Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

We seem to have a real problem with thinking up what to build.
Did you miss the memo?

We have a pending upgrade to our production systems (2 to 3 time slots depending on how we manage our magitech power sources), a large-scale power plant (9 time slots), medical fabricator (2 to 3 time slots, again depending on managing power sources)... Oh, almost forgot, we also have a Device Maintenance Station (1 time slot) to be able to work on Devices at all. We have plenty of things to build.

This is upwards to 4 weeks worth of projects.

EDIT: Forgot one last project.
EDIT 17-11-2017: On the following vote, we made an extra mana collector. And upgraded a few other things. On the impending vote (p.461, threadmark Civil War 8.11) I'm asking people to upgrade our production systems to gain the 4th slot. We'll see how it goes.
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Did you miss the memo?

We have a pending upgrade to our production systems (2 to 3 time slots depending on how we manage our magitech power sources), a large-scale power plant (9 time slots), medical fabricator (2 to 3 time slots, again depending on managing power sources)... We have plenty of things to build.

This is upwards to 4 weeks worth of projects.
I'm a refuge from SB after this story was closed there. Must have missed some of the plans. I only knew about the production system upgrade and caught parts of the discussion about the "medi-gel" and why what Tim created isn't Mass Effect medi-gel but didn't realise there was a plan to fabricate what Tim was using to help Vista recover faster.
Also are there any plans to give Lacey the recovered storage device with some basic spells so she could train in magic

Umm, it really doesn't seem a good idea to grave-rob the dead and hand off the TSAB-casualty's device when we promised to give such effects back to the TSAB for the families? Equally importantly (and making it worse) , we don't even need to do that. Tim can now make her a Device of her own without any Template aspect to it (well, unless you assume Sextant's blueprints have an IAE backdoor in them, to cover this very issue :V ).

Edit: Ninja'd by AlwaysLate, which is hilarious.

As to Dragon and Unison Device, it seems like a good reason to go for the Warehouse.... namely, look at Silently's comment after we unlocked Unison Device, and then their comment just now about how we happen to have Tim available to do this plan. Seems like a bit of a neon-lit sign from the QM yeah?

Buut... assuming Dragon reacts to "eliminate Saint/Ascalon/Limiters, and give a physical body" anything like how Vista reacted to getting a new arm... why am I suddenly picturing Armsmaster going all Yandere on us? xD "Nuuu that was my project, i was going to be the one to gift her this!"
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I'm a refuge from SB after this story was closed there. Must have missed some of the plans. I only knew about the production system upgrade and caught parts of the discussion about the "medi-gel" and why what Tim created isn't Mass Effect medi-gel but didn't realise there was a plan to fabricate what Tim was using to help Vista recover faster.
Oh. Ok. Just so you know, I also forgot to include the fact that we need to build a Device Maintenance Station (1 time slot) to start working on the Device creation at all.

The discussion on erzatz medigel ended up with me browbeating Silently into telling us a dedicated fabricator would cost 1 time slot, an additional nano assembler (or something like that) to check the created proteins so they fold the right way is 1 more time slot, AND we're going to need to build a better power source because the scrap version we have now cannot handle either an additional project, OR the upgraded 3D printer and microfoundry anyway. Though it can handle the medical fabricator alone.

Fast forward some discussion and misunderstandings, I asked if the generator we use for Agharti's radio would suffice for powering things, and Silently replied mostly positively.
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Buut... assuming Dragon reacts to "eliminate Saint/Ascalon/Limiters, and give a physical body" anything like how Vista reacted to getting a new arm... why am I suddenly picturing Armsmaster going all Yandere on us? xD "Nuuu that was my project, i was going to be the one to gift her this!"
Eh, that won't be a problem if we just tell him it was more efficient to do things this way.
On another note. Can familiars use devices? I think they can since Admiral Graham's were going to use Durandal before Chrono took it. I was mostly thinking about Tim using two build slots to make an Armed Device for Samantha. That would be a good force multiplier for her. Some kind of spear like Strada. We seem to have a real problem with thinking up what to build.
No, and I believe it was Graham who was using Durandal, not Lotte. Lotte just was the one who handed it over.
Needs to go back to the TSAB. It used to belong to someone else, and it's part of their personal effects. If we want to make non-template devices, we have Tim.
Not necessarily. There's a reason it's listed separately in the inventory rather than with the other personal effects in the key items. That said, you certainly can give it away with the other personal effects, but all that would net you is maybe a little more good will.
I'm wondering, does anyone else think the Dragonslayers either have more mages or one more spell for its mage or both. It doesn't seem too farfetched that they have a hidden upgrade system as well.
No, and I believe it was Graham who was using Durandal, not Lotte. Lotte just was the one who handed it over.
Checked it. Even now I'm still confused about it. Nanoha A's episode 10 (at around 5:15) one of the twin familiars (don't know which one since both were still using disguises and they are hard to tell apart anyway. Probably Lotte since Aria would be more likely to cast spells like the other masked twin was doing shortly before) has Durandal in her hands in standby form with no admiral Graham in sight. It's shortly before Chrono ambushes them. Why would she have the device ready on her if she wouldn't be able to use it? But that part has so many plot holes it looks like a training ground after Nanoha let lose with a barrage of attacks. The instantaneous teleportation to the Admiral's location at TSAB HQ in the middle of a tense situation/battle is just one of them.

We don't see many familiars/guardian beast in the series so it's hard to say one way or the other. The close range ones do not use any type of weapon (I don't think Zafira's gauntlets count as a weapon but more as armour) and you have Sam using melee weapons which I can't remember any familiar using. They either used spells (which Sam doesn't really use) or fought in hand to hand.

Since there is nothing on the wiki one way or the other I'm leaving it up to QM interpretation. But since in the Guardian Beast description on the first page of this quest it's written that they have Linker Cores but that they are filled from our own supply then I don't see a problem with a Guardian beast using an Armed Device or some Device-like Equipment when they are specialised in using melee weapons.
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Just a head's up, I will be closing this vote around noon on Tuesday. Make sure to have your votes in by then.

And completely unrelated, does anyone know how to do the countdown timer? I know I've seen in on another thread.
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Umm, it really doesn't seem a good idea to grave-rob the dead and hand off the TSAB-casualty's device when we promised to give such effects back to the TSAB for the families?
Actually not a problem. The TSAB said that for most devices if they bond to a new user, they're going to stay with the new user.

Which suggests strongly that it's a non-issue because the majority of devices are unlikely to match up with a compatible new user, and will suffer major performance impediments. See for instance Yuuno being barely able to operate Raising Heart at all, while with Nanoha it immediately started up the new user registration process.

And also they're referring mainly to mementos and personal effects I think.
Checked it. Even now I'm still confused about it. Nanoha A's episode 10 (at around 5:15) one of the twin familiars (don't know which one since both were still using disguises and they are hard to tell apart anyway. Probably Lotte since Aria would be more likely to cast spells like the other masked twin was doing shortly before) has Durandal in her hands in standby form with no admiral Graham in sight. It's shortly before Chrono ambushes them. Why would she have the device ready on her if she wouldn't be able to use it? But that part has so many plot holes it looks like a training ground after Nanoha let lose with a barrage of attacks. The instantaneous teleportation to the Admiral's location at TSAB HQ in the middle of a tense situation/battle is just one of them.

We don't see many familiars/guardian beast in the series so it's hard to say one way or the other. The close range ones do not use any type of weapon (I don't think Zafira's gauntlets count as a weapon but more as armour) and you have Sam using melee weapons which I can't remember any familiar using. They either used spells (which Sam doesn't really use) or fought in hand to hand.

Since there is nothing on the wiki one way or the other I'm leaving it up to QM interpretation. But since in the Guardian Beast description on the first page of this quest it's written that they have Linker Cores but that they are filled from our own supply then I don't see a problem with a Guardian beast using an Armed Device or some Device-like Equipment when they are specialised in using melee weapons.

Remember that Devices also cost their own mana to power.
As such, most Familiars/Guardian Beasts aren't going to be using devices because the stacked mana costs will cripple most mages and the gains are relatively marginal(because Guardian Beasts are already optimized for a specific set of spells as part of their nature, Devices won't make them much better).

The only times we see familiars using Devices are:
-Admiral Graham passing his catgirls his own Device. Net effect is that it lets them cast spells they normally can't, it costs no additional upkeep(since Graham isn't using his Device at the time), and Graham is from Earth with a giant Linker Core to begin with.

-Hayate's Wolkenritter...and in this case she literally has more power than she can use, so she powers four AAA-S familiars AND their three Intelligent/Armed devices, and still has trouble regulating the remaining output.

Note that there is precedent for a Unison Device using a Device. Reinforce Eins(Unison) is a package set with the original Book of Darkness(Storage/Intelligent), and the Sword Cross(Armed), while Reinforce Zwei has her own tiny Book of the Azure Sky as a Storage device she uses for independent operations.
Here's my verdict - ask the Privateers if there's a volunteer or three for the stake out - warn them it's going to be Dragonslayers, probably. Take the volunteers to the site - tell them it's surveillance only - if they manage to upload one timestamped video with Dragonslayers, it's a victory. Wish them a boring day and a good luck.
That is what I'd vote for when the time comes.
I'm not familiar enough with Behemoth to comment on tactics for that. I'll leave the rest for the group.
So here's what worries me. I'm thinking ahead to the AAR of the Endbringer fight. And it reads: "You chose not to go fight Behemoth. Because of that, this guy died, that one died, these died, those died, you could have saved these important people." -_- And that makes me sad.
So here's what worries me. I'm thinking ahead to the AAR of the Endbringer fight. And it reads: "You chose not to go fight Behemoth. Because of that, this guy died, that one died, these died, those died, you could have saved these important people." -_- And that makes me sad.
Many died even though we did opt-in for Search and Rescue duties during Simurgh's attack. Lots will likely die no matter what happens during Behemoth.
At this stage I am more in support of not going

1. EB Bad match up for calamity, the things we could help with are the search and rescue, maybe some support with positioning heroes, could we do the dimensional space that we did against the nazis?

We did S&R with the previous Endbringer fight. Heck, we should probably make that call to the Privateers to set up surveillance while we head to the rendezvous point . I'm pretty sure that we can help by bringing capes to the fight using our teleportation ability. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's what Miss Militia was hoping we'd be helping with, if nothing else.

Remember, they have limited time to react, having another Mover that can teleport anywhere in the world can help the mobilize their forces. I'm pretty sure Prefect Storm can handle making a phone call while we move.
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We did S&R with the previous Endbringer fight. Heck, we should probably make that call to the Privateers to set up surveillance while we head to the rendezvous point . I'm pretty sure that we can help by bringing capes to the fight using our teleportation ability. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's what Miss Militia was hoping we'd be helping with, if nothing else.

Remember, they have limited time to react, having another Mover that can teleport anywhere in the world can help the mobilize their forces. I'm pretty sure Prefect Storm can handle making a phone call while we move.
You should watch out where you write your response so it doesn't get caught inside you quoting another poster. And with doing S&R you and a lot of people forgot a small detail from the AAR. The Simurgh was interested in us.

To Flee or Not to Flee
  • You chose to stick around and help.
  • If you chose to flee, you quickly would have discovered Ziz chasing you. She can't figure out what you're doing if you aren't there, now can she? At that point, you could have chosen to lead her back to Brockton Bay and thereby become part of the fight in an active combat role, or you could have tried to hold her off where you were, which would have ended… badly. Fatally badly.

So taking from this and the fact that Endbringers can communicate I can see Ziz asking her big brother to do some extensive testing on our abilities and what better way than to focus on us. So channelling Dinah "You have 0,0001% chance of being able to stick to S&R if you go to the Behemoth fight." I can already see all the attention on us with our attacks already being compared to the Herokiller and some Thinker analysing the Ziz battle noticing that Ziz also was somewhat focused on us. And I already mentioned not wanting to risk helping Behemoth in the destruction if he can redirect our spells.

Remember that magic is an Out Of Context problem to shards/entities since they don't have enough data to model it. Dragon who has a reverse-engineering shard has trouble understanding magi-tech. They will want to model it and understand. Dragon's shard is probably influencing her to disregard her directives and go with the TSAB option. The Adepts don't have trouble convincing magical capes to join them due to their shards most likely influencing them to help gather more magic users together to produce more data on the phenomenon, etc.
The Simurgh was interested in us.

So taking from this and the fact that Endbringers can communicate I can see Ziz asking her big brother to do some extensive testing on our abilities and what better way than to focus on us.
Yeah, but Silently told us long time ago that
Behemoth and Leviathan have no interest in Taylor or what she can do. Siccing her brothers on us would only hinder Ziz's own plans.
First time actually voting. I feel like the potential payoff of catching the Dragonslayers is worth more than what we could do at the Endbringer fight. I also think fighting the dynakinetic with fire is way too risky.

[x] Stay at the warehouse – You could say you trust the Dragonslayers not to go after the radio while you're in Ukraine, but that would be a massive lie. You'd bet money they're headed this way. Time to catch a rat.
[x] Come with you
Yeah, but Silently told us long time ago that
I'm starting to see why SW stopped posting on SB. It seems all the interesting discussions in this quest happen on SV. Should have moved my reading here earlier when I noticed that most of the interesting plans seem to be born on SV and at most copied to SB.

Is there an option to filter a thread to show only the OP posts? So I can catch up on all the rulings for discussions that happened on SV.
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Is there an option to filter a thread to show only the OP posts? So I can catch up on all the rulings for discussions that happened on SV.
On the top of this page, find the search box. Click on it to bring up the search menu.

Type "Silently Watches" in the "posted by member" field; leave the main search box blank.

Now check "Search this thread only."

Click "Search".
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