FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

[x] Plan: Operation R.E.F.L.E.C.T. (Refurbish Essential Factories, Liberate Employee, Coffee Theory)
[X] Operation C.R.E.A.M. (Cold Reality Emits Arch Menace)
-[X] Train Ice Cream Men
-[X] Invite Candy Stock Market Investors
-[X] Refurbish Ice Cream Factories
-[X] Investigate I.R. Baboon's Disappearance
-[X] Advanced Theoretical Stimulants
-[X] Research the Book of K.N.D.
-[X] Rescue The Toiletnator
-[X] Hold a Funeral
-[X] Hang Out in the Alleyway
-- [X] Father
-- [X] Hex
-[X] Record With Dethklok
-[X] Set up a new Library
-[X] Soothe your aching head
-[X] Catch up with the twins
-[X] Recruit a Hero
--[x] Johnny Bravo [Freebie
[x] Plan: Operation R.E.F.L.E.C.T.

This hits pretty much everything I could want in the immediate moments, I'm more than happy to back it.
Revenge is best served icy cold....like ice cream 😊

[X] Operation: R.E.V.E.N.G.E. (Really Easy Venegnce Eviscerates Nemesis, Guild, Evos)
-[X] Martial: Train Ice Cream Men
-[X] Diplomacy: Invite Candy Stock Market Investors
-[X] Daphne: Interrogate Hunter Cain-Izzy
-[X] Stewardship: Refurbish Ice Cream Factory-Hank
-[X] Intrigue: Investigate EVO Outbreak-Black and White
-[X] Learning: NEMESIS: Save Toiletnator-Hex
-[X] Occult: Research Book of KND-Skips
-[X] Father
--[X] Recruit a Hero
---[X] Johnny Bravo
--[X] Hold a Funeral
--[X] Get With the Time
-[X]Hank Hill
--[X] Shadow Father
---[X] Rescue Toiletnator
-[X] Izzy
--[X] Record with Dethlok
-[X] Hex
--[X] Set Up a Library
-[X] Skips
--[X] Soothe Your Aching Headache
-[X]Daphne Blake
--[X] Study Clues
---[X] Evo Outbreak
-[X] Mr Black and Mr White
--[X] Engage in Inter-Agency Rivalry
I liked the letter of introduciton

Definitely a few good action here; I'd particularly like to do the Gem POW action but can see the importance of keeping XXL happy

Figured I'd figures out the chance of success for the plans that selected heroes:

- Train Ice Cream Men = 22+25+2 against a variable DC
- Candy Stock Investors = 21 vs DC40 = 82% COS
- Izzy TV show = 21+27+2 vs DC70 = 71% COS
- Refurbish Ice Cream = 20+22+4 vs DC80 = 67% COS
- Investigate Prison = 27+24+3 against a variable DC
- Rescue Tolietnator (unsure if this would use the replaced stat or be a set one) (if it uses learning here it would be 29+28+4= 62% COS)
- Book of KND = 15+15+2 vs DC80 = 53% COS

- Rescue Tolietnator (unsure if this would use the replaced stat or be a set one) (if it uses Martial here it would be 22+25+2= 50% COS)
- Candy Investors = 21+23+4 = certain success
- Ice Cream Factory = 20+12+1 vs DC80 = 54% COS
- Invsetigate Prison = 27+17+1 vs variable DC (trait may proc for +15 but I lean toward not)
- Anti-Scrying = 27+24+3 vs DC65 = 90% COS
- Stimulants = 29 vs DC90 = 40% COS
- Book of KND = 15+28+4 vs DC80 = 68% COS

Cold Shoulder means that Father's Intrigue is effectively 37 right now.
[x] Plan: Operation R.E.F.L.E.C.T. (Refurbish Essential Factories, Liberate Employee, Coffee Theory)
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Just for clarification, are we allowed to vote for multiple plans? Because I do like the R.E.V.E.N.G.E. plan too.
I'm into the Revenge plan, because, with our Martial currently gimped, using our Learning seems better. With the KND clearly planning something, I want our ice cream men up and running. And I do think we should find out what happened to our old friend. We can't ever fix it, but...We can make amends.
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Revenge is a decent plan, but I ain't on board with the recruited hero and the second turn in a row with Hank shadowing Father, especially into the field of villain work against a 10 lister.
Revenge is a decent plan, but I ain't on board with the recruited hero and the second turn in a row with Hank shadowing Father, especially into the field of villain work against a 10 lister.
Eh. Fair enough. I really do want to get our hands on Johnny, but, then, not like he's got anywhere to be. Hell, recruiting Alexis probably sweetens the pot for him. I will note that, given the rules the Guild follows, I doubt Hank's in much real danger, but fair.
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[ ] Operation C.R.E.A.M. (Cold Reality Emits Arch Menace)
-[ ] Train Ice Cream Men
-[ ] Invite Candy Stock Market Investors
-[ ] Refurbish Ice Cream Factories
-[ ] Investigate I.R. Baboon's Disappearance
-[ ] Advanced Theoretical Stimulants
-[ ] Research the Book of K.N.D.
-[ ] Rescue The Toiletnator
-[ ] Hold a Funeral
-[ ] Hang Out in the Alleyway
-- [ ] Father
-- [ ] Hex
-[ ] Record With Dethklok
-[ ] Set up a new Library
-[ ] Soothe your aching head
-[ ] Catch up with the twins
-[ ] Recruit a Hero
--[ ] Johnny Bravo [Freebie]

Did you mean to not have any heroes assigned to the nationals?
Plan Makers, don't forget to Assign Heroes to your ideas! Else it'll just be Father doing all the heavy lifting himself
---[x] Sit in on OSI Meetings
----[x] Transfer Gem POWs to OSI Custody (Free Action)
Made an update to the REFLECT plan.

We were informed that we can transfer Gem POWs to OSI Custody as a Free Action, so I've added it as a sub-vote to the OSI meeting.

It should help raise OSI opinion of us, improve humanities overall relative position in the Gem War, and means we don't have to personally deal with the headache of a potential breakout.