] 5 teams assigned
-[X] The Resurgent
I really feel that every turn Ciaran needs to be training in the Force.
<exhausted wheeze> I'm pretty sure that the Balance Sheet works out, but I have to go back over and fix all the numbers. I'll post that as soon as I finish with it. Please give feedback -- there were a few points where I really could have gone either way.
  • Recruit Bothan spies vs. Recruit Shard engineers
  • Explore Obroa-Skai vs. Explore Rakata Prime
  • Recruit Anakin vs. focus on 'Conceptual Shatterpoint'
  • Purchasing a base on Cato Neimoidia vs. purchasing one on Arkania
Not to mention the thousand different cost-benefit analyses that went into the Base upgrades. So please, feedback and debate!
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Okay, here's how that's going to go down: Personal Shield research will allow you to create shield units that don't require (expensive) armor, whereas creating your own variant will allow you to mass-produce them.
@Dr. Snark, can you clarify what this means? We have two avenues for 'personal shield research' -- 1) develop our own with help from HK-47, or 2) analyzing Clone Commando armor. Which one lets us mass produce?

Let me rework one of the actions to make sure that's part of it.
Thanks for the clarification; that action became a lot higher priority as a result.

They said they'd stay out of the way but wouldn't commit to anything more than that. That's probably the best you're going to get.
...Really? So we'll have to oust Shu Mai all on our own, rather than working with other Commerce Guild members to arrange it? If that's the case, can you let us know how that's supposed to happen, and if there will be future actions to get us there?

The idea behind Chu'unthor is that we've invested quite a bit in getting it already, and it provides another action in a category we really need more actions in. Getting it asap lets us exploit that a turn sooner. And expediting Force sect research could mean the difference between life and death.

The thing is, we don't need more Force Outreach right now. Hell, we have a backlog, and one that's not going down anytime soon. Even with a +1 contact Diplomacy action, that doesn't help because contacting Force Sects isn't part of the action limit squeeze in Diplomacy we currently have, nor is contacting Force Sects a bottleneck in learning new Force moves. We can contact/research five Force Schools a turn, but it doesn't change that we can only actually learn one per turn for our Agents, and 2 for Ciaran if we decide not to take any other Personal Actions she has.
I think you misread something. The Chu'unthor is a mobile Force research spaceship. That is to say, yes, it's mobile, so we can outfit it for outreach to other Force sects. And there's a really good reason we should want to: we need to make contact with the Ysanna to access the Great Jedi Library, and make contact with Baron Do to learn light-side Force Lightning techniques, and make contact with Zeison Sha to learn ridiculous telekinesis skills, and make contact with the Corellian Jedi because they know about Ruusan, and all the rest. So yes, outreach is important!

But even so, outreach is not the central feature. The Chu'unthor specializes in Force research, which means it would help us learn more Force techniques. We could probably invest and upgrade it to conduct research on Force-related topics like cortosis or taozin as well. So it would help alleviate the bottleneck on both sides -- on reaching out to others (and gaining allies for the final fight), and improving the quality of our own agents and organization.

@Publicola, we might as well get Ventress to help us with the Matukai stuff so she learns it too and to drive up the chance of a crit.
I assigned her to recovering Maul -- @Panory persuaded me that was the best use of her.

I'd like to remind you this quest has literally no incentive to save our credits. Spending as much as possible is preferred so long as income will still outpace upkeep costs.. Otherwise, the closer you can get to zero the better.
...That is another very good point; thanks for reminding me. Balance sheet still forthcoming...

Also: is it possible to use the Free Action on a Personal Action? (Specifically, to meet Anakin with Personal Attention and still learn Conceptual Shatterpoint. Whether that's a good idea is a different question, of course.)
Nice idea! I'm pretty sure that'd be fine -- there's nothing against it in the rules -- but decided against it this turn because I felt our Diplomacy bottleneck required our free action this turn.

I really feel that every turn Ciaran needs to be training in the Force.
Ordinarily I'd agree with you, but if we want to recruit Anakin, we would need to assign Personal Attention as well, which eats up both of Ciaran's personal actions. We had a pretty good shot of succeeding this turn, so that's was the call I made, but either this turn or some future turn we would be unable to do training, simply in order to give Anakin the attention he needs.

@Dr. Snark, can you clarify what this means? We have two avenues for 'personal shield research' -- 1) develop our own with help from HK-47, or 2) analyzing Clone Commando armor. Which one lets us mass produce?

The former.

...Really? So we'll have to oust Shu Mai all on our own, rather than working with other Commerce Guild members to arrange it? If that's the case, can you let us know how that's supposed to happen, and if there will be future actions to get us there?

I never said that you'd be on your own, unless you want to try doing things on your own. You could always run an assassination, recruit some of the smaller companies to your side, or whatever.

As for SoroSuub, it's one of the biggest players in the Commerce Guild if not the biggest, so the fact that they're willing to at least consider letting a coup happen is something.
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[] Salvage Fleet: Thanks to Silver Cross, you have access to pretty much every battlefield in the galaxy, and can move in almost as soon as the fighting is done. Set up a scavenger/salvage fleet to take advantage of this -- to sweep in after the fighting's done, looking for high-quality tech or mostly-intact starships to seize. You might even save a few lives and get a PR boost out of it -- have your salvage teams keep an eye out for survivors, and work with Silver Cross to get them medical attention as soon as they're found. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Income from salvage teams, per-turn roll for other benefits
@Dr. Snark, when I gave the idea for this, I suggested that it would give us more money than other salvage operations as the salvage would be mostly military-grade war materiel rather than mostly trash. You agreed as the objectively better rewards were balanced by the fact that it was only possible thanks to a super-crit. This only has +25 income, which is the same as all the other salvage operations.

[X] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Fry's codebreaker secured
-[X] Grievous
Ugh. Can we have Grievous do something else? He's a warrior and a general, not a spy, so he certainly won't appreciate doing yet another one of these missions twice in a row. Swap the Silencer and Grievous out for each other. Their stats are very similar except the Silencer won't feel upset about his choice in assignment.
@Dr. Snark, when I gave the idea for this, I suggested that it would give us more money than other salvage operations as the salvage would be mostly military-grade war materiel rather than mostly trash. You agreed as the objectively better rewards were balanced by the fact that it was only possible thanks to a super-crit. This only has +25 income, which is the same as all the other salvage operations.
I second the motion. :D

Ugh. Can we have Grievous do something else? He's a warrior and a general, not a spy, so he certainly won't appreciate doing yet another one of these missions twice in a row. Swap the Silencer and Grievous out for each other. Their stats are very similar except the Silencer won't feel upset about his choice in assignment.
I suggest re-reading the text.
[] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan: The good news from Genian is that Fry is finally over his bout of paranoia and is ready to go through with the final sale of his codebreaker. The bad news is that the Republic is still very interested in getting their hands on it and will move to ensure that they can get it for themselves, and there's a non-zero chance the CIS might find out enough to make a play of their own. All you have to do is figure out a way to get your hands on the codebreaker and make sure no one else figures out you acquired it in the process. Easy, right? Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Fry's codebreaker secured
Talesan Fry's codebreaker is a game-changer, and everyone knows it. That's why it has a 50% chance of success -- because there's a 50% change that all hell will break loose when someone finally claims it. I assigned Grievous to this action because it would be violent, because this is where the cease-fire we arranged will almost certainly collapse into all-out war.

(Also: the Arkanian Legacy is in space, and The Silencer's armor is hermetically sealed).
@Publicola - For what it's worth, I'd prefer Shards over Bothans, for purposes of diversifying the CNS's strengths. (Edit: Would also prefer Conceptual Shatterpoint over the Chu'unthor for the Free Action, but I know you disagree there.)
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A slight modification of Publicola's plan - minus Chu'unthor, plus Conceptual Shatterpoint. Also Shards in place of Bothans.

[X] Plan Conceptual Kleptomaniac

Martial: Pick 2:

[X] Wookieetarian Action: Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 50 Reward: Anti-Trandoshan patrols set up around Kashyyyk system, ???
[X] The Legacy Of Madmen: Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Arkanian Legacy recovered
-[X] Grievous
-[X] Thrawn

Diplomacy: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 CNS Action:
[X] The Resurgent: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Formally recruit Jango Fett
-[X] 5 Watcher teams
[X] Shards Encased In Iron (CNS): Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Contact with Shard worlds established, potential to recruit Shard engineers

Stewardship: Pick 2 Regular Actions, Up to 1 Sienar Action:
[X] Sienar Custom Vessel: Chance of Success: 90%
-[X] Personalized Courier Ships: Cost: 150 Reward: Personalized Courier ships designed/selectively produced
[X] Cord of Three Strands: Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Increased economic development for Kalee, increased stability for Muunilist and surrounding area
[X] Bank of Ciaran: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased economic strength in CNS
-[X] PR-1

Intrigue: Pick 2:
[X] Plucking A Clovis: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Rush Clovis no longer a factor on Scipio, other potential benefits
[X] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Fry's codebreaker secured
-[X] The Silencer

Lore: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 Archaeological Action:
[X] Archaeological Expeditions: Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[X] Inner Rim (Obroa-Skai, Phateem): Two of the Wonders of the Galaxy, these worlds contain expansive databases that could contain valuable information.
[X] A Brother's Lament: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Talzin's person of interest recovered
-[X] Asajj

Learning: Pick 2, or pick only one Research action and halve its time:
[X] HK-47 Analysis: Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: HK-47's design studied, potential for droid upgrades
[X] Clone Resources: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Medical staff for clone deserters recruited, field-testing of nano-droids commenced

Personal: Pick 2, 1 Free Action:
[X] Ciaran's Conundrums: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
-[X] Silas Cata
-[X] Personal Attention
-[X] 4 Watchers
[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
-[X] Ciaran's Conundrums
[X] Force Training
-[X] Shatterpoint (Conceptual): Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Conceptual shatterpoint techniques learned

Hero Units: Optional, Pick Up To 2, Uses Hero Unit's Full Stats:
[X] Cheriss Sair: The Art Of Droid Design: (Uses Learning Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Cheriss expands her knowledge of droid design, ???
[X] HK-47: Returning To Form: (Uses Learning Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: HK-47 returned to full functionality, ???

New Bases:
[X] Ord Mantell: Cost: 125 Reward: Compound on Ord Mantell
[X] Dantooine: Cost: 50 Reward: Base on Dantooine
[X] Cato Nemodia: Cost: 150 Reward: Base on Cato Nemodia

Base Upgrades:

Coruscant Base:

[X] Karada Expansion:
-[X] Karada Cybernetics Branch: Time to really rake in the money from that. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from cybernetics branch
-[X] Karada Medical Programs: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from tuition fees
-[X] Karada Manufacturing: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Income from medical gear sales
-[X] Karada Pharmaceuticals: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Income from medicine sales

Kaleesh Outpost:
[X] Simulation Centers: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Martial bonus

Oracle (Lucrehulk):
[X] Invisible Hand Refit: Cost: 125 Reward: Invisible Hand refit and able to act on own initiative
[X] Salvage Fleet: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Income from salvage teams, per-turn roll for other benefits

Mandalorian Mansion:
[X] None

Lordran, Kiln:
[X] Orbital Shipyards: Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Ability to build and repair ships discreetly
[X] Military Production Facilities: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: 40% decrease in military upkeep

La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
[X] None.

Nar Shaddaa Property:
[X] Cantina Franchise: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 cantina income
[X] Expanded Smugglers Den: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Smuggling Income
[X] Amateur Bounty Hunters: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Military Income

Castell Facility:
[X] Invest in Mining companies. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 mining income

Muunilist Mansion:
[X] Invest in a polar Mine-Spire: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 banking income OR +50 mining income
[X] Invest in Plain Family businesses: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income

Vectivus' Home:
[X] Archaeological Facility: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +5 on Lore rolls

Kashyyyk Facility:
[X] House Benelex Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income (OR military income?)
[X] Invest in KashyCorp: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income, upgraded weapons, Wookie Warrior squads more likely to survive combat
[X] Invest in Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Silver Cross income
[X] Incom/Sienar/Kuat Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income

Taris Property:
[X] Sustained Revitalization: Cost: 200 Upkeep: 200 Reward: Current economic state sustained, higher-tier upgrades available
[X] SoroSuub Landing Reconstruction: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from SoroSuub investments
[X] Machineville Racing Course: Cost: 50 Reward: Machineville Racing Course rebuilt
[X] Wookiee Trade Guild Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Wookiee Trade Guild investment income
[X] Trade Port: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[X] Large-scale Wiretaps: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income, potential increase to Underworld Rumors
[X] Kuat Drive Yards Branch: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[X] Lhosan Industries Swoop-Bike Factory: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 investment income

Naboo Mansion:
[X] Defense Grid: Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established
[X] Luxus Resort Branch: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from Luxus Resort.
[X] Tradeport Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[X] Plasma Refinery Complex Investments: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 income from investing in complex

Free Action: +1 Personal Action

Hero Support (applies half the stats to a chosen action):
PR-1: [X] Bank of Ciaran
The Silencer: [X] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan
Silas Cata: [X] Ciaran's Conundrums
Cheriss Sair: [X] The Art Of Droid Design
Thrawn: [X] The Legacy of Madmen
Grievous: [X] The Legacy of Madmen
Asajj Ventress: [X] A Brother's Lament
HK-47: [X] Returning To Form

Watcher Support (18 teams available, 1 Point per assigned team):
[X] 4 teams assigned
-[X] Ciaran's Conundrums
[X] 5 teams assigned
-[X] The Resurgent

Success chances:
Shards Encased in Iron - 100%
The Legacy of Madmen - 100% (was 83%)
Conceptual Shatterpoint - 75% (would be higher, but since we can't use hero units or Watchers to help....)
Bank of Ciaran - 99% (was 90%)
I considered moving PR-1 to Jango and the Watchers to the Bank, but I'm not sure that makes as much in-universe sense, though it does improve our chances.
EDIT1: Switched Grievous and the Silencer.
Last edited:
@Dr. Snark, when I gave the idea for this, I suggested that it would give us more money than other salvage operations as the salvage would be mostly military-grade war materiel rather than mostly trash. You agreed as the objectively better rewards were balanced by the fact that it was only possible thanks to a super-crit. This only has +25 income, which is the same as all the other salvage operations.

...I totally forgot I said that, but it makes sense. Will update.
Here's a question for @Dr. Snark:
Lordran, Kiln:
[X] Orbital Shipyards: Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Ability to build and repair ships discreetly
Thanks to our labor droid factory, we have a 40% discount for all Kiln upkeep. However, this turn we are also adding a 40% discount on all Military upkeep. What happens if an upgrade qualifies for both? (For instance, I didn't include it, but strongly considered buying a BX-commando droid factory this turn...)

Would only one discount apply?
Or would the two discounts stack (in this case, give an 80% discount)?
Or would the two discounts apply sequentially -- so we'd get a 40% discount, then deduct another 24% (40% of the remaining 60%) for a total discount of 64%?

A slight modification of Publicola's plan - minus Chu'unthor, plus Conceptual Shatterpoint. Also Shards in place of Bothans.
Interesting.... If it wasn't obvious, I feel strongly that we should get the Chu'unthor ASAP, but I understand why Conceptual Shatterpoint might seem more urgent. Something else to consider: shatterpoint doesn't have great odds of success, only 75% after default and omake bonuses. That's not terrible, but it's not a surefire success either.

I know the Chu'unthor is mobile. That doesn't refute my points... at all really.
You said that we don't need to do outreach, because we have a cap on how fast our agents can learn techniques.

I pointed out that the Chu'unthor, as a base dedicated to Force research, would help us learn more Force techniques -- by providing training facilities and a dedicated environment for our agents to learn.

I also pointed out that, even if the ship didn't help remove the cap on learning Force techniques, there would still be very good reasons we would want to do outreach anyway.