FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

Ultimately I think I hate this notion of 'Becoming the mask'. If that kinda thing worked for Benedict Uno then he'd be a proper adult and soopervillain, because that's the mask he's been wearing for seemingly half his life now.

But he's not and that kind of thing doesn't work for him. He's just pretended to be something he's not for years, made himself angrier and crazier, and not actually accomplished anything until change was forced upon him by one his random hair brained schemes putting someone actually capable of directed goals and action back onto the aging field.

So I think I'm gonna have to go with the option that I believe we'd pick if cameras weren't involved and go with the same course of action that finally kick started the only change that Father has actually made so far. Blow up, tell the truth, and stop hiding behind that stupid mask that only Tolitenator is incapable of seeing through.
I do wanna say, I love 362 here. Dealt a deadman's hand and scrambled to play every dirty trick and hole card she could to keep as many of her people alive as possible, even if that means working for a mad man. Then when given the slightest opportunity at revenge, she takes it for all its worth, basically trapping Father into revealing he's either a hypocrite, a manchild, or something far worse... benign.
Ok. This is going to be a write in. I never wrote in but

[] kids are jerks

OF COURSE *I* hate MOST children! The average child is a monster! Give them a magnifying glass and they will use it to *burn ants* give them a single *JAWBREAKER* and they will demand *ALL* the jawbreaker. Give them a taste of *freedom* and they make a moonbase that dwarfs any *petty* designs by mandark or MOJO makes. Give them a inch and they invade *Gosh Darn h e double hockysticks and makes it *Fuel*

You see. A adult can be dangerous or foolish but they are limited in there capabilities.

A child lacks *RESTRAINT* and so we need to be there to restrain them. And make a example over those that try to harm there... *Betters*( and if we ic know bring up the ppgs and Dexter as examples of the ...problems of a free child.)

Also open to people taking this core and writing it better!

Edit changed vote to one that had slight chance of winning
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Ultimately I think I hate this notion of 'Becoming the mask'. If that kinda thing worked for Benedict Uno then he'd be a proper adult and soopervillain, because that's the mask he's been wearing for seemingly half his life now.


You can't just force someone to be something they're not.

You can't just force yourself to be something you're not.

Some things are just so ingrained, part of someone they can't be changed.

Some things can be changed, but they need real, serious introspection, consideration and a true desire to be changed.

Father as he stands now, even with the voters pushing him, has no such true desire to change, this has been reflected in the text again and again.

He's shown willingness to lie about it, cover it up but mainly so he's free to continue without obstruction. To do whatever he desires.

This is the best opportunity to dig deep, show not just everyone else, but himself how he truly feels, about how he despises children not just because they're children but because he's envious of them, because he's reminded of how he never got a life like they did. He's been pushed and prodded and it took that much to get him here. If we back down, justify, hide, shy away, it'll take things just as equally powerful and uncomfortable to get him so close to opening up so again. And the first step to real change is opening up, acknowledging how you are.

He's not going to get that close to revelation from a better relationship with his current workers. He'll fall back on manipulating, on lying, on saying what they need to hear to keep considering him the top dog, to maintain his status and his pride.

Is this happening in front of a humongous audience less than ideal from a reputation standpoint? Yes. But it's better than not doing it for Father in my opinion.
So next turn do we go back north to taunt/harass/present the IRON FIST to the Mandark/Gems/The Rest of the World.

For Mandark: Haha, I have a spaceship and you dont!
So… I'll give a shot at a write in.

The way I see it, the best approach here might be to invoke Two Dialogues, One Conversation, at least with Hank; in other words, let Father word the truth in a way that he thinks is turning the situation around on everyone and using rhetoric to manipulate them to his side (in actuality projecting his own neuroses, probably), but word it in such a way that everyone (or at least Hank) either interprets it sympathetically or as something more "palatable" (an adult going to extreme measures to discipline unruly kids is probably more believable than a sadist attempting to murder them en mass).

It doesn't really address the Hero/Villain or working with the government talking points, but since this is specifically in relation to Hank's points, I wasn't sure it was relevant.

This'll be just a rough draft for now, but I'd appreciate any help adding or rewording it.

[ ] "Rationalize" It

So you were brought on here to be humiliated, eh? Well, no one does that to you! But getting angry is what Moltar wants, that much is clear. Maybe you can turn this around instead... you can use this! Yeah, pull a dark lord like in that one movie. You even had a fully operational space station that one time!
Why do you hate kids? The real question is, why don't you? Because they're family? Because they're cute? Because they're the "future"? Pfft. Yeah, a dark, stupid future that just continues all the problems of the world later, maybe.
You've known firsthand since you were a child. The simple fact is, kids embody everything that is wrong with people. They're selfish. They're fickle. They're petty, spitefully rebellious and have no principles. They lie, and cheat, and manipulate, not just their own parents, but even to each other! You can love and shelter them with all your heart, and they'll still either leave you or stomp it to dust!
The KND themselves were a cult of personality that turned kids into child soldiers and spread anarchy wherever they went, and justified it as "freeing kids from adult tyranny". And what exactly did they do with that "freedom"? At best, they just fool around and do nothing of value for the world; at worst, they rampage and commit atrocities adults could scarcely imagine!
For all people act shocked, or unimpressed at what you've done, a kid would have done even worse if they thought they could get so much as a rare Yipper card!
The funny thing is, even for those who claim not to hate kids don't really respect them from what you see. These naysayers thumb their noses at them, dismissing their potential and arrogantly sure of their own power over them, even as kids rise to power in their own right! Are the likes of Mandy and Mandark not proof of this? How many times have kids bided their time, playing the part of a dumb and innocent youth, only to backstab and toss to the curb anyone that stops being useful to them? Can you honestly say your own kid hasn't lied to you, Hank? Hasn't turned his back on what you believe in?
Yeah, they're "just" kids. And those kids have most adults wrapped around their fingers. If most people were in your place, those "kids" would have chewed them up and spit them out.
You do what you must against kids because most "adults" are too complacent! They don't understand the only way to keep kids under control is through fear and force! And because adults are fully developed and in control of themselves, you can easily just stop before things go to far. Why, it's not like you actually would have baked those kids into a cake if you succeeded! (Okay you would have, but they don't need to know that; if they're so squeamish, they're more likely to believe it anyway)
Point being, at the end of the day, you're promoting American values to an overlooked demographic sorely needing them! You're giving them direction, stability, morals! If people think that's a bad thing, then even if they don't hate kids, you guess they don't really care about kids at all anyway!
(Edit) Oh, and if Moltar or 362 think they can butt in again? Well, they wouldn't take issue surely? Why, it would be hypocritical since Moltar isn't exactly lawfully hiring them, is he now? (You don't want to push too hard there though, but even if you're not antagonizing Moltar, make it clear you can drag him down down with you if he forces your hand!) Serves em right for thinking they can pull one over you!

I think what you have here is really good, but drags on a bit. I'd say focus on the three points you bring up, being that

1) Father doesn't hate kids, simply treats them how they act (like Adults)

2) Children can't simply do what they wish without consequences, and need to be taught the basic core values to growing up.

3) If people don't see it that way, then they themselves don't care about the children.
But he's not and that kind of thing doesn't work for him. He's just pretended to be something he's not for years, made himself angrier and crazier, and not actually accomplished anything until change was forced upon him by one his random hair brained schemes putting someone actually capable of directed goals and action back onto the aging field.
What? From what I gathered of this quest Father's turning point was dealing with his daddy issues by barbecuing Grandfather.

Hank has been capable but he hasn't really changed Father personality or anything like it, he failed at least one mission and not all our successes can be attributed to him, so he has been a great addition, but nothing really game changing.

So I think I'm gonna have to go with the option that I believe we'd pick if cameras weren't involved and go with the same course of action that finally kick started the only change that Father has actually made so far. Blow up, tell the truth, and stop hiding behind that stupid mask that only Tolitenator is incapable of seeing through.
This all sounds like the healthier and saner option, but this is Father, the dude that makes world wide robot armies just to enforce children's curfews, we're not supposed to be healthy and sane, otherwise it'll just be a superhero quest about the Human Torch.
What? From what I gathered of this quest Father's turning point was dealing with his daddy issues by barbecuing Grandfather.
...I'm not sure where you're confused here.
Father stayed exactly the same person until his latest scheme put Grandfather back onto the playing field. He stayed exactly the same until acted upon by someone who was just him but better in nearly everyway. And then the only step he's made at all was because he blew up massively and finally stopped bottling up his feelings or side stepping them.
Hank has been capable but he hasn't really changed Father personality or anything like it, he failed at least one mission and not all our successes can be attributed to him, so he has been a great addition, but nothing really game changing.
At the moment he's pulling double time between our most valuable Stewardship and Diplomacy hero since our other heros that can fill those holes (Izzy for a diplomacy example) are just as, if not more, useful elsewhere (Martial or Intrigue in that example).

We have a pretty serious deficit in both Stewardship and Diplomacy at the moment that won't be filled until atleast the turn after next (assuming we recruit next turn, they won't be active till after)
This all sounds like the healthier and saner option, but this is Father, the dude that makes world wide robot armies just to enforce children's curfews, we're not supposed to be healthy and sane, otherwise it'll just be a superhero quest about the Human Torch.
Heroics aren't on the table, just flat out. That's not gonna happen and the fact that you equated curbing some of the traits that make Father so ineffectual and ridiculous with somehow becoming good is a leap in logic I don't understand. You can be mentally well (or well, better off atleast) and still evil. That's morality, not sanity.
Well the people attacking Russia didn't wear FLAMING HOT SKIN SUIT! MELTING SNOW AND MOWING DOWN GEMS!!
I'm leaning towards this one.

Of course other write-ins make excellent points. However, and I say it in the nicest way possible... boy are they LONG. Soul is the wit of brevity as they say (not necessarily in that order), and a phone call in the middle of a late night show is not exactly the best time for an essay.

And I'll confess to be biased against the style of write-in that uses sheer bulk to cover every base.

This one is just long enough and makes a solid point. It comes clean with Father's true feelings with less of an embarrassing meltdown, and brother, Mandy's existence makes a VERY good point.
Thank you tlax. I think that might be my first attempt at a write in in a quest thats trying to capture the.. voice. Of the one we are portraying. I was trying to just.. capture his voice. Again open to rewrites that captures the soul
I think what you have here is really good, but drags on a bit. I'd say focus on the three points you bring up, being that

1) Father doesn't hate kids, simply treats them how they act (like Adults)

2) Children can't simply do what they wish without consequences, and need to be taught the basic core values to growing up.

3) If people don't see it that way, then they themselves don't care about the children.
Problem is... Father does hate kids. Explicitly so, there was literally a clip of him loudly proclaiming it while baking them into a cake.

Granted, it's hate born from envy and bitterness, but if he lies about it now, he'll just get called out on it. There's a reason why "rationalize" is in quotations.

As for complaints of its length, I've run it by Discord and made some much needed edits and fine tuning. For what it's worth, it's even (tentatively) C-Moon approved!

[X] "Rationalize" It (Briefly)

Why do you hate kids? The real question is, why should you not? Because they're young? Because they're cute? Because they're the "future"?

You've known firsthand since you were a child: the simple fact is, kids embody everything that is wrong with people. Left alone, they're selfish liars and manipulators, not just to their own parents, but even to each other! The KND turned kids into child soldiers and justified it as "freeing kids from adult tyranny". And what exactly did they do with that "freedom"? They either fool around and do nothing of value for the world, or commit atrocities adults could scarcely imagine!

And you hate that because they have just as much potential to benefit society as adults! See, even those who claim they don't hate kids don't really respect them, from what you see. You know there's kids out there right now working for, or even running powerful corporations!

Now, are all kids the worst? No, even you can admit that. They start to learn responsibility and self-control as teenagers, and even as kids some of them can learn to be polite and considerate of others. You know your good man Hank has raised his boy right, and you personally know some kids that are just... Delightful.

Point being, at the end of the day, you're ensuring kids grow up with good values! American values! If people think that's a bad thing, then even if they don't hate kids, you guess they don't really care about kids at all anyway!
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Problem is... Father does hate kids. Explicitly so, there was literally a clip of him loudly proclaiming it while baking them into a cake.

Granted, it's hate born from envy and bitterness, but if he lies about it now, he'll just get called out on it. There's a reason why "rationalize" is in quotations.

As for complaints of its length, I've run it by Discord and made some much needed edits and fine tuning. For what it's worth, it's even (tentatively) C-Moon approved!

[ ] "Rationalize" It (Briefly)

Why do you hate kids? The real question is, why should you not? Because they're family? Because they're cute? Because they're the "future"?

You've known firsthand since you were a child: the simple fact is, kids embody everything that is wrong with people. Left alone, they're selfish liars and manipulators, not just their own parents, but even to each other! The KND turned kids into child soldiers and justified it as "freeing kids from adult tyranny". And what exactly did they do with that "freedom"? They either fool around and do nothing of value for the world, or commit atrocities adults could scarcely imagine!

And you hate that because they have just as much potential to benefit society as adults! See, even those who claim they don't hate kids don't really respect them, from what you see. You know there's kids out there right now working for, or even running powerful corporations!

Now, are all kids the worst? No, even you can admit that. They start to learn responsibility and self-control as teenagers, and even as kids some of them can learn to be polite and considerate of others. You know your good man Hank has raised his boy right, and you personally know some kids that are just... Delightful.

Point being, at the end of the day, you're ensuring kids grow up with good values! American values! If people think that's a bad thing, then even if they don't hate kids, you guess they don't really care about kids at all anyway!
I think this argument is a pretty good one, it'll have my vote when the time comes. It's not completely airtight, but given the circumstances and having to remain in character I think it's better than doubling down or attempting to deny.
Look at those good old fashioned American Values, that we used to rely.

Luckily, we're a Fatherly Guy-
...I'm not sure where you're confused here.
"and not actually accomplished anything until change was forced upon him by one his random hair brained schemes putting someone actually capable of directed goals and action back onto the aging field."

This, I'm confused about what you meant by this, as I still can't really understand what you said here.

So, what I mentioned was that the moment he started "accomplishing anything" was the divergence from canon of him frying his own father (though one could argue that having a lot of children, making enough money for those hare-brained and building giant robot armies are accomplishments by themselves).

Father stayed exactly the same person until his latest scheme put Grandfather back onto the playing field. He stayed exactly the same until acted upon by someone who was just him but better in nearly everyway. And then the only step he's made at all was because he blew up massively and finally stopped bottling up his feelings or side stepping them.
And that "just him but better in nearly everyway" someone still conquered the world, only being stopped by Father in this quest, so not sure why you're saying we should avoid becoming that.

Heroics aren't on the table, just flat out. That's not gonna happen and the fact that you equated curbing some of the traits that make Father so ineffectual and ridiculous with somehow becoming good is a leap in logic I don't understand. You can be mentally well (or well, better off atleast) and still evil. That's morality, not sanity.
Heroics are on the table, Father already did that when he became known as the Patriarch.

A sane villain would realise that the world really needs and depends on new heroes right now and play it up to gather political power. Or slowly encroach on the various failing industries without attracting much attention as other super villains take over the world unsustainably.

I thought this quest was about villain making giant tie-snake monsters to defeat our 10 year old nemesis who shoot somehow acidic ketchup. It's not supposed to be serious and sane.

If he actually goes sane he doesn't make sense in a setting Mojo Jojo and Hector are major political players.
We should take this opportunity to flex our License to Kill on the lamer villains.

That will really convince freelance villains to work with the Government and not join The Monarch's lame guild!

Plus increases our legitimacy in Hank's eyes if the government supports us.
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