Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

I wonder what grade Sixiang is.

I'm also wondering if we can combine our Moon techniques at some point.
That does not change the fact that xin's concept of hidden knowledge and secret places does not match Ling Qi who is overcome with guilt over the simplest of secrets.
Really? That is not how I've read Ling Qi's conflict with what she did to the others.

She has done very well with not talking about Cai's offer, she has not talked about the potential to Elder Jiao's apprenticeship offer, she has shown no guilt over knowing Cai's secret, and she has shown no guilt over Meizhen's secret other than her part in complicating their relationship and creating the possibility that she would reciprocate Meizhen's feelings.

Her guilt seems to be focused more on the selfishness of her actions and the damage it does to others, rather than the secretness of the matters.
This is a complicated vote. Mother Moon feels the least interesting. We ought to spend more time with him but choosing for that reason only feels empty and trite. We picked family for our Way but I don't want that to be all there is to Ling Qi. I'd rather she be more than just a reflection of those around her.

I like Dreaming and Hidden because they're more about her own passions. We've been cultivating her passion in music, which is awesome, but I also like the adventurous side of Ling Qi and it feels lacking recently. I'd be happy to have Dreaming or Hidden win but for now, I pick adventurer over socialite.

[X] Hidden Moon
[X] Hidden Moon

We are about due to pillage a ruin somewhere, yes.

Dreaming and Mother are the kinds of things we're going to work on *regardless*, or at least, we should. Hidden though gets into background lore and neat things--which are some of the coolest parts of this setting.
Really? That is not how I've read Ling Qi's conflict with what she did to the others.

She has done very well with not talking about Cai's offer, she has not talked about the potential to Elder Jiao's apprenticeship offer, she has shown no guilt over knowing Cai's secret, and she has shown no guilt over Meizhen's secret other than her part in complicating their relationship and creating the possibility that she would reciprocate Meizhen's feelings.

Her guilt seems to be focused more on the selfishness of her actions and the damage it does to others, rather than the secretness of the matters.
That's the thing though, the hidden moon is all about finding lost and/or secret knowledge but Ling Qi has not really done any of that except for that time she used said knowledge to help blackmail people. Hell Ling Qi has not even sought out basic knowledge on her own instead relying on what her frends are willing to tell her.
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Your cultivation should not be dependent on making people happy especially since that is not the path Ling Qi chose. Ling Qi chose family over her friends and so I feel that the mother moon is the best choice so that Ling Qi may train her domain.
I'm reading this quest because it's a great story. I'm picking Xin because I think it'll make her happy, will make Ling Qi happy, and will make me happy because I like reading happy things.
Ok, so I feel mean pointing this out @yrsillar , but our wind breakthrough bonuses were kind of lame. The thing is that with art costs going up above 200, the reduction to them doesn't really matter much. -10 successes was a big deal when arts were like 60 to level. When they're 240 -15 is basically nothing. And it's only going to get worse from here. And then you combine this with our heaven bonus and it's just kind of weird. We only have 1 heaven meridian. If you're trying to represent our archery and wind talent and encourage us to pursue more wind, it would more sense for it to be a wind specialty, or something like +1 offensive dice to wind techs generally.
First of all, this. Very much this. I was expecting something a whole lot better.

Second, @yrsillar How could we have gotten the Bloody Moon insterested?

I have no horse on the moon race now, Bloody was super interesting. Grinning's sister, and the patron of our tutor, many of us were hoping she'd show up.
From what I can tell, the Hidden Moon isn't just about finding hidden secrets, or keeping them. It's about learning. Finding things out for yourself, and figuring out how something works.

While Ling Qi hasn't been the most scholarly type, she is most certainly curious, and a very avid learner.

[X] Hidden Moon
I'm reading this quest because it's a great story. I'm picking Xin because I think it'll make her happy, will make Ling Qi happy, and will make me happy because I like reading happy things.
Ha, fair enough I suppose. But I do think that xin would want Ling Qi to choose the hidden moon path because that is what Ling Qi wants rather than because of her relationship to Ling Qi.
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Blast, the Hanyi route right before my very eyes, but too late. Guess we're gonna have to trust Zhengui friendship for that route but its probably gone unless we stay with the sect.
A bird can dream.
And dream I will.

[X] Dreaming Moon
This is a really tough decision... I like Dreaming Moon's emphasis on friendship, but Xin threw a freaking birthday party for us and has overall just been really great. Ling Qi discovering hidden knowledge like Tomb Raider vs Performer!Ling Qi social-ing and strengthening her friendships both sound awesome.

Practically speaking, Dreaming helping with social will probably be important in the Inner Sect. And Dreaming would certainly help with our psychedelic party art. But on the other hand... proper management of secrets and hidden lore seems like a rather important skill to learn.

...I wish I knew how many influences we could choose. But in the end... I think Ling Qi is still a rather hungry girl. Relaxing enough to be so focused on performance and merriment, while wonderful, seems... a little uncharacteristic of her.

When it comes right down to it, I think we owe Xin first dibs.

[X] Hidden Moon
Wait... I just realised that finding out more secrets means there will be more votes on what to do with those secrets. Shit. I am now seriously considering switching vote to Dreaming, argh.