FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

Mmmm i say is the lich or, and agent of the lich or somebody being possesed by the lich.

On adventure tome there we're various lich around, of course that was because there we're paradoxes involved and Guess what there are paradoxes here. Do i wouldn be surprised if the lich is possesing the hooded guy.

And it fits that he wants nothing with Mandy. The end goal of the lich is the destruction of everyone Even death itself, and the lich has been showed to play the long Game to get his goal.

Or maybe he is black hat, and is playing 5d chess with Mandy.
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I forget, was the magic keyboard from Regular Show ever explained in detail? Because 'Beat the Devil in a keytaur battle and got his as my prize' could be a decent origin story for that.
Okay, but the instrument is called a keytar, while a keytaur is a living creature/musical instrument hybrid from Centaurworld. That's probably a typo but you have to consider every possibility here.
"What I want? Well lets see.. World peace, a propane barbeque, a dinner sandwich, my old keytaur, unlimited ice cream (preferably the fourth flavor), a daemonic wishing pouch, free Dethklok tickets (love those guys!), the Enchiridion, a complete P.O.W. card collection, the Master Control Nanite, a Thrice-Blessed blade of pure good, every shen-gong-wu (signed and in original packaging), another season of Total Drama Island, a brand new windshield wiper for my-"
Hm. This guy is certainly well informed.
While my first thought was Black Hat, what you said makes me wonder if its someone else, like a cameo character.

Grandfather was my second thought, but that would be a very, very technical character since he was just a picture tmk.
Might be Rob. He had a villain orientation episode and is trapped in interdimensional limbo with some degree of meta awareness. Not nearly this chill though.
Turn 7: Back To Work 4.21.20XX
You had taken a week off following the events. Hank had understood. Everyone had. When you finally gather the motivation to return to work, eager to find a distraction, Hank seems very relieved - and simultaneously concerned. The entire walk to your office is quiet, and even in your less-than-optimal state, you can tell something is absolutely wrong. It was that terse look on his face; brows furrowed, eyes focused ahead, jaw clenched. It was a stern look, but one that was clearly worried.

When you finally reach your office, Hank spills the beans. He unrolls a scroll - not a letter, as you presumed, but an honest scroll. Formal and sealed with a wax stamp, bearing the symbol of a dragon, as well as the precise postage necessary to deliver it on time. He even paid for overnight delivery. Popping it open, Hank seems distressed to see that the letter inside is composed of a crisp piece of white paper with the letters of a magazine carefully clipped and moved into place. What made it different, however, was that the letters all seemed to be from the same body of text- and furthermore, were carefully moved into perfect rows. If they weren't printed on an entirely different form of material, you probably wouldn't have even noticed. You pull out your glasses and begin to read.

Well, after you skip the first few addresses, which were simply jotted out with a sharpie.

"Hello, my new nemesis," you began, reading it aloud...

"I hope this letter finds you in good POOR spirits. I am your new arch-enemy. You may address me as Professor Impossible. It will be my duty to terrorise, menace and plague your every waking moment. I am looking forward to our productive new relationship! I have decided to begin my reign of evil by attacking you at your weakest point: your precious underlings! I have kidnapped the Toiletnator---your best friend and closest confidant (he told me so himself!). I am certain that this nefarious deed has left you distraught. If you ever want to see his face again, you will meet me at the geographic coordinates located at the bottom of this ransom note. You can also find it by using the convenient Mapquest directions I have printed and clipped out for you."

You turn the letter over. 'Darn,' you think to yourself, 'he really did print out a map. And in colored ink too.' Following the plotted route you see that he's holding Toiletnator at the old abandoned rubber band factory downtown.

"I am very excited. This will be my first real villainous act. I look forward to our upcoming battle of wits! See you soon,
-Professor Impossible."

You do a double check at the pen signature at the bottom, his name in perfect cursive. That stupid way of writing you came up with to fill kids' heads with useless information had gotten around, somehow. It looks like it was going to be up to you to save Tolienator.

Just what you wanted to do on your first day back.

Gain -15 to Martial, but +10 to Intrigue and Learning. Father is in his most calculating and vindictive mood, as he grows almost icy.


Select one in each category.
[ ] Train Ice Cream Men
DC Variable
After months of being left to their devices, your ice-cream men have gotten out of shape. Well, having unlimited access to ice-cream and little supervision will do that to people. But no matter, after a run through your advanced training course, they'll be slinging scoops with the best of them.
Outcome: Get your Ice Cream Men back in fighting shape. AdultCo gains an actual security force that's not just Father punching people. Varying mechanical bonuses depending on degree of success, boosted by Hex's previous crit. Unlock National Actions related to equipping and mobilising your Ice Cream Men.

[ ] Prepare Coastal Defences
DC 75
You've never really had to fight a sea battle before. You sure hope you'll never have to. Fire and water don't really mix too well after all. But the rumblings of Numbah 5 captaining a crew of pirate kids on the warpath don't set well with you at all. You don't have a lot of naval assets to work with, but it couldn't hurt to set your more seaworthy Ice Cream Men to patrol around Lake Erie and reposition a few of your sherbert catapults to the shore.
Outcome: Improved readiness in case of a coastal attack.

[ ] Automate Mansion Security
DC 85
The improvements you made on Sir Toasty's autonomous capabilities have opened the possibility for automating all of your Mansion's defences. True, it won't be quite as fun when you no longer get to push the button yourself to spring one of your fiendish anti-KND traps, but it's probably better for peace of mind if your house is able to take care of itself while you're out and about.
Outcome: Gain a base DC to resist rivals assaulting or infiltrating your Mansion. Opens further actions for Knightomatron automation.

[ ] Hunt Down Mother-Tie
DC 80
Your journal speaks of an ancient beast, hidden deep, deep within the forgotten mini-malls of Delaware. A monstrous creature, known only as the Mother-Tie, birther of all lesser ties. Its progeny have proven to possess a strange power to possess people, increasing their bureaucratic power, but at the rumored eating of the wearer's will to live. Hunting down the progenitor of them all could prove a boon to your business.
Outcome: Capture of the Mother-Tie, Thread Decision

[ ] Adopt A Diamond Dog
DC 95
If the GoCI is gonna go around handing out their evil robo-puppies like candy, then you might as well pick one up for yourself. Seeing what makes it tick could give you a few pointers on how to improve your own robotics work. Plus, it'd be good to know what sort of weapons those rule obsessed nerds use to protect their stuff. It might be tricky to actually get ahold of one though. Hm. Maybe if you put a fake name on the adoption form… What about Pater Daddenschtein?
Cost: 1 Funds
Outcome: Get ahold of a sample of Guild Technology. Give the Extremeosaur some company in your yard.

[ ] Review Peril Partnership Threat Assessments
DC 99
The Peril Partnership is a small, but potentially deadly cadre of traitorous supervillains not even the Guild wants anything to do with. Unlike the Guild, their membership isn't public information, so it's taken a concerted effort by both Guild and Government agents to put together a comprehensive dossier of known members and their capabilities. The list is small, and likely outdated, but it's an important place to start if you're going to be in any position to tussle with them in the future.
Outcome: Prepare P.P. Threat Contingencies Martial Action Unlocked. Investigate The Peril Partnership Intrigue Action Unlocked. Hunt For The Creep Intrigue Action Unlocked.

[ ] Perform War Heroics
DC 70
Your government handlers have tactfully explained to you that while you've done good work so far, the impact just one flaming man can have on a 5,000 mile front is decidedly limited. That said, the propaganda value of a super-powered patriot bashing gems and rescuing our boys from peril cannot be understated.
Outcome: Opinion boost with the US government and general public.

[ ] Challenge Jasper
DC Variable
Your previous encounter with the hulking gem warrior known as Jasper may have opened up a way for you to make a more tangible contribution to the fight. If you can tie up half of their leadership brawling mano a mano, the coordination of the rank and file might falter long enough for human forces to make a push. Of course that relies on Jasper falling for it. And on your own victory. You may have beaten her last time, but this time she'll be ready for you.
Outcome: Another shot at Jasper, gem leadership hobbled for a turn, slim chance to capture her.

[ ] Build Partnership with VenTech
DC 90
Building relations with the up and coming VenTech would be very profitable, that much is certain. You've opened the door, now all you need to do is set up an appointment with its owner, J.J. Venture. He's an optimistic sort, but after the loss of his brother, he's been looking for somebody else to support him---even if Rusty was never much support to begin with.
Outcome: Stronger relations with J.J. Venture and VenTech, opportunity for a collab action

[ ] Give Izzy her own TV Show
DC 70
You're a little stumped by Izzy's sudden spike in popularity. Hey, you fell from orbit too and nobody's offering you any Radicola sponsorships! Maybe Tellyvision fame isn't anything like soopervillain/war hero fame. Maybe that's why it'd be best to leave this sort of thing to Izzy. You bought a whole TV network. You do need some programming. Total Izzy Izland is practically guaranteed to be a hit. As soon as somebody convinces her to pick a different name.
Outcome: New Income from Izzy's TV debut. Start competing with Chris in the Reality TV market. Unlocks further Izzy PAs to enhance her fame and strut her stuff as a stuntwoman.

[ ] Invite Candy Stock Market Investors
DC 80 40, Halved By Bare Failure
With Candy Piracy on the rise, rumours have drifted down from Stormalong of sticky-fingered scallawags with more gumdrops than they know what to do with. This could be just the break your candy stock market needs to blossom into a legitimate portfolio option---that is so long as you're willing to turn a blind eye to laundering illegitimately gotten sweets.
Outcome: The Candy Stock Market becomes an actual thing. New Stewardship investment option to gamble on various candy futures for potentially great Outcome in Funds. Additional 1 Income from hosting the market and taking a percentage on every trade.

[ ] Enhance Teen Appeal
DC 120
AdultCo is a spiffy name for your company, but it kinda sorta limits your market demographics. It'll be a tough tightrope to walk getting hip with the kids without alienating your loyal middle-aged customer base, but there are benefits worth considering. It's not selling out if you're already "The Man" after all.
Outcome: Host A Dethklok Concert Diplomacy Action Unlocked. XTREME Ice Cream Flavours Learning Action Unlocked. Recruit Teen Ninjas Intrigue Action Unlocked.

[ ] Threaten Numbuh 2
DC 110
So, Numbuh 2 has partnered up with that poindexter Mandark, huh? Well, he made one mistake. He picked somewhere you could get to. If he thinks that you're history, then you think you better remind him. Maybe he thinks he's safe locked up tight inside ManDORK's lab, but he's not gonna get away from the arch-enemy of the KND that easily.
Outcome: Numbuh 2 is shaken and his integration to the think tank will be stalled. He will fear you.

[ ] Check up on those traitors old allies
DC Variable
Okay. So maybe you're a little bit steamed about a bunch of your old soopervillains going off to work for someone else. Actually, you're a lot steamed. But that doesn't mean you can't act like an adult here. If nothing else, you'd like to ask them why they didn't stick around. Maybe there's a chance you can still work something out?
Outcome: Father learns more about the current status of his fellow Soopervillains and their new employers. Headway into opening new diplomatic relationships with rival Kings.
Select One:
- [ ] Stickybeard, Stormalong Harbour. DC 80
- [ ] Mr. Boss, Peach Creek. DC 85
- [ ] Wink & Fibb, Genius Grove. DC 85
- [ ] Mr. Fizz, Nowhere. DC 99
- [ ] Chad Dickson, Total Drama City State DC 99

[ ] Set up a Lobbyist Group
DC 80
Listen, between you and the world, you're not quite sure what these people are doing, nor why you would pay them. But they have nice suits, and you've heard they can be good at talking the government into doing things.
Outcome: Increased Influence in Government, future actions to push for favorable decisions.

[ ] Campaign for I.M. Weasel
DC Variable
You haven't quite tossed your hat in with the weasel yes–--though he is a mighty fine weasel, if you've ever seen one. It might not be such a terrible idea to do so. Helping a beloved icon of the people get elected might not look the best for your super villain optics, but I.M. Weasel has never been the kind of man–--er, weasel to forget a helping hand. Formally endorsing his bid for the white house will probably lead to him lending an ear when you need it.
Optional: Declare any amount of Funds to put towards Weasel's campaign to increase the influence of a successful roll.
Outcome: Increased chance of I.M. Weasel's electoral victory on a scale depending on AdultCo's popularity with the public and how much money you've spent on him. He'll remember your contributions if he wins, making it significantly easier to lobby for favourable legislation.

[ ] Consult With Monstroso
DC: 100
It had been a bit of time since you last checked in with your friendly local devil-themed villainous business assistance manager. Ought to get on that, you reckon. You recall him having some sort of connection to this Guild of """"Calamitous""" Intent. That would make him the perfect middle man to help get this whole "Good Guy" versus "Bad Guy" thing put to bed for good.
Outcome: Monstroso will act as a mediator between you and the Guild whenever you get around to arranging peace talks, making mending your relationship with them much easier.

[ ] Renegotiate Arching Terms
DC: 110
While you never got that law degree you had always wanted, you reasoned that you were well versed enough in law to challenge this phooey "arching" that they have cooked up. Plus, it gives you an excuse to exhume that legal department of your own.
Outcome: Draft new terms that limit how and when Professor Impossible can meddle in your business.

[ ] Bring Mandy to the table
DC 99
Given that in all likelihood, she's soon going to have an absolute monopoly on the American energy grid, it might be a good idea to come to terms with her before she decides to turn her simmering wrath in your direction. She may be a child, but let's face it she's a darn scary one.
Outcome: Learn where you stand with Mandy. Potential room for further cooperation… if you dare.

[ ] Interrogate Hunter Cain
DC 80
Cain said he was Spankulot's cellmate before… everything that happened. Maybe he knows something. They're letting him take press interviews from his temporary cell, but there are a few hoops to jump through. You may also need to choose your words carefully to get it out of him.
Outcome: A lead on what led up to that terrible day

[ ] Contain Gem POWs
DC 80
Effectively dealing with these Gem POW is going to be tricky. On one hand, they don't have to eat, they don't need to sleep, and so long as they are in their gems, they don't cause trouble. When they're not in their gems, they can cause a big mess for everyone involved. Figuring out some way to properly contain them, or at least get them to stop thrashing their prisons would be very beneficial.
Outcome: Risk of Gem POWs breaking out of confinement goes down. Cues thread decision.

[ ] Open Seaport
DC 95
With your offshore rigs refurbished and pumping out thousands of gallons a day it's time to look into what else your new ocean asset could do for you. Skips made great headway expanding the docks already, and it'd only take a bit more work and some customs red tape to make the place into a worthy offshore port. Not only would this extend your reach further overseas, there's also great potential to reap the bounty of seafaring trade. At least so long as you can keep the pirates at bad.
Cost: 1 Funds.
Outcome: Unlocks Intrigue actions to investigate overseas factions like Charmcaster and Mojo Jojo. Unlocks Extend Seaport Range Stewardship Action. Unlocks Martial actions to develop a private navy.

[ ] Buy Scam Co. Products
DC 20
Advertising works, even on you. After the eleventy-billionth ad, you cave in and decide to buy a smattering of different products, items, services and more. For what it's worth, everything you decide to buy will be extremely cheap. With these prices, it's hard not to buy them!
Outcome: Whatever your money gets you! Opens sub-vote for sub-optimal products.

[ ] Seek a Loan from Monstroso
DC 65
Monstroso did well by you when you needed to get AdultCo back off its feet. Now that the business is growing and you're expanding into other ventures, you could use a little cash injection to hurry things along. Of course there's the whole thing about The Guild hating your guts that you'll have to smooth over, but that's all water under the bridge.
Outcome: Thread vote on how many Funds you'd like to borrow from Monstroso.

[ ] Redevelop The Swim
DC 115
The yawning crater that used to be the neighbourhood is getting to be an eyesore. To make matters worse, it's starting to stink. Burst pipes and rainwater have collected in it to form a great big stagnant pond. Folks have taken to calling it The Swim. Those other villains chewed you out about responsibility, and you'd hate to prove them right. It'll be a pain in your keister to fix it and it sure as heck won't be cheap, but it's on your turf. And that makes it your problem.
Cost: 4 Funds.
Outcome: The Swim is redeveloped under AdultCo's banner, marking your first formal territorial claim as a corporate King. Thread vote on how you'd like to go about rebuilding the place in your image with various benefits.

[ ] Develop Luxury Housing for Employees
DC 70
Well, not all your employees. That'd be silly. But it couldn't hurt to build some nicer housing for your biggest and most valuable underlings would make sense. After seeing all of your super villains run off the moment you left, it probably wouldn't hurt to keep them all anchored in one spot to ensure they don't run off. They'll probably appreciate the idea, and will (hopefully) keep them from moving into your house.
Outcome: Increased Base Loyalty for Heroes, bonus loyalty for new recruited heroes

[ ] Hard Light Assembly Lines
DC 120
Hard light templates could be put to work on more than just construction sites. Light constructs are hyper-precise, instantly adjustable, and never need cleaning or maintenance. Swapping out older physical manufacturing equipment for hard light lathes, conveyor belts, and plastic moulds could not only save money on upkeep, but space on the factory floor to boot, making room for even more production lines. In other words, you get to make more a lot more stuff, faster, and for cheap.
Cost: 2 Funds
Outcome: Reduce the Inefficient malus from AdultCo's Business Factories. Slight DC reduction for Hard Light Vehicles, Gem Solar Power, and Build An Even Bigger Robot. Other Kings may be interested in buying this technology from you.

[ ] Refurbish Ice Cream Factories
DC 80
Now that he's been formally invited onto the staff, Professor XXXL is chomping at the bit to get back to his life's work. Trouble is, AdultCo's ice cream plants have been left abandoned for much too long. Turns out your Ice Cream Men are a lot better at serving and eating frozen treats than they are at making them. A little elbow grease to get them back up to code should bring them into working order.
Outcome: Start manufacturing ice cream, new Learning actions to develop your products, AdultCo. actually starts making money again

[ ] Hunt down the K.N.D.
DC 130
Hunting down the K.N.D., or brats as you call them, has slowly become a priority. After trouncing their little pockets of resistance, they seem to have really gone to ground, covering their tracks as much as they possibly can. But you are certain they're up to something! Even in defeat, you know their tenacity, resourcefulness and ability to annoy you can bring them back from the verge of utter collapse. Besides, that weird thing with the Ice Cream men proves that they are out there! Still!
Outcome: Information regarding the last holdouts of the K.N.D.

[ ] Sabotage Total Drama Productions
DC 80
As a sign of good faith, and in exchange for your guaranteed protection, Izzy has spilled the beans on pretty much everything she knew about Total Drama Productions. And oh boy, it's a doozy. Just from memory, she's been able to explain some of the different weak points in TDP's broadcasting, infrastructure and management. She's more than eager to get back at that idiot McLean, and this would be the first step forward.
Outcome: Weaken Chris McClean's hold on Reality TV. Increased Loyalty for Izzy.

[ ] Investigate Paradigm City
DC 50
It was only a few months ago when you noticed a strange new city on the map. Paradigm City, a bustling metropolis located in a desert and right off the coast. You had never heard of such a place before, but evidently, it had been there for years. It was pretty reluctant to make contact with the wider world, but in doing so, it's grown to be quite the place of commerce. Its secured, enclosed domes have proved to be a reliable deterrent to outside threats when coupled with its mysterious robotic protectors.
Outcome: Information about Paradigm city, establish contact with the people and factions within

[ ] Investigate EVO Prison Outbreak
DC Variable
You have to know. The trail is still fresh, and there could be clues around the area that would explain what had happened and how. The thought of going back to that prison fills you with dread. But you owe it to your friend to make sure it never happens again.
Outcome: A lead on what led up to that terrible day.

[ ] Investigate The Lake Erie Eavesdropper
DC 140
Daphne swears that she saw something on your roof. Something monstrous. It's not much to go off of, but really, after all the weird things that've been going on in Cleveland, you'd be remiss to be caught with your shadowy pants down. Maybe you could ask around and see if people have spotted anything similar?
Outcome: Gang, it looks like we've got another mystery on our hands.

[ ] Investigate The Cleveland Creep
DC 100
The city's on fire with gossip concerning a ghostly kid in a red cape. Something matching that description TPd your house and trashed your bathroom. What exactly is it, and what the heck does it want with you? Well you just hired an amateur snoop, so leave those questions up to her!
Outcome: Learn details about the scene of the crime. Recover clues and evidence Aka Manto might have left behind. Possible insights into what it was doing there. Unlocks ??? Occult Action.

[ ] Investigate I.R. Baboon's Disappearance
DC 110
I.R. Baboon is nowhere to be found, and it's left a certain Weasel feeling rather out of sorts. He seems like a good enough guy. At least compared to his rival candidates. Why not spare some resources looking into it?
Outcome: I.R. Baboon located. 1 Funds from cash reward. New developments for I.M. Weasel's presidential campaign. Intelligence on ???.

[ ] Damage Endsville Energy Solutions & Morbucks Oil Partnership
DC 115
The partnership between Morbucks Oil and Endsville Energy Solutions could potentially prove catastrophic for any future energy sector ventures of yours. Morbucks Oil owns thousands of oil reserves around the world, and is one of the biggest names in drilling. Meanwhile, Mandy has proven the viability of her Underworld Reactors. Combined, it could result in a massive power house - Quite literally in this case.
Outcome: Sour the relationship between Princess Morbucks and Mandy.

[ ] Spy On Moltar
DC 100
Something about the way your interview ended just doesn't sit right with you. And not just the part where you got thrown out into orbit. Moltar almost seemed like he was hesitating. What would he have to gain from throwing out one of his own guests? And for that matter, why'd he switch off all the cameras first? There's something deeper going on here. You just know it.
Outcome: Listen in on Lunar broadcasts.

[ ] Implement Anti-Scrying Protocols
DC 65
Charmcaster's visit left Hex pretty rattled. Poor guy. You know better than anyone how family can be. Seems like he blames himself for drawing her there by turning the place into a magical hot spot. When you asked if there was anything you could do about it, he drafted up a list of measures to stop magic types from snooping on you in the future. Apparently, scrying magic doesn't play nice with technology, so it follows that if you fill a couple rooms with fax machines, you'll be able to practice magic in peace without pinging on anybody else's mystic radar.
Outcome: The Barrier of Char'Gar'Gothakon expands to apply to remote viewing of AdultCo assets as well.

[ ] Build an Even Bigger Robot
DC 70
That Mandark punk made a robot that's bigger and tougher than yours. You could be the bigger man about this and let it slide. On the other hand, you could be a bigger and better man by making a bigger and better robot that'll put that junior poindexter in his place!
Outcome: Increased bonuses for your Giant Robot. This may instigate an escalating mech-building contest between you and Mandark. As the Even Bigger Robot is being made for spite first and practicality second, there will be diminishing returns and higher DCs if this keeps being taken.

[ ] Investigate 2x4 Technology
DC 80
After sending the KND remnant running home for their mamas, you came to an unpleasant realization. Those pesky Kids Next Door left without cleaning up all of their junk! Normally you would have torched a lot of it, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to have the lab techs study how those kids built all their little toys out of such haphazard, el-cheapo building material.
Outcome: Father learns the base principles of 2x4 technology, the equipment and vehicles utilized by the Kids Next Door. Determines if industrial or commercial applications are possible.

[ ] Gem Solar Power
DC 100
Even ignoring their ability to generate matter from light, gemtech generators offer unparalleled solar efficiency. If you can learn how to replicate it you might just be able to edge out that little blonde sourpuss from Endsville with a cheaper and less theologically dubious source of clean energy.
Outcome: Unlocks Stewardship action to build advanced solar arrays, inroads into competing with Mandy in the energy sector.

[ ] Hard Light Vehicles
DC 110
Integrating Gem technology into Earth vehicles could enable AdultCo to create the most lightweight, fuel efficient, and most importantly the DEADLIEST vehicles on the market. It's only a matter of miniaturising hard light generators enough to run off a car battery.
Outcome: Unlock Martial actions to develop hard light air and ground vehicles. Unlock Hard Light Propulsion Learning action.

[ ] Synthesise Artificial Shadowstuff (Incompatible with Craft Mantle of The Lesser Dad)
DC 95
According to Hex, the stuff your suit is made out is highly magically conductive, extremely fire resistant, supernaturally tough and malleable, plus it's light and breezy. You can think of a thousand and one uses for a wonder material like that! The only trouble is, Hex says that shadowstuff has this weird connection with itself that means it all shares occult energies from the same source. The only safe way to industrially fabricate more shadowstuff without stretching your powers thin would be to permanently release the lingering connection between your suit and Hex's sample first. He's not confident he could take any more from the original after that without diminishing your ability to kick butt. Tough call.
Outcome: Begin producing a synthetic version of your suit's material with only some of the properties of the original. Unlock new actions to implement and profit from artificial shadowstuff.

[ ] Advanced Theoretical Stimulants
DC 90
The old research notes scribbled in Cuppa Joe's shaky hand betray a coffee addled mind chasing a rush beyond what ordinary beans can offer. XXXL has triple checked his theorems and the chemistry checks out. With the right accelerants, it may be possible to catalyse a more dramatic response to caffeine within the body. Whether it'll be safe for consumption, let alone survivable, remains to be seen.
Outcome: Your Coffee becomes more potent and addictive. Unlock Distribute Coffee Combat Stims Martial action. Unlock Delve Into The Dark Roast Arts Learning action. Synergises with Ice Cream manufacturing once factories are refurbished.

[ ] Research Shen Gong Wu
DC 85
Whatever that buffoon with the spiky red hair was on about sounded interesting. These 'Shen Gong-Wu' as Hex put it, are evidently mystical items capable of giving their wielders amazing powers. While your helmet was mostly just good at letting you look around, Hex says he has heard of more powerful artifacts; but first and foremost, you need a way to find them.
Outcome: Unlock further actions to hunt for and exploit Shen Gong Wu.

[ ] Research the Book of K.N.D.
DC 80
Looking over to the shelf, you spot the book. A chill runs down your spine, as just the sight of it brings back some bitter, hurting memories. That was the thing your brother had held so dearly, had caused your own fathers defeat twice, and eventually… his death. Gingerly picking it up, you dust off the cover. You supposed you were out to read it. Cracking open the book, you are met with singed paper, slight bits of ash, and something entirely incomprehensible. Page after page of gibberish, the words squirming and wriggling under your sight, never quite making sense. Oh wait, your glasses were off. Putting them on, and nope, it didn't help. Something strange was at work here, and you'd need to take some more time to figure it out.
Outcome: Lowered Investigate 2x4 Tech DC and unlock further actions to reverse engineer it. Unlock tech openers related to Imagination, KND Mythology, & Magic.

[ ] Study the Human Soul
DC 100
You can't help but sizzle enviously at the (possibly) literal killing Endsville Energy Solutions is making off infernal power. Your initial investigation into alternative energy sources revealed that harvesting the energies of the underworld directly is only possible with a stable portal. However, you also learned that a good portion of the power generated is derived from the souls of the darned. Maybe H-E-Double Hockey Sticks is where souls end up, but it might just be possible to get ahold of one without making the trip. First, though, you'll have to figure out what makes them tick.
Outcome: Unlocks Develop Soul Traps Occult Action.

[ ] Craft Mantle of The Lesser Dad (Incompatible with Synthesise Artificial Shadowstuff)
DC 75
Hex believes that the sample he was able to take from your shadow suit could be refashioned into a second suit with powers linked to the mystic "essence" of the original. It's all Greek to you, but if what he means is that you could turn one of your employees into a little mini-you, he can count you in. Maybe if they look the part enough, you can have them stand in for you during really boring meetings.
Outcome:: Craft a powerful new assignable item; The Mantle of the Lesser Dad. The Mantle will grant abilities linked to Father's current status.

[ ] Study Funny Lookin' Snake
DC 99
After the Ice Cream Men were hypnotised, you discovered a weird snake in the bushes outside their parlour. Hex is pretty sure it has something to do with what happened to them, and worse, that it's got some sort of old school magic.The only way to know for sure is to figure out what the darn thing actually is.
Outcome: More insight on the strange occult forces plaguing Cleveland. Potential research applications down the line.

[X] Media Czar - Daphne Blake
You need someone you can trust to handle AdultCo's media profile, in addition to managing the day to day programming lineup of World Weekly News. This'll be your face to the world, and your ear to its gossip. The Media Czar position will be able to oversee Diplomacy National Actions.

[ ] Free Up A Position
Sometimes, it just isn't working out. Both Father and the current unit in the Position must spend a Personal Action this turn to remove them from the role. There may be changes to loyalty depending on how they feel about their demotion.

[ ] Assign a Position
- [ ] Who?
Select ONE Hero Unit to fill this role. They will spend their Personal Action this turn getting oriented with the position. You may optionally select a unit you choose to hire on the same turn.

You may take one Arching action in place of a National action to gain the benefit of both Father's and your relevant hero's stats, or as a personal action to only add your relevant hero's stats to a 1d100 roll. Your Arch may contest this with a roll of their own!

[ ] Rescue The Toiletnator
That ransom note confirms it. Your Guild assigned villain has made his first move by kidnapping an AdultCo employee. Thank goodness it was only the Toiletnator. But then again… Without him around replacing urinal cakes, the bathroom's been starting to smell kinda funky. Plus, you object to having your minions stolen by lesser villains on principle. He sure as heck didn't make it hard to find him. Maybe it's time you showed this "Professor Impossible" just what you think of him and his "Arching License."
DC 100

Father receives 4 Personal Actions per round. Heroes have 1 Personal Action in addition to being assigned to a National Action.
Heroes assigned to Positions may only take Personal Actions on even numbered turns, the same turns that Income is applied as funds.

T-REX ARMS: Professor XXXL cannot take any National or Personal actions this turn unless you assign another unit to use up their entire turn acting as his hands.

[ ] Practice your Fire Thingy
You're powerful. But there's one thing Moltar taught you, it's that you're not invincible. You've never really tried to practice with your powers. Heck, back in the old days, you assumed training was just something those KND brats needed to keep up with you. But then again, you're never too old to learn.
Outcome: Father practices plinking at cans with his fireballs. Maybe he'll learn something about his abilities.

[ ] Tinker with Sir Toasty
You've gotten into the habit of tinkering with your favorite Knightamatron after work. It soothes the nerves and you're learning a lot more about how they're put together. Maybe some minor tweaks here and there will pay off.
Outcome: Slight RAGE decrease. Minor chance Father's Learning increases. Slim chance of making a useful upgrade.

[ ] Deliver an Evil Monologue
You never, ever, wanna be caught slack jawed and speechless in front of a crowd again. Maybe you're just a little rusty on the old public speaking front. Lucky thing you have a captive audience of AdultCo employees to listen to you rant.
Outcome: Father delivers a rousing speech that's both evil AND motivational. Slight chance you have a positive effect on employee productivity. Slim chance of a slight Diplomacy increase.

[ ] Sit in on OSI Meetings
So long as you're working for them you might as well get a sense for what's going on. The last thing you'd want is for anyone to think you were clueless. They won't mind. "Secret Intelligence" proooobably doesn't mean secret from you. Plus, you're like, an expert on counterintelligence what with all the times you've outsmarted the KND. The government will definitely appreciate your insights.
Outcome: Intelligence updates on the ongoing war effort. Father gets a (minor) say in military matters. Maintains friendly OSI / AdultCo relations. Slim chance of a slight Intrigue increase.

[ ] Do Some Paperwork
What's more mature and adult than filing boring paperwork? It's any grown up's favorite activity! Yeah… Taxes… Leases…. Portfolios… Okay, actually even you hate this stuff. You can feel your eyelid start to twitch just thinking about it. But this is part of running a business. Hank can only take care of so much of it on his own. Better buckle down and get to it.
Outcome: Slight RAGE increase. Minor chance of a slight Stewardship increase.

[ ] Get With The Times
From everything you've seen and felt and heard, it's undeniable that you're gonna have to change at least an eensy bit to keep up with the world you've woken up to. That doesn't mean you can't do it on your terms. It's high time you started taking notes on how the competition does things.
Outcome: Father examines another villain's operation and tries to take away some lessons about what works and what doesn't.

[ ] Eat Ice Cream
Indulge yourself.
Outcome: RAGE decreases.

[ ] Hold a Barbeque
The key to your employees' hearts is through their stomachs! A good, old fashioned, personally cooked, barbeque should do the trick to raise morale--and you're the best cook you know! (Not that you'd say it in front of Grandma Stuffem)
Outcome: Between 1 and 5 of your employees show up. Non-Stacking 10% temporary loyalty boost for 2 turns.

[ ] Hold a Funeral
Count Spankulot is ash on the wind and you did the deed. Grandfather can rot in heck for all you care, but you feel like you owe it to the count to do something in his memory. You still can't believe it got this bad this fast. Maybe things would've been different if you'd all stuck together…
Outcome: Father takes some time to process things. Other Soopervillains come to pay their respects.

[ ] Decide what to do with the Sector V Treehouse
It still feels a little weird to see it sitting in your backyard after it stood for years in opposition to your Adult tyranny. You haven't really decided what to do with it yet. Maybe your employees have some suggestions.
Outcome: Thread Vote on what to do with the tree. Various hero units will offer different suggestions.

[ ] Hang Out in the Alleyway
Well, it's not really the alleyway, but the CEO's office corridor would be a good way to boost morale and meet people. He could even invite Mr. Father!
Select three other Hero Units who are of drinking age. They'll spend their PA this turn hanging out with Hank in the alley shooting the shit.
- [ ] Who?
Outcome: Male bonding.

[ ] Familiarize Yourself With Guild Guidelines
Hank did some research into the Guild of Calamitous Intent while he was looking into supervillainy, and while he couldn't make much sense of it then, now that he's got a better grasp on things, he'd be willing to give it another shot.
Outcome: Hank becomes more savvy about the way Professional Villainy works. Opens the way for National Actions renegotiating AdultCo's relationship with the Guild.

[ ] Mow the Yard
Literally this time. A healthy lawn leaves a healthy state of mind, doing some lawn work on Father's property is good exercise. Plus, with all that tall grass, who knows what could be under there?
Outcome: Slight RAGE decrease. ???

[ ] Hold a Barbeque
Have a barbeque! It won't be as good as Father's, but it will be certifiably Texan. Hank will host a barbeque and see who shows up!.
Outcome: Between 1 and 5 employees show up. Non-Stacking 5% temporary loyalty boost for 2 turns. If Father holds a barbeque on the same turn, the boost is 10%.

[ ] Shadow Father
See what your boss gets up to.
- [ ] Select a Personal Action that Father is assigned to this turn
Outcome: Hank adds double his loyalty bonus calculated from a relevant stat to Father's roll. Hank learns a little more about Father, supervillainy, and what he can do for the company. This is the path for Hank's Adult to Adult Trait to evolve.

[ ] Send Audition Tapes
Izzy will create audition tapes, mostly for movie studios not owned by Chris. While technically black listed, that hasn't stopped her before.
Outcome: Chance of Izzy ending up on national TV. This could be very good or very bad.

[ ] Spread Gossip
Nothing creates chaos like a good bit of drama, and Izzy can't help but push some dominoes over. She'll release a juicy story out into the world and let the tabloids and rumor mongers handle the rest.
Outcome: Izzy spreads false information on the internet for fun. Depending on how believable it is, some people might take action.

[ ] Sell Off Memorabilia
There're always creepy fans eager to pay top dollar at auction for something a celebrity touched. Maybe it's a little skeezy to sell an Authentic Izzy Moon Skydive Spacesuit (Unwashed) but what the heck! Cash is cash!
Outcome: The auction earns a small, variable amount of Funds.

[ ] Record With Dethklok
Nathan Explosion seemed pretty impressed by Izzy's affinity for violence, and it seems like the rest of the band enjoyed their initial meeting as well. She's been invited back to the studio to work with the band as they experiment with a new, more primal sound. How exactly she gets her 'instruments' to make those noises is probably best left unanswered.
Outcome: Further Izzy's (and by extension, AdultCo's) working relationship with Dethklok. If Nathan likes what he hears, he may invite Izzy to perform live as a guest on tour.

[ ] Perform a stunt
After her big debut skydiving off the moon, Izzy is back on top and ready to show the world her stuff. The only question is, what venue should she grace with her death defying antics?
Choose one:
- [ ] Scale Mt. Rushmore using toilet plungers.
- [ ] Windsurf the length of the Panama Canal
- [ ] Drag race through the streets of Detroit
- [ ] ⚠️ Storm Area 51 ⚠️
Outcome: Izzy performs a jaw dropping stunt in some part of the world, earning new fans in that location and making inroads into diplomatic relations with the locals.

[ ] Atone.
Hex seems to be in better spirits lately. He's been hanging out with Skips a lot. You aren't really sure what they have in common, but the big lug's laid back attitude seems to be doing him some good. You're not 100% on what they've been doing in their spare time. Community outreach probably doesn't do wonders for your evil reputation, but it hasn't taken up any company resources, so you figure they can keep at it.
Outcome: Hex tries to unlearn noblesse oblige while helping people on their own terms. Hex's public reputation improves. If Skips is assigned to Do Some Landscaping on the same turn as this action, then they will combine their efforts while furthering their relationship.

[ ] Study new forms of magic
Despite his great deal of traveling, Hex claims that there are a great deal more magics in the world than he realized. Hex will take some time to study all this strange sorcery and make heads or tails out of it.
Outcome: Intel on the magical factions of the world.

[ ] Set up a new Library
Every good magician needs a library. Where else would he study, store his studies, and think about more studies? Not to mention it would act as a place to store Hex's mystical tomes, artifacts and more. But he calls it a Sanctum. Whatever that is.
Outcome: Hex takes over your mansion's library, transforming it into a mystic sanctum in which he is nigh omnipotent. That's… probably a good thing?

[ ] Teach Father Discipline
Hex taught Charmcaster how to wield unspeakable mystic power, but never the temperance to use it responsibly. Now that he's gotten a second chance he's going to do things right. The first order of business is looking into Father's temper.
Outcome: Hex tries to get Father to sit still and meditate. Chances of success are worse the higher Father's current RAGE is.

[ ] Hunt Down Ingredients
As the man who will one day perfect the humble snow cone, Professor XXXL is always on the lookout for rare and enticing flavorings. With the candy market booming like never before, it never takes long for the rumor mill to fill up with tales of sweet sensations.
Cost: 1 Funds.
Outcome: Professor XXXL splurges on rare ingredients for his research. Who knows? Maybe it'll lead him to a breakthrough? Taking this action mitigates Professor XXXL's loyalty penalty for not working on dessert related projects for a turn.

[ ] Experiment with exotic diseases
Aside from his obsession with frozen treats Professor XXXL has the bizarre side hobby of collecting deadly diseases and lab grown viruses. Now that they're all back in order he can finally do what any responsible scientist would and start randomly infecting test mice to see what happens.
Outcome: Coin toss of either amusing or horrifying results. Slim chance of something useful. Teeny weeny chance of an outbreak, but that's an acceptable risk, right?

[ ] Stabilize your mutations
An unfortunate lab accident years ago left the Professor with a constantly mutating body. Most of the time his adaptations never linger long enough to be much use, but a little genetic tinkering can stabilise them temporarily.
Outcome: Roll on a table for random animal mutation with mixed benefits.

[ ] Limber Up
It's been a while since he's done this. Might be a good idea to stretch his muscles before he goes through with what's necessary. One poorly timed cramp could spell disaster.
Outcome: Improved chances of success for The Ritual. Chance of a small stat boost.

[ ] Soothe your aching head
Skips hasn't been feeling well lately. He isn't sick or anything, he just says he's got a headache. He claims to know a really good home remedy for a hangover, but he'd need to go shopping for the ingredients special. Maybe you ought to ask him that recipe yourself. Y'know. For those wild nights you get way too sauced up. Chocolate sauce that is.
Outcome: Skips whips up a hangover cure. Maybe it'll work.

[ ] Do some landscaping
When Skips started talking about adding some parks to the city he had you worried for a second that he meant playground equipment. After he assured you there would be no monkey bars or monkey business, you gave him the go ahead to plant a few greenways.
Outcome: Make Cleveland feel a little more like home.

[ ] Learn to code
Skips seems pretty handy with just about everything except computers. He somehow managed to install a virus on his work laptop while trying to print a schedule. The only weekend computer class he could find was being taught at a senior center, but he doesn't seem to mind. He said he had a feeling that he wouldn't be the youngest person there.
Outcome: High likelihood of frustration. Low chance of a stat boost.

[ ] Collect VA benefits
Skips has listed on his resume that he's an active duty veteran, which would be great if you could actually collect the tax break for it---except that he seems oddly hesitant to actually register with the government. When you asked what war he'd served in he just told you "The first one."
Outcome: Get what Uncle Sam owes you.


[ ] Practice Karate
Daphne was well on her way to a black belt before mystery solving took over her extracurriculars. Maybe picking it back up will help her work off the stress of the job..
Outcome: Chance of small Martial bonus.

[ ] Dress to impress
So… Father's been sort of a recluse as far as business executives go. AdultCo is a nonentity at trade shows and business fairs, and it's put the company pretty far behind in brand awareness. If there's one thing Daphne's always been good at, it's making connections, and as the head of your media department, she's ready to change that one fancy gathering at a time.
Outcome: Daphne gets some use out of her makeup and wardrobing skills attending functions, expos, and corporate galas. You never know what kind of connections you'll make. Potential to expand your hero recruitment options or unlock opportunities to reach out and collaborate with another King. Slim chance of a small Diplomacy bonus.

[ ] Brainstorm media campaign
Let's face it. Office supplies are pretty uninspiring. It'lll take a lot of hard work to change that. Hard work, late nights, and plenty of Coffee™.
Outcome: Daphne proposes a new Diplomacy National Action related to AdultCo's media presence.

[ ] Update corporate socials
AdultCo's online brand presence is stuck waaaay back in Web 1.0. Other than a long abandoned geocities page and an automated mailing list, there's no way to keep the public informed of the company's performative stances on all important social issues like celebrity hairstyles and which TD contestants would make the best couple.
Outcome: AdultCo makes a formal response to the public concerning current events, topical issues, or new products. The stances or narratives put forward may affect public perception.

[ ] Study clues
Okay. So. Like it or not, Daphne's gotten wrapped up in yet another mystery. Maybe multiple depending on how deep this goes. Sometimes it helps to look at all the evidence with a clear head.
Select One:
- [ ] Evo Breakout
- [ ] Lake Eerie Eavesdropper
Outcome: Daphne goes over the evidence and tries to come up with some new insight or angle for an ongoing case. Variable results with greater outcomes the further Daphne has investigated.

[ ] Return to Crystal Cove
No. Not yet. And not by herself. Too much left behind there.
Outcome: Confront your fears.

[ ] Start planning next trip to Fiji
It's never too late! Unlike Malaysia…
Outcome: Book a flight for Fiji.

[ ] Engage in inter-agency rivalry
FBI… more like Freakin' Bunch of Idiots. Stupid lousy suits think they're so great because they won the company baseball game. Maybe they'll feel less smug when somebody "leaks" their latest secret documents.
Outcome: Roll on a table. Leak some tidbit of government intelligence you probably weren't supposed to. OSI will probably frown at you if they catch you but as long as it's from an agency they don't like they'll probably let it slide.

[ ] Catch up with the twins
Usually when everything goes wrong Mr. Black & Mr. White's first instinct is to go see if the Test sisters have a solution. Looking around at the state of the world, yeah uh, it's pretty bad.
Outcome: Learn what Susan & Mary have been getting up to. (And by extension, Mandark)

[ ] Watch the skies
UFO sightings have pretty much dried up since Moltar installed his array, but you want to believe, dang it! Follow up on any stray weather balloons that get reported in.
Outcome: Probably just a hoax. Unless…

[ ] Beg The General for new orders
After the incident in Malaysia Mr. Black & Mr. White haven't exactly been on good terms with their old boss. Officially, they still work at Area 51.1 but they haven't received any new orders since. Maybe if they ask really, really nicely and bring him those chocolates he likes, he'll take them back.
Outcome: B&W start receiving assignments again. Maybe they'll even get their government benefits back.

[ ] Recruit a Hero
Hire a hero of the hero units currently available for acquisition. This costs two Personal Actions from Father to perform, and can only be taken once per round.
Now that Father's worked his way through his personal rolodex of soopervillains, most new hires will start asking for stuff like "salaries" and "up front benefits."
All recruit options not marked as [Freebies] will cost 1 Fund to hire.

[ ] Knightbrace [Freebie]
The Plaque Crusader, the shining knight of shiny teeth, and the retainered foe of all things unhygienic. It seems that he has lagged behind the other soopervillains in their new ventures, as he has personally taken his time to hunt down each and every cavity in the area before moving on. This has made his progress rather slow, and easy to find: Just follow the dental floss and you'll find your man.

[ ] Alexis Warrington
An enormous, powerfully built woman with a career's worth of tough interviews under her belt. She's more than a little intimidating, but if you think about it maybe that's how she's been so successful wringing scandals out of powerful people for a living. Though she's most comfortable behind a camera, she's already proven her management chops taking your news staff to task on how to run a tighter ship, and her on-the-scene coverage of dangerous super-criminals proves she's more than comfortable getting her hands dirty in hot spots. Her one stipulation is that she won't work nights. All she wrote on the application about the reason for this unavailability was the word 'Justice.'

[ ] Ann Gora
A former reporter for Kats Eye News out of Megakat City who was let go following the channel's acquisition by Puma-Dyne inc. This is no black cat you're dealing with. She's covered organised crime, elections, and alien invasions and despite capture by a dozen different evildoers, some combination of grit and good luck have carried her out every time without a scratch. You're more than confident she'd do an excellent job running your media outlet---the only problem is, her commitment to that funny little thing called 'Journalistic Integrity' might make her resistant to fudging the truth to make you look better.

[ ] Johnny Bravo [Freebie]
"Now lemme get this straight. You've got TWO hot red headed mamas workin' there? Brother, I should be paying YOU!"
Even working for literally nothing, Johnny may still be a liability. But on the other hand… Man is he pretty.

[ ] Ronaldo Fryman
Okay. So he's technically still a teenager, and he technically doesn't have any formal qualifications, but he spent the last year and a half living under the gems secretly blogging about their activities right under their noses. He's even cited in that nifty government pamphlet you got! Maybe the only source he ever cites is his gut, and maybe he doesn't know how to drive yet, but he's not entirely unqualified. His MyFace page has a whole 200 followers which he assures you is a very high internet number. You could use a tech savvy youth to kick broadcast media into the digital age.

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Ok think about Kninghtbrace instead, FREE dental care, that could open us doors with people desperate enought tha wouldt want to work with us.

I mean, i also want Jhonny, but free (althought a bit tad crazy) dentalcare
As an honest-to-God protag, there's no way I want to pass up on Johnny Bravo. Even beyond how much fun he is, protags are just built different, he should be good for something or other.
I forget, how do we assign XXXL and Skips to the Ice Cream Factories together? Do we just have both of them assigned to the Action, or what?
[ ] Operation: R.E.V.E.N.G.E. (Really Easy Venegnce Eviscerates Nemesis, Guild, Evos)
-[ ] Martial: Train Ice Cream Men
-[ ] Diplomacy: Invite Candy Stock Market Investors
-[ ] Daphne: Interrogate Hunter Cain-Izzy
-[ ] Stewardship: Refurbish Ice Cream Factory-Hank
-[ ] Intrigue: Investigate EVO Outbreak-Black and White
-[ ] Learning: NEMESIS: Save Toiletnator-Hex
-[ ] Occult: Research Book of KND-Skips
-[ ] Father
--[ ] Recruit a Hero
---[ ] Johnny Bravo
--[ ] Hold a Funeral
--[ ] Get With the Time
-[ ]Hank Hill
--[ ] Shadow Father
---[ ] Rescue Toiletnator
-[ ] Izzy
--[ ] Record with Dethlok
-[ ] Hex
--[ ] Set Up a Library
-[ ] Skips
--[ ] Soothe Your Aching Headache
-[ ]Daphne Blake
--[ ] Study Clues
---[ ] Evo Outbreak
-[ ] Mr Black and Mr White
--[ ] Engage in Inter-Agency Rivalry

Plan Outline, gonna go to bed, might defend it tomorrow.
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[] Plan: Operation R.E.F.L.E.C.T. (Refurbish Essential Factories, Liberate Employee, Coffee Theory)

-[] National Actions

--[] ⚔️ Rescue The Toiletnator (Father & Hex)
--[] 🤝 Candy Stocks (Father)
--[] 💰 Refurbish Ice Cream Factories (Hank)
--[] 🎭 Implement Anti-Scrying Protocols (Father)
--[] 📚 Advanced Theoretical Stimulants (Professor XXXL)
--[] 🔮 Research the Book of K.N.D. (Skips)
--[] 👻 Build Partnership with VenTech (Izzy)

-[] Personal Actions
--[] 🔥 Father
---[] Sit in on OSI Meetings
---[] Hold a Funeral
---[] Recruit a Hero: Alexis Warrington
--[] 🥩 Hank Hill - (Familiarize Yourself With Guild Guidelines)
--[] ✨ Izzy - (Perform a Stunt: Drag race through the streets of Detroit)
--[] 💀 Hex - (Teach Father Discipline)
--[] 🍧 Professor XXXL - (Stabilize your mutations)
--[] 🌲 "Skips" - (Soothe your aching head)
--[] 🕵🏻&🕵🏿 Mr Black and Mr White - (T-REX ARMS: Professor XXXL)

My plan REFLECT as a way to Reflect on the situation so far, Father's mental state hopefully being explored via the combination of arching and Hex's personal to try to teach him discipline, as well as sitting on on OSI meetings to get a better idea of what's happening in the Gem Front to help us decide how we're going to handle it with up to date information, especially with low rage, along with taking some crucial preparation actions for the future.
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Do we really have to rescue Toiletnator? I guess he's good for a minor boost, any little bit counts.

It's just that I don't really see it as high priority, we have important stuff to do, projects to start up, plots to scheme. That kind of thing.

I suppose if we trust our Intrigue we can steal him back undetected? Or we wait till our Martial is back up instead of being at Cold Soldier.