Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Anyway, since it came up in SB BelBat:

There's no need to worry about WarspitexBisko just because I found a cute pic. Because my Teabote OTP will remain WarspitexVictorious :V

At any rate, jokes to try and derail argument/rerail thread aside...I'm going to aim to update fairly soon. We need more cute Blucher to balance out the last chapter.

...and, for that matter, where things are going.
Happiness is a forthcoming update. :)

And knowing when and what is going on elsewhere helps me out with what I can do with Wichita's Whoops I Did it Again. Hey Sky, is it alright if I post the Wichita omakes over on SB?
And knowing when and what is going on elsewhere helps me out with what I can do with Wichita's Whoops I Did it Again.

Well, we aren't going back to FREEDOM LAND for at least a couple updates, for what that's worth. Wasn't joking when I said awhile back that Schreiber is taking center-stage for the next bit.

Hey Sky, is it alright if I post the Wichita omakes over on SB?

Let me make sure the thread isn't set to where posting would be considered a necro, and you can. If it is, I'll post something first to get it revived. Since SB is much stricter on that-

I should know, TKA got locked once already

-and all.

EDIT: Nope, looks good. Go ahead and post 'em if you want to.
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That's not even close to true. During WWII, everyone jumped with static-line chutes, where the canopy would open almost the moment you left the aircraft.

...You will note that in my previous paragraph, I am referring to the modern world, and how the topic being discussed is affected by the modern world interpretations. I am well aware that in the 40's the chutes were opened during the jump out of the plane. If you find other mistakes with what I say, please read the rest of what was written in the post and then explain why I am mistaken.
...You will note that in my previous paragraph, I am referring to the modern world, and how the topic being discussed is affected by the modern world interpretations. I am well aware that in the 40's the chutes were opened during the jump out of the plane. If you find other mistakes with what I say, please read the rest of what was written in the post and then explain why I am mistaken.
OK, then try this: You never specified it was about modern forces. Your comment was an attempt to explain why the Luftwaffe, a WW2 organization, might have selected different 'chutes for its paratroopers and pilots. The modern world, whether in geneva conventions or military tactics, does not factor in. You were seriously using the modern day, post-WWII Geneva conventions to explain a WWII phenomenon. Note my emphasis:
In its current form the rules concerning military personnel landing via parachute go something like this, if the person wearing the parachute is intentionally using the parachute as an infantryman, ie a paratrooper, they are fair game to be shot at by members of the armed forces of the nation(s) they are currently engaged in war with.
As you might imagine, when there are a multitude of aircraft attacking a position, while others are deploying airborne units it can be... challenging, to determine which category a person parachuting falls into mid battle.
You may want to look up the term 'anachronism'.
If all that is not what you intended to say, that is unfortunately how you communicated your point.
...You will note that in my previous paragraph, I am referring to the modern world, and how the topic being discussed is affected by the modern world interpretations. I am well aware that in the 40's the chutes were opened during the jump out of the plane. If you find other mistakes with what I say, please read the rest of what was written in the post and then explain why I am mistaken.

*facepalm* That's not even wrong. There is no such consideration in the Geneva Conventions or any other of the laws of war, all modern paratroopers do traditional static-line drops just like WW2 albeit with more sophisticated chutes. The only groups that use HALO or HAHO are special operations troops and both are considered highly specialized techniques requiring advanced training and additional gear (not the least of which is supplemental oxygen). For a typical airborne soldier they will only ever do static line jumps functionally identical to what were performed in the past.

The US Army Airborne!

Great video which shows some jumps from a C-130.
So Sky... speaking of the SB forums... well I posted up the Wichita omakes. And then Star_Trekker came up with something very very Navy. To quote:

There were several officers seated around the table as the head of the Bureau of Navigation, which despite its name dealt more with the matters of the Navy's personnel than with actual navigation, read the report on the Ocelot given to Wichita. More than one, Hell, more than half had their heads in their hands as it ended, and all of them had aged noticeably as the "shipgirls", and their seemingly boundless appetite for shenanigans, had appeared. From broken ribs from overly excited hugs, to uncomfortable glares, to stuff like Wichitas furry friend, it was clear something had to be done.

"Gentlemen," he spoke up, "I believe it's high-time for us to establish some ground rules for our ships" - another sentence that wouldn't have been uttered a year ago - "a list shall we say, of things, involving the 'shipgirls', that are no longer allowed."

"Rule 1: Wichita can keep her cat so long a she keeps an eye on it."

Looks like Changing Destiny is now the new start of "The List". :whistle:
So Sky... speaking of the SB forums... well I posted up the Wichita omakes. And then Star_Trekker came up with something very very Navy. To quote:

Looks like Changing Destiny is now the new start of "The List". :whistle:
Actually, things involving shipgirls that are no longer allowed will be 2 years old this year. @CV12Hornet is the custodian. (The list has been around for a while now...)
Anyway, since it came up in SB BelBat:

There's no need to worry about WarspitexBisko just because I found a cute pic. Because my Teabote OTP will remain WarspitexVictorious :V

Wait, people were actually worried about that?

I thought that was just me ranting. Like I said, in the end I don't care about what people do, even if it may tick me off. At the end of the day, to each their own, and I've no business preventing other people from enjoying what they like. That's how you end up with violent drug cartels and/or the Chicago Mob.

If I may ask though, why Warspite x Victorious (assuming you're talking about the aircraft carrier and not the pre-dread)? I don't exactly see the connection there.
You didn't really give that impression. When you say 'I don't care if people like this, but it's clearly wrong because X', claiming to not judge people for liking something is a bit... eyebrow raising.

Oh I never said I don't judge people for it, I'm an incredibly judgmental person and I don't hesitate to admit that. But I'm not going to actively prevent people from doing what they like so long as it doesn't affect me personally.

It's like talking sports teams with people - yes the fact that you like the Red Sox makes you literally worse than the Nazis, and I'm definitely going to tell you that to your face, but I'm not going to go out of my way to destroy your Sox merch or slash your tires so you can't go to games because of it.
Well seeing as the focus is shifting back over to world war land (Europe) I have a interesting question. Due to the butterfly effect, could the Brits invade Norway before the Germans? The Brits were in route to invade neutral Norway to help Finland when the Germans invaded Norway. IIRC Germany invaded literally the day before the Brits.

Also, Couldn't he (forgot his name and to tired to check) take Bisquick, Pudding and Blue and "defect"(not sure if that's the right word for this) to a neutral country? I recall that the kriegsmarine didn't actually like/favor the nazis and actually had jews among their crew who weren't treated differently from the rest of the crew.

(if my history knowledge isn't failing me)
Well seeing as the focus is shifting back over to world war land (Europe) I have a interesting question. Due to the butterfly effect, could the Brits invade Norway before the Germans? The Brits were in route to invade neutral Norway to help Finland when the Germans invaded Norway. IIRC Germany invaded literally the day before the Brits.

Also, Couldn't he (forgot his name and to tired to check) take Bisquick, Pudding and Blue and "defect"(not sure if that's the right word for this) to a neutral country? I recall that the kriegsmarine didn't actually like/favor the nazis and actually had jews among their crew who weren't treated differently from the rest of the crew.

(if my history knowledge isn't failing me)
Sad to say your history knowledge is failing you. Norway was invaded last year in-story.

I recommend a firing squad.
Well seeing as the focus is shifting back over to world war land (Europe) I have a interesting question. Due to the butterfly effect, could the Brits invade Norway before the Germans? The Brits were in route to invade neutral Norway to help Finland when the Germans invaded Norway. IIRC Germany invaded literally the day before the Brits.
That would be up to Reichminister @Skywalker_T-65

NVM, Ninja'd :ninja:
Also, Couldn't he (forgot his name and to tired to check) take Bisquick, Pudding and Blue and "defect"(not sure if that's the right word for this) to a neutral country? I recall that the kriegsmarine didn't actually like/favor the nazis and actually had jews among their crew who weren't treated differently from the rest of the crew.
Our Deutschadmiral wouldn't have a reason to. The land war has barely begun, and Germany is winning.
That would be up to Reichminister @Skywalker_T-65

NVM, Ninja'd :ninja:

Our Deutschadmiral wouldn't have a reason to. The land war has barely begun, and Germany is winning.

Well, his obvious reason is to save Blucher and Bismarck from being sunk or scuttled. Our German friend knows full well that without a radical shift in the course of history along the lines of the US joining the Axis powers, Germany is basically fucked. Even if the timeline changes enough for Hitler to develop a nuke, it likely wouldn't be ready for use before the Allied lines extend into Germany and Allied air superiority so complete that there would be no way to get the nuke to Britain, meaning that at best, Germany would become a real life Belka, but with far less flying aces and general military competence.

Our German friend also knows that if the German fleet stays in Germany, any ship left is going to be scrapped and re-used as metals for guns or tanks. Thus his best bet to save his ships is to convince Hitler to keep the surface fleet around long enough so that Germany's focus will be entirely turned to land and Shreiber can escape with his ships to America, where hopefully they will be less likely to be scrapped.

I'm not sure Schreiber has thought out his plan much further beyond "not scrapped by Germany and not sunk by the Allies", because the Americans *did* take Eugen as a war prize and promptly nuked the shit out of her, which I'm not sure that's what Schreiber wants really. Unless of course it turns out he was a Child of Atom the whole time and none of us ever realized it, but I doubt Sky is about to put a fake religion from 2277 into a fanfic about shipgirls and 1940s naval warfare.