FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

Do we have an accurate description on the timeframe we're operating in? We know some of the people have grown up and whatnot, some villains have had years to startup; others like Eddy are full on adults now. Is everyone sharing a similar time or is it all sorts of out of frame?

In effect, is the time skip consistent for everyone if say, it's been ten years? So Nigel Uno would be ten years older, Eddy would be ten years older, Jack Spicer is ten years older etc...
I had a really funny Omake idea where Alejandro and Heather, being two of the more successful villains on the show - are now essentially the hosts on this universes version of The Bachelor. Obviously shown on Chris' TV Network.
Interesting things this report, though it does turn up the timetable for my omake

The various efforts are good to consider, though I'm personally most worried by Eddy apparently gaining some amount of control over the currency when we still have no clue what's going on with Funds

However the news networks is also a potential opportunity that won't last long

that said Mindy seems to have the same goal as we do with trying to assert influence over the US gov so we're gonna be busy there as well

That's brave of you to call her that

I'm curious on what he was thinking when we didn't build a bigger robot but did something else.

that's actually touched on in my planned omake, though altered by what happened; hopefully, I have time to try anf finish it
Speaking of Omake ideas, I had one. Back in 2013(man, time flies), there was a series of shorts about Princess Amethyst of Gemworld. The gist is that Amy Winston is a novice game developer who's having an issue with her game's final boss auto-killing the protagonist in Level 6, but then gets summoned by a good witch(who is apparently not a character in Amy's video game, despite initially appearing in it, based on Amy's reaction) to Gemworld, being called Princess Amethyst by the witch. She's been recruited to find the missing gem, and defeat Dark Opal.

Now, for a Villains Victorious setting, she would have failed, though even in canon she only sent Dark Opal packing, rather than finishing him off. I expect that, much like Prince Topaz, she would have failed at the final stretch. There's a bit where she recognizes that she's about to repeat Topaz' mistake and deliberately avoids doing so in the shorts, so I think here she would have stumbled there. Rather than turning her into a Skeleton that retains their free will(and other than coming apart more easily without and tendons or muscle to hold together, doesn't seem all that disadvantaged), Dark Opal would learn from his mistake there, and instead just brainwash her. Topaz would likely step back up to the plate to lead the resistance.

Dark Opal is, much like Father, one of the toughest customers in his native setting, but kind of goofy despite his attempts to be serious. So, I would just have his brainwashing be kind of like Delightfulization. Rather than being impermanent, it's more of Jekyll and Hyde sort of thing that's imposed on Amy from the outside. She's got good Stats(20+ in most areas, and he either already has or has the option to boost them further with dark magic), and since DO is in much the same boat as Father in terms of Hero Units, he has little choice but to use her. She has a special Trait that artificially raises the Crit Fail threshold, and if she does Crit Fail, it's represented as Amy/Amethyst briefly breaking free and doing an action of her own, such as leaking DO's plans, or simply sabotaging whatever she was originally sent to do. DO doesn't have a lot of choice but to keep her around, as when she's under his control she's got 100% Loyalty, meaning she's swinging 25+ on her bonuses to most Actions, and he has basically no one else that isn't an animated spell or himself, and most of his recruiting would be attempting to brainwash people.

If we're divorcing it from DC, perhaps have Gemworld be a World-style Imaginary Friend, with some inherent Occult talent of Amy's having allowed her to make an entire populated world, as opposed to a bunch of faceless stuff World can pilot, with her game having acted as a framework to avoid Extremeosaurs(with Dark Opal and some of his more monstrous creations coming the closest to a conventional Extremeosaur) despite the fact that she's a teenager. They have full free will like most Imaginary Friends(as most strongly evidenced by Dark Opal), and a whole host of magical artifacts, though they tend to be pretty specific in their uses.

Keeping in mind that she's basically Dark Opal's General Platyborg, I expect Dark Amythest's statline to be something like this:

Martial: 28. Bolstered by dark magic, Dark Amethyst is now more than capable of smashing through the common militia Topaz has scrounged up to try and defend Gemworld. Armed with sword and shield, she serves as your dark knight.

Diplomacy: 20. Dark Amethyst has inherited Amethyst's ability to quickly win trust and raise morale, without any of the confidence issues that once plagued her. However, the same spell that places her under your control has made her colder and while you don't object to her increased intimidation factor, you're starting to realize a mailed fist can only take you so far.

Stewardship: 22. On Earth, she learned the basics of managing her money, and while not all of it directly translates, she's always been a fast learner. She also seems to have some of the same natural aptitude for administration that she does for leadership.

Intrigue: 23. While by no means a ninja, she can be surprisingly keen in discerning ambushes, and was surprisingly stealthy for a goody-two-shoes.

Learning: 26. Quite frankly, in non-magical fields, she has you soundly beaten. If it weren't for the fact that you have her mind soundly at your disposal, you might be a bit miffed.

Occult: 12. While she has quite a bit of talent, extreme amounts in fact, she has almost no experience.


Yes My Lord: So long as she's under your spell, Dark Amethyst can not and will not disobey you, not even in spirit. However...

Sets Loyalty to 100% under normal circumstances.

I Am Me: The original Amethyst is still in there, and she is very unhappy with her situation. Still, you don't have any other lieutenants worth talking about.

Dark Amethyst's Crit Fail chance is artificially inflated 10%, or to the maximum, whichever is lower, and should she crit fail, Amethyst will regain control long enough to perform an Action. Roll a 1d6 to determine what kind.

Fallen Hero: Amethyst was supposed to save Gemworld from you. Now, she works to bring it to heel at your command. A delicious irony. Still, some of that heroic spirit remains.

Amethyst will gain Stats and Traits in a matter more in line with a conventional protagonist, as she still technically is. Take care that you do not raise up a Mordred.

I also suspect that Dark Opal would have Personals to train up Dark Amethyst, which would technically involve training Amethyst as well. They might be sort of like Nemesis Actions in Doofquest, with Personals done involving the both of them having a tendency to give Amethyst boosts. One might consider her enslavement by Dark Opal a pressure cooker. Her Stats and Traits will improve rapidly, so long as she's under Dark Opal's control, as while villains might be victorious in this setting, an Imaginary Friend dominating their creator, as a being derived from their creator's mind, is a wholly unnatural state of affairs, and the universe will work to correct the imbalance one way or the other. It is entirely possible that Amethyst would end up with Stats dramatically higher than Dark Opal by the mid-Quest, and from there, any Crit Fails would run the risk of her outright breaking free. Of course, by that point, Dark Amethyst would be by far the best Hero Unit Dark Opal would have, likely by double digits in most Stats, so he wouldn't want to just get rid of her. The trick with her is to not do any of the Personals that have them paired up/the Personals that improve her Stats, with other options being to work with the 'dark blessing' Dark Opal gives her, which he can conveniently remove if she turns on him. The thing is, the Personals give a much better return even ignoring how they directly benefit DO, so odds are good that the players won't be able to resist.
For a less serious omake idea I'm thinking of. Assuming that the dimensional merge didn't retroactively alter Homeworlds Intel on earth, what level of internal screaming would you guys put peridot at right now on seeing the completely harmless humans manage to have a two man army eliminate an entire assault force, one that had ruby powers on super crack and one that was just a normal dude seemingly that was just trouncing gem soldiers.

I'd put it at maybe a 7-8. 10 is for when she back talks yellow if that happens in this timeline
I also think it might be a good idea to not press forward on the Gems for a while. Both because we might wind up dedicating to many resources to attacking them making our home territory vulnerable, and because if the gems dissapear Chric McLean might expand into the rest of Canada.

Let the US Government handle the gems for a while, we should finish solidifying our defenses.
Speaking of Omake ideas, I had one. Back in 2013(man, time flies), there was a series of shorts about Princess Amethyst of Gemworld. The gist is that Amy Winston is a novice game developer who's having an issue with her game's final boss auto-killing the protagonist in Level 6, but then gets summoned by a good witch(who is apparently not a character in Amy's video game, despite initially appearing in it, based on Amy's reaction) to Gemworld, being called Princess Amethyst by the witch. She's been recruited to find the missing gem, and defeat Dark Opal.

Now, for a Villains Victorious setting, she would have failed, though even in canon she only sent Dark Opal packing, rather than finishing him off. I expect that, much like Prince Topaz, she would have failed at the final stretch. There's a bit where she recognizes that she's about to repeat Topaz' mistake and deliberately avoids doing so in the shorts, so I think here she would have stumbled there. Rather than turning her into a Skeleton that retains their free will(and other than coming apart more easily without and tendons or muscle to hold together, doesn't seem all that disadvantaged), Dark Opal would learn from his mistake there, and instead just brainwash her. Topaz would likely step back up to the plate to lead the resistance.

Dark Opal is, much like Father, one of the toughest customers in his native setting, but kind of goofy despite his attempts to be serious. So, I would just have his brainwashing be kind of like Delightfulization. Rather than being impermanent, it's more of Jekyll and Hyde sort of thing that's imposed on Amy from the outside. She's got good Stats(20+ in most areas, and he either already has or has the option to boost them further with dark magic), and since DO is in much the same boat as Father in terms of Hero Units, he has little choice but to use her. She has a special Trait that artificially raises the Crit Fail threshold, and if she does Crit Fail, it's represented as Amy/Amethyst briefly breaking free and doing an action of her own, such as leaking DO's plans, or simply sabotaging whatever she was originally sent to do. DO doesn't have a lot of choice but to keep her around, as when she's under his control she's got 100% Loyalty, meaning she's swinging 25+ on her bonuses to most Actions, and he has basically no one else that isn't an animated spell or himself, and most of his recruiting would be attempting to brainwash people.

If we're divorcing it from DC, perhaps have Gemworld be a World-style Imaginary Friend, with some inherent Occult talent of Amy's having allowed her to make an entire populated world, as opposed to a bunch of faceless stuff World can pilot, with her game having acted as a framework to avoid Extremeosaurs(with Dark Opal and some of his more monstrous creations coming the closest to a conventional Extremeosaur) despite the fact that she's a teenager. They have full free will like most Imaginary Friends(as most strongly evidenced by Dark Opal), and a whole host of magical artifacts, though they tend to be pretty specific in their uses.

Keeping in mind that she's basically Dark Opal's General Platyborg, I expect Dark Amythest's statline to be something like this:

Martial: 28. Bolstered by dark magic, Dark Amethyst is now more than capable of smashing through the common militia Topaz has scrounged up to try and defend Gemworld. Armed with sword and shield, she serves as your dark knight.

Diplomacy: 20. Dark Amethyst has inherited Amethyst's ability to quickly win trust and raise morale, without any of the confidence issues that once plagued her. However, the same spell that places her under your control has made her colder and while you don't object to her increased intimidation factor, you're starting to realize a mailed fist can only take you so far.

Stewardship: 22. On Earth, she learned the basics of managing her money, and while not all of it directly translates, she's always been a fast learner. She also seems to have some of the same natural aptitude for administration that she does for leadership.

Intrigue: 23. While by no means a ninja, she can be surprisingly keen in discerning ambushes, and was surprisingly stealthy for a goody-two-shoes.

Learning: 26. Quite frankly, in non-magical fields, she has you soundly beaten. If it weren't for the fact that you have her mind soundly at your disposal, you might be a bit miffed.

Occult: 12. While she has quite a bit of talent, extreme amounts in fact, she has almost no experience.


Yes My Lord: So long as she's under your spell, Dark Amethyst can not and will not disobey you, not even in spirit. However...

Sets Loyalty to 100% under normal circumstances.

I Am Me: The original Amethyst is still in there, and she is very unhappy with her situation. Still, you don't have any other lieutenants worth talking about.

Dark Amethyst's Crit Fail chance is artificially inflated 10%, or to the maximum, whichever is lower, and should she crit fail, Amethyst will regain control long enough to perform an Action. Roll a 1d6 to determine what kind.

Fallen Hero: Amethyst was supposed to save Gemworld from you. Now, she works to bring it to heel at your command. A delicious irony. Still, some of that heroic spirit remains.

Amethyst will gain Stats and Traits in a matter more in line with a conventional protagonist, as she still technically is. Take care that you do not raise up a Mordred.

I also suspect that Dark Opal would have Personals to train up Dark Amethyst, which would technically involve training Amethyst as well. They might be sort of like Nemesis Actions in Doofquest, with Personals done involving the both of them having a tendency to give Amethyst boosts. One might consider her enslavement by Dark Opal a pressure cooker. Her Stats and Traits will improve rapidly, so long as she's under Dark Opal's control, as while villains might be victorious in this setting, an Imaginary Friend dominating their creator, as a being derived from their creator's mind, is a wholly unnatural state of affairs, and the universe will work to correct the imbalance one way or the other. It is entirely possible that Amethyst would end up with Stats dramatically higher than Dark Opal by the mid-Quest, and from there, any Crit Fails would run the risk of her outright breaking free. Of course, by that point, Dark Amethyst would be by far the best Hero Unit Dark Opal would have, likely by double digits in most Stats, so he wouldn't want to just get rid of her. The trick with her is to not do any of the Personals that have them paired up/the Personals that improve her Stats, with other options being to work with the 'dark blessing' Dark Opal gives her, which he can conveniently remove if she turns on him. The thing is, the Personals give a much better return even ignoring how they directly benefit DO, so odds are good that the players won't be able to resist.
Huh, I never thought much bout Amethyst, it might be one of the only DC properties capable of being Tier 2 do it it being disconnected (Showwise at least, I know the comics are another story) from the Superhero universe.

Damn now I want to watch it to see if we can toss it in properly, both because I think its a cool idea and that having another show with gemstone theme naming would be funny since it could cause all sorts of confusion.
Omake: Preparing for the Future
Preparing for the Future

Princess Morbucks was one of the richest people in the world. No, that's not hyperbole. Standing in a mansion that was as gaudy and audacious as it was impressive, she was the daughter of one of the absolute richest oil tycoons; Mr. Morbucks, someone with the power and connections to have a suit of power armor that could make one capable of fighting on equal level with a Powerpuff Girl. And since the displacement of power, he'd also gained ownership of the city of Townsville, having been elected mayor.

Where one may expect a man in his position to have been dethroned and left destitute by the recent overhaul in energy and fuel source provided by the Queen of Endsville, Mandy, Mr. Morbucks had kept up with the times that only a man with an innate sense of finances could have managed. He'd helped shift the transfer of power in the favor of the girl who claimed to hold ownership of the Grim Reaper - it had left him in a very comfy position as a financial assistant for the ruler of the Underworld to gain a monopoly on the market only she could provide, and to where Morbucks could benefit.

Princess was, thereby, furious.

"Daddy!" The ginger girl screamed with a pitch that had the glass panels of her fathers study shaking - he winced in turn, gray and well trimmed mustache twitching slightly at the sound of his daughter. He held in a sigh, instead swiveling in his chair to face his red faced daughter, the man holding a glass of water in one hand, comfy in his plush chair and dressed in a luscious robe.

"Yes, Princess?"

Princess was shaking - quite literally shaking. Her body quaked with livid fury, fists clenched and her eyes almost bloodshot; her hair was a mess, and this early in the morning, her father could assess quite easily that his daughter had just woken up.

A newspaper was thrown directly in the face, with all the strength that the thin arms of the teenager could send at him. Letting it drop, the man glanced down, raising his eyebrows at the headline.

'THIS JUST IN! Mayor of Townsville and known holder to the Morbucks Fortune has aligned with the Queen of the Underworld? The richest man on EARTH bows down to a teenage girl!'

He turned back to his daughter, leaning back in his chair and this time allowing himself to let out a very tired breath.

"I see you've heard the news," he noted idly, chewing at the inside of his cheek, readying himself for the headache of the day to come.

"Y-you're not even going to deny it?" His Princess squawked, stomping down a foot. "It says there that you're just… giving away MY money to this weird wannabe Queen of Endsville!"

Princess' father gave his daughter a very long look, face scrunching up, the normally uncaring and uneasily bothered heavyset member of high society for once looking properly annoyed. It had his daughter taking a single step back, as her father carefully placed his hands along the arms of his chair, rising slowly to a full height of six feet.

"Sweetie," he began carefully, sternly. "This is my money. My fortune. And there is no doubt in my mind that we would be homeless and on the streets soon enough if I didn't throw my eggs into the basket being held by that little girl playing Queen. She has the means to destroy everything I have created, and what could I do? I have my hands in many different pockets - but do you know what makes up the main source of our finances, Princess?" His daughter was silent, looking utterly blank, having never once taken a look into the family business.

"Oil." He said simply. "We have oil. A fuel source that has recently been invalidated, and will soon be going out of style - I'm not going to be the next Blockbuster," he paused at the blank look that word gets from his daughter, before sighing. "I won't be the next Yahoo?" Another blank. "MySpace…?" He tries.

"Daddy, you're just making up words now."

"... right. Honey, my little Princess," he says, putting a hand on his pride and joy's shoulder. "The base foundation beneath our money, has crumbled. And we need a new one - I'm riding the wave while I still can, before it carries us under."

His daughter seemed to understand that much, grumbling slightly despite the logic.

"But that means we're," she swallowed, looking as if she was choking on dog food, "working for someone else. Daddy, I can't be the help to someone else!"

Her father shook his head, finally having sparked some amusement from the man now that his daughter was grasping the severity of their predicament.

"It won't be forever," he offered his daughter, "Morbucks always come out on top - we're going to wait though, bide our time and make sure things are stable before anything else. Then, I'll see what I can do."

Princess eventually nodded, seeming to deliberate on something.

"Okay, but I want a new horse. The last eight haven't listened to anything I say!"

Her father rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Of course Princess."


Out on the Coast of Townsville

A flash of red light erupted through the skull of a giant sea monster, a green cyclops with gills that stood over forty feet tall. It screamed, blood flying forth from it's eye as the floating form of a teenage boy looked down distastefully at the creature.

"You're going through my territory," Brick informed the monster derisively. It roared back with flames spewing from its mouth. Without needing to apply much effort at all, the superhuman simply avoided the blast.

"I'm actually trying to find things I like doing," Brick noted to the creature, dodging a few swipes idly, Brick continued speaking, "and I'll tell you that photography has been absolutely shit. Crochet was fun for a while, but it's super girly. Football isn't fun if people erupt into blood and guts when you tap them. I'm ready to see if monster hunting is my type of thing now - I'd recommend you not be my test."

That actually seemed to spook the 'mindless' being, hesitating before meeting the teenager with another roar.

Eyebeams erupted across the skull of the being, ending its life in an instant as it pierced through its brain, the enormous beast stunned still, before falling limply back into the sea, floating away as blood drifted from the open wounds across its body.

Floating a few moments longer, Brick sighed.

"Nah, this sucks ass too."

"You didn't like photography then?"

Brick shook his head, stretching out his shoulders a bit. Boomer floated not far behind him, head cocked curiously.

"Wasn't interesting. Broke the camera too." From his pocket, Brick pulled out was once an older model polaroid camera, tossing the bits and scraps remaining to his sibling.

"Dammit Brick, I don't have many of these left!" Boomer bemoaned, carefully going over the remains, before groaning and letting it drop to the sea. Shaking his head, the teen struggled not to grumble. "Maybe drawing?"

Brick considered before shaking his head, "I stopped at finger painting." He left it there, as though that was enough explanation. Honestly, it probably was.

"... Have you tried getting therapy?"

Boomer nursed the sudden bruise forming on his cheek from the sucker punch he'd received in the same instance that he'd finished his sentence.

"Dick," he muttered, while Brick simply gave a stern glare.

"I've tried lots of shit at this point - it isn't working. I want someone to punch me, someone to give me a good figh-" Brick caught a punch from his brother, ignoring it promptly as he continued unheeded, "-t. Fucking giant monsters can't even bruise me, you and Butch never act serious enough. It's bullshit, it's fucking boring!" He ended with a shout, throwing his hands up in frustration.

Boomer was quiet for a moment, simply rubbing at the bump on his cheek.

"Do you think you just… Need a new Powerpuff Girl?"

Brick didn't respond, silent as he considered the insight from the most emotionally intuitive of the three siblings.

"I don't need a dumb girl to keep me from getting bored," he argued eventually, even though the argument fell rather flat despite himself. "Besides, the three of them are pretty dead. Hard to come back from that." Boomer nodded at that, turning his head slightly, consideringly.

"... we used to be dead."

Brick froze, before locking his eyes with his blond haired brother.

"Dad would never go for it. He hated those girls, and not in the, "beat them up for being annoying gross girls," type way. He wanted e'm dead."

Boomer shrugged, giving a sort of smirk.

"Who said we'd tell dad?"

The two held the silence, before Brick eventually let out a long and drawn out sigh, one that spoke of admitted defeat.

"We're either grounded or dead."

"Eh, dad likes me more anyways. I'd say my odds of surviving are pretty good."
Peformed an actual irl facepalm at Eddy making confectionary crypto-currency. Like. Yes. That is precisely the type of person who would make that particular scam a reality.
Don't forget Ed built a literal space elevator when Eddy made that "We gotta go Up!" business scam via literally piling enough junk to reach the actual moon.

Not even Moltar or Moon Base will be safe from his scams eventually.

Also villain win in Townsville itself might be that episode where Princess Morbucks became mayor and made crime actually legal.
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Omake: Two Fallen Heroes
Two Fallen Heroes​

Prince Topaz sighed as he observed one of the rebel camps, where the frog people were doing some basic drills. They'd be no match for any serious spellwork or monsters one on one, nevermind Dark Opal himself, but they had a number advantage, and they were working on leveraging it. He'd actually felt a spark of hope when Princess Amethyst had shown up. She'd beaten him in a swordfight, so she actually had a chance of doing the same against Dark Opal, and she'd been kind despite his failure and tendency to literally fall to pieces, being a skeleton animated by his soul and magic as much as anything else. Then she'd gone to fight Dark Opal, and he couldn't help but think that if he'd joined her, they wouldn't be in this mess. Sure, he'd gotten soundly trounced the first time they fought, but he could at least distract the dark wizard.

The Good Witch had been trying to salvage things in the weeks that had followed the appearance of Dark Opal's new 'general' and the desperate struggle that ensued, and, frankly, he hadn't had much choice but to step up. It was at least theoretically possible to fix this, hence him being here at all instead of hanging out in his cave, wallowing in his failure and watching his kingdom crumble away under Dark Opal's malevolence. If for no other reason than he owed it to his people to try.

He called for a ten minute break as the frogs started to lag, and went to talk to the Good Witch. One upside of being nothing but bones was that he didn't really get tired any more, so he could do a lot of extra work training and managing the rebellion. Of course, he didn't have anybody to spar with, and drills only helped so much one he'd gotten used to his lighter skeleton body, so the only real way to improve was to get involved in real fights with Dark Opal's forces.

"Learned anything new?" he asked. He'd asked her about Amethyst the first time they'd seen each other after the Princess' disastrous confrontation with Dark Opal. She'd claimed something had gone wrong with Earth, and that had in turn affected the princess and her struggle with Dark Opal, though she'd also claimed to need some time to figure out what it was.

The Good Witch seemed... shaken, which surprised Prince Topaz. He'd never known her to be fazed by anything.

"You could say that, yes." she began. She tossed a pinch of something into a bubbling cauldron, and a burst of purple smoke erupted from it. Being a skeleton, Topaz waving it away was more reflex than anything else. "The Earth has suffered some kind of... dimensional cleaving, different timelines crudely patched together like a child gluing puzzle pieces into place. One of those pieces included a being of.. pure evil." she explained, as the cauldron resolved a picture of a black being with a green face and a crown of flames, it grinned down at the Earth, which Topaz could feel a palpable wrongness from, even though he'd never seen it before. "It's influence is the reason Dark Opal won. What it wants more than anything is a world where evil is law, and it's mere presence is tilting the balance towards that end. Princess Amethyst isn't the only hero to have fallen, one way or another." images swirled through the cauldron. One of a madman wearing a crown surrounded by mountains of ice and snow, several people visibly frozen as he rambled on about nothing to no one, another of a pirate captain laughing as he ordered entire fleets about, a teenager grinning with clear malice as he oversaw the construction of empty, mindless machines to deliver death and destruction, a child whose aura made Dark Opal look like a mischievous candy thief ordering demons and a girl in a black hooded cloak bearing a scythe around, what appeared to be a man cloaked in shadow going over plans to make children suffer for no reason other than personal hatred, crystalline people sucking the very life out of the Earth to make more of their kind, and on and on it went, the entire planet overrun with monsters and monstrous beings.

"As you can see, we're just one front in a battle between good and evil that good is losing. We can't count on any more outside help. Still, there is some hope."

"Good, because this whole conversation has been a nightmare so far." Topaz commented, too wrung out to muster much in the way of enthusiasm at the best of times these days.

The Good Witch threw another pinch of something into the cauldron. Topaz saw a number of different people still fighting against the darkness, often in similarly dire straits as they were, but there was the odd act of kindness carried out by the same evil people he'd just seen, hinting that there might be some hope from that quarter as well. What really drew his attention was the last image, which showed Dark Amethyst, her clothes a blackened, jagged parody of her old outfit, not unlike their wearer, had paused, jerking in the middle of flinging a wave of dark magic around as she swung her sword. Slowly the dark magic faded, and the Princess' expression shifted into something softer, brighter magic sputtering into being, before solidifying into something similar to the dark magic she was using before. The Princess began to practice with her normal magic, learning it's ins and outs with remarkable speed.

"She's still in there?" Topaz asked, a spark of hope he'd thought quenched reigniting.

"Yes. She can't break out for long, or reliably, but we can get her back. We just need to hang on long enough to manage it." the good Witch answered, a slight smile on her face as Amy Winston practiced with her magic. These were the opposite of ideal circumstances, but it was nice to see her learning to use her gifts.


Amy huffed as she worked on imbuing her sword with magic and firing it off in various ways. She paused as a thought occurred to her, concentrating hard on a particular idea regarding her sword and the magic involved. With a grunt of exertion, her sword transformed into a staff, and a quick test showed that it was quite the amplifier of her magic, shattering a nearby boulder where the slashes had only managed to crack it.

While Dark Opal had forced her to serve him, he apparently hadn't managed to patch up all the cracks. She could feel his spell pressing down on her though, so she couldn't risk trying to find Topaz or the witch from before, since she didn't know how long she had before the personality that obeyed Dark Opal was in charge again. She could prepare though. If she got back control close to Dark Opal, she'd be ready, and if nothing else, she could sabotage 'Dark Amethyst' and her training session to keep her from destroying the rebellion... more. Another 10 minutes of practice, the spell weighing down on her a little harder by the moment, and she changed the staff back into a sword just in case. She didn't think Dark Amethyst knew about her, and she'd like to keep it that way so she could ambush Dark Opal. At this point, literally stabbing him in the back was sounding pretty good...

Dark Amethyst shook herself. Why was she thinking like that? And why was her magic so drained? Had she overdone it on that last strike? The rubble where that one boulder used to be certainly point to that conclusion. She set off to report back to the dark lord of Gemworld her lack of progress on her training. Perhaps she might persuade him to let her try again? He was remarkably understanding of her inadequacies in that regard.

AN: Like I said, Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld works as a standalone thing like Teen Titans. In this case, 'Dark Amethyst' the equivalent of General Platyborg for Dark Opal, was the result of a similar brainwashing technique, though based on magic and not science. As Amy has some magical talents of her own, and this iteration of Gemworld is a World-style Imaginary Friend created by her with a more complete world and many denizens because she possesses some Occult talent to bolster the phenomenon and a framework in the form of the video game she's making, she can break free if the action she's assigned to crit fails(or a Personal rolls 10 or lower) and do an Action of her own, though training Personals usually just get rerolled with Amy/Amethyst as the sole beneficiary rather than Dark Amethyst training and Amy copying her by virtue of sharing headspace.

The gimmick of Dark Opal's faction is that 'Dark Amethyst' is likely to be competitive with Opal himself at worst, and his direct superior in some or all Stats throughout much of the game, as her Personals with him are technically Nemesis Actions, as are her Crit Fail actions, essentially putting her in a pressure cooker. Additionally, as Gemworld is technically a figment of her imagination, there is a fundamental issue with Dark Opal, or really anyone from Gemworld, controlling Amethyst in this fashion, so she's effectively got a secondary EXP boost ability going on as long as this mess is happening beyond normal Nemesis stuff. Unless actively suppressed, she will rapidly gain Stats and Traits to the point she hit double-digit advantages over Dark Opal across the board. Occult in particular is a problem for him, as gaining an advantage over him makes it easier for her to break free, to the point she might do so automatically per Crit Fail. As Amethyst is actively trying to break free, she effectively has a +10 to crit fail chances, and Dark Opal puts up with her mostly because he doesn't have a lot of other Hero Unit options, and Dark Amethyst has 100% Loyalty in her non-Crit Fail state, which gives a bit of a buffer before her Stats effectively surpassing his actually puts him in danger.

It also helps that, despite Aku's influence, Amy effectively has a homeground advantage here, since it's her world. A post-freedom Amethyst, or even before if Dark Opal gets lucky with his recovery rolls, could get a bonkers 'One Ring close to Mount Doom' Trait that boosts her in Gemworld, giving her something like +10 to everything before any effort is put into upgrading it. Of course, if she does break free at this point, he's basically screwed. Still, based on normal forum culture, I doubt the players could resist the shiny every-growing Hero Unit.
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...you know, given how much focus KND characters put on food, sooner or later we're going to come to blows with Katz.

It'll be Mandark 2.0 then.
Katz is also currently slowly locking down sea lanes considering he's buying all those boats and submarines so nautical trade is going to be an issue unless we plan around that.
holy fuck

Also, I see they merged Izzy + Gwen and dipped the mixture in harley quinn with that character next to chef hatchet

Also, I count 16 campers, so its either going to be that weird 2 seasons a season thing they did towards the end of the old total drama run or there are some characters in the season they arent showing. Or their doing reward challenges where they dont vote people off
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So I had a dark thought. We know the at least vague whereabouts of four out of five of Sector V; it's notable that they seem to have split up for good, and it's also notable that Kuki in particular seems to have gone especially far afield in leaving her old life behind.

What if Wally is either dead or presumed dead in the wake of Episode Zero? That could potentially explain a lot about why they split up (and why most of them seem to have left their families behind too) and why Kuki did something so drastic as become a Reaper. Maybe she's hoping to somehow eventually find him in the Underworld?
I wonder if we can copyright 2x4 tech after we research it. It would mainly be to prevent other companies from using them without permission, primarily Mandark co, any industrious KND splinter cells, and perhaps Scam co. Probably won't stop KND, considering they are already rebels, although it might get the wider authorities on them.
I wonder if we can copyright 2x4 tech after we research it. It would mainly be to prevent other companies from using them without permission, primarily Mandark co, any industrious KND splinter cells, and perhaps Scam co. Probably won't stop KND, considering they are already rebels, although it might get the wider authorities on them.
I don't know a lot of Copyright law, but I don't think we can patent something anyone with access to a hardware store, junkyard, and candy shop can make.