Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

If it hits the contact point necessary for detonation?
But yeah, we're starting to wander a bit off-topic again.
Typically, nuclear weapons are detonated like this.
Wikipedia said:
Historically the first method of delivery, and the method used in the two nuclear weapons used in warfare, was as a gravity bomb
Nowadays, however, either an altimeter, or an accelerometer are used.
Omake: Wichita III
Some more of Wichita's Whoops I Did It Again.

So to help re-rail the train a bit.... have a small bit I've been working on that thankfully occurs in the future.
There may be a bit more of this later....

Early March 1942, somewhere near Iceland in the North Atlantic

For the first time on this god-forsaken patrol I actually feel warm. And slept well. So went the early morning thoughts of Captain Mullins as consciousness slowly took hold from blissful sleep. Better get up... what the? The initial attempt to stir thwarted, his eyes opened and felt the deep throaty purring from something sleeping on him.

Huh. Must be that cat the crew gave to Wichita on that last Caribbean patrol... Mullins next attempt to rise from the bed was interrupted and his eyes widened as a large spotted paw reached across his field of vision. Two inch claws extended, then retracted in a kneading action into the Captain's pillow; cutting through the sturdy cotton as if it were no more than diaphanous silk. Mullins' motion had also interrupted the purring which had now become a low and annoyed growl. Shit! Big Kitty!


early 1941, Caracas

"I am not in favor of pets aboard U.S. Navy warships Seaman Burke." Captain Mullins frowned. "They are a distraction to duty and efficiency of the crew at sea."

"No sir, not for the crew. I meant giving Wichita a cat would certainly give her something to do and keep her from getting bored."

"That is an inspired suggestion Seaman Burke." Mullins felt his first cheerful mood since he first met his so very earnest and eager cruisers' female form. "One rule, the bridge and battle bridge are cat free zones and Wichita is responsible for it." Damn, today is turning out to be a great day. "Oh and Seaman Burke... excellent thinking. I'll keep it mind next promotion board time." A house cat can't be much trouble and as long as it keeps Wichita out of my hair...

the next day

"What do you mean that's the only cat they have?" Seaman Burke's face had the expression of a man contemplating a promised promotion suddenly wrenched away. "I know that the Cap is expecting a normal house cat. Not this."

"This ain't a Norfolk pet store Burke." Burke's friend Seaman Graves shrugged at it all. "At least I didn't get the jaguar."

and back to Iceland


Outside the Captain's Quarters Chaplain Kinburn's hand paused before knocking on the door. The rising decibels of the ruckus inside brought forth groggy heads from officer berths down the hall.

Thunk. The sound of flesh hitting bulkhead was followed a series of loud exclamations. "OW.... SUNOVA... OW.... wait, don't you DAMMIT!"
Kinburn was knocked to the deck as the door flew open by the force of the streaking fleeing ocelot and the enraged Captain Mullins. Kinburn's eyes then began to water and his nose attempted extraction from his face from the malodorous stench emanating from the Captain's room. Whose bellow echoed throughout the ship's below decks, "WI-CHI-TA!!!!!"

-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- says something about Wichita's dedication to her kitty that it took this long for something to happen to the Captain. :rolleyes:
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If it hits the contact point necessary for detonation?
Initiating anuclear chain reaction is a very involved process. I could play monster truck demolition derby with a nuke and there wouldn't be a mushroom cloud.

Back on topic, Wichita is in tro-u-ble. Next time she'll have a pet that plays catch with a visiting admiral, I bet.
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It's worth noting Alaska was built to counter hypothetical Japanese super-cruisers, IIRC. Cruisers that were never built, of course. But I don't have the cruiser Friedman (Over 100 dollars whyyyyyyy) so I can't say how accurate wiki is there.

And on phone so I may be misremembering that.

Anywho, hopefully updating today.
The super-cruisers, interestingly enough, were being designed by the Japanese... as replacements for the, by then, VERY long-in-the-tooth Kongous; look up the B-65 design. Originally, they were to use new 12" guns rather comparable to those used on the Alaskas... and when the Japanese found out about the Alaskas, they abandoned that gun and tried to modify the design to use 14" guns, which then drove up the size of the ship to the point where they finally just gave up on the design entirely.
The only mushroom cloud likely in this thread is the one on Captain Mullins' head as he begins to smell the defilement applied to his uniforms by an ocelot.
How so? Is it because her hairclip is only worn on one side? The tug on her skirt using her right hand?
Back when Saratoga and Lexington had 8-inch secondaries, the weight caused the ships to list slightly towards the Starboard side, so extra fuel was stored in the Port side to balance it out. If you look closely at the above arework and the official one, you'll notice that Sara's left "Fuel Tank" is slightly bigger than her right.
Back when Saratoga and Lexington had 8-inch secondaries, the weight caused the ships to list slightly towards the Starboard side, so extra fuel was stored in the Port side to balance it out. If you look closely at the above arework and the official one, you'll notice that Sara's left "Fuel Tank" is slightly bigger than her right.
In addition, during her 1942 refit, Sara had a torpedo blister installed on the port side to help add buoyancy on that side, since the fuel bunkers weren't getting moved when they replaced the eight-inch battery with 5"/38s that were much lighter. Thus, if you look at Sara Kai's official art, you'll note that the band around her left ankle is thicker than the one on her right ankle...
It was at this line that I nearly died laughing.

Happy to help! This smilie :o just pictures the image of Mullins face in my mind when I wrote it. And that ocelot was warm and comfy and the bad staff had the temerity to wake up.

is this just a coincidence or did something really screwy happen in this timeline?

Nothing funky in the timeline. I just chose a couple of common sounding last names for the Seamen. Really didn't want to resort to Johnson, Brown or Smith. Wasn't even thinking of Arleigh Burke to be honest. And no, it's not him. Seaman Burke is just a relatively bright 18 y/o sailor whose hoping his initial good idea doesn't come back to eat his ass.

Although he can explain at least it wasn't a jaguar....
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Nothing funky in the timeline. I just chose a couple of common sounding last names for the Seamen. Really didn't want to resort to Johnson, Brown or Smith. Wasn't even thinking of Arleigh Burke to be honest. And no, it's not him. Seaman Burke is just a relatively bright 18 y/o sailor whose hoping his initial good idea doesn't come back to eat his ass.

Although he can explain at least it wasn't a jaguar....
Are we talking about the proverbial ass chewing from the captain or the literal one from the cat?
proverbial ass chewing from the captain or the literal one from the cat?

Mostly the captain. The cat actually is relatively well behaved as Wichita really has worked with it. The cat just doesn't take sass from the staff.:D

Hey the Captain just wanted to not have to interact with MSSB on a daily basis and he's been in a good mood (or as much of one as possible in late winter in the North Atlantic). No one has brought other incidents to his attention yet.
In the cat's mind the staff hierarchy is like this:

Wichita : source of hugs, petting, play and training
Cooks: provide meals
Engineering : warm places to sleep
Officer's: providers of litterboxes (wardrooms)
Rest of crew: admirers and lesser staff
Captain: new pillow
Well, that was threadmarked.

No update after all, unfortunately. I had an abundantly crappy night, so I couldn't focus on writing. Hence the snip over in my snip thread, to try and get things working.

I'll try and get the chapter done tomorrow.
In addition, during her 1942 refit, Sara had a torpedo blister installed on the port side to help add buoyancy on that side, since the fuel bunkers weren't getting moved when they replaced the eight-inch battery with 5"/38s that were much lighter. Thus, if you look at Sara Kai's official art, you'll note that the band around her left ankle is thicker than the one on her right ankle...
It's the details like these that really make you appreciate the effort the artists went through, doesn't it?
While I stopped myself from going on a long rant on Iowa vs. cruise missiles, one point that struck me.

"Oh, look at the KE of those missiles" Um, no. It's NOT KE total, it's KE per area (square whatever) that matters, and you can effectively increase that by several tricks
HE in effect actually DECREASES KE effect, not increases (think of Reactive armor, folks). When you discuss how effective a weapon will be against armor, remember, it's energy per square(area), not total energy. One reason why almost all AP rounds tend towards very small tips (in relation to the round size, anyways), is to FOCUS the energy.
(side note: We HAVE the Soviet warplans, and how they intended to deal with Iowa: They read "torpedos, ALL the torpedos" or "Nukes" That says it all. Sov Navy knew what they had.)
While I stopped myself from going on a long rant on Iowa vs. cruise missiles, one point that struck me.

"Oh, look at the KE of those missiles" Um, no. It's NOT KE total, it's KE per area (square whatever) that matters, and you can effectively increase that by several tricks
HE in effect actually DECREASES KE effect, not increases (think of Reactive armor, folks). When you discuss how effective a weapon will be against armor, remember, it's energy per square(area), not total energy. One reason why almost all AP rounds tend towards very small tips (in relation to the round size, anyways), is to FOCUS the energy.
(side note: We HAVE the Soviet warplans, and how they intended to deal with Iowa: They read "torpedos, ALL the torpedos" or "Nukes" That says it all. Sov Navy knew what they had.)

While an Iowa would be able to shake off a 53cm torpedo effortlessly, maybe because Soviet Torpedoes could be Wake-homing weapons, and they had a 661 pound warhead. The Soviets most likely would have smacked the thing with a 65cm Torpedo, depending on the model it either would be a non-homing Nuclear Tipped weapon designed to kill Carriers and Shore Targets, or would have been a conventially tipped torpedo carrying a 450+ kilogram warhead with a range of 50 kilometers at 50 knots.

Still, does this have any relation to Changing Destiny as of right now? No, it does not. Still, by this point if I am right, USS Hornet CV-8 should have been launched by now and is nearing completion, with Sea Trials to follow afterward. Possible Omake involving the littlest Yorktown coming up shortly?