[Canon] - Elemental Felines
Here is my next omake selection. Some more mutated animals for perusal here. @HeroCooky

The Elemental Felines are a common sight among the nobility of most empires upon the world. These creatures originate from feline stock and retain most of the typical laziness of the normal house cat, however, certain alterations make these creatures much more useful for those that can pay to own one.

First and foremost, the Elemental Felines are easily trained by any human with even a modicum of training ability and take to such commands faster than almost any breed of canine. They can even be trained to lose, or control their typical laziness with high efficiency, and in fact most of the nobles make a point of training them such that in times of danger, or when danger is expected, they become alert and vicious while outside of those times. They are much more like normal house cats in temperament.

Below are listed the most common and a few more esoteric breeds that have been either created since the origination of the mutation or recently found. Along with basic information there will be a list of typical temperament for that breed, //one final thing to note, is that these felines are highly intelligent and some breeds are near human intelligence, however the critical thing to remember is that they are not sapient but sentient and as such are not truly self aware.

Common Breeds: these can be found most anywhere in the world and probably have been seen in noble company at least 10 times

A breed often found in places of high altitude, where stone is not common. A desert mesa would be a good place to hunt for this breed, while a mountain would not suffice or would have a much lower density of the breed.

This breed is on the smaller size, only being around twice the size of a normal house cat. Thus weighing around 20 pounds to the normal ten, however, they are optimized for speed and reflexes and there have been confirmed reports of these felines catching arrows in flight with their paws or jaws. Along with their diminutive size for their breed, their intelligence is only slightly better than a normal feline, however most nobles do make use of them in the form of a rudimentary spy network within their homes.

A breed often found in caves and other places where stone is plentiful. One of the largest pure breeds yet found, they weight in at over three hundred pounds on average, and make their homes in mountains or underground cave systems for the most part.

Taking the laziness of felines to new heights, they are the hardest to train to be alert, and as such tend to only be seen rarely near nobles. However, it is claimed that they are highly intelligent, but due to rarity of tamed Stone, I can not deny or confirm such accounts.

The quintessential Elemental Feline, everyone that has spent any time around a Noble has seen at least one of these felines. They make their homes in hot, dry areas and some reports claim to have found nests on the slopes of volcanos, with the cats playing in the streams of lava running down the sides of the volcano.

To dispel some myths surrounding this breed, I have to state with certainly that they are not immune to temperature. They are merely highly resistant to such threats, and tend to have an internal temperature of over 150 degrees. However, it is not to say that they are not able to preform their normal duties which is to act as a guard dog type entity. In this role they excel as they are around a hundred pounds and have claws sharper than obsidian that cauterize wounds as they are made, preventing healing without lost technology. Their intelligence is also fairly high, but overall they are considered to be average, not dumb but not smart for their race's standards.

There have been reports of a Water or ice common breed, but such has never been found to exist and any examples tend to be Stones painted blue. As such I will not list the assigned traits of what is probably a made up breed.

Uncommon Breeds

A breed that is common in areas of thermal activity in which stone is present in nearly every area. Tended to be found in underground hot-springs or other such areas of the world. Unlike what many expect this breed is not a combination of Stone and Flame, but instead a breed of its own. Highly intelligent, which probably is why people assume the Stone breed is also highly intelligent and sharing in much the same internal heat and attacks as the Flame breed if only of lesser power. The main difference is that this breed prefers to be submerged in heat and is in fact actually immune to weak flames and can be found sleeping in wood fires.

This breed is highly energetic and rambunctious, to the point of inverting the normal training problems, instead of training them out of laziness, the trainer has to train this breed to be lazy. They also have a crafty intelligence, which they use to infuriate their owners by predicting the most irritating action they can take which won't earn them more than a spray of water. As such they are one of the rarest breeds seen with nobles as most nobles refuse to have their pet, insult them in such a fashion. However, for those that do have them they have a bodyguard with the speed of Sky and the combat prowess of the Flame breed making for one immensely dangerous pet.

An interesting factoid is that both of the uncommon breeds listed above are roughly the same size, around four times that of a normal house cat. There might be more uncommon breeds, but as it seems typical of the world there are more rare or common than things in-between such extremes.

Rare Breeds

These breeds arise in areas that are composed primarily of the metal that identifies the breed, as such Iron or Steel breeds are the most common.

The metal breeds are grouped into a single breed classification, as the sub breeds are similar enough to not warrant such distinction as of right now. Most of the individual differences are in the fur color and the general shape of the body. All metal breeds share their high intelligence, that of which is not innately mischievous like the Sandstorm breed, and their bodies share their toughness and size with Stone. However, they are difficult to train due to high levels of stubbornness.

These felines can be found often in the Forge Clans due to their innate ability to store and discharge electricity, in a fashion that makes them valuable to such groups as they can be used to transfer large single jolts of energy between differing parts of machinery or the fortresses of the clan.

It is said that they only arise in areas in which felines consume large quantities of Lighting Moss, over the course of generations giving them their ability to store and expel electricity.

This breed is fully blind from living in caves without light for generations, as such they have instead developed highly acute hearing and echolocation.

While not as intelligent as the metals or as large as even the Sky breed, they are prized for their ability to detect and track individuals even in pitch dark, along with their great tracking ability they also boost a near supernatural ability to fade into the darkness or shadows, becoming all but invisible in such environments.

Ultra Rare Breeds

One of the rarest of all breeds that are known, this breed only arises in a single environment. This environment is very precise for this breed to arise, first it must be mostly crystals. However, these crystals must be small and thin, on top of that requirement there must be sufficient light to enter the area to cause the crystals to reflect and redirect the light in a completely random pattern.

If these requirements are meet, the breed can arise over generations. Slowly the fur begins to emulate crystals, and eventually reflects light as they move.

In the end if everything happens as needed, the fractal breed is formed. Smaller than Stone at only six times the normal size of a house cat, yet with claws of impossible sharpness, to the point where their claws are used to line Knight weapons that are meant to cut to benefit from their edge retention and pure sharpness. In addition to their claws, their fur reflect light to such a high degree that they appear in several locations at once via reflected light.

The other very rare breed that we know of as of this moment. This breed arises in areas that have had meteors land on them. As such these cats seem to grow attach to the night sky, beaming viciously nocturnal. This trait can not be trained out of them as they will savage any one that tries to make them wake up during the day.

However, they are without a doubt the single toughest and smartest of all elemental felines so far identified. It is considered a debate over if they are in fact sapient or merely incredibly intelligent for one of the breeds of the Elemental felines.

A single one of these felines tamed or otherwise in the service of a Noble is considered the same as having a personal Knight on retainer due to their intelligence and toughness, however this only applies during the night, unless the owner has a good relation with the Feline.
So I know you said that if our unit returned without any casualties @HeroCooky we'd get something very special from them. Is the fact that they've lasted this long with only one casualty which took the Flood two turns to achieve mean we're still going to get something very nice but not the ridiculous achievement of before?
I believe that the Rumor Mill is before Turn 15 in the Threadmarks list. Rumor Mill 24 is also before Rumor Mill 14 in the list.
Canon. Will update the Bestiary in a moment. And so that everyone knows: I have added a guideline to the Omake Boni tab (now Omake Boni & Guideline), so that I won't have to worry about coming off as fickle with my assigning of boni.
So I know you said that if our unit returned without any casualties @HeroCooky we'd get something very special from them. Is the fact that they've lasted this long with only one casualty which took the Flood two turns to achieve mean we're still going to get something very nice but not the ridiculous achievement of before?
Yup, it is still nice. Won't get a Hero though.
I believe that the Rumor Mill is before Turn 15 in the Threadmarks list. Rumor Mill 24 is also before Rumor Mill 14 in the list.
Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.
Just realized that the Crystalgarden is one of the few locations in which Elemental Fractal Cats could become a thing in the general vicinity disregarding the chance for random crystal caves
Oh no. Those are the Cats of his wife and daughter. He wouldn't dare suggest taking them to a warfront. He does however have a personal drone following him that is named "Chime" because it chimes when acknowledging orders.
I see, makes sense he would not take them too war then.

Could you reveal the stat line for the kitties?