Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Devil's Hour: Dead Man's Gold Teaser
Devil's Hour: Dead Man's Gold Teaser

(We open to pandemonium in the Clans Chamber of the Leprechaun Parliament as the wizened old speaker of the house tries to bring order, thumping his cane on the floor.)

Order! Order in this chamber!

(Eventually, the pandemonium dies down, and the speaker coughingly clears his throat.)

I–*Cough*–hereby declare this parliament now in session.

(We cut to a wide shot of the entire chamber.)

On this day, we are gathered to discuss a most important of issues.

(He then shakily extends his hand outward and signals to people next to the entrance of the chamber, who are initially obscured by some shadows.)

Come forward, Dr. John Seward and Mr. Donovan MacCool.

(All the leprechauns turn and mutter as the aforementioned John and Donovan make their way forward, revealed to be humans. They are giants among leprechauns, and the two are the subject of much hushed whispering and muttering. The two stop in the center of the chamber, rays of sun shining down on them, and Donovan takes his hat off in respect.)

For what reasons do you present yourselves before this grand parliament today?

(Taking a step forward, John politely smiles.)

On behalf of the honorable Graudy Pernell, we, good sirs, are here...

(We smash cut to a shot of the face of a dead leprechaun, a large slash scar across his neck.)

John: investigate the death of his brother Colim.

(A single piano note plays, the one at the start of every Netflix documentary, as the chamber erupts into a flurry of debate. Liam "Big Red" Deugall–a hulk among leprechauns–suddenly stands up and slams his hands against the divider.)

Big Red:
We can't just let some alien who-knows into our affairs, rifle around our homes, and become privy to our secrets! It's never been done, and never will be!

(We rapidly cut between arguing leprechauns, with insult and jeer hurling turning to shoving and pushing. Eventually, the speaker manages to bring order back into the house, but the ropes of tension are still taut. He then turns to face John and Donovan with a kindly face.)

Speak your minds, good sirs, and tell us why we should permit your entry into our affairs.

(John pauses and, closing his eyes, ruminates on an answer. After a few seconds, he opens his eyes and speaks.)

I confess that we are indeed strangers in this land, unfamiliar with your customs and untrained in your laws.

(We cut to John slamming a book onto a table as he and Donovan begin to invesitgate and read through a small mountain of books.)

It would be remiss and impolite of us to demand entry to that which we are not native to. I myself would not entertain such a thought.

(We cut to John and Donovan being forcibly escorted off of O'Riely clan grounds by several guard, protesting the treatment of them all the way.)

However, we are trained and skilled in ways that will assist in solving the mysteries at play here.

(We cut to the two investigating a wheelbarrow on the beach before again cutting to them performing an autopsy on Colim's body, Jack carefully cutting the man's body open with surgical precision.)

Therefore, I entreat with you, honorable members of paliament, to permit us humble servants entry. If not because of whatever gifts we can give, do it because we are honest men who wish to help.

(We cut back to John in the Clans Chamber as he points at a leprechaun in blue, the aforementioned Graudy Pernell.)

Grant this, and we can not only assist a grieving brother find peace–

(We cut to Graudy arguing with Big Red in the former's house, spit flying as curses are uttered between the two.)

–But bring justice unto the killer who has caused all this strife and chaos among you.

(We cut to leprechauns from different clans eyeing each other with distrust and throwing an insult every now and then. We then cut back to John as he solemnly raises his right hand and places it against his chest.)

And though we are not known to you, I swear that, if you let us, we will do our best to see this case through–

(We cut to John and Donovan as they sit across a coyly smirking Melodia, who casually waves a wand around as her minions keep their guard up around them.)

–come hell or high water–

(We cut to John and Donovan brawling with various fantastical minions and thugs, with John wrenching a club from a knocked-out goblin's hand before swinging it into a charging Far Darrig.)

–and get to the bottom of this mystery!

(We cut to John and Donovan as they enter into the warehouse of the pookas, a sordid and run-down building infested with rats and roaches. In the shadows, the pookas grin unwelcomingly at them.)

Even if we have to work until the devil's hour chimes for us!

(We cut to John and Donovan in a dark alley at midnight, a small lamp barely illuminating their faces.)

All that's left now...

(We cut back to John. He softly smiles.)

John: for you to make your choice.

(We then fade to the title and release date as the music swells slowly.)

Author's Notes:

Another sacrifice omake to appease the omake gods. :) Enjoy a hypothetical teaser trailer for the movie and potentially something Francis, Felix and Ike showed off to their bosses.

I really don't want this to flop, can you tell? :V
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Comic Pitch: Space Cases
So, going back to when I first saw this show, I only started watching it due to the fact that it had Walter Emanuel Jones as a character, and I was a huge Power Rangers fan (as were/are most of us), but I soon found myself charmed with the stories and characters, their conflicts and drama was just entertaining to me, to the point that in a way, this was my introduction to then see Star Trek, as I found it had been somewhat inspired by it.

I've racking my brains since I really want to introduce the series, but oddly enough I can't think of any other characters to play the part than the actors from OTL. Many of their mannerisms and what they brought to the table seem too specific to be replicated, and the fact that it was made on the cheap because of the lack of budget also seemed to me difficult to replace when we are giving so much support to our creative minds. But then I thought that there is a medium through which it can be replicated and kept as similar as possible.

So, putting it as a comic is the best way possible in my opinion. It allows for a new title for Marvel, it expands on the genres, and since this is similar in a way to Star Trek there can be so many different things to face in space, not to mention the internal drama of a group of teens trapped in a Spaceship as it goes back to Earth, having to deal with everything associated to that age.

Thus, I give you:

Comic Pitch:
Space Cases

GENRE: Science Fiction/Action/Adventure

SUBGENRE: Mystery/Comedy/Teen Drama


Set Up: The comic's premise revolves around a group of misfit students and two adults who are stranded far from home aboard an alien ship whose odd appearance (and assistant android) are another mystery for them to solve. Their attempts at journeying back see many dangerous adventures and controversies, with some occasionally more mature themes.

Artist: Jim Palomino
Writer: Bob Hall

Harlan Band: He is a human from Earth who is attending the academy to become a S.T.A.R.D.O.G. like his father, who was killed by an Andromedan during the Spung War (in which the Spung used enslaved Andromedans as soldiers). Because of this, he is prejudiced against Andromedans, initially including Radu. Harlan is headstrong and overconfident and functions as the self-appointed leader of the students and the pilot on the bridge.

Catalina: She is a girl from Titan, a moon of Saturn who has rainbow-colored hair. Saturnians possess evolved vocal patterns, giving Catalina the ability to release destructive sonic screams. Catalina is frequently seen speaking to her "invisible" friend Suzee, but her crewmates believe Suzee to be imaginary. In the first-season finale, Suzee is revealed to be real; it is explained that Suzee existed in another dimension, with Catalina being able to interact with her because their brainwaves are attuned.

Radu: He is a boy from Andromeda (it is unclear if this refers to somewhere within the Andromeda Galaxy or something else). Due to being hatched from an egg, he has no real family. Radu has super-sensitive hearing and superhuman strength. Radu has a good sense of direction and so is made the ship's navigator, forcing him to work in conjunction with the pilot, rival Harlan Band.

Bova: He is a boy from Uranus. Members of his race have a small, pronged antenna growing from their forehead which can generate powerful blasts of electricity. Bova has an incredible metabolism that supplements his energy production. Being from Uranus, and thereby "the butt of every joke," he is consistently pessimistic, a Uranian cultural trait. Bova is responsible for operating and monitoring the Christa's shields.

Rosie Ianni: He is a girl from Mercury who has the ability to produce vast amounts of heat at will; Rosie wears protective clothing the hides all but her face, to avoid accidental burns. Because Mercury is so close to the Sun, Mercurians have a tendency to "look on the bright side" of things. As a result, Rosie is a mothering influence within the crew. She serves as a doctor/scientist as well as acting as the communications officer on the bridge.

THELMA (Techno Human EmuLating MAchine): It/She the mysterious ship's only native inhabitant, is an android who often malfunctions because her memory chip, a small gem in her forehead, is cracked. She believes anything is possible. Despite her malfunctioning memory, she is often able to provide information about the ship and other subjects that would otherwise remain unknown. She is a human-emulating android, but her behavior is usually inconsistent with that of a true human being.

Theresa James "T.J." Davenport: She is a human woman who is the cadets' vice principal and serves as their teacher aboard the Christa, as she followed them inside the ship when they went exploring. She conducts formal classes and assignments aboard the ship despite the unusual circumstances and has high expectations for her students, regardless of their 'remedial' status. She is also equally strict in her own daily affairs, holding herself to high standards.

Commander Seth Goddard: He was once a successful member of the S.T.A.R.D.O.G.S., having fought in the Spung-Andromeda War. He achieved the rank of Captain before being demoted in rank to Commander, and was sent to the academy to teach the remedial class. This misfortune followed an incident where he chased personal rival and space pirate Reaver into disputed territory, causing a scandal and nearly causing a war. Though he enforces discipline among the class, he also has a more laid-back demeanor than Davenport.

Suzee: She is a girl from the planet Yensid who is Catalina's best friend. The others believe her to be imaginary, but at the end of the first season, Catalina and Suzee switch places, with Suzee taking Catalina's place in the crew. Suzee is not able to communicate with Catalina the same way Catalina communicated with her. She is very intelligent and has two sets of gills that allow her to breathe in any atmosphere. She is also a telepath who can read others' minds and project her consciousness in order to possess their bodies.
Warlord Shank: He is a Spung commander who is a deadly space pirate and adversary for the crew of the Christa, having elite Spung officers under his command. Shank develops into a major villain throughout the run of the series, as his attempts only grow deadlier the more the Christa survives them.

Sorola Elmira: She is a frequent ally of the Christa crew. She is a Spung oracle and as such, the crew does not trust her at first (especially Radu). It is revealed later on that she is Warlord Shank's daughter. Elmira's relationship with her father is one of conflict. He wishes to use her abilities as a seer for the expansion of the Spung Empire. Elmira resists the corruption of her gift by defying him.

A.N.: A new comic pitch for marvel. Space Cases shows something that has not been seen completely since the CCA took over; a good helping of teen drama and possible romance as well, not to mention that it can discuss themes like racism and prejudice (Harlan Band and Radu), cooperation between different races, themes of slavery and generational hatred as well (and how holding on to them is not wise) which can hopefully help to get a fanbase.
Movie Pitch: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Terror From Dimension X
And here it is, the ending to my trilogy. I began this when I was feeling too confident about being the ones to make the films without owning the right, and now I finish it since I don't like leaving things unfinished. I made some changes to the previous entry in order to foreshadow Krang as the main villain for the ending, and hopefully it works fine with what I intended; the turtles, Casey Jones, and the Foot Clan fighting together against him as he uses the Technodrome to conquer New York.

It's going to be big is what I'm saying.

Frankly, I'm not sure if we should try to make this film using puppetry with the Henson company, or if we should try and use our advanced CGI technology to try and make the turtles more like the 2010's films. I mean, they were not that bad right? And it would allow for more fluid fight scenes. But then again, I keep remembering the 90s movies and how they managed to make such amazing costumes and stories, to the point I'm conflicted about it.

Eh, better leave it for later on.

Thus, I give you:

Movie Pitch:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Terror From Dimension X

GENRE: Action/Comedy/Adventure

SUBGENRE: Science Fiction/Drama


Set Up: Based on the comic book characters created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird in 1984. Ever since their last adventure, the Turtles have noticed how Stock Gen has been acquiring more and more land in New York, supposedly for their new Housing Project, Code: Technodrome, which they plan to build. They soon discover however find their secret alliance with the remnants of the Foot Clan, leaded now by Oroku Karai, in order to crush all opposition to their plans. It is up to them, as well as their friends and allies, to find out just what is the true goal of the Technodrome, as well as who is the leader of Stock Gen, the being called...Krang.

Director: Sam Raimi
Composer: Danny Elfman

Leonardo: He is the leader of the Ninja Turtles, who were all trained by Master Splinter in the arts of ninjutsu. Leonardo is the most mature turtle, though still somewhat childish, and is not shown to boss his brothers around very often. However, he is shown to be very sensitive, especially when Splinter is captured. His weapon of choice are a couple of Katanas. He and Oroku find respect between each other.

Played By: Brian Tochi
Alternate: Ralph Macchio

Donatello: He is the scientific intellectual of the Ninja Turtles, who were all trained by Splinter in the arts of ninjutsu. Donatello is the more sarcastic and quick witted of his brothers. He is shown to be very close with Mikey, and though his intellect is subtle it is still shown in some cases that he is the smartest turtle. His weapon of choice is the Bo Staff.

Played By: Anthony Michael Hall
Alternate: Emilio Estevez

Raphael: He is the mutant turtle who, along with his brothers, is trained by Master Splinter in the arts of ninjutsu in their home in the sewers of New York City. He is shown to be very rebellious, cynical and with anger issues, though he resolved them a bit later on. He is also shown to be very loyal and mature, willing to quickly fight to protect his family. His weapon of choice are a couple of Sai.

Played By: Matt Dillon
Alternate: Charlie Sheen

Michelangelo: He is the easy-going, free-spirited Turtle of the group. He is the most immature and the most fun loving of the four turtles. He is very close with Donatello and he is usually paired up with him whilst the other turtles are fighting. He also loves Pizza the most of the four as well. There's also a hint of a dark side in him, shown when Splinter is kidnapped. His weapon of choice are the nunchucks.

Played By: Michael J. Fox
Alternate: Robbie Rist

Master Splinter: He is a mutant rat who became the Turtles' father and ninja master. Splinter was the pet rat of Hamato Yoshi in Japan who learned the teachings of his owner from his cage. When Hamato Yoshi was killed by Oroku Saki, Splinter escaped his cage and clawed at the murderer's face, causing an enraged Saki to slice his right ear off.

Played By: Kevin Clash
Alternate: Jackie Chan
April O'Neil: She is still a television reporter for Channel 3 News who did a series of stories on mysterious thefts in New York City, whose culprits were revealed to have been the Foot Clan, with the help of the turtles. Her relationship with Casey Jones has grown in the time since the last movie. She begins an investigation on the Stock Gen Institute and their mysterious leader, discovering the truth about Krang.

Played By: Judith Hoag
Alternate: Elisabeth Shue

Casey Jones: He is a streetwise vigilante and former ice hockey player who becomes an ally of the turtles and developed a romance with April. He still goes out as a vigilante as well as working as a detective. He discovers Leatherhead and fights him off with the help of the Turtles, leading to the ongoing investigation between the Turtles, April, and Casey, facing off against their former enemies; the Foot Clan.

Played By: Bruce Campbell
Alternate: Jim Carrey
Krang: An Utrom from Dimension X, Kran is a megalomaniac with a desire for conquest. He was from his home dimension for his ambitions of conquest, and he's hidden himself on Earth using his telepathic and telekinetic abilities, creating Stock Gen in order to create the weapons and technology necessary for his takeover of the planet. He uses Shredder's rebuilt body as his own in the final confrontation against the turtles.

Played By: Frank Oz

Oroku Karai: She is the new leader of the Foot Clan, considered by many to be the "Shredder's Daughter". She allies with Krang to further his own agenda in the city in order to revive the Shredder. This causes many clashes between them, the Turtles and Casey Jones. She turns against Krange when she finds the truth about Shredder's body, helping the Turtles in order to stop the Technodrome.

Played By: Michelle Yeoh

Leatherhead: He is a mutant who was originally an infantile alligator exposed to the Ooze mutagen. He possesses enhanced strength, durability, speed, and senses, as well as accelerated healing. He serves as Krang's bodyguard, while also questioning his own existence. He turns against Krang in the end thanks to his newly built friendship with Casey, fighting to stop the Technodrome from destroying New York.

Played By: Jim Cummings

A.N.: Alright then, hopefully we can get the Turtles because otherwise these Pitches are just going to waste. I'd been thinking about making a Fourth movie, but if I do then it will be much later on, though frankly I'm not feeling it. Much like the Prince of Persia Trilogy, I think this is a good place to end the films, with a victory for the turtles and hints of "The Adventure Continues" tropes.
The Napoleon of Crime: The Life and Times of Adam Worth
The Napoleon of Crime:
The Life and Times of Adam Worth

Genre: Crime/Historical Drama
Medium: TV Miniseries

Producer: Felix Graves
Writer: Felix Graves

Summary: A one season show, Napoleon of Crime follows the life of Adam Worth, the criminal mastermind who inspired Sherlock Holmes's nemesis Moriarty. But with a bit of a twist. The show is told from the perspective of an Adam who has grown old and grey and who recounts his story to William Pinkerton; the greatest American detective of the era and, without exaggeration, the Sherlock Holmes to Worth's Moriarty.

Adam Worth: The infamous criminal mastermind who robbed his way through Europe, he was the Napoleon of Crime in both brilliance and stature. Genteel, surprisingly pacifistic, bold, ans strict with his moral code, Worth skyrocketed into infamy when he stole the portrait of the Duchess of Devonshire.

William Pinkerton: The son of the famous Allan Pinkerton and a detective of the Pinkerton Agency, he is widely feared by criminals across the world for his dogged determination to get his man. Pinkerton, however, feels more at home with these scoundrels and rapscallions than he ever did with "respectable" society.

Kitty Flynn: An Irish barmaid with ambitions for a more glamorous and expensive life, she stole the master thief's heart with her unparalleled beauty, forceful personality, and ambitious mind. Eventually, though, the never-satisfied Kitty grew a mind of her own and left Worth for America.

Author's Notes:

This is based off of Ben Macintyre's great book on Adam Worth, which is the same title as the pitch. Adam Worth truly was the real-life Moriarty, and his life is a fascinating thing to read. I highly recommend the book to anyone who has an interest in history–heck, anyone in general! Macintyre's writing style is a blast and equal parts hystreical and insightful, and he does more justice to Worth's story than I ever could.

The most fascinating thing, by far, is the friendship between Worth and Pinkerton, two polar opposites and adversaries for so long. If this were made into a show today, I would bet money that they'd become a popular enemies-to-lovers ship.
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Meanwhile In The Sony Negaverse Lawsuit Mini-turn
Meanwhile In The Sony Negaverse
Lawsuit Mini-turn

The Soundabout. Such a glorious concept. A simple idea but surprisingly tricky to actually create. It was an idea worth millions... no BILLIONS.

It should have been yours. It WILL be yours.

Damn George Lucas Damn Bruce O'Brian and Damn Lucas Films!

Parralel Design Your Ass! They Stole it and everyone knows it.

Information Gathering: It is a possibility however unlikely that Lucasfilms has an trick up there sleeve to stop you from getting control of your rightful property and restitutions. A few discreet payment shall ensure that there are no surprises in the courtroom. Reward Lucasfilm Collecting the facts roll revealed. DC:??? Payment Write in: $500,00 USD Roll:4
Those fucking gaijin took your money! The so called spies never reported in, the private investigators couldn't get past the front door and to top it all off your "man on the inside" turned out to be part of Lucasfilms security team.
Result: Failure. Funded Lucasfilm security's "Pizza and Donut Extravaganza".

Collecting the facts: To reclaim your rightful property you need every scrap of information about the Soundabout at your disposal to fight this.
Roll: 75.

As expected of your workers every bit of information you have about the Soundabout is gathered and prepared diligently.
Result: Everything you know about the Soundabout/Walkman is ready for trial.

Assemble the lawyers: To go against a large company such as Lucasfilm requires a large and well prepared legal team. Gather the best you have.
DC: variable Roll: 48.
Sony's legal team in ready to go and believe you have a winning case. You also hired a number of other lawyers outside of the company for good measure. You weren't able to get everyone you wanted. Some had prior commitments and some were unwilling to deal with Lucasfilms overinflated reputation. But you are confident it will be enough.

Results: A decent legal team assembled.

The only question now is are you willing to go the next step and commit to the lawsuit?

Not good on the security roll but the others not bad.


Lucasfilm Soundabout ? Unthinkable. Also weird sounding.
Giving up without a fight?

Shamefur Dispray



Voting yes.


But seriously can someone tell me how big a deal a walkman is? Besides the money of course.


The international Japanese image as the high tech futuristic foreign land was significantly helped by the widespread distribution of the sound about. Here was a piece of future tech you could hold In your hand and see it was real. the future was now and here it was. What else were you going to buy from those SONY guys?

That level of marketing cannot be understated. Like a potential plus 50 to marketing when we launch new product understated.
Also there's the huge pile of money to be made for owning the rights for the 80's IPOD

Guys I can't shake the feeling that going to court over the walkman is a bad idea. What if Yaduck dice try to screw us again? Remember when we tried to buy out Lucasfilms originally?

Hey my dice aren't that bad.

Remember Death Eater quest?

…Point taken.

Yaduck has a point. His dice have mostly behaved themselves on this quest. And the flub when we tried to buy out LucasFilms last time wasn't that bad. Just getting chewed out with no mechanical downsides besides having take an action to buy United Artists the next turn. Besides It's a clear cut case of theft.

The basics of the case are solid. George and Marcia Lucas marriage is on schedule to be on the rocks so they are likely to be distracted. Not sure what Bruce's skills are but he's an actor not a tech savant.

So unless a film company with no tech development arm spent an ungodly amount of money on a legal department, and has solid evidence they invented it first?

The rewards for winning should be good.

Hey if we loose the Walkman we could always try to compensate by making the RAWMAN-3000-Portable-Vinyl-Players,vinyl records have been the norm for decade so people could be interested in it since they wouldn't need to buy any tape, just using their good old beloved vinyl record.

►Dietrich Knickerbocker.
I've heard worse ideas lol

After the vote
►Herzog Wilhelm von
Ok so I've been away for a while but as the original author of this quest I've got to ask. Who the hell is Bruce O'Brian and how did he steal the walkman design for LucasFilms?!

Do you remember that bunch of OC's I was rolling for when I was helping with the quest? The ones who were just meant to appear as minor characters from time to time? While most of them have been doing okish (except that poor bastard in the soviet union) Bruce however has been rolling like crazy.

As for stealing the Walkman you'll learn the truth of that soon.


Dammit Yaduck dice.

►Herzog Wilhelm von


This is that OC Hogwarts Teacher all over again!

I Fucking told you!

►Dietrich Knickerbocker.
So Vimes, tell me more about that Vinal player idea.
Ok just got done with the Negaverse chat. Let me know if you have a problem with your Negaverse selves.
Movie Pitch Nightcrawler
Movie Pitch
Directed by: Brian De Palma
Composition by: Tangerine Dream

GENRE: Thriller/Drama
SUBGENRE: Crime/Noir
FORMAT: Movie​
SET UP: Los Angeles denizen Louis Bloom survives by scavenging and petty theft before stumbling into a new career as a cameraman and - armed with a camcorder and police scanner - begins nocturnal forays across the city in search of shocking and grisly crimes. When he catches the eye of a shopworn news director who welcomes the chance to raise her station's ratings, Louis goes to increasingly greater lengths to catch the "money shot."
Petty thief Louis "Lou" Bloom is caught stealing from a Los Angeles railyard by a security guard. He attacks the guard, steals his watch and leaves with stolen manhole covers, fencing, and other materials. While trying to sell the materials at a scrap yard, Lou asks for a job, but the foreman, who has already been questioned by police looking for the manhole covers, refuses to hire a thief. While driving home in his beat-up Toyota Tercel, Lou sees a car crash and pulls over. Stringers—freelance photojournalists—arrive and record two police officers pulling a woman from the burning wreckage. One of the stringers, Joe Loder, explains to Lou that they sell their footage to local news stations.

Inspired, Lou steals an expensive bicycle and pawns it for a camcorder and a police radio scanner. After two unsuccessful attempts at recording incidents, Lou records the aftermath of a fatal carjacking and sells the footage to KWLA 6. The morning news director, Nina Romina, tells him the station is especially interested in footage of "graphic" accidents and violent crime in affluent, predominantly white areas. Lou hires an assistant, Rick, a young homeless man desperate for money. To give his footage more impact, Lou tampers with crime scenes, in one case moving a body to get a better camera angle. As Lou's work gains traction, he buys better equipment and a faster car (a red Dodge Challenger).

Lou pressures Nina into a date, telling her he knows she is desperate for higher ratings. On their date, he threatens to terminate his business with Nina unless she has sex with him, and it is implied that she acquiesces. Lou turns down an offer to work for Joe, but when Joe beats him to an important plane crash story, Nina demands that Lou get better footage and keep his end of their bargain. In retaliation, Lou sabotages Joe's Ford Econoline van; when it crashes, Joe is severely injured and Lou records the aftermath.

Later, Lou and Rick arrive before the police at the site of a triple-homicide home invasion in Granada Hills. Lou records footage of the gunmen leaving in their Cadillac Escalade and of the victims in the house, and later presents footage to the station with the perpetrators edited out. The news staff frets over the ethics of the footage but Nina is eager to break the story. In exchange, Lou demands public credit and more money. Police detective Frontieri shows up at Lou's apartment to question him about his connection to the home invasion. He gives her edited footage of the incident, cutting out the parts with the gunmen.

That night, Lou and Rick track down the driver to his house, staking out the house until he leaves to pick up his partner. Lou wants to follow them to a more crowded public area, then call the police and record the ensuing confrontation. Alarmed, Rick demands half of the reward money for locating the gunmen, threatening to tell the police about Lou's withholding of evidence. After some back-and-forth, Lou agrees.

When the gunmen stop at a restaurant, Lou phones the police, warning them that the suspects are armed. They arrive and exchange gunfire. A police officer is shot and one of the killers is gunned down while the other manages to escape in the Escalade. The police give chase. Lou and Rick follow close behind in the Challenger, filming the chase as it happens, culminating in a long multiple-car collision. After the gunman's Escalade crashes, Lou approaches the vehicle, claiming that the gunman is dead and urging Rick to film him. The gunman is revealed to be alive as he shoots Rick, flees, and is killed by arriving police officers. As Rick lies dying, Lou films him and tells him that he cannot work with someone who successfully extorted him for withholding evidence, because he knows it will happen again.

Nina is awed by the chase footage and expresses her devotion to Lou. The news team discovers that the home invasion was actually the criminals breaking in to steal cocaine that the homeowners were stashing; Nina refuses to report this information to maximize the story's impact. Police try to confiscate Lou's footage as evidence but Nina defends her right to withhold it and airs it immediately. Lou voluntarily speaks with Detective Frontieri. While being interrogated by Frontieri, Lou fabricates a story about the men in the Escalade following him; Frontieri knows he is lying, but cannot prove it. Later, Lou hires a team of interns to expand his business, saying that he will not ask them to do anything he is unwilling to do himself.
Louis "Lou" Bloom
Played By
: James Wood
Alternate: Nicholas Cage
Alternate 2: John Travolta

Nina Romina
Played by
: Faye Dunaway

Played by
: Dennis Dun
Alternate: Nicholas Cage
Alternate 2: Art Malik

Joe Loder
Played by
: Fred Ward
Alternate: Burt Reynolds

Frank Kruse
Played by
: William Petersen

Detective Frontieri
Played by
: Donna Summer
Alternate: Pam Grier

Played by
: Maggie Smith
Movie Pitch Death of Stalin
Movie Pitch
Death of Stalin

GENRE: Comedy
SUBGENRE: Political Satire/Black Comedy
FORMAT: Movie​
SET UP: When tyrannical dictator Joseph Stalin dies in 1953, his parasitic cronies square off in a frantic power struggle to become the next Soviet leader. Among the contenders are the dweebish Georgy Malenkov, the wily Nikita Khrushchev and Lavrenti Beria -- the sadistic secret police chief. As they bumble, brawl and back-stab their way to the top, the question remains -- just who is running the government?
On the night of 1 March 1953, Joseph Stalin calls the director of Radio Moscow and demands a recording of the live recital of Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 23 that has just concluded. The performance was not recorded, so the director, not wanting to anger Stalin, hurriedly refills the now-half-empty auditorium, fetches a new conductor to replace the original one, who has fainted, and orders the orchestra to play again. Pianist Maria Yudina initially refuses to perform for the cruel dictator, but ultimately is persuaded to comply.

Meanwhile, Stalin is hosting a tense, but rowdy, gathering of members of the Central Committee at his home, the Kuntsevo Dacha. As Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov leaves, NKVD-head Lavrentiy Beria reveals to Nikita Khrushchev and Deputy Chairman Georgy Malenkov that Molotov is to be part of the latest purge. When the recording of the performance arrives, Stalin finds a note that Maria managed to hide in the record sleeve, in which she admonishes him and expresses her hope for his death. He reads it, laughs, and suffers a cerebral haemorrhage. Despite hearing him fall, Stalin's guards, fearful of being punished for disturbing him, do not enter his office.

Stalin's housemaid discovers him unconscious the next morning. The members of the Central Committee each learn about the situation through their own networks and rush to the dacha. Beria, who is the first to get there, finds Maria's note. Once Malenkov, Khrushchev, Lazar Kaganovich, Anastas Mikoyan, and Nikolai Bulganin arrive, the Committee finally decides to send for a team of doctors. Most of the best doctors in Moscow have been arrested for being part of an alleged plot, so the doctors who can be found are not very impressive. After a brief bout of terminal lucidity, Stalin dies. While the members of the Committee return to Moscow, Beria's order for the NKVD to take over the Soviet Army–held security postings across Moscow is carried out.

Beria and Khrushchev vie for the support of Stalin's children, Svetlana and her unstable, alcoholic brother Vasily, and Molotov. Beria has Molotov removed from the list of those to be rounded up, and has his wife released from prison. The Committee names Malenkov chairman. He is essentially a puppet of Beria, who further exerts control by hijacking Khrushchev's proposed reforms, such as releasing political prisoners and loosening clerical restrictions. Khrushchev is relegated to planning Stalin's funeral.

After Beria learns Khrushchev and Maria are casually acquainted, he threatens Khrushchev with Maria's note. Khrushchev, to create problems for the NKVD, reverses Beria's order to halt all transportation into Moscow. The Committee wants to blame junior NKVD officers when 1,500 arriving mourners are killed. Beria angrily dissents, believing that would amount to blaming him, and threatens his colleagues with documents detailing their involvement in various purges.

Marshal Georgy Zhukov, irate over the supplanting of the military by the NKVD, agrees to support Khrushchev in a coup against Beria, so long as it occurs after Stalin's funeral the next day and Khrushchev can get the rest of the Committee on board. With time running out, Khrushchev cannot get Malenkov to discuss his plan, but he tells everyone else that the decision is unanimous, and they commit themselves. Khrushchev gives Zhukov the green light, and the Soviet Army reclaims its posts from the NKVD. Zhukov, assisted by a group of soldiers led by Kiril Moskalenko, storms into a meeting of the Committee and arrests Beria.

Malenkov does not intervene and reluctantly signs Beria's death warrant, horrified at what he had done to his victims. At Beria's emergency trial, Khrushchev accuses him of counter-revolutionary activities, sexual assault, and pedophilia, and immediately declares him guilty after evidence of the final accusation is delivered by the Soviet army. Beria begs for his life but is summarily shot in the head, and Zhukov has his body burned in the courtyard. Despite Svetlana's protests, Khrushchev sends her to Soviet-occupied Vienna, while keeping Vasily in Russia, where he can be watched. He concurs with Kaganovich that Malenkov is too weak to lead.

In 1956, Maria is the soloist at another performance of Concerto No. 23. Khrushchev, having triumphed over the other members of the Committee to become the new leader of the Soviet Union, is in attendance. Brezhnev, who will succeed Khrushchev in 1964, eyes Khrushchev from his seat.
Nikita Khrushchev played by Wallace Shawn

Lavrenti Beria
played by Ronald Lacey

Georgy Malenkov
played by Bob Newhart

Georgy Zhukov
played by Bob Hoskins

Vyacheslav Molotov
played by Michael Gough

Svetlana Stalin
played by Miranda Richardson

Vasily Stalin
played by Rik Mayall

Maria Yudina
played by Isabella Rossellini

Lazar Kaganovich
played by John Grillo

Nikolai Bulganin
played by Tony Haygarth

Anastas Mikoyan
played by Alan Tilvern

Josef Stalin
played by Alan Ford
Blitz: Cascadia
So it's the 1980s, and action movies are now a thing. Based on how I see the timeline influencing them, have an original script.

With Bruce's success with the Foundation and America's changed outlook, the Vietnam vets are not being forgotten this time. Less lost rouge soldiers, More Chinese as the foes.

The big question America is Grappling with is why the Vietnam War happened. I expect ITL Many conclude the war occurred because Vietnam was not given the Freedom it deserved and rebelled against its colonial masters. America, Secure in its own infallibility post-WW2 and its Public's almost blind trust in its government, allowed itself to be deceived and used as a Colonial oppressor. And like in 1776, the result was predictable.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

America was not vigilant, so it now needs to be more so. It needs to question its leaders, their motives, and their actions. It needs to watch its borders, its friends, and especially its foes. But what to look for? Who was responsible, who contributed, and how was it manipulated in the first place?

France Lost a great deal in Vietnam, and NATO was weakened. Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos were devastated. China emerged from Vietnam with a stronger position in the Asian continent and an independent Voice in American actions in the region; I expect ITL, after the assassination attempt on Bruce, many will wonder how much "help" was given for the war to start and end that way and what other covert actions the Chinese may be taking.

Blitz: Cascadia

Rainy weather lashes the outside of the building. Almost nothing is visible through the front glass, directly contrasting the bank's warm, cheery and almost homelike environment. Reduced visibility and strong wind mean a van suddenly looms as it pulls in and parks close to the window. A group of heavily bundled figures disembark, wrapped in dark coats, hats, and scarves, rush towards the bank doors, charging in before a wind gust slams the door shut behind them, causing the lights to flicker.

Polite laughter and a friendly look from the security guard morph into horror as under the coats, hats, and scarves are ballistic vests and heavy weapons.

Thunder booms and the power goes out except for the lights on the guns. Money and the "Red Box" is demanded by leaders. A frightened teller states that safe doors will not open as power is out. And personal safety deposit boxes are behind that, too. A slightly crazy-looking oriental person carrying a gas-powered concrete saw carrying an acetylene tank on the back and dynamite in pockets steps inside. The leader, a heavyset figure with a Russian accent, responds That it will not be a problem. Your assistance would have been convenient, but it is ultimately unnecessary. The camera pulls back, and the sound of a heavy machine gun fires. The camera zooms back, catching the truck and the logo of a Sawmill on the side.

Title sequence.

Close-ups of Polaroids in a pile being examined, moved, pinned to the wall and discarded provide the mechanism for the opening titles, eventually revealing the detective's office and creating an impression of the case so far. Violent robbery, heavy weapons used, bundled figures. Ruthless actions, no survivors. Personal deposit boxes are being targeted all in or around the Pacific Northwest. On the pinup board next to the calendar is a picture of the detective's old squad with details indicating only four are still alive, as well as a Veterans weekend. Another polaroid from the conspiracy board is accidentally placed over the top, leaving only three squad mates visible. The calendar advances, more photos are added to the conspiracy board, and the office becomes progressively messier. An argument with a superior, and the final item is a document implying the detective has gone on leave.

The film properly begins with a Veterans BBQ. The detective, Doughnut, arrives and greets two of the four around the table with enthusiasm as they are the squamates, then turns to the Vietnamese and offers an almost warm greeting. He sits and is ambushed by the dog-seeking pats, which he gives, and he notes a still empty chair.

Around the table, the five Main characters and the dialogue identify the characters' personalities and past. The subject is the Vietnam War; the discussion is old and meant to reflect the mixed feelings ITL about the US involvement.

The five-man Band's characters are John Smith, face, leader, mediator, and Audience surrogate; "Doughnut" Cop / Heavy Patriot; Dr Love, Medic / Animal handler, War critic; Chin Na, "Na" Scout, Viet Minh and recent American, runs a food cart; Dong Me "Charles", Demolitions / Traps / Sabotage; Viet Cong and also recent American, "Cleaner."

One line used in the discussion is that America is supposed to be the arsenal of democracy, not capitalism. While voting Communist is stupid, if it was a legal vote, it should have been respected.

The rarity of the survivalist/lumberjack and old squad leader Heath to attend is brought up to change the subject. The cop thinks his absence, while not unusual, is worth following up on if only to check-in. A brief discussion about the rumoured activities Heath was up to has a mostly humorous bent and is ironic in foreshadowing. After further discussion, they decided to spend the rest of the weekend in the Pacific Northwest checking up on their friend.

First, the group goes to a sawmill on the edge of town. The shot shows the billboard with the same logo as the van in the intro as they drive past. Before they can enter, they are met by a Shady Chinese fellow, Zidu ( who gets growled at by Dog). Zidu introduces himself as a senior employee running the business for their friend and says their friend is away. Try at his off-grid Cabin. Zidu stumbles over Heath's name and is corrected. The group agrees to check the Cabin, but they comment that it seems odd as they drive to the Cabin. After the hero's visit, the Cutaway shot has Zidu quickly state something on a hidden radio. (bilingual bonus if you understand Cantonese – the Monsters friends are here, ambush them at the Cabin) As the Band drives away, there is an agreement to meet back here if they have to be separated for some reason.

Arrival at Cabin in the late afternoon. The weather is clear and cold weather. The approach is peaceful as the car follows the track until the last bend, revealing a damaged cabin with the front door smashed in. Leaf litter is everywhere, and the interior is damaged and looted. Doughnut insists that they be careful as this is a probable crime scene. The team spreads out, looking for clues. Old blood is found, indicating a fight and potentially a severe injury for someone. Then Charlie sees a freshly made Vietnam-style Leg trap In the nearby plant life. The shock gives way to suspicion, and a more martial approach to the search is taken.

Doc finds Traces of the survivalist with the help of the Dog, leading to the discovery of a stash holding some undeveloped film canisters, a leaflet with the same sawmill logo as a truck, and a hand-drawn building map on the back, which indicates he hid it while injured. Another trap is almost set off outside the building, and the team decides it is too dangerous to stay after dark.

A hard case is collected from the Cabin from a rack showing two missing with a green and yellow one left. The green is taken, and the film is put in. Na carefully searched the area they found, with Charles offering support. Na finds a carn with a foreign symbol on a rock and calls Charles to translate. This dialogue reveals Charles was from the North. Charles states he thinks it means danger but does not understand Chinese well enough to be sure. It is next to a second rock that has been knocked over.

All are a little spooked and agree to return to town to get the film developed and report this. A shadowy figure arrives just in time to see the Band pull away.

The group returns to the town to call in what they have discovered. Again, as they pass the sawmill, they notice and comment on the Sawmill / Dock on the way in. Doughnut says it reminds him of something. Doc states the dock on which they left Vietnam. The Vietnamese state that it was nothing like when they left, with no screaming mob trying to kill them.

As they arrive at the small town Police Station next to the Hotel and Bar, they find out that a brutal murder of the town's only Police Officer has taken place, and Heath is blamed. Some of Heath's missing possessions are attached to a dummy being burned in an effigy in the square and paraded around as "Proof". Doughnut grabs paper from the desk in the Police station and starts writing a report as John attempts to tell the receptionist what they found. After revealing that they are associates of Heath, an agitated receptionist tells the whole Band to get out of town before town turns on them. She will report their presence to the Police in the nearest city for backup.

A crowd begins to form from people coming out of the bar and into the town as word spreads that the Band is here and is the survivalist's friend. It should be noted that the rumour starts from someone leaving a Chinese shop, not the receptionist or hotel. There are some Chinese figures in the slowly growing crowd.

Face attempts to negotiate and get out to no avail. The receptionist states that they are under arrest, only for the Band to see the car get set alight by the Mob. There is an open question of whether the Mob will arrest them or simply kill them. Dr Love comments that this is too fast and extreme; something is wrong here. Don't kill civilians.

Action Sequence: sneaking out of town and Attempting to avoid conflict. Most of the damage to the town is caused by the unusually aggressive and suggestable Mob. When some angry Mob hesitate, the Chinese plants blame the heroes and reignite the fury. While most opponents are stereotypical big, burly lumberjack/outdoorsmen/dockworker build, at least one mob "Hero" is an old granny with a frypan. She is evaded rather than fought. Vietnamese reminisce about sneaking out of Vietnam.

The Band Escapes the Mob using a mix of physical skill, wits, and violence. The heroes use tricks like Hiding on the ceiling using sheer strength, rolling under a house or hiding under leaf litter or an upturned water barrel, and stealthily jumping fences when the Mob's backs are turned. When combat cannot be avoided, the heroes use martial arts to quickly knock out and pin their opponents.

They all eventually make it back to the sawmill/dockyard. Now that they are no longer pursued, they have a chance to investigate, and the team realises that The Map hidden in the green case is of this building and clearly shows secrets in red.

The sawmill has hidden doors, peepholes, a hidden dock under the dock, and concealed storerooms. Inside one of the non-concealed storerooms are empty barrels with wine labels. Inside one barrel are a few Soviet weapons, implying that the rest also held weapons. There is also speculation that the docks are being used to smuggle weapons and goods into the country.

All hide again as Zidu comes into the office and uncovers the radio. Zidu Reports that the survivalist had friends looking for him and that the Ambush at the Cabin was too late. The follow-up action in town, which involved riling up the townsfolk, was unsuccessful, even with the "enhancement chemicals". Zidu is fearful during the report. a Russian voice answers that Zidu's Failure as head of the operation in town will be reported, and to return to camp for cleanup and to close the operation. Zidu protests, stating that the riches are still not packed and the treasure has not yet been found in the sawmill. The sound of a broken bottle comes over the radio, and Zido yells that it better not be his American wine, which he stole fair and square. The voice states that he is packing to leave now and that if Zidu wants to decide what is extracted, Zidu should come now.

Zidu, fearful of losing the loot he has collected so far, rushes off to protect his gains so fast that the team can't sneak into the truck. Zidu, however, reveals he is going to a specific logging camp upriver.

The heroes plan their next moves, and using the green crate map, they search the building, and the treasure is found. The survivalist had a Mini sub hidden beneath one of two piers and a stash of weapons and armour stored in it. The team arms itself, and the green case is put into the sub for safekeeping. Charles is atypically happy to have explosives. The rest of the group kept at a wary distance.

Now, at nighttime, the team sneaks through the Cascadia forest and river region, landslips, floating logs, evidence of timber work, and an old gold mine. They avoid several patrols of Chinese wearing Chinese army uniforms. The Patrol is clearly not used to the Pacific Northwest weather or forest. There are also near misses with environmental hazards such as avalanches and near falling into the river. There is also a comment that American forests are better than Vietnamese Jungles. Each character has an opinion contradicted by the next piece of terrain.

Arrive at the site, a repurposed logging camp. Na scouts camp. Missing vans from the Sawmill/dock. Mysterious chemicals are being pumped into the water. A Russian helicopter under a tarp. More soldiers and a firepit with broken bank vault stuff near the timber shed are being used to sort and pack the lot as fast as possible. Safety deposit boxes are being smashed open, jewellery and other valuables are removed, and sentimental keepsakes are thrown onto a fire.

Na is hidden but close enough to hear the Exposition dump conversation between the Zidu man and the Russian. Volkov is here as an advisor only. If shooting starts, his order is to leave with the "Red box," he recommends wrapping up the mission now. Zidu insists that Americans are weak, stupid, cowardly, and lazy, and the Vietnamese are not much better. Zidu goes on to say He fought in Vietnam, so he knows. Besides, the chemicals he puts in the water make Americans stupid and aggressive. Survivalist was quickly dealt with, and his friends will be, too. Ziou wishes to stay longer to maximise any possible personal financial gain.

Volkov politely disagrees and states that the survivalist was a worthy opponent. Killing him was a Duty for Russia, just as it was for the survivalists to kill or expose Volkov before he did. Again, Volkov reminds Zidu that the Russian is just an advisor on loan to China, not Zidu and shouldn't have to be doing anything. Zidu disagrees and goes back to checking loot. In disgust, Volkov checks the helicopter and the "Red Box" in it.

After resuming scouting, NA discovers an Armoury, the chemical tank and its controls, the main building, a loot pile, and a Red Box, leading to a retreat to plan their assault.

The assault goes well initially; a silent takedown gets access to the armoury. Then explosives are planted to disable tanks and stop them from dumping chemicals in the nearby river and provide a distraction so they can RPG the helicopter's tail, making it unable to fly. They raided the office for documents and grabbed a familiar red hard case. The assault kills some Chinese mooks. It also injures Zidu, but the team are unable to capitalise on it before being driven back by Volkov, who, using brute strength, demounts the helicopter's chaingun and uses it as a hand weapon. Volkov Follows the team in slow pursuit.

"Zidu rants at the Mooks and demands, 'We need to chase immediately! "waning shot from almost out of range Volkov". Urk No. First, we load the loot into trucks, then destroy the camp and erase all traces of our presence, just like Volkov's plan. And then, we can start the chase. (yelling) Are you happy now, Volkov?'"

Shootout / chase down the logging river in the early morning. Set pieces of this sequence involve. Boat chase, Martial arts on floating logs, ducking underwater and behind logs to avoid being shot. Use of landscape features hinted at during the night trek upriver, fallen logs, landslide positions, etc., to disable and ambush trucks and boats. Taking cover behind trees when being shot at from the transports and seeking denser bushes, then dealing with the men that dismount to pursue them. Each time a vehicle is disabled, the following truck is made to collect all lost loot before it resumes pursuit. As the action escalates and the town and sawmill get closer, Zidu gets angrier and more involved with fighting.

The team slowly disables, taking many monks with them until finally, Charles takes a bullet for John, leaving John and Zidu the only ones still active. All others have been slowly whittled down suitably dramatically and are being looked after by Dr Love. The Dog takes down the final mooks who would otherwise have shot Dr. Love. Only John and Zidu are still in active conflict.

The current takes logs into the sawmill. The final truck was lost outside, and Zidur, now fighting John on a log, was pulled into a sawmill. Zidu and John continue their Martial arts duel in the mill. Zidu avoids a giant saw blade, steps back, and slips on his bad leg, hitting his head on the floor and falling into the water. He pulls the red case with him.

The red case floats out towards the Sea. There is a race to retrieve it with a bargepole versus Zidu swimming underneath. John grabs it out of the water ahead of Zidu. On the other pier, Volkov appears, having pulled up in the last truck and waking up to mini-sub with the unseen blue case so far. Zidu, in water, demands that Volkov save him and get the Red Case back. Volkov replies that the Blue case was his mission, the Red case was Zidu's, and a fishing trawler is now waiting for him in international waters.

Volkov salutes the American's success, states he has a Favor to ask to ensure a hero is recognised, and escapes with the sub, leaving behind a note.

John tries to capture Zidu as the mini-sub pulls away. Still, Zidu manages to fight them off before going under, bleeding heavily.

The Police and army arrive shortly after the action finishes for cleanup. The Police officer, Doughnut, added to the receptionist's communication back in town last night. After the cleanup and securing of the frontier town, the townsfolk were confused about what had happened and why they were so angry. The townsfolk are unsure what they were doing and now seemed perfectly happy to talk about health, and while he was a loner, he was considered a good guy. Granny is pleasantly confused and offers muffins to the heroes and newly arrived Police and asks if they are Heath's friends goes on to say that they are always welcome if they are

Charles survives being shot with nil complications. When arriving, medics asked why he kept throwing himself in front of bullets; Charles replied that he was loyal to Vietnam while Vietnamese. Now, he is American and loyal to America.

Epilogue: The note Volkov left behind leads to the cairn near the Survivalists' damaged Cabin. The Rock that the team could have checked earlier is turned over. In Russian, it reads Spare a thought stranger, Valiant Foe Buried here. The team reaffirms their bonds and questions if it was Chinese or communist interference and a lack of vigilance that led to the Vietnam War.

Part credit scene: Volkov is reporting to his superiors, showing them the contents of the blue and green cases,

Post credit scene

Zidu pulls himself out of the water onto a fishing boat, freezing at the sight of the boots of an unimpressed Chinese General. He hands over a small film canister and, when it looks like he will be pushed overboard, a handful of treasures. The general nods and accepts the bribe. He discreetly pockets it, formally accepting the treasure and letting Zidu live. Zidu then comically collapses as the general walks away.



John Smith is the lead, face and negotiator. An Everyman American stand in. He questions what is going on. He is the least burnt out of the veterans. Everyman stands in. He is implied to have served in South Korea and was too young to go to Vietnam. More McClane than his more recent movies.

-Bruce Willis

Oliver Carson "Doughnut" Steele- Cop / Martial Artist – Slow to change his mind firm and by the book. American / Americans did everything right attitude. Walker Texas Ranger at his most Preachy

-Chuck Norris

Dr. Donald Oliver Gale Love is a medical doctor and a dog handler who deals with trauma by looking after the Dog. He was not the original handler; his dead identical twin was. He has an America did everything wrong attitude. Dr Richard Kimble's distrust

-Harrison Ford

Chin Na – "Na" Food salesman - Overall grateful for American intervention in Vietnam. Former Boatperson. Most hostile to Chinese.

-Dustin Nguyen

Dong Me "Charles"– Stereotypical Vietnamese Communist as per propaganda reels. Left as purges began. He was proud of fighting for his country. Wishes America kept out of Vietnam. Bait and switch all movie that was traitor as express positivity for Chinese but take a bullet for unhesitatingly. He was loyal to Vietnam before. The USA is now his country, so he is Loyal.

-Đơn Dương


Zidu - Shady Chinese Triad/crime. Greedy, selfish, and barely loyal to the country. Comedic but underestimate him and die. unconventionally Dangerous.

-Jackie Chan

Volkov – Russian advisor stoic and respectful, offers sound advice and is polite but cold-blooded. Aiming for a similar feel to General Gogol except more physically imposing.

-Sam Neill

-Or Dolph Lundgren, but the timeline does not match up


Heath – Original squad leader. Cascadian timber owner-operator. Implied to be either a Survivalist or a Spy and killed by Volkov.

Heath is Sir not appearing in this film. Use a picture of Bruce and play into the mysterious persona.
Soundtrack: Ask Queen if they would be interested, and if they are ask if they can do something similar to or around the sound of Who Wants to Live Forever.
Otherwise go for John Williams or even Harold Faltermeyer who wrote my favorite piece of action movie music with Top Gun Anthem.

Thanks to @Duke William of for pre-reading and advice.
Casting could do with some work I really wanted them to be played by actors of the right Ethnicity. I am willing to accept suggestions if anyone has ideas.
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TV Pitch: Hellcat
Alright, this will be the next installment in the Marvel TV shows. Now, I could not make use of Jessica Jones (unfortunately she is not created until the 2000s), so I had originally thought to add Moon Knight as the next show. However, it was only after a conversation later that I realized that there was another character in the show who, while put there as a supporting character only, also has a tragic past, a hard life, and goes on to become one of the leading heroes in the Defenders as well, not to mention that the overall story make so much sense for her as well.

I'm of course talking about Patricia Walker aka Hellcat.

She might not be Jessica Jones, but damn is her life story amazing as well; a girl who tried to please her mother only to be seen as "not good enough" then being used by her to create a media empire based on her fictional adventures, all controlled by her mother, until she was finally able to retake her life and marry her childhood sweetheart, only for said husband to be an abusive asshole and then leaving in the off chance that a mutant she met once is still willing to honor a promise he made a long time ago to turn her into a hero.

It's inspiring it's what it is.

Thus, I give you:

TV Pitch:

GENRE: Crime/Thriller/Drama

SUBGENRE: Action/Psychological/Neo-Noir


Set Up: Based on the character of Patsy Walker created by Stuart Little and Ruth Atkinson during 1944, as well as reintroduced in 1976 by Steve Englehart and George Perez as Hellcat. Patricia "Trish" Walker, a former child and teen Actor/Model is trying to hide and remake her life after a disastrous period of her life. However, the appearance of new powers, the intrusions of her mother, and the new friendships she makes during her period of stay in New York may have different plans for her, whether she likes it or not.

Showrunner: Mark Frost
Composer: John Addison

Season Length: 13 Episodes.
Episode Length: 50 Minutes.

Patricia "Trish" Walker is a former child and teen Actor/Model who is trying to live her own life in New York away from her abusive ex-boyfriend (Buzz Baxter), works as a detective in order to make a living and renting an apartment in a crime ridden area of New York, right next to Malcolm Ducasse, a junkie. During one particular trying day, where she had to stalk a cheating wife for a husband looking for evidence for a divorce, she finds herself being assaulted. She defends herself, showing superhuman levels of physical abilities, before giving the evidence to the husband and going back to her apartment, unaware that she is being stalked from afar.

Trish is contacted by a couple who are trying to find their missing daughter, Hope Shlottman, and though Trish does not want to take the case at first, she eventually agrees when she sees how worried the couple are. During her investigation she recalls memories of her past, back when she was still under her mother's thumb and doing everything she wanted just to get her approval and attention, while also meeting with the unsavory elements of the city and those who last saw her. During her research she learns that she was last seen with a man, but when pressed many find that they can't recall his name or how he looked like, and when they try there is a mental block that makes it impossible to think.

Trish tries speaking to the police and records, where Officer Will Simpson does not seem to take her seriously, as his black and white morality causes friction with her usual methods, as well as having already investigated and not being able to find the girl. She nonetheless manages to sneak inside when no one is looking to find information about Hope. However, in the process she also finds information about Malcolm, who is there as an once friend of Hope, someone who once had a future and then suddenly turned to drugs. She's found out, but manages to escape before security catches her or identifies her.

Once back at her building, she manages to get into Malcolm's apartment where she tries to get him to talk about Hope, which Malcolm finds difficult, showing the same symptoms as the others she interrogated, even trying to dose himself once more, before Trish stops him, knocks him out and takes him to the hospital. During his recovery she once more tries to get the information from him, which he tries to push forward, even fighting against what is holding him back, enough to give a name: Erik Gelden. With the name in hand she leaves the hospital in order to search for him.

Trish continues her research where she manages to find more information about Erik, finding more about his life, learning about his former friends, and discovering when he got his powers and how they work (Putting suggestions is strenuous for his mind, and at most he can only read emotions continuously without receiving any backlash). Once she manages to find his location, she has to sneak in, take down his controlled gang, before managing to fight him off and taking Hope away from him. Finding also the name of the one who gave him his powers; the Power Broker.

During the rest of the series, Trish deals with different cases that are related with the Power Broker without her complete knowledge, though at the same time she interacts more with Malcolm, who becomes her assistant in her new job, becoming a mentor to Hope who's trauma she can somewhat relate, while also dealing with the reappearance of her former husband, whom is now harassing her both privately and in public, trying to once more exert his power and influence over her with the help of her mother, who wants her daughter to listen once more to her when it comes to her career. She also meets Damian Helstrom, a fellow detective who dabbles with the Occult, and whom one is never sure if he's joking when he claims it's all real.

At the same time, flashbacks to her past show how she grew up, the control and mental abuse her mother employed against her in order to keep her in check while she became an actress, the friendship/rivalry she formed with fellow actress Hedy well as how her powers appeared, heavily implying that they were given by the Power Broker as a part of a deal with her mother, one that needs Trish to fulfill, which is why she's being constantly being hounded.

In the end, Buzz manages to contact the Power Broke in order to get powers and be able to finally coerce Trish into once more being with him. After a fight where she finally puts him back in his place, Buzz is taken to prison, as the Power Broker goes to ground, soon being revealed his connections with the Hand, and how his newest clients might be what's needed to finally take care of the "Heroes" problems in New York once and for all.
Patricia "Trish" Walker/Hellcat: She is a former child/teen actor and model who, tired of her mother's manipulations and mental abuse, quit on her career and moved to New York where she decided to become a detective as she always wanted. Hard to trust, somewhat of a snarker, and a bit of a cynic, Trish nonetheless still has the desire to help those in need. She also struggles with the relationship with her mother, as well as dealing with the trauma of her abusive former boyfriend. During her stay, and adventures, in New York, she manages to open up a bit more thanks to the new friendships and relations she builds.

Played By: Julianne Moore
Alternate: Lori Loughlin

Damian Helstrom: He is a detective in New York, and a bit of a researcher into the Occult. He and Trish tend to cross paths during her investigations, aiding each other in exchange for future aid, or sometimes leaning on each other for emotional support as they grow closer during the series. Damian is the son of a female satanic cultist, who is convinced he is the "Son of Satan", though he tries to put that behind him. Nonetheless, Damian tends to be a man who cares for people, even if a vindictive side always tends to come out whenever dealing with criminal scum.

Played By: Scott Bakula
Alternate: Michael Landon

Malcolm Ducasse: He is Trish's neighbor who struggles with drug addiction, resulting in his personal journey intertwining with hers. It is later revealed that Malcolm was working with Hope in social work, aiding those in need, but when Erik took control of her, he also made him get addicted to drugs in order to make him unable to testify or say what happened. When Trish finds out, she leaves Malcolm handcuffed in her bathroom and forces him to go into withdrawal while she goes for Erik. After his recovery he decides to aid her as her new secretary, as well as aiding Hope get through her trauma and recovery.

Played By: LeVar Burton
Alternate: Dominic Hoffman
Hedy Wolfe: She is an ambitious and shrewd woman who once was a rival to Trish during her teenage years. Over time they developed a friendship and respect for each other, as she was the only one whom Trish told about her mother's behavior, and the one who encouraged Trish to follow her dream if this was not making her happy. She aids her when it comes to dealing with her mother.

Played By: Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Hope Shlottman: A student-athlete attending New York University. She was taken by Erik Gelden as his slave until Trish managed to rescue her and all of Gelden's victims. Afterwards she suffers from the trauma of it all, diving into drugs in order to get over it. It's with the help of Trish and Malcolm that she's able to get in the path of recovery, aiding Trish in whatever capacity she can to repay her.

Played By: Heather Locklear

Dorothy Walker: She is Trish's mother, a harsh, manipulative parent, who demanded perfection from her daughter. Eventually, Trish escaped from her mother when she grew up, and cut all ties with her. Dorothy reappeared later, having developed Cancer, and trying to once more connect with her, but in reality it was part of a scam to get her daughter to the Power Broker's in order to get cured.

Played By: Carol Burnett
Robert "Buzz" Baxter: He is Trish former boyfriend, a former teen actor whose career peaked along with Trish and was together mainly for the media exposure and popularity. After Trish left showbiz (and him) his career took a sudden nosedive, leading to him taking any job that he could, and trying to get Trish to once more return to him, eventually making a deal with the Power Broker in his desperation.

Played By: John Posey
Alternate: Dean Butler

Erik Gelden: A man with telepathic and mind control abilities that abused them in order to commit crimes and terrify his victims. He managed to get a network that would allow him to keep control of those he had already used his powers on, though he could not make them kill themselves. In the end, he kept on needing more from the Power Broker to keep his abilities, which was his weakness as Trish managed to defeat him.

Played By: Brent Spiner
Alternate: Bruce Willis

Gregory Sallinger: A ruthless, hyperintelligent serial killer whose victims tend to be those who have made deals with the Power Broker, believing that those with powers are "cheating" in life against those like him. He sees himself as a crusader and hero, behaving self-righteously as he tries to kill Trish and others, unknowingly leading her closer to finding the Power Broker.

Played By: Gregory Neale Harrison
Alternate: Daniel J. Travanti
Will Simpson: He is an NYPD Sergeant who is very serious about his job. He has a black and white morality view that makes him assume that serving justice is easy, which puts him in conflict with Trish and her methods.

Played By: Robert Pastorelli

The Power Broker: The mysterious behind the scenes antagonist that gives powers to those who are willing to pay for them. He has an unusual fascination with Trish and her abilities, willing to do almost anything to capture her.

Played By: Edward Mulhare

A.N.: I have to apologize if it seems like I am replacing Killgrave with Erik Gelden. In the end, I wanted to have something similar to the show as I really liked how they worked that, but at the same time I couldn't just copy paste it. Furthermore, I much preferred that the final villain be Robert Baxter, sort of like how in the comics he became her enemy since he left him as he was abusing her as her husband, and was the push for her to become Hellcat. I just felt that it fit better in this case.
Charlton Comics Presents... Doomsday Clock Part 5
Next installment of Doomsday Clock. Are you getting sick of it yet? 'Cause I sure am! I can't wait to just be done with this shit and I can work on other superhero comic pitches. I know these are very formulaic so far, and they'll likely continue to be for a while longer, but I got permission from Magoose to go back rewrite the plots for the other Doomsday Clock parts, which I'll be doing after I finish Doomsday Clock. I'll be real, I've had very few ideas for where I want to take Judomaster. I think it's a remarkably lame character and I'm not particularly interested in him, particularly when Thunderbolt already kind of covers his niche. I don't know why Charlton double dipped here and released them as part of the same line, but it probably had something to do with Giordano. I did my best to try and provide at least something mildly interesting, but I really don't care for this character. I'm much more interested in his son, Tommy Jagger, and Sonia Sato, but I can't really do much with them just yet, and even then, the building blocks I'm working with are still pretty lame. For the villains, I've dipped once again into other media along with some of my own originals(don't expect anything amazing though), but these are technically mostly originals, even if they aren't particularly inspired(even in my own notes, separate from the limited bits that y'all see for now until I make my Charlton Universe Compendium/Nexus post). I've included Bakuda and Black Kaze from Worm, and I've included Eri, Overhaul, and the Shie Hassaikai from MHA. Eri apparantly just straight up doesn't have a last name, so I just decided to give her Overhaul's last name and say that instead of just being brought in by Eri's grandpa and the previous boss of the Shie Hassaikai, he was actually adopted by him, but that the previous boss wanted Eri to take over after he died and so Overhaul is respecting those wishes. I'm envisioning their dynamic being still mostly similar to canon MHA, just with Eri in charge of Kai and him teaching her how to run their Yakuza family. He'd still be abusive and shitty to her with the power erasing bullets(or whatever equivalent) and shit, but I'm kind of envisioning it as a sort of "give and take" arrangement between the two. I don't know, I'll explain it better in that in my later Charlton Universe post. Sasori is technically a character I've been developing independently, but I've decided to kind of merge my Sasori with the character from the Arachnid manga, and so for all intents and purposes, you can consider that as a character taken from other media as well. Don't read that manga by the way, it's dog shit. Anyway, enjoy what you can of it. I really just want to move on from this and start writing up the endgame stuff and move on to other Charlton superhero comics.

Charlton Comics Presents...
Doomsday Clock Part 5
Writer: Jeff Rovin
Artist: Geof Darrow

SET UP: In the year 2050, Earth is under the rule of the oppressive tyrant, Monarch. His rule is dystopian and the future is bleak for the people of Earth. Matthew Ryder, an expert on temporal studies and a scientist under the employ of Monarch, worked to develop his technology to travel back in time and prevent the tyrannical ruler from ever rising to power. He learned that in the late 20th century, one of Earth's superheroes had turned evil. They had gone on to kill all of Earth's heroes and villains, assumed the identity of Monarch, and began their rise to global domination. Because Monarch only ever appeared in a full body suit of armor, his previous identity was unknown to Ryder. Matthew Ryder succeeds in travelling back in time, 20 years before Monarch's massacre of Earth's heroes, in his desperate bid to find Monarch's true identity and kill him with his new powers before he can rise to power. Unfortunately, Monarch is not far behind and is determined to hunt Ryder down and kill both him, and anyone else who stands in his way. To face this unprecedented threat, Earth's greatest heroes and it's most sinister villains must work together to defeat Monarch and change the future.
In this installment of Doomsday Clock storyline; beginning to lose his temper from his search continuing to not turn up any leads, Waverider tracks down Judomaster, sensing that he was closest to him. He tracks him down to a military base and, growing increasingly impatient and unwilling to compromise, he simply assaults the base in search for Judomaster's civilian identity, Hadley Jagger. After a fierce battle between Waverider and the military prescence at the base, he finds "Rip" Jagger and subdues him before examining him as well. He observes various versions of Judomaster across numerous timelines including a Judomaster fighting in Vietnam, a Judomaster fighting in Romania, a Judomaster fought on the Japanese side of WW2, a Hadley Jagger who never became Judomaster, a Hadley Jagger who was discharged from the military for crimes against humanity, a female Judomaster born as Haley Jagger, a Judomaster who was murdered by Tiger and had his son take up the mantle, and a young woman who takes up the mantle, among many others. He also witnesses him battle against countless enemies, including: The mad bomber, Bakuda. The mercenary with the power to bring to life the tattoos on her body, Painted Lady. The mutant crab-man hybrid, Kabuto. The much too young leader of the Shie Hassaikai, Eri Chisaki, and her chief enforcer, Kai Chisaki, known as Overhaul. The Malaysian cyborg hitwoman, Harimau. The exceptionaly powerful weather manipulator, Susanoo. A serial killer and martial artist known for brutalizing his victims, Kamikiri. The graceful masked thief, Kitsuna. A criminal experimented on and turned into a being made of pure electricity, Kaminari. Mad chemist and poison obsessed assassin, Sasori. His former sidekick turned vicious enemy, Tiger. The impossibly fast, wandering assassin who works primarily for the Japanese State, Black Kaze. The powerful Japanese illusionist and magic user, Meikyuu. Mountain Storm, the absolutely massive sumo fighter. Powerful and influential businessman in charge of Kintsugi Biotech, Imoku Kakurete, and his bodyguards, the identical twin sister assassins, Yin and Yang. and numerous others yet unseen. One timeline he focuses on in particular is one in which he sees The Question uncovering a wide spanning conspiracy by the US government seeking to institute a surveillance state within the nation, in which those who threaten the status quo are killed preemptively. Left with few other leads, he moves to investigate it further and track down the Question, hoping that if anyone would know who is most likely to be Monarch, it would be him.