only padme and the inner council really know cairanHmm. It would be fun to have a character who saw Ciaran like people saw Vimes in the later Watch books (by Terry Pratchett) - so she scares him (or her) because he sees her as moral, but utterly ruthless. I kinda like the idea of seeing Ciaran from that angle, and like the idea that different people have quite divergent experiences of Ciaran (since she wears so many masks that are each caricatures of some more complex but always hidden core of her character).
It would also be neat to have an isolationist character who was a warm and good person - usually isolationists get painted as the bad guys or at least useful idiots for the bad guys. And also fun to make this isolationist making lots of interventionist choices (like really backing the refugee settlement on Taris, getting involved in helping refugees across the CNS, then getting involved in the whole CNS government) due to the other elements of their moral code (and the character feeling the tension between their different morals).
This thing. Chu'unthorAs someone passably familiar with the setting, can you elaborate?
What super ship?
The GM's plot's body isn't even cold and he is at it again.
the absolute madman XD
In the end I settled for Vincenzo Wan, and his own brand of political corruption.
"You do get this fancy hat. Which just might make it all worthwhile." she said, reaching to grab a rather ornate hat from a rack on the wall and place it on his head.
The Right Honorable, the Lord Governor of TarisVincenzo Wan was a politician to the bone. His parents had been politicians, their parents before them had been politicians, and their parents before them had been moisture farmers, but the family never talked about them. And so when his planet had been ravaged by the war and he had evacuated to the planet of Taris, he took note of the gaping power vacuum in its government and set his sights on it.
The biggest obstacle of course was Lady Ciaran herself. Vincenzo would never go so far as to call her an enemy, both because it was political suicide and he honestly didn't think she was an enemy, but she was undoubtedly his biggest competition for the place of governor. Other politicians hardly even registered to the public at large, and who could blame them? Lady Ciaran was the entire reason Taris was anything more than ruins and legends. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the woman had saved the lives of the majority of the planet's inhabitants.
Clearly, Vincenzo would have his work cut out for him. Getting a seat on the council was simple given his previous political experience, and he had used his position of power to sneak as much 'voting reform' into laws needed for the survival of Taris. In a rush to get the laws put into effect as soon as possible to deal with the ballooning population, Vincenzo had been able to gerrymander the planet's sectors to high hell and back.
But that wouldn't do much good by itself. Targeted voter suppression, disproportionately weighed votes to less populated sectors, and a stupidly large PR push in those areas followed in quick succession. In regards to his attempts to make himself known to the public, at least in the areas he needed to win, Lady Ciaran's ability to eclipse the actual government played to his favor. He had made no shortage of enemies with his policies, but the common man simply didn't care about that, allowing Vincenzo to build his image from the ground up.
Building himself up was simple enough, but Lady Ciaran was a juggernaut that he had no chance of beating on his own merits. And running attack campaigns had the chance to bring all his hard work crashing down around his ears. So rather than try to tear her down, Vincenzo had built her up, painting her as above ruling Taris. She was such a great humanitarian, and was so busy doing so much good in the rest of the galaxy, making her governor would only harm those elsewhere.
And to everyone's shock, including his own, the strategies, the plots, the political corruption, it all paid off on election day when he emerged victorious by the skin of his teeth. Most polls hadn't even given him the time of day, but with careful planning, anything was possible. Protests had broken out across the planet, somewhat justified seeing as he had technically gotten less than thirty percent of the planet to vote for him. The protests hadn't stopped, but rioting was kept to a minimum following a public address by Lady Ciaran herself accepting the results of the election with the kind of effortless grace she did everything. If she had bothered to campaign whatsoever, Vincenzo had no illusion that he would have won.
Still, won he had. And incumbents tended to have better chances in future elections. All he had to do was not drive the planet into the ground and he could make lightning strike twice next year. He entered his brand new office (just thinking of it as his sent shivers of pleasure down his spine) and approached the desk with a contented sigh.
The chair swiveled around, and he went stiff at the sight of Lady Ciaran herself sitting in it. She stood up and gestured to the chair. "Congratulations Mr. Wan."
"Ah, thank you Lady Ciaran." he said as he walked past, wary of some form of treachery. "What brings you here?"
"I just decided to visit Taris for the inauguration of our first elected governor in millennia." Said Ciaran, still grinning. "It will be quite the historic moment when you become the Right Honorable, the Lord Governor of Taris. I believe that's the full title anyway."
"Why thank you." said Vincenzo, relief flooding through him as he realized that Lady Ciaran didn't appear to hold any sort of grudge. "That's quite-"
"For one year." interrupted Ciaran. She leaned in and continued in a deadpan voice. "With no salary. And you'll have to cover your own expenses." she continued, standing up to casually tick the items off on her fingers. "Which will no doubt be quite considerable considering your new job consists of making hundreds of speeches around the galaxy promoting planet business. I really wouldn't have been able to spare the time and money for all that, so thank you."
Vincenzo gulped as he realized the magnitude of what he had done to himself. "Well what can I say except you're welcome?" he said, feeling anything but. Maybe he'd institute some voting reform as his first order of business to gain some popular support.
"Still, I do envy you for one thing." Said Ciaran wistfully.
"What would that be?" asked a rather terrified Vincenzo.
"You do get this fancy hat. Which just might make it all worthwhile." she said, reaching to grab a rather ornate hat from a rack on the wall and place it on his head.
AN: Other options included us losing to a Lady Ciara that people voted for by accident thinking the ballot said Lady Ciaran and Taris having a carbon copy of the City of London's own ridiculous election system for mayor as a hold-over from when it was in power all that time ago. In the end I settled for Vincenzo Wan, and his own brand of political corruption.
He's not really corrupt per se. He just wanted to be made Governor and had to do a lot of stuff to even have a chance at winning. Other than giving Taris a desperate need for voting reform, he's a decent guy who has the planet's best interests in mind. And since the people of Taris are very displeased that Lady Ciaran didn't win, voting reform is near the top of his list to try and salvage some goodwill.
GAH beat to the punch! But I think having NO salary is foolish OR to cover his own expenses. Seriously.
...dare I ask?
The video I posted goes into more detail, but TL;DW you need to have been sheriff first, which requires that you be an Alderman first, which requires that you have freeman status, which requires that you be a member of a livery company.
That description hit all my YES buttons. Am literally vibrating so hard will be the first self-propelled human in space....I feel bad for this.
You'll get the +10, but that's not going to be canon. I have a more...interesting candidate that I'm going to be rolling with.
Basically my thought process goes like this. Our man is probably a refugee; someone who personally knows the people voting for him since he's shared a camp/transport/whatever with them. Odds are that he's been hurt by the war in some fashion; maybe some family members died, a hometown burned, or whatever. He'd feel obligated to run, but he's doing it more to protect his people than out of a desire for political power. He'd make an interesting foil to Satine; while he's interested in ending the war, he's nowhere near as naive as she is due to his experiences and would be somewhere in between Ciaran's realpolitik. He's a jaded man, but still a good one at heart.
With all that in mind...I realized there's a guy I know of that fit the archetype pretty well. He's not from Star Wars, but honestly I like how well he'd fit into the narrative of Taris and the CNS. Besides, we've already got the Silencer around anyway. It'll be fine. Probably.
So stay tuned for that.
...I feel bad for this.
You'll get the +10, but that's not going to be canon. I have a more...interesting candidate that I'm going to be rolling with.
Basically my thought process goes like this. Our man is probably a refugee; someone who personally knows the people voting for him since he's shared a camp/transport/whatever with them. Odds are that he's been hurt by the war in some fashion; maybe some family members died, a hometown burned, or whatever. He'd feel obligated to run, but he's doing it more to protect his people than out of a desire for political power. He'd make an interesting foil to Satine; while he's interested in ending the war, he's nowhere near as naive as she is due to his experiences and would be somewhere in between Ciaran's realpolitik. He's a jaded man, but still a good one at heart.
With all that in mind...I realized there's a guy I know of that fit the archetype pretty well. He's not from Star Wars, but honestly I like how well he'd fit into the narrative of Taris and the CNS. Besides, we've already got the Silencer around anyway. It'll be fine. Probably.
So stay tuned for that.
I like to imagine some random nameless Abyss Watcher grunt, the kind of interchangeable number cruncher that we have hundreds of, walking calmly down a corridor of the Oracle on his way to send off a report to a field team and Lady Ciaran herself just flattens him with a flying tackle out of a side passage.I wonder what actually almost went so horribly wrong, and how we managed to shift it to a win, given how Cirians re-roll ability works.
Basically my thought process goes like this. Our man is probably a refugee; someone who personally knows the people voting for him since he's shared a camp/transport/whatever with them. Odds are that he's been hurt by the war in some fashion; maybe some family members died, a hometown burned, or whatever. He'd feel obligated to run, but he's doing it more to protect his people than out of a desire for political power. He'd make an interesting foil to Satine; while he's interested in ending the war, he's nowhere near as naive as she is due to his experiences and would be somewhere in between Ciaran's realpolitik. He's a jaded man, but still a good one at heart.
With all that in mind...I realized there's a guy I know of that fit the archetype pretty well. He's not from Star Wars, but honestly I like how well he'd fit into the narrative of Taris and the CNS. Besides, we've already got the Silencer around anyway. It'll be fine. Probably.
Different from what you are thinking in some ways, but some of the ideas might work with your mental image of him.
Could you elaborate? The omake makes you feel bad? Giving it a +10 makes you feel bad? Declaring it non-canon makes you feel bad? What?
Fair enough. Can we at least keep the fancy hat as a benefit of the office?
Oh good. I was afraid it had offended you somehow or something. Don't worry about it. The fact that I got it out so quickly should tell you I didn't exactly pour my heart and soul into it.Declaring it non-canon made me feel kind of bad, since you got it out on such short notice.
Oh good. I was afraid it had offended you somehow or something. Don't worry about it. The fact that I got it out so quickly should tell you I didn't exactly pour my heart and soul into it.
...The video I posted goes into more detail, but TL;DW you need to have been sheriff first, which requires that you be an Alderman first, which requires that you have freeman status, which requires that you be a member of a livery company.
Spent the morning with my cousin's 5-month-old puppy; spent the evening watching the Superbowl. Great day! So, what'd I miss--
Oh. Everything. Right. Well, glad to see my plan won (thanks for the competition, @Killerflood!) but yikes those rolls.
More dice statistics!
I'm glad we had those omakes, but still -- this turn did stink. No rolls above 90 (our highest was a mere 80!), despite rolling 18 times. And I have to admit, of all the possible actions we could have scored a super-crit on, Virus Library was not even on my radar. Still, that means we will have rolled crits or super-crits for every single Wesker-related action over the past half-dozen turns. So hopefully our rewards will be staggeringly good.
- Our highest roll was 80 (for 'Virus Library') -- 0 of 18 rolls > 90%
- Our lowest roll was 1 for 'Mission to Qiilura' (rerolled)
- Our median this turn was 40
- Our dice average this turn was 38.6 (sum of all rolls is 695, divide by 18)
As for the rest... at least we're alive?
Here are the previous turns in this thread, as rolled by Dr. Snark
Here's the previous thread, when Teron dice were rolled by Teron.
- Turn 23: dice average was 56.1 (highest roll was 93, lowest roll was 10. 2 of 14 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 22: dice average was 50.1 (highest roll was 98, lowest roll was 7. 2 of 14 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 21: dice average was 59.8 (highest roll was 94, lowest roll was 8. 1 of 13 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 20: dice average was 35.7 (highest roll was 63, lowest roll was 11. 0 of 9 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 19: dice average was 47.3 (highest roll was 89, lowest roll was 5. 0 of 9 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 18: dice average was 66.1 (highest roll was 93, lowest roll was 7. 2 of 9 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 17: dice average was 69.3 (highest roll was 92, lowest roll was 42
. 2 of 8 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 16: dice average was 58.6 (highest roll was 99, lowest roll was 25. 2 of 8 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 15: dice average was 68.8 (highest roll was 98, lowest roll was 21. 6 of 17 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 14: dice average was 67.3 (highest roll was 100, lowest roll was 13. 3 of 16 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 13: dice average was 48.0 (highest roll was 97, lowest roll was 1. 2 of 17 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 12: dice average was 67.4 (highest roll was 91, lowest roll was 36. 1 of 14 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 11: dice average was 48.2 (highest roll was 87, lowest roll was 4. 0 of 17 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 10: dice average was 56.0 (highest roll was 93, lowest roll was 17. 2 of 13 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 9: dice average was 65.7 (highest roll was 100, lowest roll was 34. 2 of 11 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 8: dice average was 54.6 (highest roll was 82, lowest roll was 18. 0 of 11 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 7: dice average was 66.4 (highest roll was 98, lowest roll was 38. 3 of 12 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 6: dice average was 65.5 (highest roll was 92, lowest roll was 22. 2 of 11 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 5: dice average was 74.6 (highest roll was 100, lowest roll was 40. 3 of 9 rolls > 90%
- Turn 4: dice average was 69.5 (highest roll was 95, lowest roll was 52
. 2 of 10 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 3: dice average was 66.1 (highest roll was 97, lowest roll was 8. 2 of 9 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 2: dice average was 64.7 (highest roll was 99, lowest roll was 22. 1 of 7 rolls > 90%)
- Turn 1: dice average was 59.4 (highest roll was 94, lowest roll was 31. 1 of 8 rolls > 90%)