Secretly a good boy
[X] [Lex] Upgrade box opening robot
[X] [Lex] Look into the Japanese market
[X] [Mercy] Buy a Mozart CD and see if Cassandra can recreate it just by hearing it
[X] [Mercy] Inform Carl of his new positions responsibilities
[X] [Mercy] Confiscate the alcohol Dr. Moon is illegally brewing in an unused lab
[X] [Pam] Go out on another date with Katherine
[X] [Pam] Go and meet up with all of the individuals from Gotham and have a night on the town
[X] [Pam] Discuss Ivo's Nobel Prize with Karl Helfern
[X] [Pam] Sunbathe
[X] [Pam] Practice her new powers in isolation
[X] [Roxy] Try to convince Rebecca to let her roast marshmallows on hellfire
[X] [Roxy] Buy Nygma a puzzle cube
[X] [Roxy] Buy Leonard Snart a giant novelty snow-globe
[X] [Cass] Make something to impress Lex
[X] [Cass] Learn about a foreign country
[X] [Cass] Put Janus in the vents
[X] [Cass] Play games with Jinx
[X] [Dahl] Thank Samuel for the mirror he gave her
[X] [Dahl] Submit scripts to Oswald under a pseudonym
[X] [Cub] Run away from loud metal fire spitter (run away from Roxanne's rocket)
[X] [Cub] Hit all the shiny dots in Up-Down Box (hit all the buttons in the elevator)
[X] [Cub] Chew up the bad green bowls (Chew on Nygma's hats)
[X] [Cub] Roar at cold man for making things chilly (roar at Leonard Snart)
[X] [Cub] Show four armed monkey that he will not be vanquished
[X] [Monkey] Investigate light boxes (play with a phone)
[X] [Monkey] Collect hidden fruit stashes (Collect fruit baskets Mercy places in hard to reach locations)
[X] [Monkey] Steal unattended food piles (Steal unattended sandwiches)
[X] [Monkey] Fight the cold box (attempt to open a refrigerator)
[X] [Monkey] Distribute grapes to friends
[X] [Lex] Look into the Japanese market
[X] [Mercy] Buy a Mozart CD and see if Cassandra can recreate it just by hearing it
[X] [Mercy] Inform Carl of his new positions responsibilities
[X] [Mercy] Confiscate the alcohol Dr. Moon is illegally brewing in an unused lab
[X] [Pam] Go out on another date with Katherine
[X] [Pam] Go and meet up with all of the individuals from Gotham and have a night on the town
[X] [Pam] Discuss Ivo's Nobel Prize with Karl Helfern
[X] [Pam] Sunbathe
[X] [Pam] Practice her new powers in isolation
[X] [Roxy] Try to convince Rebecca to let her roast marshmallows on hellfire
[X] [Roxy] Buy Nygma a puzzle cube
[X] [Roxy] Buy Leonard Snart a giant novelty snow-globe
[X] [Cass] Make something to impress Lex
[X] [Cass] Learn about a foreign country
[X] [Cass] Put Janus in the vents
[X] [Cass] Play games with Jinx
[X] [Dahl] Thank Samuel for the mirror he gave her
[X] [Dahl] Submit scripts to Oswald under a pseudonym
[X] [Cub] Run away from loud metal fire spitter (run away from Roxanne's rocket)
[X] [Cub] Hit all the shiny dots in Up-Down Box (hit all the buttons in the elevator)
[X] [Cub] Chew up the bad green bowls (Chew on Nygma's hats)
[X] [Cub] Roar at cold man for making things chilly (roar at Leonard Snart)
[X] [Cub] Show four armed monkey that he will not be vanquished
[X] [Monkey] Investigate light boxes (play with a phone)
[X] [Monkey] Collect hidden fruit stashes (Collect fruit baskets Mercy places in hard to reach locations)
[X] [Monkey] Steal unattended food piles (Steal unattended sandwiches)
[X] [Monkey] Fight the cold box (attempt to open a refrigerator)
[X] [Monkey] Distribute grapes to friends