Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Drunk Adventure
Well. You asked for it.

Drunk Adventure

Waking up, Bruce thought everything was fine, he didn't remember a thing and he was in his place, not in jail and not on the street, except when he was going to the bathroom to freshen up he was surprised by a snake… in the bathroom, upon further inspection Bruce discovered a that he has a new tattoo on his ass, 50 empty containers of Jam in the fridge.

And a man named John passed up on his couch.

As they pieced out what happened that night they discovered that Bruce and John started the night off by hitting up a bar in the city. They had a few drinks and decided to continue their adventure elsewhere. They were wandering around the city when they stumbled upon a group of people playing "Monopoly poker", which they were intrigued by and decided to join in on.

As the night went on and the drinking continued, Bruce and John became more and more wild and reckless. They ended up making a few new friends, including a wanna be comedian named Robin and all decided to head to a secluded beach that one of their new friends knew of for some more drinking and fun.

At the beach, they stripped down and skinny dipped, roasting marshmallows and continuing to drink the night away. At some point, on the way back to Bruce's place they must have found an open pet store and they apparently bought a snake and let it into the house accidentally, it ended up in the bathroom. However, they were too drunk to care or notice at the time.

As the night went on, they continued to drink and party, and eventually Bruce found himself in the midst of a drunken bet with John and Robin. The stakes were high, and Bruce ended up losing, resulting in the unexpected tattoo on his ass.

When they woke up the next morning, they were shocked to find the snake in the bathroom, and Bruce discovered his new tattoo and the 50 empty jam containers in the fridge. They couldn't quite remember why they had so much jam, or why it was all gone, but it was just another bizarre detail from the wild night they had experienced.

As they tried to piece together the events of the previous night, they were surprised to find that Bruce had somehow also acquired a small boat.

Dice results:

Who are you going to drink with: 99 John Travolta

Wild stuff 1# : 40 - "Monopoly Poker"

Another encounter: 97 Robin Willams

Wild Stuff 2# 76 Skinny dipping on a beach

Another encounter: 24 Snake!

Wild Stuff 3# 86 Tattoo!

Who will get the tattoo? Bruce, Robin, John (46, 89, 96)

Where? 6 on the ass

Tattoo, small boat, 50 empty containers of Jam, a pet snake? And of course, two new friends who are actually around Bruce's age.
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Movie Pitch: The Emerald Pimpernel
TITLE: The Emerald Pimpernel
GENRE: Historical Drama/Espionage
Emerald Pimpernel covers the activities of Father Hugh O'Flaherty, an Irish priest and member of the Roman Curia who served in the resistance during WWII and was responsible for saving 6,250 Roman Jews from the Holocaust. Basic gist of the film would be an Italian Schindler's List of sorts as well as covering the overall sentiment of life in occupied Rome and the struggles of the Catholic Church when surrounded in the heart of Fascism.

The film opens in late June 9th, 1940 where we see Hugh go through his daily motions and what life is like for a priest in the Vatican as well as how life in Fascist Rome is in the leadup to their entry in World War II. We see Hugh's work as a priest as well as his daily interactions outside the Vatican with Hugh being shown as a good man of God and humble servant, with a highlight being him saving a Jewish family from the midst of Blackshirt harassment and possibly worst. Special emphasis is placed on the thoughts of members of the Vatican on the ongoing war with some righteous like Hugh advocating for harsher stances of condemnation against the Nazis and moral support for the Allies, others arguing that Germany is in the right for a multitude of reasons, chiefly fear of Communism, and many being ostriches and pledging for strong neutrality. Hugh ends the day conversing with Pius where the latter expresses a wish to take action, but for silent reasons is afraid of pushing fully for a strong stance against Nazi Germany despite Hugh's insistence. The next day, news is spread that Italy entered the war on the side with Germany, and while Hugh is saddened, most of Rome is in the midst of celebrations, while at the same time the city's Jews meet and discuss preparations for the worst.

The next portion of the film which is the rest of the first Act is various scenes of Rome and the Vatican between the invasion of France and Germany's occupation of Rome. While some of the Church are rooting for Italy to win against the "Protestants and Atheists", Hugh shows compassion to the Allies and spends most of his days scouring through the POW camps, attending to the sick rites, mass and confessional needs of Catholic prisoners and secretly smuggling in comforts and sending word of prisoner's survival to their families through the Vatican Radio. His efforts anger the Italians but he has the backing of the Pope. As time grows, restrictions and tyranny grow tighter in Rome while acts of brutality against prisoners, civilians and Jews grow, thus starting the makings of the resistance conspiracy between Hugh and likeminded men and women of the Church. Footage begins to expand beyond Hugh's POV and show more of the ensemble cast with scenes showing prominent side characters in the POW camps, Jewish families and Church trying to go through their lives in a dark time, praying for hope and change. Hugh makes first contact with Kappler at a diplomatic party. Hugh hopes to convince Kappler to have Rome be treated better, only to realize Kappler's true mission is to help in the extermination of all opposition. With pleas for the Church leadership to take firm opposition falling flat, Hugh resolves to take action.

The second act of the film is the start of the occupation of Rome and building of the resistance. Kappler, previously having been a slightly neutral evil shows his full colors and potent evil when his first act as SS Chief of Police for Rome is to round up more than a thousand Jews and send them to Auschwitz, and then extort the survivors for 50 kilograms of gold, hinted at being entirely for personal benefit when his next appearance shows him buying his wife a score of expensive jewlery. This action pushes Hugh to take immediate action who meets with his fellow conspirators who agree that it would be a betrayal of Jesus to turn away those that are suffering. The resistance is built from the ground up, using the Vatican's neutrality to organize under the nose of the Nazis and then begin the smuggling and rescue of both Allied POWs and Jews, Hugh participating in many missions himself using disguises and wits to outsmart the Nazis and lead the prisoners and Jews to safety in the Vatican and other Church grounds. A number of thriller sequences where the groups narrowly escape pursuing Nazis occur, one of which is a assasisnation attempt on Hugh which he avoids through beating his would be assasins through boxing and escaping. This occurs at the end of the Act which alerts Kappler of Hugh's identity. Two important scenes featured in the Act would be the work of the Irish Embassy in coordinating with the resistance in sheltering Jews and prisoners along with the hidden Jews secretly celebrating Hannakuh in the Basilica of Saint Clement.

The third act focuses on the climax of the resistance leading to liberation as the Nazis grip tightens and yet Rome grows more defiant by the day. The cat and mouse game between Kappler and Hugh has intensified with Hugh managing to shelter thousands of people, but at the same time a few scenes do show Kappler growing more wise and in a few instances managing to capture and kill some of the resistance members and sheltered people, leading to scenes of grief and struggling faith for Hugh. However, time is not on the Nazis side and with each passing day the Allies move closer to Rome. Realizing that the war in Italy is lost and he cannot hold Rome, Kappler arranges a meeting with Hugh, who at this point due to being exposed cannot leave the Vatican, and asks for mercy and help in sheltering his family who he believes will be killed by the Allies. In this scene, Hugh breaks his usual piety and lashes out in heavy anger at Kappler, claiming he serves the anti-Christ and is an agent of evil and demanding why after all the sins he committed after all the innocents he killed and made suffer, should he expect any mercy from the righteous. Kappler departs, some small seeds of doubt forming, only to return home and find his wife had ran away with their children, an earlier scene showing her witnessing an execution of Jewish families and realizing the monster her husband had become.

The final act shows the liberation of Rome with Hugh and his allies along with the surviving Jews no longer hiding and breaking out in joyous celebration as Pius presides over mass, thanking God for seeing them over the dark times and that just as the Church had experienced many nights of suffering before, now the morning has come and a new day is here for all chidlren of God. Abotu 5-10 minutes are spent with Kappler wrapping up his storyline, showing him to be a broken mess in the abandonment of his family, beliving them to be dead and without those he loves, just going through the motions of the officer. Left overseeing an increasingly poorly supplied unit of old men and children, used mainly to committ pointless crimes while Germany is losing by the day and Hitler and the Party deny reality and claim the final victory is at hand, Kappler begins to see the lie that Nazi Germany was, but is never motivated enough to defect or defy the party, with him being captured by the Allies and put on trial by the Italians for high crimes just as he starts to see the truth, a fate that Kappler accepts.

The final scene takes place a year after the war. Kappler is rotting in a Italian prison, being treated poorly and with disgust by his captors for his crimes, though he doesn't fight back and accepts his fate. Kappler out of nowhere, especially for being a Protestant, asks a priest for confession, and while the guards don't think he is worthy, they comply and Kappler's confessor is Father Hugh. Hugh informs that Kappler's family are alive and doing well in Switzerland, with it being hinted that he was responsible for their passage to safety. Kappler breaks down and confesses his long line of evil deads, with Hugh listening on in solemn company, beginning his road to conversion.

Principal Cast

Father Hugh O'Flaherty-
The central protagonist and leader of the Roman resistance, Hugh O'Flahtery is a devout Christian who wishes for peace on Earth, though in times of darkness and conflict recognizes that action must be taken instead of simply turning the other cheek, and rallies his allies in the Church and greater Rome to fight the Nazis. Is very empathetic and compassionate in his mission and praying for the souls of his enemies. Throughout the film has some moments of a crisis of faith or philosophical questioning of why the war is happening and why do the innocent have to suffer, keeps faith thanks to God and the humanity he experiences in his fellow man.

Colonel Herbert Kappler- The central antagonist of the film and main opponent to Hugh O'Flaherty. Kappler has two sides to him. One is the honorable soldier who is loyal to his country and treats his men well along with being a devoted family man, and the other is an abhorrent monster who takes pleasure in the pain of others and happily engages in his loathsome duties and participation in the Holocaust as part of his version of a greater good. While the resistance do manage to score a number of victories against him, Kappler is still at the end of the day a competent and dangerous foe. His turn to the end is as a result of his family where he grows distant from his wife and children and his wife becomes more disgusted with his role as she finds out what his true duties are. In the epilogue he recognizes his evil and wants to change but understands if redemption isn't possible for the likes of him. Serves as an exploration into the duality of Nazis as how they like to think themselves and the evils they are.

Pope Pius XII- The contemporary head of the Catholic Church throughout World War II. Pius appears sporadically throughout the film with most of his appearances being condcuting diplomacy with the Fascist Italians and Nazis or having talks with Hugh where the two discuss the struggles of faith and the ongoing war. While Pius is an inherently good and devout man, at the same time he is shown as being heavily flawed and a troubled head of the Church, with it being observed by Hugh that he was once a devoted warrior against Fascism but now as Pontiff lost much of his fire. While Pius tries to act for mercy and peace, each action is met with inaction or silent submission which greatly troubles Pius and it is left to the viewer to interpret where he was right and wrong, and if he didn't want to or couldn't take action. One thing it is clear that he does support Hugh in spirit and pray for his success, with it left up to interpretation again whether the resistance saw Pius' involvement in rescue or if he just turned the other way.

(There's a crap ton of other people in the Nazis, resistance and Church who will probably become characters in the film, but for all intents and purposes the above three are the main central characters the film focuses on.)
Movie Pitch: La Victoire En Chantant
TITLE: La Victoire En Chantant
GENRE: Historical-esque, Action,
SUBGENRE: Military Battles, Struggles, Twisted Hero's Journey, Napoleonic Wars
FORMAT: Film 1-3 Hours
BASIC PROMPT: Follows One Artillery Officer Napoleon Bonaparte in Toulon, and his journey to his death in the decades to come. (At important words, locations, etc. It would be said in French with English subtitles (when first introduced), but the rest of the movie is spoken in English.

Plot (My Proposed one):

Act(ung) One

The movie starts with the Siege of Toulon, with the camera focused on the battle as attempts to kick the British out of the city failed, then the screen pans into Napoleon where the sun is shining on him, casting a shadow on the ground and camera, the camera sees the shadow and Napoleon's back, creating an illusion of the man being larger than expected.

The camera then pans towards the retreating men from the right battery formation while he sighed in exasperation, galloping on his horse towards the retreating units. The Camera follows through and begins to be back to standard until said otherwise.

He tells the fleeing artillery units that were abandoning their positions that the position they were holding is named 'La Batterie des Hommes sans Peur', where the subtitles states out its English meaning: 'The Battery of Men without Fear'.

The screen then shows the men's determination to be part of the battery of men without fear, thus they quickly returned back to the exposed battery position to keep shelling artillery fire on the enemy artillery.

He wrinkled his eyes as he saw the Coalition forces quickly rushing towards the less defended units in the north, prompting him to tell his forces to keep at it and rode off towards the north to rally some units to push back and advance towards the fleeing enemy after the arrival of him and General Dugommier. The capture of the general who surrendered to Washington in the American Civil War is shown with his injury.

The point of this scene paints Napoleon as a person who knows his audience and foreshadow of his life later.

The Siege of Toulon act then sees the French's assault on the enemy positions during rain, there is a small scene of the water making Gunpowder wet and when a French Line Infantry uses it to fire the musket, it fails. Forcing the forces around him to place on the bayonets once they arrived on the enemy, with some using the musket like clubs.

The camera turns to see Napoleon with two groups of soldiers to charge into the enemy positions as a second wave. It is during a camera switch to focus on Napoleon with shots including his soldiers, and how his horse died and was stabbed at the thigh, showing that while Napoleon can be seen as this great man, he is also human at heart.

Injured, he was told by a soldier of his to stop as the enemy was finally overturned by the French and made rapid retreats while the French took their positions and the cities that Napoleon suggested to capture to force a British Withdrawal.

The camera point of view then changes to Admiral Hood finding out the French's checkmate on their ships, causing him to order an evacuation of the coalition army to escape the city.

Many camera shots are made with a focus on the Spanish and British teams, with many of them having the bright idea to burn down the city of Toulon during their retreat back to the ships. The next scene then paints the desperation of the citizens as many of them attempt to escape to the ships that are sailing off. The ships took as many as they could, but many are left to face the wrath of the revolution.

Act One ends with the French forces pulling a robespierre on the citizens, while the troops that Napoleon used and himself aren't the ones executing the operation. Instead the camera then shifts back to Napoleon where he and his forces attempted to ignore the cries and screams, but the faces of restlessness and anguish could be seen on their faces.

Writer's Notes: Act One introduced Napoleon to the audience, as an officer who was promoted twice in the same siege, a man that knew his audience well, and a human. Hopefully introduces the relationship of brotherhood between Napoleon and his soldiers.)

Act Two

The second act starts with Napoleon overseeing a force of demoralised, hungry, and dirty troops while he looks at them with concern. He walks back to the command tent of his army to look at the map of Europe. The camera pans at the map from his shoulder to see the agreed plans of having the Rhine Armies of the French attacking the HRE, while his army is focused on attacking Italy.

He reached for a note as he started reading what seems to be correspondence of his scouts that also brought back maps for him to study, which there are different tables with fresh ink on them.

He walks back to his demoralised army with determination as he makes a speech of promises of food, riches, and glory once they complete the thought to be 'impossible'. After the speech, he himself helped to cook and hunt for food to give to his troops, who looked at him in shock at the fact that a higher commanding officer is helping his soldiers. The scene then ends with Napoleon sleeping outside on a chair facing the stars above. The night time troops looks at him with respect and wonderment.

The scenes then flipped from a little of the Battle of Mondovi with a paper that signifies the Sardinian surrender with the Austrian army on the retreat.

The next important scene shows the Battle of Lodi, where it takes the POV of a soldier who was open firing on the enemy forces. He quickly ran back to the supply area of the siege to reload gunpowder and bullets. He then quickly ran back just to see Napoleon's clothing dirtied, yet kept encouraging and commanding the Artillery portion. He looked to his fellow peers to just see awe in their eyes. Then, he orders a charge on the bridge leading to the village, with many soldiers calling war cries as they charge towards the enemy. Galvanised by this move and his call to action, the POV soldier rushed in with a bayonet charge while some of his peers were shot on the spot, however the soldier managed to stab multiple soldiers with more soldiers closing in. The camera shakes as Cannons open fire at the enemy, forcing them to retreat. The end of the scene shows the forces celebrating, but Napoleon is seen planning out further advancements into Italy.

The next small scene shows the French forces pillaging lands of the Austrian Rich to fund the war effort and also give the poor soldiers actual money, proving more loyalty towards Napoleon as they don't need to go hungry in the streets any longer. More scenes also show the Austrians kept retreating back towards Vienna while Napoleon's army followed suit with the man at the helm.

An important scene shows him arriving at the city of Vienna as it surrenders to the French, Napoleon himself was there during the treaty signing as he was the one negotiating for the French Nation.

The next scene sees Napoleon, his men, and the scholars he hired to go with him in the city of Alexandria that was surrendered to the invading force. There he encourages the scholars to learn forth from Egypt's past, architecture, the works that's been kept from the Europeans since Ottoman conquest of the region.

The scene starts with the bickering of French Parliament members as they walked into the new meeting place the military told them to go to escape a potential uprising in Paris (pronounced: Parii). Then after some time the doors closed, with a sudden incoming of French troops with Napoleon at the front, the muskets pointing towards the members of parliament..however everything became chaotic as nobody knew what they were doing. There is a shot of Napoleon being punched at the face by one of the members until his brother made everyone stop and have things back on schedule. The scene ends with Napoleon declared as the First Consul.

Another scene shows him and his army on the alps..with Napoleon riding on a mule. The camera then pans backwards as a painter is seen painting an image on the canvas before finishing, he called Napoleon over to view it, which he did. The camera then looks from their shoulders to see the well-known picture of Napoleon going through the Alps.

The next bit shows a POV from an Austrian general who received information after Napoleon's crossing, he and his fellow peers then discussed potential plans of attack with the general agreement at the end being the French leader going to Genoa. Satisfied, they all went back to their quarters..only to be awoken at midnight to be told of Napoleon's taking of Milan. The final scene then ends with the generals getting their armies to head towards the French positions to take back their supply line.

The Scene then changes to the Austrians, a distance from the village of Marengo, defeating the invading French army with cheers being held while they ran after the retreating French forces and stopped once they felt that it was enough. It was only a few hours later the French returned with Napoleon at helm.

(At the Battle of Austerlitz, Once it is seen Napoleon wins, a triumphant and fast version of Chant du Depart.)

And so on and so forth, Act Two ends with Napoleon's surrender and exile towards Elba. On the island, Napoleon contemplates how things could be different, thinking about what he should've done before..he receives word (or letter) how France would still welcome him to lead the nation and not be under the Bourbons once more. He crunched the letter as determination fueled him once more, looking at the skies with a sun going over him with a field of dark and grey clouds in the sky.

He turns towards the camera, his eyes piercing into everyone's soul, before turning back and beginning the formation of his plans to escape and return back to his homeland. Some scenes show him being humble to the British, claiming his time is over, however there are also scenes of French visitors and correspondents preparing for the great escape.

(A Quiet, yet solid version of this song is played as the ship sets sail to France.)

After one British reporter, Neil Campbell, returns back to England, the final scene shows Napoleon gathering his loyalists on the island on a British-painted ship as he heads inside the ship, and the screen slowly fades as Napoleon's ship fades over the horizon of water.

Writer's Notes: Act Two is meant to show Napoleon's journey, growing from every battle and facing his greatest, first, and multiple failures the more he got older. The Elba scene is meant to show his confusion, frustration, and want to not become forgotten. His determination comes to him as he plans and later escapes the island.

Act Three

Napoleon, compared his more emotional upbeat youth, his more subdued yet serious as he led the Battle of Waterloo. The Imperial Guard looking stoic as they watch with their commander of the battles ahead. He looks at the seeming to win the French army before many mistakes were made, and that due to the fact his army is made mostly with recruits, not the veterans he led in his past. He looked down as he got on a horse and headed towards Paris..

(The Final Scene of the Movie)

He looks down from his seated position on the bed with a sad look, the camera pans to his shoulder facing down to see a notebook with words written in French, a reference to the diaries/journals he made at the end of his life.

A Slower, subdued, and Instrumental version of this edition of the song is heard as Napoleon turned his head towards the door of his house with a sigh. He walks out slowly as the music continues from a soft and rising tension. The scene ends with the climax of the song as he steps his left leg on a boulder, hands clasped behind him while he stares at the setting sun, the camera watches both man and sun. The song ends after a few seconds of Napoleon looking at the distance, when it ends with the drums the screen becomes dark at the same time, ending the film.

Writer's Notes: The ending is an echo of Napoleon's earlier scene where the younger had cast a larger shadow and high sun, signifying the true start of his journey, while the hills around him at the end of the film casts a shadow over him instead with a setting sun, signifying the end of Napoleon's journey.

(Scene Change)

You woke up with your face on a solid surface, this made you jump back in surprise and stiffness at your neck. You look at a pile of notebooks with some loose paper going out of them, with books related to the Napoleonic Wars and Napoleon himself.

"Did I go overboard again?" You chuckled as you remembered your effort towards creating a much better version of that Waterloo story, but instead you utilised the concept of 'A Hero's Journey' made by Professor Campbell. Showcasing Napoleon as the Emperor, General, and Man, and his soldiers as well.

"Probably, probably not" a voice says out while placing a bowl of lucky charms and milk on the table. You turned to see Carrie smiling fondly at you as she grasped your hand softly. "But what I know is that you're just using the passion that you made yours – To create life from a mere few words, sounds, actions, and images."

N/A: Never knew that would be where La Victoire would end up as. Added a little Carrie and Bruce moment at the end.
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The Night to End all Drinks
The Night to End all Drinks

I threw the last glasses of alcohol and wine of all types into the dumpster outside the building as I stormed back in with a look of fear and fury fueled through you. You never understood what was the relationship between alcohol and the many blunders other portions of your family went through, but now, experiencing it yourself made you feel fear of not remembering.

You now understand how people can be taken advantage of while they are being inebriated, to create faulty deals they wouldn't do sober. You remembered the last time you were screwed over by CBS on the first season of M*A*S*H and it took you going to court against them to get them to surrender portions of their wealth and shows that were given back to their owners..

Not again, you will not be screwed up by alcohol like your family members, you will not drink any at any circumstance whatsoever, you will not be pressured to drink them at any circumstance, you will not surrender to the whims of alcohol or your life will end by a blunder and that results in the end of your career. Being used like some kind of toy to be played with before being sent to the mental "hospital".

You returned back to your living room to try and calm yourself down, even going through some motions of Tai Chi, to no avail. Making you sigh and check all over the apartment to make sure there are no traces of the substances and if there is, you run back out and throw them in there. You felt the anger leave you, however that fear of forgetting and having a mental block into your mindscape filled you with unease.

Leaving no choice, you begin writing a declaration of a no-alcohol policy in your portion of the building. Knowing you didn't have enough to enforce it through the entire building. However you did place these types of notes on the door and bulletin boards.

You are on a warpath to end any potential risk of alcoholism occurring again, you made it your mission to make sure no one you know will be taken advantage of when drinking alcohol (you know you cannot force them to quit but you will help them when they want out of it). If anyone asks your opinion on the beverage, you would suggest alternatives like those colas you've tried and prefer more to the alcoholic drink you tried at drunk night.

While that all happens, internally you felt angry at yourself for trying to follow the rule of cool, not the rule of common sense. You made yourself promise to never drink alcohol..again. You kept repeating it before you felt tired, mentally and physically to the point you returned to your couch with a sleepy outlook. Knowing this you went to take a kip on the piece of furniture, finally relaxed enough to have a calm mind without fear going through you again.

N/A: Don't worry, like all fears he'll relax..somewhat with the issue.. probably. However he'd still be heavily anti-alcohol.
Omake Reward (Kept by Kaiser Chris by volenterring)
I'm actually going to ask one of you all to start gathering them again, just so I can make a post for current omake rewards!

Here is the current list of active Omake rewards:

A Letter from Vegas: []Wait, She's What? (Lynda gains a positive but unknown Trait.)

Guitar Songs and Drunken Sailors: []Im not sad. I'm good.(Are going to be much stronger when the times get tough)

A French Tragedy: [] Sometimes the Best Way to Move Back, is Forward. (It seems there will be a change for the better)

Some Nights: Part One: []There is Truth in Song (Carrie gains a unknown positive trait)

The Emerald Pimpernel: []Choosing My Religion (Bruce begins to go back to Church, and maybe find his faith again)

Roads Not Taken: []Wait... We have... Ideas (Unknown Effect)

The Playground: []And Trust and Forgiveness (Marcia and George Lucas have a talk. One that should have been had long before the stresses of their careers whittled them down, for a simple question was asked. "Do you still love me?")

Fallen Kingdom: []Hail to the King (Elvis is back. And he's going to do his best for his daughter and his wife. And for himself. Elvis will get a single d100 for a positive trait and action)

Teen Magazine: A Hidden Love Life: []Privacy is golden (You found a way to make sure you and Carrie are left alone from the paparazzi.)

Return of the Queen: []The Queen Picks up some Skills (Bruce taught Debbie how to Avoid the Media. something she is eternally grateful for.)

Ragnar: []A Truly Bizzare Adventure (Can now begin to interweave Historical fiction into a single universe)

Moonlight Diner: []Creatures are frightening (Unknown Effect)

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter: []So, Wait, it's About Slavery? (The Lost Cause movement takes a serious blow)

Warriors of the Four Corners: []The Brave Irish Lads(Unknown effect)

Visiting George: []Um George, We can have people do that? (Unknown Effect)

Some Terrible Nights: []I always Care (Unknown Effect for Carrie)

Sand Batteries: [] So, It's real? (Lucasfilms submits a patent for a sand battery)

Airsoft: [] And Now, American Guncultre can Be safe for kids... Kinda (Unknown Effect on Airsoft popularity... and how certain organizations view it)

Feet are Barking: Bruce knows French

Children of the Night: []So, he's just the screen writer we turn to now? (All Lucasfilm script rolls will have a +20 to all their quality for the remainder of Dave's time with Lucasfilms)

Prince of Persia: Completed script with +90 quality

I Know: []A Simple Gesture that Speaks Everything (Unknown Effect)

Solomon Kane: []The Unending Journey of Soloman Kane (The Howard Estate Grants Lucasfilms and Bruce O'Brian permission to create original stories with the Character)

Seven Samurai: []Who the hell is the Goose (Japan and Korea inexplicably fall in love with the Goose due to MASH.)

What's in a Brand: []I think Mike is on to something! (Unknown Positive Effect on Mikes Loyalty to Lucasfilms)

Inbetween Lines: [] Just Because I'm here, doesn't mean George will...wait he did (Unknown Effect)

Visit to Hell's Kitchen: [] A Rich History for us all (Unknown Effect)

Weapons Hot: []I belive that the only protection is what we can bring ourselves (Carrie learns Karate)

Served in the Clone Wars: []Captian, or Sir (Rex has been created.)

Allistarian Apocrypha 1-3: [] Staying Power...that's what all good franchises have (Audience and Critic Rolls now have a single reroll For Star Wars)

Allistarian Apocrypha 7: []And Now The Mandalorians (George has procrastinated from editing, and producing, to write a TV show episode... in a month. George, we need to talk about this)

Fast Car: [] Script from Hell (Unknown Effect)

Into the Woods: [] The Family Tree gets...Stranger (Bruce's Family Tree is now very long, and very...interesting)

Warm Welcome: []I Believe that Half the People here are insane? (Rumors abound about Lucasfilms working conditions... and people really want to work there)

Journey to Imagination: []Don Bluth and his quest to save Animation (Unknown effect)

Their Empty Graves: []Putting our A Game in (+30 to the Screenplay rolls for the quality from the Writer's room.)

The Slenderman: 86 Quality Script

On Stranger Tides: []Sometimes, That is Going to be A Good Time (Dave and company begin writing a pirate movie in their spare time, nothing will come of it right now)

I Get By: Polygloth. Everyone in Hollywood knows you a master of languages. And they may come to you for something.

Shopping for a Home: [] Beginning of the Strangeness of Lucasfilm Animation (Unknown Effect)

Shadows of Films that May Only Be: []Mike Eisner and the Quest for More Money (Unknown effect)

A Dream of a Dream: 80 quality script. []This is a Personal Project (Debbie was brought to tears when she read the script)

Partition of Warner Bros: []The Unknown Variable (Unknown Effect)

The Iron Giant: []What if a Gun was Alive? What if it didn't want to kill?(Unknown Effect)

Dune Part 1: []Making multiple films for one book? It will never catch up (Your enemies begin to try and cram more in their adaptations)

Knight Owl: Night City Court of Law (a R. Talsorian Cyberpunk Story): []Trying to Be A Beacon in a World of Darkness (Mike decides to focus a little bit more on a few certain aspects of nobility in the setting. Good people. Even unambiguous heroes)

Legends of the Hidden Temple: +60 to all TV rolls of Lucasfilms TV Studio:

Atlantis: The Lost Empire: 176 Script Quality

An American Saga: Rise of the Rebellion: []THe American Experiment is flawed, but it always becomes better. (Unknown Effect.)

Maiden of Orleans: []The Maid is Remembered (Unkonwn Effect in France, but expect it to be a positive one)

Mort: []The Man Loves The Work (Terry loves the works of Lucasfilms... and is watching them with great interest)

Mr. Peabody and Sherman: []There is no such thing as a good Movie like this (Unknown Effect)

Prince of Egypt: Believe in Miracles: When you grow up, there will be a gift from the Lord above, and you will do His work... and show true beauty in his Word. (Unknown Effect when Production finally begins on this film.

On the Path Again: []I have some great times (Unknown Positive effect for Carrie)

An American Saga: The Times that Try Men's Souls: []And there was something great about it. (The American Saga. A Truly legendary piece of film yet to be made)

In the Mind of Tomino: The Earth Federation: []The Federation is not stupid (George, and several writers decided to change the federation a little bit, making it a little less stupid and more realistic)

Spider-Man Noir Series Pitch: []Jack Kirby, Artist of Spiderman (Jack Kirby has become an artist to Spiderman again)

Red Alert: The Steel Tide: []KANE LIVES! (Unknown Effect, but clearly it can only be good!)

Dune Part 2: []Bless the Maker (Meanwhile with ILM, they too, look at an impossible challenge. "So... wait, we can use computers and models at the same time?)

Spider-Man Noir Issue 2: []Jack Kirby Begins His Battles (Jack Kirby wrote the first story. Everyone is frightened by just how violent, and good it is)

Vision of a City Upon a Hill: []There Is a Light in the Darkness (Unknown Effect)

An American Saga: The World Turned Upside Down: []The American Experiment Begins (Mike Eisner smells money and will start to plan to make money.)

Tale of Two Geese: []A Happy ending Awaits (Gavin gets a roll bonus)

Spider-Noir Season 1: Issue 3: []Jack Kirby's Beautiful Art (Jack Kirby has made some damn good art)

Distant Marvelous Ripples: []Getting an in with Conan (You get an additional comic going from Conan the Barbarian)

Spider-Noir Issue 5: []The Great Game of Comics (Comics are seeing an uptick in sales. meaning that new ideas are starting to come far more... acceptable.)

Red Riding Hood: []And THus, There Be Fairy Tales with a Twist. (You may have created a new genre... maybe?)

Prince of Persia: Thus Spoke Zoroaster: 197 Script Quality

John Henry: Man of Steel: []Bad People don't understand good. (Bad people who do stupid things are really... getting screwed over by the forces of good)

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters: []I enjoy this far to much. (Unknown Effect on the Writer's Room)

Mad Father: []Just for the record, the idea is brilliant (Unknown Effect)

The Hobbit: []The Technology is there Dammit!

Elder Goose Finally Takes Flight: []The Elder Goose Gets Big (Gavin gets a roll for his future)

War for the Crystal: +164 SQ

Stop the Presses: []My House is now my Fortress (No one can now enter the O'Brian Manor due to Bruce's... Security focus.)

I Get By: []Thanks Bruce for Everything (Unknown Effect)

...With a little help from my friends: []Bruce gets... Wiser (He helps Joe Fraizer and pays for a new home, and helps him... because he is working hard at the gym)

Storytelling 101: []Kathleen gets a little more confidence (Kathleen gets a little bit better at storytelling)

Good Judgement: []Being Better (Ali retires with some dignity.)

Mary and the Singing Box: Mary gains the future trait Attractive

Spider-Noir 8: []Oh no (Unknown Effect on DC comics)

Spy and Family: [] So wait, someone is writing a book about me without my permission. (Bruce learns that some spy novel writer... is using him as a base for a story.)

The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies: Christopher Tolkien will be a little more... flexible to certain changes to the story.

Messiah of Dune: 182 Script Quality

Brandon Thirteen and Hating It: []Brandon Begins to Understand (Brandon begins to understand that Bruce is not being a father, because he knows that things will be better)

Gamera: Guardian of the Universe: []Toho has done Goofed (Unknown effect)

Sherlock Holmes: The Conspiracy of Fear: []I Belive that We can do something cool? (Unknown Effect)

Mary Takes up Dancing: []Brandon takes and unwitting apprentice. (Mary is learning martial arts from Brandon and Bruce… kinda)

When Mary met Wally: Mary and Wally become best friends for the rest of their lives.

The Shadows of Salem: []Greg Wiseman Has some better luck. (The Wiseman Curse has been broken, without him even knowing that it existed)

The Resistance Banker: []Wait what? (Unknown Effect)

National Geographic Presents the Writings of Claudia Nerva: [] Untold Stories through the Generations (Unknown Effect)

Mary, Kermit and Wally: []Being a Good Dad is Hard (Unknown positive Effect)

The Mandalorian: []Star Wars is not a Franchise, its a universe, big difference (George finally realizes that he can do lots of things with his universe.)

Mary and the Doppleganger: []Mary is a Genius (You come home to see Mary solving a math problem. A Calculus math problem)

Mary and the Potato: []Mary is Creative (Mary is far more creative then a child her age)

Through the Mouths of Babes: []Mary knows Sign (Mary knows ASL)

The Art of War, Blade and Sorcery: []Bruce Popurlaizes HEMA... somehow? (The video gets out, and many people take an interest in Europe)

Everyone You Meet Has an Original Point of View: []Oh Boy Bruce, Here he comes, offering money. (Bruce continues to find ways to popularize HEMA, but funding the last twenty or so blacksmiths alive with this knowledge in Europe... to craft weapons and take on apprentices)

Cars: Sunrise can make it.

Narc: []So... We can do both? (Lucasfilms will do both)

A-Jay the Linguistic Squirel: []I belive people should learn how to speak a different language. (If the show is made, expect the average person to be bilingual fluently, or even trilingual fluently in America)

Ironheart Instructional Video: []So Wait, we're getting really into fitness? (Bruce's Bootleg videos get out into Hollywood)

Director's Cut: []Give to the Best Documentarian We know! (George sees the idea and wants to do it, with Bruce as the Host)

Snow White and the Huntsmen: []Public domain is a real bitch you know (Disney has a realization. Someone can just do the stroy of any fairy tale like the brothers gimm... and they can't stop it because everything is public domain.)

The Animated Adventures of Captain Atom: []Oh shit (So they failed to get something... but it was a blessing in disguise?)

Throne of Skulls: []Could it work? (no one knows how to write it)

Yae no Sakura: []At The Gate of the North (The young Animator smiles... they put it on the list)

Death Troopers: []George, Don't you dare (George kicked open the door to your office. "We're making a short film, right now!")

Forgotten Reams; Born, [] The GM Carrie (Carrie will play GM every time... and it will do wonders)

A proposal from the old country: []I think we can work something out. (Unknown Effect)

Pacific Rim: Red, White and Romeo Blue: []Giant Robots are Awesome (So what is it called? Real Robot?)

The Rise of Chain Breaker: 198 Script Quality

Inter-Office Memo: []John quit stealing the computers (Every Man and Woman in Lucasfilms will have a computer!)

A Father's Word: Storytime: []I think its going to be great (Unknown Effect)

Fallen Angel: []It's Scary as fuck (Carrie wrote a masterpiece)

The Debriefing: +10 to Critic and Audience rolls for Star Wars

The Album: []Carrie's Got Metal in her Veins (Carrie begins producing a metal Album after she gives birth, and its good. very good)

Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: 192 Script Quality

Jewel's are a Girl's Best Friend: Debbie Reynolds owns the Crown Jewel of Ireland.

Chronicles of Valor: Stand Her Ground: Carrie's rock album gets a nat 100 in performance.

Release the Pressure with Music: Carrie is thinking of building a recording studio. Mary wants to sing with her Mom.

An Old Friend Calls: [X] Trying to Fix What is Broken (Unknown Effect)

Spellbound Season 1: Can be made

The Princess Bride: Owned by Lucasfilms

Mary Watches Star Wars: []A Simple Moment of Happiness (Unknown Effect for Mary)

Creepshow: Stephen King only works with Lucasfilms

The Uncanny X-Men: Great increase in X-Men quality

The Last Trains of Siberia: []The Last Train Home: The Legion story has increased in popularity in the last few years. And now its is being told again... in an anti-soviet fashion.

Night Mind: Increase in Marval Comic Sales (merch rolls)

Big Sister Mary: The O'Brian siblings will love each other deeply.

Dreaming of the Morphing Grid: Power Rangers can start production in 1987

The Immortal Iron Fist: []The King of CAmeos... And Jack (Stan Lee, wants to cameo in Marvel films with his best friend)

Inspector Spacetime: Can make it

How to Make Friends: []I have a little help from my Friends (Bruce finally has some more friends)

We Happy Few: []Bubblegum Acid Effect man (So, it seems you have something that the British will love)

Spider-Man Noir Issue 9: []Marval Has some Fun Times (Stan Lee is... Happy)

A Pup Named Scooby-Doo: Hanna Barbara will see a huge increase in quality, now that they have money, talent, and a free hand.

1980 United States Elections: The election results are canon, and things will happen that will affect, positively, to the American people. Hopefully, a little more hope that will see good things.

Around the World in 80 Days: []Around the World in 80... Wait What? (Christopher Lee has heard about a project for Verne from one of the TV writers, and he's in whenever it starts production with one exception. He wants to star with Bruce)

Doomsday Clock: []Charlton gains hope (The new ideas are quite cool and the readers love it)

Mr. Bean's Holiday: +20 to Mr. Bean's rolls

Bad Start: []Start Something (Something has been started.)

The Existentialist: []Carrie Starts Writing Again (Carrie begins writing a script)

The Nguyens: []Smile for it has happened (Unknown Effect)

The American Bullmoose: []A Bullet Can't stop the Bullmoose (TR's Rugged life has become a more popular thing)

Batman Post Credits: []The Post Credit Boom (I hope this dosen't get out of hand)

Meisters of Magic: Can be Produced

Beautiful Night: Carrie can write

Here Today: can be produced

Being Big: []Parenting made saner (Carrie and Bruce, for the most part, think they are doing a good job as parents.)

A Timeline Divided: [X] Unknown (Unknown effect)

Zeta Project: +20 to Marvel rolls

Barbie: Matel can start making some fun ideas

My little Pony: Hasbro does an MLP tabletop with Talsorian

Real Steel: Can be produced

Drafting Marvel: GI Joe can be done by Marvel []GI Joe will be happy (GI Joe will be seen well-loved... eventually)

American Flagg: []Charlton Strikes Back (Charlton has gotten a few coming into the top 10... and there are more coming)

Detention: 200+ quality script

Jester Meets Queen Weird Outcome: Wierd Al is now a friend of Bruce and company.

The Pirates of Dark Water: Can be made

Might Max: Can be Made

Starslayer: The Log of the Jolly Roger: More bonuses to Charlton comics

Nixonverse: More bonuses to Marvel comics

Faith, the Unholy Trinity Part 2: Faith trilogy gets its own action

Geese and Sparrows: The Native wildlife of the Americas are being preserved by huge donations from many major corperations

Psych: Can be produced

Mary's Riddle: [X]And So Is NASA (Unknown Effect)

Watchmen: Will be made by DC Comics and Charlton

Saw: Made by Charlton and will be popular

Off: Can be made

Ballblazer: Lucasarts gets bonuses post Crash of 82

261: 293 Quality Script

Bubblegum Crisis: Will be produced by Marvel

Earnest Pups: Jeet Kune Do will not splinter

Taking a Leap of Faith: []Take a Leap of Faith (He took a leap of faith and was rewarded)

Sandland: Toriyama will have a massive increase in his rolls.

Gamera: Evolution of Jiger: Unknown positive effect

El Cantar de Mio Cid: []Spanish Nationals will be promising more. (The Spanish government might beg to have a part in it)

Woodrow Wilson: America's Shame: Will be produced, have a special role.

Rogue One: []I don't think this is a very good idea. (Mike is unsure of making the rebels less... well heroic.)

I Am the Anvil Upon Which War is Forged: Unknown Effect

Phantom 2040: Can be Made

Magic Treehouse: Can be made

Wonderpets: Can be made

Two (Exoskeleton) Hands: []Meanwhile with ILM (ILM has decided to try something fun.)

Chaser: Can be made

Sin City: New Action Available

Discovering HEMA: Can be Produced

The invisible hand of Bruce almighty: []Live Together or Die Alone (Unknown Effect)

The Golden Age: DC gets a bonus

Mighty Avengers: MCAU gets a bonus

Red Dead Redemption: []A New Age For Westerns (Clint Eastwood has gotten ideas)

Zade Charlton: 3x bonuses to Charlton Comics

Mary and Milly: []Mary and Milly are the Bestest Friends (They really are)

Undertale: 364 Script

Space Cases: Bonuses will come

Sony Nega-verse: Unknown Effect

American Girls: Felicity Merriman: PBS may produce

Golden Moments: []Communication is the Key (The final obstacles to an happy marriage will come to an end)

Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog: Marvel may create

Doomsday Clock Part 6: Charlton roll bonus

My Life as a Teenage Robot: Can be produced.

The Frog Prince: Can be Produced

20,000 Leagues under the Sea: Can be produced, 1983 or after

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Christopher will be a little bit more willing to accept the changes for the film, as long as he understands what is going on and why.

The Squadron: [] The Ships of the Sea (Someone at ILM is making an actual ship of the line.)

Big Brother Wally: []Big Family Lucas (The Lucas Family has some great times planned ahead when things get done)

A Crashed Dream: []I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship (James meets a young intern at Japans Lucasarts office who chose to come here instead of Capcom. His name is Kenji Inafune. And he has a similar idea)

Yi Ti: The Admiralty: LucasArts gets a bonus

The Autopsy of Jane Doe: Can be Made

Knives Out: []Agitha Christie Called, she wants her detective back (Some of Agatha christie fans saw the script, and think that its bad... and that means that people want it made)

All We Marsmen: Can be Made

Dredd: 2000 AD: []Oh boy (Fun things are about to happen)

The Walking Dead: []I have so many god damn questions (This story might be the best of zombie fiction if the right man is there to direct)

The Charlton Crusaders: []There Are the Big Three, not Two (Charlton's numbers have come out, and they are the third largest comic book publisher in the US.)

Nature Abhors a Vaccum: Robocop will only be pitched to Lucasfilms

Any Port in a Storm: []I think that This is going to be Great (More games are going to be made.)

Tetris: []Oh no (Soviet agents are hunting him? Why? What would he have to create that makes him so important?)

Late Night with the Devil: Can be Produced

The Final Opponent: []A Manga in the West (A chapter prototype gets onto Stan Lee's Desk, and he has another wonderful idea)

Limitation of Harm: 349 Script Quality, Can be Produced

Stephen Kings The Long Walk: []The King Has Come (Stephen has basically wrote a few things... he calls "Lucasfilms only")

A Brand...A New Brand: []Heart of Fire (A Young Programer begins working in secret)

Game Over: []RICO This motherfucker (Unknown Effect)

Faith the Unholy Trinity Part 3: []I think that This will scare the shit out of everyone (Give a bonus to the action for this next turn)

Overwatch Crisis: LucasArts gets a big bonus

Jobs n Opportunities: []Another Director Comes (Another director joins him, a friend that was looking for work... a guy named Hideo)

Killing the Curse of Tippacanoe: []Well, that might be okay (Without the assasination attempt on the President, things begin to change)

Commencing Virtuous Mission: []The Spies are getting thrown out into the cold (Thanks to Kojima, all the spies that Fox has in the building were fired.)

"Nihil aliud est nisi ludus. Cur irasci debes?": Bonus to a roll in 1984

Excerpt from a pastors sermon circa 1983: Tide will turn and bonus will occur to a roll

The Unforseen Shock: []Oh (Unknown Effect)

News Broadcast from CNN Media Co., 1983: Grant a bonus to something that will occur

You play to win the game: []A Story no longer cut short (Len Bias does not die in his fateful car crash, and he will be drafted by Boston. Mike gets a rival as competative and driven to win as he is)

The Balled of Rain and Fire (Ua a me ke ahi): []Oh sweat lord (I think this is going to be... wonderful)

Cult of the Preacher: []The Revenge Script gets More love (A Script for next turn will be made, and produced next action turn)

Pacific Rim Manga: Akira Toriyama joins Marvel

Nostalgia Critic Dreamworksuary: []I think we underestimated Gundam (Bandi has... started to finally understand the golden goose they have)

The Descent: []I think this is fucking terrifying (The Script quality and final quality are increase significantly if produced)

Scripts, Camera, Time: Bonus to Prince of Persia

The Illusion of Babylon: Iraq has a space program

Tokyo Mew Mew: []Who reads this Garbage, and can we make more of it? (Mike is a huge fan, and he wants to expand the title with his own money.)

Doomsday Clock Part 7: Charlton comics again gets another huge boost in marketshare, and the big three are now in a happy equilibrium... for now.

A Touch of Home: []So We have ideas (Lucasarts Japan sees ideas and wants them made, now)

Van Helsing: Gothic Moonlight: []So We have ideas (Lucasarts Japan sees ideas and wants them made, now)

To Catch Lightning in a Bottle, Twice!: []The City of Brotherly Love sees something incredible (In Chicago, it is going to see something that will change the city for the better)

LucasArts Undertale: []Hopes and Dreams Save the World (Unknown Effect)

Sugar Rush: []I think we can make this work (Lucasarts thinks they can get it done.

The Incredibles: Positive effect on all animation films for next year.

Lord of the Rings: The War for Rohan: []Lord of the Rings is something that requires only Professor Tolkiens's Work, nothing more (As long as you continue to hold true to Tolkien work, you will not earn Christopher's ire.)

Red Dead Redemption 2: []Who the fuck would watch this (You will be surprised)

Sunrise SP//Dr: []Great Power, Great Responsibility (So, How the hell will they animate this)

From the Heart of Ireland to You: []The Great Emerald Way (Something will happen)

Climbing the Mountain: []Over the Hill (Meanwhile in Lucasfilms, THere is finally someone who can make something happen)

Tabaxi in Space: DND sees more popularity

Dragons, Droids and Dockyard Drama: []Rockets at Shipyards you crazy bastards! (Success of the sea Dragon will be set to 100% because it seems some drunk ship builders fixed something that even Mary could see)

Grimjack: Charlton breaks records

Drafting a Flock: []There is something that we need to do first. (THe USFL will not suffer some... setbacks)

The Once and Future Swashbuckler: []A Boom no one saw coming. (So pulp fiction is back? and the people want more than just superheroes?)

Hunchback of Notre Dame/Oliver and Company: Can be Produced by Disney

The Bone Wars: Can be Produced

Shao Pai Long: []Great Lord, who the hell listens to this (Import of City Pop from Japan finds lots of listeners)

Ever After: A Cinderella Story: []The Next Level (Unknown Effect)

I Hate Fairyland: Can be made as a comic

Curbifornia: []The Beatings will continue until the Cartels are Stopped (Meanwhile at the Border, Local police are getting help from a DEA special task force, who have one mission. Stop the drugs.)

Atlas' Nod: Marvel Atlas can be made in 1984

Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker: Star Wars Games Post Jedi will get a bonus.

It's just a giant Turtle: []The Monsters Are Here (Oh my god, They finally did it. They made a good monster film)

The Name of the Rose: Can be Made

The SCP Files: Season 3: []THis is a Horror Show (Meanwhile with many of the TV producers at Lucasfilms... they see an idea)

Por Que no Los Dos: I accept what you want with Jean-Jacques Annaud directing the film.

Rocky Fighting an Alien: Predator can potentially become a Lucasfilms movie

The BFG: []Dahl is very impressed (He is interested in many things that Lucasfilms is offering)

Daily Variety: Big bonuses to Wakes the Deep.

Halo Legends Multimedia Project: Bonus to future Halo content

A Business Dahl-iance: Lucasfilms owns adaptation rights to all Dahl books

Twists of Fate: []Oda San gets good (Oda has an idea, but first, he might need a plane ticket to Tokyo. Marvel is hiring, and he might be able to get a job at the Japan office.)

Disney Anime: []I can't belive this is not insaneity (Disney Board members toe the line of this new regimes massive changes)

Nickelodeon Proof of Concept: Ted Turner acquires Nickelodeon

Montage!: +15 to SP

The Case of the Case: Videogames profits increase by x2 until 1985

Immunity: +15 SP

Samurai Pizza Cats: []I say... this is... stupid? (Meanwhile, someone has an idea... and it causes someone to lose their job and work for us)

I Have No Leader and I Must Delegate: Can produce I have No Mouth and Must Scream for Lucasarts

Interoffice Memo: []Meanwhile in Sunset Toys (Merch profits will increase by X4 for the remainder of the year)

Kitchen Nightmares: []MAry will learn from her mistakes (Mary learns from her mistakes)

Big Siblings Joseph and Sarah: []I think the kids are going to do that (Unknown Effect)

Carcer Treasure Planet: +500 to Audience, +300 to critics, profit bonus of a x2 on the gross and merchandise.

A Small Detour: Koji Kondo produced the Undertale Soundtrack...

Darth Puppet: []David sees that script that George made for him (David sees the script George made for him, and it drove him to tears)

Battlehawks 1942: Bonus to video games

Hanna-Barbera Pentathlon: Bonus to video games

Bruce O'Brian Punch Out: Bruce has been challenged for several titles. Bruce will have multiple actions now showing people wanting him to get back into the ring.

Samhain: []John Gets Control (John has complete control)

The Sequel to the Terror: []The Scariest Movie Ever made (Rupert tries to get it made)

A Moment to Prepare: +15 SP

Jarhead: Can be Produced

Lone Ranger: Disney will get a roll

1983 USFL Playoffs: []The TV Deals (The League has gotten a perfect set of TV deals from LucasTV, ABC, and CBS, which will make sure there are no blackouts for TV broadcasts in relation to ticket sales. All games will be on TV from the Start)
[]A Better Commissioner (A more forward-thinking commissioner will replace Pete Rozelle, a hand-picked one... who will make the league better)

Pacific Rim: Shatterdome: +15 SP

Gettsburg: The Killer Angels: +15 SP

The Last Voyage of the Demeter: Can be produced by Ardmore

.....and starring Mickey Mouse as himself: [ ] oh boy!

Busting Makes me Feel Good: []Ghost Busters the flow crushers (Unknown Effect)

A Series of Fortunate Events: []It Blew up bigger than anyone could think of (Kurt Cobain's music career began in earnest in the final days of his senior year... and his first album for his band Nirvana, would go double platinum. With his finances secured, he would offer his services to Nintendo again, and he would make an amazing soundtrack for a game that would define the 8 bit era... and turn him into a video game icon: Metroid. He would become the only composer that Nintendo would go to for Metroid. And that was before he decided to continue on with Nirvana)

Undertale: []Oh this... this is amazing (Mavis Kingsley will be automatically nominated for an Oscar... when undertale releases)

The King of Dragons: +15 Sp

Frozen Flame: +15 SP

Arcane: Marvel: Eclipse will get a bonus for the first run

Princess and the Author: []An Awesome Story (Carrie reads the draft and loves it)

Rescue Heroes: +15 SP

Skyblazer: +15 SP

Overlord 12: Mike Eisner will have an interesting action next turn.

Undertale Chapter 1: Significant increase in audience and critic reception

Video Game Bundle: +100 to all Video Game rolls for the rest of the year

What If...? Vol 1. #43: What If Iron Man's Suit Worked Differently?: Marvel gets a roll bonus

Put me in Coach: Steve Hulett added as writer

Steamboy: Sunrise will have a quality bonus of +200 for their next project.

Video Game Bundle: +45 SP

Law abiding Citizen: +15 SP

Alien Syndrome: []The Master of Madness and the greater force of TEchnology John Carmack (We have given John Carmack an idea. maybe that will lead to something)

Inter-Office Memo: []Undertale goes Platinum (THe music of the movie will go big)

Ghostbusters: Who you gonna call now?: Can be made

Dungeons and Dragons Animated Series: +15 SP

Roy's Christmas Carol: A bonus to Disney rolls coming soon.

Call to Arms: Will Release in 1985. Also Video Games are art: The Critics will actually take it seriously, meaning... expect some good press.

A New Phantasy: []I see some Star wars (Mike sees money and wants to make that game_

A Bard's Tale: +15 SP

Graven Image: +15 SP

Sight Beyond Sight: Thundercats can be made

Prime Time: []Oh God: (Unknown effect)

Incredible and Amazing: []Ah, I think we have a problem or two (Stan and Jack deal with a problem. And it won't be coming back to bite them.)
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She’s Leaving Home
She's Leaving Home

I rubbed my tired reddish eyes from a tiring yet impossible night of twists and shouts, I don't understand how I married that man, divorced, yet still sometimes living together in the same building I am.

After having my groggily mind kick starting from a night of activity, I stood up from the bed and made a walk towards the kitchen to see a note on a table. My mind and spine chilled to a stop as I remembered the words of an old tune that I didn't expect to play again like a memory seeing this moment as the time to appear again.

'Wednesday morning at 5 O'clock, as the day begins..' I turned towards the calendar and I could feel the dread mounting at the bottom of my stomach. Quickly, I turned towards the clock..only for the tension to increase with the feelings of uneasiness wrapping around my interior like an inverse blanket. I turn towards the windows to just see the sun just starting to rise via small streaks of sunlight.

Seeing no choice but to either read through the letter or wake up the kids, I started walking with every step becoming heavier, where I felt leaving a dimension to enter another, then another, then another. Consisting of heavy gravity that stacks upon the camel's back.

Once I arrived, my arm twitched with fear and apprehension lifted up my spirits towards the stairway. Biting the bullet that was shot against me like a person in an open-roofed car, I grabbed the letter like a person possessed by a violent spirit. My gut twists and churns as my other arm, shaking and twitching like my other, and opens the paper that eclipsed the night like a full yet new moon..

The words that I've seen in front of me, and the words that I've heard all those years ago..all came in a crescendo of Ice and Frostbites..

'She's Leaving Home..'

(Scene Change)


The words haunt me, the seemingly mocking harmony of Lennon and McCartney fills my head with the fervent shift towards her bedroom..where it was left open with nothing in return.

In short..she's left home..

I..don't how to feel about this. I've always known since I was a young girl that there are people who run away from home, but I've never experienced being the one a child of mine ran away from..

I looked at the half-empty glass of wine in front of me before I sighed and turned away from it, my first instinct was to be angry. To demand that she return home and ground her to all of eternity! I was angry at the rudeness she pulled out from school a day back, but never thought forwards from that moment one, that there isn't something much deeper and meaningful for one.

It was since last month that I've noticed the upturn of bright and expressive happiness from her, that is to say without Eddie around the house. Even during the week (or was it weeks?) she stayed in bed at home. She was much happier, compared to the months since before that boy..

That boyfriend of hers..Bruce was it? Must've been the light that she sought for after being deprived of a special place that is willing to make time for her, even pushing away important dealings just so they just spend time together..

That thought made me feel guilty. I've loved my daughter, but I didn't pay much time that was quite needed for her. More so focusing on my career, knowings, and social dealings (read: politicking) in and around Hollywood..

Then there are those nights, not some, but plenty of those nights Eddie and I argued long into the night, through the thin walls of our home..

I chilled, a thought struck me as the realisation and chill gripped my skull, my spine, and my spirit. How could I forget? I knew that young actors always flinch when hearing yells and being yelled at themselves..if I apply the same circumstance with Carrie..

And just like that, I downed another drink of wine.

(Scene Change)

A few days after that day, I decided to take a walk around the park in Hollywood, to take a breather off from the stressful life that felt more quantified since Carrie disappeared. Attempts discreetly (and not bluntly to cause waves in Hollywood) trying to find my lost daughter to apologise to her all failed, it was as if she went for London like she told me that she'd like to visit..

Then, what I saw nearly brought me to tears.

It was a couple, one with red hair smiling brightly at the boy she was with, while the other was a boy taller than she was smiling back at her as they walked through the cool-breeze filled park.

I stopped in fear of interrupting them, remembering the guilt heavy enough to form a new sun in space.

It was after some time of following them around, trying to see how they act around the other, that when she went for the outside toilets that I walked towards the boy..

"Hello..Bruce right?" I ask him as the wind breezes, it was a cool day for Los Angeles now that I think about it.

"Huh? Yeah?" He turned to me with confusion. "You're Carrie's mother, right?"

I thought to myself for a few more minutes before nodding. "That's me.."

"Listen." I said to him in a swift and determined tone.

"I..Thank you for helping me.." I gulp at that moment, but continued on as I knew the couple needed to know that I know now..that I.. "..see the pain my daughter is in."

Quickly as I said that, I went off, beating a hasty retreat back home.

But I felt the weight of guilt, sorrow, and multiple emotions..have lightened.

For the first time in a few days, I smiled.

N/A: Debbie's POV taking place between quest upload and Some Nights Part One, with some mentions from MJ's last dance.
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Movie Prompt: A “Hero’s” Journey

..Fine, I'll do only one for tonight.

Prompt Name: A "Hero's" Journey
Genre: Comedy
Sub-Genre: Chaotic Comedy, Slapstick, Vocal Comedy, Parody, Pythonian Comedy
Format: Movie
General Idea: A Yellow haired, red eyed Demigod that spouts the word "Mongrel" at every person he meets..he essentially acts like Fate's Gilgamesh Archer without the Gate of Babylon and EA..goes on a journey across the world after the death of Enkidu. Gilgamesh would be the only character who actually is quite serious compared to the people he'll meet, which serves as deconstruction devices through comedy. The focus of this is to deconstruct Hero's Journey through comedy.

The four of you laughed as you read out the lines:

"What is West? King Mongrel? What is East?" Said the wise old man of the mountain.

"DO NOT CALL ME MONGREL!" Shouted the red-eyed demigod.

"Some say..the West is west, and the East is east." The wise man says calmly with utmost seriousness in his tone and demeanour. "But..East is a way to the West..and West is a way to the East.."

"Mongrel?" Gilgamesh looked confused, before he was bonked on the head by the Old Man.

"THE EAST IS A WAY TO WEST! BID MY WISDOM!" He said calmly with a genial smile and twinkling eyes. "THE WEST IS A WAY TO THE EAST!"

"W-what is this?" Carrie laughed while you joined her with a snort, not understanding of the entire point of the two characters' exchange.

"Comedy!" Robin replied as he smiled.

"Some try-hard wise man, that's who." You retorted before Robin snorted while John shook his head in amusement.

N/A: Decided for the (fab) four to bond and..that turned into creating a comedy version of the Immortality Arc of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
A Near Tragic Turn Turn 17 (November 1972)
[X]Remain on the Show: You will remain on the Show… But you are sure that there will be some changes.
[X]Write in for contract negotiations. Double the SAG minimum wage. 5% of the Residuals. Each cast member who gets nominated for a award in relation to the show gets a $500 bonus. Each cast member who wins a award in relation to the show gets $2,000. If the show as a whole gets an award for best series, television overall or a specific genre, each major and supporting cast member gets a $750 bonus. Award bonuses can be subject to renegotiation every two seasons.

CBS Pushback:D100 => 8

The CBS Suits are not going to be pushing back. They know when they've been beaten.

Reward For MASH: Starting in December, you will be beginning production. You must dedicate three months for the Production to be in all the episodes.

Your contract states you will be in all episodes. So you must be setting aside three months for production before September.

You took a breath until you heard the phone ring. The night was still very young, and you realized that something felt very very wrong, because only three people knew your number, and knew when you were here, calling at this time.

You answered the phone and asked. "Hello, this is Bruce?"

On the other line, was a frantic and frightened Debbie Reynolds. "Bruce! Where is Carrie, is she with you?!"

Your mind raced as you asked, "Why, where is she?"

"She didn't come home today, I thought she was with you." She replied.

Then you immediately got out of bed and got dressed. "Where do you think she could go?"

Carrie's Note:D100 => 6

There was a knock at the door. And you heard it unlock and then you saw Carrie standing there. "You left a key." She stated as she shut the door.

You then nearly dropped the phone, and you looked at your girlfriend. You then saw a letter in her hand. "Carrie?"

"CARRIE!" Debbie called over the phone. "Please let me talk to you, Honey! I-"

"Can we talk alone for a moment?" She asked, whimpering. "I'll talk to mom in just a minute."

A moment passed, and you honored her request. "Debbie, she safe at my place… Just give us a few minutes. We'll be here when you come."

You hung up the phone, and you looked at Carrie and the letter.

A Tear-stained, hastily written letter.

You didn't need to read it to know what it was.

"I already signed the papers dropping out of high school." She stated. "I just, couldn't think of the best time, without making things harder for my mom."

"Carrie!" You raised your voice in surprise. "Why?"

"BECAUSE I'M SICK OF BEING A BURDEN!" She shouted back, with tears streaming down her face. "I'm sick of always being an accessory of my mother, of my father, and everyone else!"

"I just want my mom to be happy. I want Todd to be happy."

And she collapsed into your arms. "I just want to be happy."

You held her close. "It's going to be okay." You then allowed her to cry into you.

"I just want to be me, Carrie. I just want to be the shining star everyone thinks I am."

And she cried for so long, you didn't even know it was morning.

Debbie looked at you before she tucked Carrie into your bed. "Thank you, Bruce." She stated. "I thought-"

"Mrs. Reynolds." You raised a hand and walked over to her. "I just wanted to help my friend. I truly thought it was my…"

"Don't." She replied as she gave you a slight hug. "You've been the best thing that has happened to this family for years."

She let go and you both walked towards the dining room, and she sat, while you remained standing. "Coffee?" You asked.

"No. I'm fine." She replied. "I've been such a fool. Trying to help her. Trying to be there for her. And I couldn't be there for her when it mattered most. When she needed me the most."

You held her hand. "I don't really know what to say for that… But I'm glad she came here… than us finding her somewhere else. Somewhere worse." You replied.

She stopped and shook her head. "I can start by asking for your help." She stated.

"I hope you realize I can't do too much." You replied.

"Oh, you'll know when. You'll see it." She replied. "I need to get back to work soon, and frankly, I need help with caring for Todd and Carrie."

"Carrie wants to be with you." You stated bluntly. "She just thought she was a burden." You frowned as you took a breath again. "But I don't see that."

There was a moment of silence, ominous silence before Debbie stood up. "Can I ask Carrie to stay here with you for a few days?"

You nodded. "She can stay for as long as she needs."

Debbie nodded. "Todd might be coming soon as well."

"As long as you need Debbie." You replied.

It was a long night.

But the Lord gave you strength.

Personal Actions:

Choose 6:

[]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???

[]Debbies Divorce Drama: Debbie needs some help keeping things civil. Seems that her Husband is doing anything but. DC: 40/50/55

[]The Tood Troubles: So… Todd stole one of your Camera… and he's trying to make something with it? What the hell is he even doing? DC: ???

[]The Three Amigos: You, Robin and John are going to have some fun times. Maybe that will make things easier for your mind. DC: 10/20/???

[]Helping Around the Building: You are going to make this apartment building the envy of LA. DC: 25/45/65/90

[]Helping Carrie: Carrie is here and needs help. You are going to give it to her. DC ???

[]Finding a Good Match: You want to see if you are in good enough shape to actually beat a professional boxer. It seems you have to do everything yourself now, because your promoter is an idiot. DC: 50/???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think that means you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you hate yourself for doing this, but you are going to ask Clint for some help, see if he can give you a role. DC: 40 (Clint may be helping you, but not enough to give you a role in one of his films, or risk his reputation on getting you into a movie without some assurance.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

[] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few questions, like how he met your father? DC: 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history)

[] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, and see how they are doing. DC: 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]The Call of Creation: You want to create something of your own, a story, an idea that maybe, you can shop around to more talented people. DC: ???. Write in what you want to create. Reward: (Your write-in idea will be going through the creative process)

AN: Enjoy and please vote in Plan format, please.
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The Cowboy and the Queen
The Cowboy and the Queen

Late one night in the Eastwood household, Clint was in his personal office going over the script for a film he was working on, jotting down comments and edits as he went through the papers. Fighting back a yawn, Clint resolved to finish reading a scene and then continue with a cup of coffee in the morning, only for his phone to ring.

Not wanting his kids to wake up, Clint quickly picked up the phone, "Hello, Eastwood residence."

"Clint? This is Debbie, Debbie Reynolds." Replied a soft-spoken voice.

A bit taken aback at the identity of the caller. Clint quickly became fully awake, "No need to introduce yourself Debds, there's a lot of Debbies but I'll always recognize the voices of one of our best post-war actors." Clint complimented sincerely, producing a light giggle from Debbie in return. However, Clint could not be more than confused why she would call his house phone out of the blue, not even using their respective agents as intermediaries.

While your average American believed that all major Hollywood actors were close-knit and well connected on a friendly first name basis, the reality couldn't be further from the truth. Hollywood was extremely cliquish and every star once they settled down quickly identified with some community or another. Whether it be due to geography, filomgraphy, personalities and ideologies, everyone was off in their own little corners of Los Angeles and such was the case with Clint Eastwood and Debbie Reynolds.

Clint respected Debbie's skills as an actress and enjoyed most of her films, but they were never friends, barely acquaintances at best. Every now and then they would meet at some sort of event or film premiere, they'd make polite small talk for a few minutes, and then break off and move on. Clint had nothing against Debbie, but they were two actors of two different film generations. Debbie was a songstress and daughter of the 50's and Clint was a cowboy and son of the 60's. Even if they were on the same pedestal they sure as hell didn't share it together.

"Gotta say I'm surprised you're reaching out Debbie. Didn't take you to be a gal for Westerns or Crime Thrillers. You looking to switch saddles?" Clint asked, playing a bit into the charming and folksy cowboy persona that America knew him as for fun.

"No Clint, this isn't about business it's more...personal. I wanted to talk with you about your nephew, Bruce O'Brian."

For a brief second Clint shot up in panic, wondering what the hell the Goose did to get into trouble with Debbie Reynolds. But then he remembered his last talk with Bruce and how the young man couldn't stop gushing about about a girl named Carrie Fisher, and everything clicked together. "I take it you're calling about his relationship with your daughter?"

Clint heard a sigh on the other end and even though he couldn't see Debbie, he could practically feel her nod through the line, "Yes, that's the reason. I hope you don't think less of me Clint. It's not that I don't trust Bruce or want to be some control freak. It's just that things are getting serious pretty fast between them and it's starting to make me a little worried. Carrie says that Bruce thinks highly of you and I know that you're a decent man, so I just wanted to get another side of the story so that I stop being so paranoid."

At that admission Clint's respect for Debbie Reynolds grew a whole lot more. "It's okay Debbie. While my kids aren't old enough yet to be in the same position, as a parent I kind of understand what you're going through and I'd probably be the same if Kimber was dating your boy."

Debbie released a heavy sigh. "That's good to hear. It's not that I'm against Bruce and I'm happy that they're together. It's just that it's Carrie's first serious relationship, and not only have they had dates, but Carrie's spending every day with him, going out to see him or talking for hours on the phone. It's a lot more faster than Ed and I were, and far more serious than any boys I met at her age. I just...I just don't want to see my baby get hurt." Debbie said, her tone heavily laced with fear and concern. If what half the rumors of the state of her second marriage were true, then Clilnt could easily sympathize with and understand the trail of concern.

"Like I said, isn't a problem. Although just to be clear, Bruce isn't my nephew." Although if Bruce did take to calling him that, Clint wouldn't exactly be opposed.

"He's not?" Debbie asked in confusion.

"Not a single drop, although since he came to Hollywood, he's kind of become like a second son in some respects and the kids see him like an older brother, and having him around is definitely a useful blueprint for Kyle."

"If you don't mind my asking, what's your relation to Bruce?"

"He's the son of a close old friend who I met when I was starting in making films. His Dad's a good man who I owed a favor or two, and when Bruce wanted to move to Hollywood and make his shot in the big and small screens, his Dad asked if I could watch over him and lend a place to stay until he started doing well enough to be on his own, or failed and went back home. I helped with the basics, gave some pointers and training, and from there Bruce started soaking up knowledge and skills like a sponge. After some commercials he got a part in a Chinese movie a year ago and with the pay from that set out on his own. Wouldn't call him the brightest rookie, but he's doing well for himself and knows when to get back up after he stumbles. A year later he's staring on M*A*S*H, met your daughter, and now we're here."

While Clint's voice may have sounded somewhat monotone due to the hour and his style of speech, inside Clint couldn't be more prouder of where the Goose had managed to climb. In the first months of his stay, a small part of Clint's mind kept on doubting, saying that Bruce would make a small splash and then after a couple years of tries and mediocrity, he'd head back to Hell's Kitchen. It wasn't without good reason as his siblings hadn't been able to plant firm roots with Cat doing minor commercials before she was unfairly blacklisted and Gavin after frustrations as a writer had switched vocations entirely and now worked for some sort of computer company. However, at the exact same time Bruce always had a spark of brilliance and passion that was on the verge of extinction in the film industry. With that kind of spark, it was hard not to root for the guy and Clint poured his best into making sure Bruce had the tools to make out on his own. Two years later, and the Irish Underdog proved the doubters wrong and got a Kung-Fu movie and a spot on one of TV's hottest shows under his belt. Sure he pissed off the entire television industry, but hey, what's show business without making some enemies and driving an entire channel to the brink of bankruptcy?

"Two years ago, that must have been when he was 15, did he drop out of high school, and so young?" Debbie asked in concern, more than likely fearing that Carrie would follow a similar path.

Clint shook his head even though Debbie wasn't in the same room, "Nah, he's not some illiterate idiot. He took some advanced tests and graduated a full four years early. He had tons of colleges fighting for a spot and even got offers from that Shakespeare Company, kids smarter than most college graduates I've met. Instead of free rides and London though, he took a risk and decided to try his hand making films."

"My goodness. I guess I can't judge too much since I started off at the same age, but I was already living in Burbank and got a foot in the door with my pageants. I can't imagine what would make someone move to the other side of the country with no foundation."

"Well I'll tell you one thing Debbie, Bruce ain't one of those dime a dozen starstruck idiots flooding LA these days who thinks they're a hotshot and within a year they're gonna be living in mansions, staring in blockbusters and making headlines." Clint said in a partial rant. Sure, Hollywood always had the allure of fame and fortune, but it used to be most rookies started out with a passion for the craft and respect for the art, now it was hippies and rich kids thinking they were special and would get fat checks and headlines quick because they of their specialty without putting in the effort.

"Nah, kid's a real artist at heart, loves movies and loves making them. Sure he'll try and settle for a great pay, but his priority is always making great performances and taking part in good stories.

"Sounds a lot like my Carrie, she always gets real happy when she performs and wants to write and star in good films." Debbie said a bit wistfully "That reminds me just how much does he talk about my daughter?" She asked.

At the question, Clint let out a fit of laughter, though realizing he was being loud late at night and might give the wrong message, he quickly silenced himself.

"What's so funny?" Debbie sternly demanded.

"I apologize for the reaction Debbie, it's just that I think I've talked with Bruce twice since he first met your girl, and each time he spent most of the conversation going on and on about this most wonderful and amazing brunette he's seeing and how every minute spent with her is a blessing and a joy." Clint said, not even paraphrasing or embellishing as those were some of Bruce's exact words.


"Yep, in fact the better question would be when doesn't he talk about your daughter. Kid always finds something new he likes about her and goes into the most precise details of the time they spend together. With his folks across the sea in Ireland, he even asked me for dating advice, wanted to make sure he does the romance stuff best he can without any mistakes. Can't say I was much help, or that he even needed any, I think he got the right ideas by watching his folks, a better love story than any hack could make in this town."

While Clint was touched that Bruce had gone to him seeking advice that he should have gotten from his father, Clint had felt rather guilty when being asked. He was not a man who could be devoted to monogamy, and while he did love Maggie, his love could never be solely to her even under the official vows of marriage, causing an open relationship that lead to the birth of Kimber along with a slew of other loves in the past decade. Clint knew that his way of love was not the most correct in society's views and that it was most certainly not a model for others, most especially Bruce. But while he failed in fidelity, Clint had always been respectful of Maggie as a person and partner and he made damn sure the one area he never failed was being a good father, he hoped to at least pass those values on to Bruce.

"I don't know if he's said the word to your daughter or even to himself, but it's clear he loves her with all of his heart and it's something that goes a hell of a lot more deep than just looks or interests. I can't promise that things between them are going to end in some sort of Disney Fairytale, but if anything bad happens it won't intentionally be by Bruce's hand and he'll never seek to harm your girl. He's a good kid chasing his dreams and if you're a friend or family he'll do right by you and always go the extra mile whenever you need him, and I believe that'll go double for anyone he loves." Clint said sincerely.

There was a pause on the other line. Clint didn't know if Debbie had been interrupted or moved away from the phone, until he heard the echo of a few sobs. "My word Clint, I don't think I've ever heard you give such high praise. If half of what you said is true it seems Carrie's in good hands."

In a rare moment, Clint smiled bashfully. It was talk that completely went against his image and something he wouldn't say in public until he probably got sentimental in old age, but he stood by his words and wouldn't take them back. "Well what can I say, the kid grows on you stronger than moss on bark. I could go on for the rest of the hour on how swell he is, but I think the only way you'll know for sure is if you meet him." Clint said.

"You're right, and to be honest I probably should have done it by now, I'm starting to feel silly when I should have trusted my girl in the first place, she's definitely been a lot happier recently. I'm really sorry to have called you this late Clint and be such a bother."

"It's nothing, haven't had a wink of proper sleep since Ali was born. And there's nothing really that silly about this, you called because you care about your girl, that's good parenting."

It was an honest belief of Clint's, though completely lacking in context for Debbie's parenting, thinking that Carrie Fisher was a bright girl who had everything together on Bruce's word, he had little idea of how much his comment struck save for a loud sniffle.

"Thanks Clint. I...should probably hang up. Good night."

While Clint would normally end the conversation as is, having heard the rumors of Debbie's marital issues in increasing quantity recently and having recently witnessed the effects of his charity on a Irish Goose, Clint decided to reach out. "Listen Debbie, if anything pops up and you need someone to talk to, or some small advice and help, my door's always open. I know we're not close or nothin', but you're a good person, and I wouldn't mind another call."

It was a delicate balance of directly offering aid and respecting her personal privacy and independence. Clint was not Debbie's friend, but he knew people who were or on good relations with her and they spoke nothing but the absolute best of the "Queen of Hollywood". Clint was already bearing witness to the rot of an industry as decency and the old guard had started dying with the murder of Sharon Tate, Debbie didn't deserve to join the tar pit.

"Thanks Clint, I'll keep that in mind. Good night."

"Night Debbie."

A/N: So this came to me earlier today and was cemented with the recent update. My thought process was with how extremely fast we are with Carrie and how strong and healthy it is with most relationships not able to match, Debbie is incredibly concerned in the midst of a failing marriage and wants to make sure her little girl isn't being mistreated. I already established that Carrie told her mom that Bruce lived with Clint, so it seemed logical that a concerned parent would reach out to Clint, being able to because they're the same level of fame. I couldn't find anything on them having any connection around this time, but they seemed to be friends far later in life and Todd and Kyle were best friends so they'd probably get along well together. This might seem a little OOC for Clint, but he's a parent talking with another concerned parent and wants Bruce to be happy with his girlfriend. I also wanted to show the positive effects that Bruce was having on Clint and give a glimpse on to what he thinks of our adventures.
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Relaxing with the Princess
even with your shit timing.

You know, I've always wondered. Is this because we have a stutter when it comes to jokes? Or we just don't pay attention/forget our lines?

We should use this as a comedic strength rather than comedic weakness.

Anyway, everytime I look at it just makes me think Bruce fits more towards Slapstick Comedy.

Relaxing with the Princess

As you look at the scene before you, a melody of calmness yet quickness is slightly heard inside your head as you turn your head to see a window showing a full moon in its light shining through in a subtle yet welcoming nature.

Subconsciously your hands flew through Carrie's hair in a soft motion as she slept beside you, snuggling and holding you tightly while she smiled in her sleep. When you checked on her to make sure that she wasn't having any nightmares, she (from what you can assume) felt your presence and brought you to the bed with a surprisingly strong grip for a sleeping person, and held onto you tightly to never let you go.

You sighed as you ran your hands through her hair with a calm atmosphere around you, where things were hectic in tension before, it all seems to dissipate as the princess slept with a satisfied smile on her face, the motions and sails of tension gone but stopped on the warm and calm area of the sea.

"The lands of the Dreams

Keep 'er warm and cozy.

Do not push her to the seams,

As I love her fussy."

You whispered random words into the air while you kept combing through her hair in a slow but soft movement.

"So I'll love you forever,

I'll love you for-always

As long as I'm living with yer' (in my life)

My Love you'll always be."

Your eyes begin drawing tiredness, a yawn escaping from your mouth while still smiling at the innocent and graceful look during her sleep. Sighing, you closed your eyes and began joining her to the land of lovers, dreamers, and yourself.

The feelings of awareness begin as you move your mouth you release a yawn of wakefulness into the air. However, what you notice right of the back is the fact that there are two hands covering your eyes, confused, you place your hands on them before slowly separating them from the eyes, now seeing a messy-haired Carrie smiling at you with eyes amplified by the sun's rays in creating the spark of her feelings. You returned her smile as the two of you shared a comfortable moment of silence as the moment stretches on..


"Huh?" You spoke out as you closed your eyes with your hands quickly covering them after a sudden flash of light appeared in the room.

"G-Guh!" You could feel from the vibrations on the bed that Carrie quickly hid underneath the blanket that was covering her and somehow covering you.

"Knew there was more to this!" Todd says to them loudly with a mischievous tone in his voice.

"TODD!" Carrie shrieked in what you can tell as embarrassment.

You slowly move your hands away from your eyes as your sights return to normal, making you sigh in relief before turning your head at a red-faced Carrie Fisher glaring at her younger brother who was holding a Polaroid Camera with a picture of you and her relaxing on the same bed.

"Get back here!" She rushed off bed while her brother yelped and ran off into the apartment as you watched them with a confused look on your face from the bed, seeing them through the open door.

"This picture looks nice!" Carrie said happily as the two of you snuggled on the couch, looking at your first picture together..which was what Todd took that peaceful then abruptly interrupted morning of waking up. "I'm placing it in a picture frame later." She smiled as she leaned onto you.

"I'm sure there's an empty one somewhere in the house, last time I checked." You replied while running your hands through her hair.