@King crimson Here's a bit of silliness.
Operation Sappiness
Jinx grinned as she hid behind some plants and waited for the show to begin.
"This is gonna be soooo awesome," she thought. Quite right too, if her plan worked, not only would she have completely outdone herself, but she'd also have achieved a feat no one had ever accomplished. She'd have managed to prank Lex Luthor!
Although she was thankful to the man for taking her out of the streets, she was also very annoyed with him for making her study and stick her with that bore of a teacher. And she also wanted some revenge for his part in her punishment. Like, geez, what was so wrong about swearing? And fine, Jinx had gotten Cassie involved in shenanigans, and he was Cassie's daddy so he didn't like Cassie being involved in shenanigans, and Jinx could understand that. Hell, it was even nice of him. But it had all been innocent fun! Cassie would have been just fine!
Seriously, Jinx liked the brat and wouldn't do anything that hurt her. That the adults thought she would… hurt. A bit. And it made her angry. And when someone made Jinx angry, they deserved to be pranked!
She'd show them how wrong they were, too, when they saw Cassie coming out of this prank smelling like roses. Tricking her into participating had been a bit more difficult this time. Jinx had had to think fast and get clever in how she worded questions. But in the end Cassie was still too gullible. A tiiiny voice in Jinx's ear had protested that it wasn't nice to trick someone who was now a friend, but she had shushed it. Didn't true friends share important projects? Face things arm-in-arm when it mattered the most? This prank did matter. To Jinx, at least. So it was just natural that Cassie helped her like a true friend.
And honestly, Cassie couldn't go through life being so gullible. She had to wise up and notice when someone was bullshitting her. Better if the experience came from her good friend Jinx, who had planned everything so that there were no consequences, than from someone who truly took advantage of her for something bad.
Yeah, she was doing her friend Cassie a favor here. Two, in fact, since if all went according to plan, the brat would get something nice of all this.
The noise of the door of the meeting room when opening drew her attention. Her target came out first, followed by some of his close advisors.
"Just perfect," she thought, her grin widening as a small form rushed into view.
Cassandra had recently learnt something very important. As important as words.
Sometimes Jinx didn't want to do anything other than lie on the sofa and watch something on the TV. She grumbled a lot about being barred from 'the good stuff' and being allowed to see only 'PG-13 trash', but she also said it was better than nothing, and Cassandra could tell she often enjoyed what she watched. At those times, Cassandra made her company and entertained herself with a Rubik's cube or some other puzzle. Even after learning words and understanding what films and series were, what they were showing, and why people watched them, they were of little interest to Cassandra. She still preferred to play games. Besides, some things in films and series were still simply weird.
However, one day, Jinx began watching a new series that caught Cassandra's attention, because the main characters were a father and a daughter that had just moved to a new place. Cassandra had never seen what other daughters did with their fathers, so even if it was just pretend, she felt curious.
Jinx hadn't appreciated her curiosity. Whenever Cassandra had a question about what the characters were doing and why, the older girl just told her to ask Father. She decided to keep at it, though. She often managed to convince Jinx when she insisted.
"Wha-what are t-they d-doing now-ow?" she asked as she saw the daughter come close to her father and put her arms around him, then him doing the same. "A-are they go-gonna wre-wrestle?" She had never been taught such a hold in her combat lessons. It looked like a very bad one, so maybe that was why.
Jinx snorted, and Cassandra saw in the language of her friend's body that she'd finally decided to just answer. "No, silly, they're not wrestling. It's called a hug."
"Hu-hug. Hu-u-ug. Hu-ug," said Cassandra, testing the new word. "Wh-why are t-they d-doing a hu-hug?"
"Ugh, it's… it's just how it works. They're family, it's what they do. The guy was feeling shitty, and his daughter wanted him to feel happy, so she went and gave him a hug and now, poof, he feels all warm and nice. That's it." She frowned. "How come you know nothing about it, anyway? I thought you learnt everything with your father."
Cassandra shook her head. "Fa-ther s-still has-asn't t-taught me about-ut th-that." He'd do it eventually, she knew, but if it was a way to make Father happy, it was important for her to know as soon as possible. Surely, Father would like if Cassandra learned something important on her own. "D-do fa-thers rea-ally f-feel ha-happy whe-en th-their dau-aughters do th-that?"
Jinx stared at Cassandra for a while, like people did when they were thinking a lot. Then she smiled like she did when she taught Cassandra the Word-that-Father-absolutely-forbade-her-from-saying again-or-Cassandra-would-never-have-another-sweet.
"Oh, yes, they do. Definitely. It's very important. Very. Your father should have taught you, but he surely didn't even think about it." She stood up, speaking faster and faster. "No worries, I'll help you. I think you should learn it as soon as possible and give your father lots of hugs. They feel very nice. And you'll be showing him that he's very important to you."
Cassandra cocked her head. "We-we-ird. Y-you're b-both saying-ying the t-truth and l-lying. And your-ur f-face l-looks l-like when-en y-you t-taught me t-to s-say-"
Jinx interrupted her. "No! Not at all! What? You believe this is like that time?"
Cassandra nodded, and Jinx huffed. "Well, tell you what. Let's go ask around and see what people think."
They did so, and whenever Jinx asked a question of one of the workers in the tower, they answered yes. Yes, hugs felt nice. Yes, they made people feel better. Yes, daughters did that with their fathers. Yes, good daughters specially. Yes, her father should have taught her about them already. And yes, when a man was a father for the first time it was very likely he'd miss things no matter how smart he was because it was all new to him. Cassandra could see that both their bodies and voices said the same, so she was reassured she should do as Jinx said.
Her friend showed her more films and series and Cassandra studied hugs diligently. There were different techniques and complementary actions, but they were easy to learn. Jinx also coached her in choosing the ones better suited to use on Father.
Now Cassandra was ready to show off her progress to Father. He had just returned today from a trip, but she still hadn't seen him because she was in lessons with her new lady teacher. Jinx had said one of the best situations to use a hug was when the father had been away for a while. So Cassandra was gonna do her best.
She stood some distance away so she could accelerate to optimal speed, and as soon as Father came out through the door she took off. No one was able to block her and she crashed softly against Father's body, throwing her arms around him. Then she looked up at him, smiled and delivered the sentence Jinx had made her rehearse.
"We-wel-welcome b-back, dad-dy. I l-l-love y-you!"
Yes! Her execution had been flawless!
When Lex Luthor had spotted his daughter rushing towards him, he had let her do, figuring she was eager to show him something she had learnt. As it turned out, he had both been right and made a mistake.
He prided himself of never losing his composure, no matter the situation, but this had been something completely outside of his life parameters and experience. It was a testament to how shocked he was that it took him a couple seconds to stop looking at Cassandra as if she was an alien lifeform and think of an appropriate response that benefited him as much as possible.
He put an arm around her. "I'm glad to see you too, Cassandra," he said with a small smile for the audience. As he did, he wondered if he had managed to wipe his deer-caught-on-headlights look in time for it to be missed. The sound of female laugh told him no.
"D-did I d-do g-good, Fa-ther?"
"Yes, Cassandra, very good. You're a very good girl." She beamed at that.
"Aw, I remember when Carla used to do that. She was just as cute. Why did she have to stop?" The voice of Carl Draper was heard, and Lex finally directed his attention to his entourage. Most of them were looking away, doing what they could to hide their mirth, while Carl looked on with puppy eyes and Roxanne laughed shamelessly. Lex wasn't given to curse, but he allowed himself a mental one. He'd have to do damage control. Starting now.
"Don't you have work to do, ladies and gentlemen? Because if your workload is so light I should reduce your paychecks to match. And remember, I have the means to observe that you don't pad it," he told them in a stern tone. Hopefully, the reminder of the DIR would make them think twice before talking about this incident, but he'd surely need to take further measures.
The employees scampered away, leaving Lex alone with his daughter.
"Wha-what d-did th-they d-do f-for y-you to be an-angry at th-them, Fa-ther?" She asked.
"It's an adult matter, Cassandra. I'll handle it personally. You don't need to worry about it."
Cassandra nodded. "Y-you are cle-clea-arly un-untra-ained in hu-ugs, Fa-ther. Sh-should w-we p-practice th-them t-toge-ther?"
Lex stared at her in thought. "Come with me, Cassandra. Let's chat for a bit, you and I." As she fell into step with him, Lex called out. "Jinx! One, plants don't shake, nor do they laugh. Two, if you want to pull a stunt, learn to hide your tracks better. And three, we'll have a long, serious, and very interesting conversation about behavior later."
Lex and his daughter walked away, leaving behind a stream of inventive curses coming out from the plants.