Adventures in R&D
What in the world was she doing here?
Roxanne Sutton thought to herself as she sat in a meeting room in LexCorp headquarters surrounded by a bunch of people in labcoats looking at her expectantly. When she got the offer to join LuthorCorp, she was excited: the entire stunt career thing was getting boring (what with the excessive safety precautions) and she was considering doing other things when she got the offer to join a company currently under attack by ninja-assassins. She quickly signed up with the hopes of punching a ninja in the face while on top of a moving car.
Instead, here she was in a meeting room as the head of a Research and Development department for the next 3 months surrounded by people in Labcoats she thought of as Thing 1-5. First: why her? It wasn't like she had any major schooling in the sciences and most of her knowledge involved explosives and safe amounts to use and safety precautions. Second: why was the project only 3 months? That was just weird- but it was explained to her that some of Lex's "special projects" had a similar timeline of 3 months.
She sighed. Well, at least it was research into weapons. Maybe there'd be fun stuff to test.
"So.." she started," what projects're you guys up to? Anything hot like a rocket motorcycle?"
Guy in glasses and labcoat one (who she thought of as Thing 1) looked up from his notes and stammered.
"Uh...n-no. No rocket motorcycle. It'd be d-dangerous anyways. B-better to make a rocket that could be r-ridden if you want to do that."
Huh. So, no jokes here. Wait..
"Did you say you could make a rideable rocket?"
Thing 1 shook his head.
"N-no. Of course not! I j-just said that-"
"No, I think you said that you could make a rideable rocket. Do that. That's your three month project." she said, images of going all Doctor Strangelove on a rocket floating through her mind.
Thing 1 shut up and so Roxxane pointed at Thing 2.
"What are you doing for research?"
"Well, we are working on a slight improvement into bullet design-"
"BORING! Common! This is LexCorp! Where's the space laser or the shark missile? What have you guys been working on that's cool or fun!?!"
Thing 3 coughed.
"Well, lots of "cool" ideas aren't feasible or profitable. As we are tasked with researching profitable-"
Roxanne stopped Thing 3 by making the noise of a buzzer.
"Nope! While I'm in charge of this group, profit isn't something I care about. I just want cool things. You! What's a cool thing you've always wanted to work on but couldn't because you think it'd be unprofitable."
Thing 4 looked around as he was pointed out by Roxanne. But, then answered.
"Me? Uh...I always thought we could do a stealth ICBM. That would be really cool, but market was limited because there aren't many good-"
"Say no more! Work on that! You, your cool project?" Roxanne pointed at Thing 5.
"Laser weapons?"
"There you go. That's your project. Just work on things you think would be cool. And, I'll get to test them. So...we good?"
Everyone looked around. And shrugged. Lex must have put her here for a good reason. If she said just work on what they thought would be "cool"...they would.
"Okay then, Things! Go forth and make cool, fun things for me to test!" Roxanne Sutton said with a bright smile.