This is pretty clear a set of binary, or I guess, tertiary options we have here.
Double Down is father committing himself to the path of a Villain, just like his fellow Kings. Admitting to your faults implies you feel shame over them, and Double D certainly doesn't do that. I want you to think, for just a second, what boasting about
baking kids into a cake actually means. It means you are a complete and utter psychopath. This is serious. Our actions are serious. 362 all but told us that her operatives
died. They did not get injured. They did not get booboos, and get to go back to their parents. They, are,
Denial is just refusing to interact with the situation entirely, and blowing this opportunity for development. I won't speak on it further.
Disown It, as I said, is weak rhetorically. It is like pulling teeth. Father absolutely hates it. But you know what they say,
medicine is bitter.
Killing kids is
wrong. It is abhorrent. It is an atrocity. As a cranky old adult, I agree that kids, in many cases, should listen to their elders. Should behave. Should have fun in a way that is considerate of others. But this isn't about that. This isn't really about that at all, is it? This is about Father, looking at his most abominable act, some would say, the most abominable act imaginable, and deciding what he is going to do about it.
There's an important part of the Disown It option that I think we might have to examine further.
Everyone likes to see their hard work recognized…
Interesting. Father wants his work to be recognized. Father wants his work to be appreciated. Now let us look at the last part of it's competing option.
That is why you hate children, and you tell that to Hank with a fire in your voice.
Father believes he has done nothing wrong. That his hatred is justified.
Vulnerability, contrasted by Determination.
Now there is an elephant in the room. A popular write-in plan. Rationalize It (Briefly).
It's a very appealing argument. It has good points, it makes sense, I can agree with most of it. There's one problem though. Two, actually.
One, it's nonsense. This is not why Father does what he does. He, is,
lying. Father did what he did because of what he says in the Double Down option, he does what he does because of what 362 said. He is a child, stubbornly refusing to grow as a person, adapt, and put others before himself. He is everything that is wrong with the KND, personified.
Two, it refuses to look into the eye what we did. This is no joke, and this is no laughing matter. We are rationalizing...
making a cannibal cake, as Hank put it in a most morbid and disgusting way. That is the depth of Fathers hatred. That is how far he was willing to go to satisfy it.
It is not something I would enjoy seeing him do again.