Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Still, does this have any relation to Changing Destiny as of right now? No, it does not. Still, by this point if I am right, USS Hornet CV-8 should have been launched by now and is nearing completion, with Sea Trials to follow afterward. Possible Omake involving the littlest Yorktown coming up shortly?
She was launched 14 December 1940, and they're, give or take, ten months away from the Pearl Harbor attack in-universe. So the prewar carriers are all accounted for (even if we haven't met Langley, Ranger, Wasp , and Hornet yet).
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While an Iowa would be able to shake off a 53cm torpedo effortlessly,
No. The Iowa torpedo defense system was discovered the be much less effective than hoped shortly after the design was frozen. The Montana class consequently reverted to the older system. Well, would have reverted had they been built.

Saratoga can probably tank torpedoes better than Iowa, in most places. Though she'll probably prefer not to get hit to begin with.
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Sarapedia said:
The torpedo defense system of the Lexington-class ships consisted of three to six medium steel protective bulkheads that ranged from .375 to .75 inches (10 to 19 mm) in thickness. The spaces between them could be used as fuel tanks or left empty to absorb the detonation of a torpedo's warhead.[33]
Sarapedia also said:
Structural changes[edit]
While under repair after being torpedoed in January 1942, Saratoga received a 7-foot-2-inch (2.2 m) bulge on the starboard side of her hull.[34]

NavWeps said:
The US also employed this variety of TDS in fast battleships of the South Dakota and Iowa classes and came to the conclusion that the heavy bulkhead was too rigid, resulting in a modest down-grading of the system's explosive resistance rating.

There is possibly another hidden flaw in the modern layered TDS systems of the fast battleship era. Given that the TDS paralleled angled internal belts, this placed the upper edge of a bulkhead in the TDS nearer the explosion and the lower edge farther from it. This created the potential for greater stresses to act on the upper edge due to proximity, or on the lower edge due to channeling. Either effect would concentrate the force of the explosion against the weakest areas: the upper and lower attachment points of the bulkheads.
Torpedo Bulge Innovations.Torpedo Defense Systems of World War II

Iowa-classapdia said:
The Iowa-class torpedo defense was virtually the same as the South Dakota's. Each side of the ship was protected below the waterline by two tanks mounted outside the belt armor, and separated by a bulkhead. These tanks were initially planned to be empty, but in practice were filled with water or fuel oil. The armored belt tapered to a thickness of 4 inches (100 mm) below the waterline. Behind the armored belt there was a void, and then another bulkhead. The outer hull was intended to detonate a torpedo, with the outer two compartments absorbing the shock and with any splinters or debris being stopped by the armored belt and the empty compartment behind it. In 1939 the Navy discovered that this system was considerably less effective than earlier torpedo defense systems, but by then it was too late to change the design.[22] Based on hard-learned lessons in the Pacific theater concerns were also raised over the ability of the armor on these battleships to withstand the effects of aerial bombing, but at the time these concerns surfaced nothing could be done to adequately address the problem.[11]
She was launched 14 December 1940, and they're, what, six months away from the Pearl Harbor attack in-universe? So the prewar carriers are all accounted for (even if we haven't met Langley, Ranger, Wasp, and Hornet yet).

We're still in February '41, actually.

On a different note, we're not off topic yet, but just to keep things on the rails:

You don't want to make Sara upset, do you? Because an upset Sara is no fun for anyone.

(okay, we're actually not remotely off-topic, but I wanted to post that. It will be my new go-to for when things start going off the rails though.

Credit to Icywinter for editing the original version of that)
Feb 41 time wise,alrighty then, so at this moment the chaos on Wichita is happening. In a month or two Wichita will be heading on to a Caribbean patrol where her pet gets purchased sometime in the summer. then late Feb 42.. well... Captain Mullins will need new uniforms. :whistle:
Stealing that for all derail situations.
Feb 41 time wise,alrighty then, so at this moment the chaos on Wichita is happening. In a month or two Wichita will be heading on to a Caribbean patrol where her pet gets purchased sometime in the summer. then late Feb 42.. well... Captain Mullins will need new uniforms. :whistle:
Don't worry. After the war starts, everyone gets ordered to dye their whites, brown. :V
One of the scenes I am working on is where Captain Mullins finds out that Chaplain Kinburn has had to add an Eleventh Commandment to the 10 in his Sunday sermons and pastoral duties. Just as a reminder to USN personnel. Commandment 11: Thou shalt not lust after thy ship.
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One of the scenes I am working on is where Captain Mullins finds out that Chaplain Kinburn has had to add an Eleventh Commandment to the 10 in his Sunday sermons and pastoral duties. Just as a reminder to USN personnel. Commandment 11: Thou shalt not lust after thy ship.

But what if I love my ship like I would love my wife?

Like Kirk?

I have a soft spot for Vanguard, after all...
Since I forgot to put it yesterday- and since I finally have a free (more or less) day to work again -the pre-war carriers.

We won't be meeting Langely, Ranger or Wasp anytime soon. I'll say that much. But I will also say that other than Sara and Little E, they're all my own designs and characterizations. Even Lex and Langley.

Hornet...well, we might be seeing her soon. What I'll say about her, is that if you read my random snips, you'll have a pretty good idea. She's probably the closest to an existing design, in the form of WSG!Hornet. But really only the ponytail since the WSG Yorktowns...really need to put on some clothes.

Still better than Pacific Hornet who looks nothing like the baby sister of the Yorktowns/all the pre-war carriers though.
Prediction for next chapter:

Little E: "I wonder how Admiral Thompson's doing."

Dadmiral Halsey: "Well we haven't heard how the CNO's had two Pacific admirals committed for insanity and hallucinations, so that has to be a good sign."
Does Britain have an Admiral from the future? We know America and Germany have one each, and we know something's gonna happen with Japan, but what about the premier naval power for much of its history?
Does Britain have an Admiral from the future? We know America and Germany have one each, and we know something's gonna happen with Japan, but what about the premier naval power for much of its history?
We don't know.

I'm guessing not, since the two we know of are associated with (I think? I'm not great with history) the most historically famous naval entities of their respective countries from that era: the American one is stationed at Pearl, and the German one commands Bismarck, so if there's no British one with Hood then there probably isn't one at all. An argument from in-universe narrative causality, so to speak.
Well, who knows? With the Butterfly Effect happening, we aren't sure if there is one in the Royal Navy.
On the other hand, he would be in for interesting times if he's commanding a well known Shiratsuyu-class DD just in time for Hara to come aboard. :p
Chapter 30
Apologies for the delay. Lots and lots of things kept cropping up. But chapter is here now!

And a double feature too, since I wanted to do something for Pearl Harbor Day (sadly missed it, but still)

This. An index I'm starting to work on of my original designs, from the old SI. And I do mean original. Before I really got into the fandom and accompanying fanon and cliches. Useful for those who may want to use them themselves.

Chapter 30

I wonder what's going on?

Bright red eyes looked up at fluffy clouds floating through the calm Pacific sky, a gentle breeze blowing them right along. A breeze that brought a wide smile to the owner of the red eyes, as it blew her short blonde hair around wildly. Her skirt ruffled against her lean legs, as she kicked them over the side of her island. If anyone could actually see her, they would probably do a double take at that.

At the sight of a pair of pale legs sticking out over the side of an aircraft carrier's island, without a care in the world. Considering who the Admiral of this carrier was, that was even more valid now.

Not that she cared.

"Enterprise, how many times have I told you to not do that?" After all, Admiral Halsey's voice sounded more bemused than annoyed by this point.

Tilting her head back, Enterprise turned her bright smile on her Admiral, as he looked down on her, "It's relaxing though!"

"You are on duty, last I checked." Halsey was distinctly unamused, raising one eyebrow. His bullish features didn't quite scowl, but they didn't quite smile either.

It did serve to make Little E blush, even if she didn't move from her perch, "No one can see me up here, sir."

The fact that no one could see her at all was left unsaid, of course.

And did absolutely nothing to sway the Admiral, "The principal of the matter, Enterprise."

Sighing, Enterprise pulled herself up from the railing. She did not pout as she turned to look at her Admiral, with her bright red eyes giving the best 'puppy' eyes that she could manage. "You aren't mad at me, are you, Admiral?"

It was probably telling that she could do something like that. Leave alone that anyone else trying that on Bull Halsey would get them chewed out at the minimum, Enterprise had not been able to act so...easily...with him before. She had always been so nervous, talking with him. Afraid she would do something to upset her Admiral, and make him not love her.

Silly, but...

"No." Halsey bit out a sigh of his own, looking down on the little carrier in front of him. "But damnit if you don't try my patience, Enterprise. You remind me of Margaret."

"Who?" The curious carrier looked at her Admiral, raising her own eyebrow.

"My daughter."

Enterprise opened her mouth to reply, before closing it. Her shoulders slumped, if only slightly, as she turned her eyes away from her Admiral with a little whisper.


She had known he had children, but it hadn't occurred to her he already had a daughter. Enterprise still liked to think that she was like a daughter to her beloved Admiral. The closest to a father she had ever, or would ever, have. But if he already had a daughter, one of his own blood, why would he look at her like that? She never doubted he loved her. Worried she'd do something bad, yes, but never doubted him.

But that didn't change the spurt of worry that ran through her system, when she thought about how he may look at her, now. Did he see her as someone trying to take the place of his own daughter? Someone who was going to compete with her?

Does he love me like that...? Or am I just some...


Halsey's gruff voice had her flinch, the little carrier turning her head back around. The look that greeted her wasn't quite disappointment, but it certainly felt that way, when she saw it.

"I'm sorry Admiral," Enterprise brought her hands up, shaking them in front of her body. Curse her nerves! "I didn't know you already had som..."

The Admiral only sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Enterprise, stop. You aren't her, and you shouldn't try to be her."

Hands limply falling to her side, Enterprise's eyes widened. ""

What she couldn't get out, was the fact her Admiral had known exactly what was worrying her. How?

"I am far from a fool, Enterprise," Halsey continued to pinch his nose, as he walked to stand next to his carrier. The Admiral placed his hands on the railing beside Enterprise, sighing even as he removed one of those hands from his nose. "I am also far from the best father in the world, but a fool I am not."

"You're not a bad father!"

Those words came rushing out of her mouth before Enterprise really knew what she was saying, prompting her to clamp her hands over her big mouth. She was certain that her face was every bit as red as her eyes now, as she looked up at her Admiral's unreadable expression.

She couldn't keep her mouth shut now that she could talk to him, could she? It was just like when she talked with her sister and couldn't stop talking when she really should and...

"Hmph," Halsey's grunt finally shifted his face into an ever so slight smile. His hand moved from the railing, to rest atop Enterprise's short blonde hair. "You're a good girl Enterprise. But you're too trusting."

Even as she leaned into the comforting touch, the young carrier frowned, "Sir?"

Halsey didn't say anything at first, seemingly content to rub Enterprise's hair, as his gruff features looked out at the horizon. At the cluster of escort ships surrounding his carrier...from proud Northampton to little Cassin. And even Lady Lex, off in the distance. Halsey's eyes took in all of them, while his confused carrier stared up at him.

His expression as hard to read as ever.

"You have no idea what kind of father I am," his voice was as harsh as ever, even if a bit softer in tone, when Halsey talked again. His eyes remained locked on his battlegroup though, while his hand continued to rest atop Enterprise's hair. "I'm sorry to say it, but you truly don't know a damn thing about how I am, outside of the navy."

"But..." Enterprise tried to speak up.

Because it didn't matter to her what her Admiral was like outside of the navy. Why would it? He loved her, enough to see her and talk to her. That was enough...wasn't it?

"The Navy is my life, Enterprise. I haven't seen Fan in years," the Admiral shook his head, sighing deeply. "That is as much my fault as her's, as much as I want to say it's because she is different. And if it were anyone but you, I'd say it was her fault."

Finally turning away from the fleet, Bull Halsey turned his sharp features down on the carrier, raising one single eyebrow.

"Because I am not a good man, Enterprise. I'm an asshole, at the very best of times. I don't like admitting mistakes or failures. I only admit this to you, because you're my ship. I can put a damn sight more trust in you than anyone else."

Those words had Enterprise flushing bright pink, as she stuttered out a reply, "A-admiral...I..."

Halsey just grunted in amusement, removing his hand from her head, "A man can trust his ship, Enterprise. His ship will never betray him or let him down, and I knew that before I had any idea what was actually true. Can't say I trust old Sara quite like you, but then, that girl is infatuated with James. Even if neither of them care to notice it."

If there was anything Enterprise knew, it was love. She had seen that from Sara too, but she wasn't quite sure if it was love or her seeing her Admiral as a brother or something like that.

She was young and a carrier. She wouldn't know romantic love if it shot her bow off.

That said...

"I trust you too, Admiral!" Enterprise forced her shaking shoulders to calm down, as she snapped to attention. Her intense red-eyed gaze boring into her Admiral, who merely raised his eyebrow up once again. "And if I may say so, I think you're a good man!"

"Oh?" Halsey asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You care about your men, sir," the little blonde continued, not once breaking her gaze from her Admiral's bullish features. "You treat them with respect, and you don't take anything as a joke. You push them hard, but you don't run them ragged."

Her gaze didn't change, but Enterprise's voice began to trail off, as her face flushed a deeper red.

"You care about me..."

And that was all that mattered to her, in the end. She didn't care if her Admiral was an asshole or if he pushed people hard. She didn't care if he was a hard ass who didn't take no for an answer.

I don't care how his family life is...I know he cares about me.

Was it selfish of her? Probably. But she couldn't bring herself to really care about that. She loved her Admiral! He was her father, or close enough to one.

"You know, Enterprise?"


Admiral Halsey had uncrossed his arms, looking down on his loyal carrier. His intense gaze far outstripping her own, even with his more natural eye color. "I will never understand why you act so attached to me. I'm not your father, you know that."

Enterprise couldn't help a soft cry coming up from her chest, as she nodded, "I know..."

"But I am your Admiral, and I'll be damned before anything happens to you on my watch. It baffles me that you love an old sea dog like me so much, but I won't stop you. Just..."

Whatever Halsey was going to say was lost in his throat, as Enterprise jumped forward, wrapping her arms around his broad chest.

It was far from the first time she had done so, and would be far from the last.

But it still had him bouncing back on his heels slightly, letting out a sigh that Enterprise could feel, as she burrowed her head into his chest. Admiral Halsey didn't move his arms around her. And she didn't really expect him to, either. The day that Halsey hugged her was the day the world ended.

Enterprise was just fine with what she had though.

"Thank you...Admiral..." her voice was barely above a whisper, as she held tightly to her beloved Admiral.

Halsey didn't say anything.

That was fine though. Enterprise was perfectly content to bury her head against his chest, sighing happily at the feeling of being able to hug her Admiral. No matter what happened in the future, she would never- could never -get enough of this feeling. Love.

Just like what she felt for her sister.

"This said, I will be court-martialling anyone who tries to make a move on you, if James manages to convince the President."

The complete and utter deadpan tone to that tore Enterprise's thoughts from her sister, and had her nearly lose her footing in shock.


Her Admiral merely smirked at her, not saying a word.


"You're going back to the Atlantic without saying good bye to your sister?"

Tilting her head back, strands of red hair falling in front of her face, USS Yorktown sighed heavily. Her equally red eyes looked out at the harbor, crowded with vessels coming and going from various missions. Even with Admiral Richardson gone, actions at Pearl Harbor never quite calmed down. With all the work the man had ordered done, that was doubly true.

Not that Yorktown really cared about that, as she turned her eyes on the source of the question.

"Utah, I don't really have a choice but to do it. You know that," Yorktown's voice held a tinge of annoyance to it, when she looked out at the old battleship-turned-target-ship.

She couldn't see Utah herself, but Yorktown knew exactly what to expect. A small little smile crossing her face, crinkling the age lines along her eyes. Grey hair falling over slim shoulders, as the old warship shrugged.

"Maybe, but do you know when you will see Enterprise again?" Utah's voice was placating. And everything Yorktown could care less to hear at the moment.

"Of course I don't, the Navy doesn't tell me these things." The redheaded carrier groused, as she smoothed down her dark blue uniform top, the silky fabric rustling in the wind from her tall tripod mast. Sometimes she wished she wore the tighter dress that Sara or Lex used.

And then Yorktown remembered how nice the freedom of movement she got from her lighter clothing was. Sure, the wind liked to blow around her blue tunic, that only barely covered down to her midriff. But the looseness and the lack of sleeves gave her so much more freedom of movement.

The same could be said for the scandalously- if her Captain ever saw it -short skirt that covered her hips, barely reaching to the middle of her thighs. Her completely bare legs, save for short socks that peaked out from her red-rudder heels, hanging over the side of her mast, as she relaxed well away from her crew.

Utah's small sigh got the carrier's attention back on the old warhorse though.

"You know, you remind me of Pennsylvania sometimes. So very headstrong, even when it involves your sister. That Arizona and Enterprise are so similar doesn't help."

Yorktown blinked her red eyes, before narrowing them at the motherly battleship, "I'm not anything like that old bi..."

"My daughter, and yes, you are."

The smooth cut-off had Yorktown fuming, even as she jumped to her feet, pacing along the length of her tall mast. "Anyway, do you have a reason for calling me? Other than poking fun at my personality?"

There was silence, save for soft, almost impossible to hear giggles from Utah. Yorktown resisted the urge to glare again.

She could hardly deny she had a temper, honestly. The way she had reacted after the training exercise before learning the truth was one point where that came true. She didn't regret snapping at Sister Sara or Admiral Thompson, particularly. It had been unfair.

But that didn't mean she couldn't recognize that she was very much a fiery redhead.

"I was just curious, what I should tell Enterprise, when she returns."

When Utah finally spoke, it had Yorktown nearly falling off her perch, as she came up completely short. "What?"

"As I said, I will let Enterprise know you left. Is there anything you want me to tell her?" Utah's voice never lost the motherly tone, and wasn't even teasing anymore.

And had Yorktown blinking slowly, as she crossed her arms over her impressive bust, "Hm..."

Bluster aside, temper aside, Yorktown felt her heart clench at the thought of leaving her sister. Little E had been by her side their entire lives, and the thought of leaving her sister behind didn't exactly appeal to her all that much. Enterprise had matured so much since she was able to talk to Admiral Halsey.

But Yorktown still worried about her sister. She wouldn't be the big sister if she didn't.

"I'm proud of her," all the bluster had left her voice, the redhead sighing softly. "I really am. Little E is getting"


That wasn't exactly the word she would use, but Yorktown nodded anyway, "Yeah. I know she can handle herself now, but I still don't like leaving her alone like this, y'know?"

Utah didn't reply to that, but Yorktown knew she probably felt the same. If not moreso, considering she had taken on the role of being the 'mother' to all the battleships now.

"Just...just let her know that."

Still, it didn't stop her from spinning on her heel, not wanting to let Utah see her face. Even if the battleship couldn't possibly see her from this angle. Because she didn't want the sad look crossing her pretty features to be seen. Ha. All that talk, and it didn't change one bit how she worried about her sister, did it?

Never had.

"I will."

Even so, a small smile crossed Yorktown's face, when those two simple words echoed in her ears.

She was going to be stuck in the Atlantic, far away from her sister. For who knew how long. But at least Enterprise had people willing to watch out for her, when her big sis Yorktown couldn't do it.

Guess I'm going to see Admiral Thompson again, soon...

"The fact I can see a woman in my ship that isn't a nurse, Admiral Thompson, makes me wonder if I'm going bloody insane."

Captain Harrington's voice was completely deadpan, even as he stared at the impossible sight in front of him. Where a book had once been floating, now stood a tall blonde woman. One covered in bloody bandages around her very much customized Royal Naval uniform. A woman who was a good bit taller than Admiral Stark, who stood in front of her, seemingly resigned to what he saw.

Not as much as the young Admiral across from him, though.

"Well, I was surprised that Hood was here too," Admiral Thompson's reply was easy, but Harrington still narrowed his eyes at it.

There was something about that...

"If I hadn't seen her appear out of nowhere, I would be suggesting you snuck a woman aboard, before I thought she was Hood," The Captain shot back, his voice gaining a bit of a harsher edge to it.

Could he really be blamed for that though? He had just seen a woman, one bandaged and clearly hurt, appear out of nowhere in front of him. After the young Admiral had asked him if there was ever any feeling like someone was watching him. Which...well...

It would be a lie for Harrington to say he had not felt that way, at least with Hood.

"Well, at least you can actually see me now, Captain." The woman, on the other hand, had a distinctly sour tone to her own voice, when she spoke up at last. Her bright blue eyes looked at Harrington with an annoyed expression crossing her face, as she unceremoniously dropped the book in her hands. Just to cross her arms over her modest bust. "Lord knows how much effort I went through to try and get you to hear me!"

Harrington just frowned, "You...did?"

"Of course I did! Bloody wanker, you ignored everything I said!"

If it had been a member of his crew who spoke to him like that, Harrington would have smacked them down- figuratively speaking of course -within seconds of the word 'wanker' leaving their mouth. In this case...not only was it a woman cursing at him, which was a novel experience, it was a woman who was apparently the ship. One who was certainly beautiful enough to be the lean Hood, were she not...


Oh. Dear.

"The damage," the British man completely ignored what Hood had said, settling instead for looking over her body. Not with lust, but with a calculating eye. "Head and arm wounds, leg wounds...that's from the battle, correct?"


Hood's reply was quite eloquent, even as it brought a chuckle from Admiral Thompson. Harrington's eyes returned to the American Admiral, who- if he was being honest -just looked relieved more than anything else.

Like he had been worried.

"You're taking this better than I thought you would," Thompson's voice held a fair bit of amusement as well, as his eyes drifted over to the silent Admiral Richardson. The older man continuing to pour over the damage reports from Hood. "I mean, Admiral Richardson didn't believe me so easily."

"Of course not, this is all completely insane," Richardson didn't miss a beat, nor did he look up. "No matter how many examples we get, that doesn't change."

"Quite," Harrington nodded, a small smile twitching at his own lips. "And I am left wondering what you Yanks have been hiding from us all this time. Our Navy is the greatest in the world, but we've never once come across something like...this."

"Greatest in the world my arse..."

The whisper from Hood wasn't quite as quiet as she may have hoped, but other than a disapproving glance, her Captain let it slide. For the moment, at least.

Because Thompson shifted uncomfortably, his smile falling off his face, "Well...we didn't know until recently either."

"And he was the first to know." Richardson dryly commented, still not shifting position.

"...yes, that too." The young Admiral's shoulders slumped, as he let out a deep sigh. "Neither Sara or I really know how that happened to begin with, but here we are. Until now, it was just a few of us. I'm hoping that between knowing that ships outside our own have spirits and that Admiral Stark knows..."

"You can make a proper case, yes," Harrington cut him off, with a single raised eyebrow at the expression that got. "What? It is not that hard a guess to make, Admiral Thompson. After all, I would not want my commanders to throw me out of the navy."

Considering the glances shared between the three American Admirals, the British man considered that a good guess to have made. After all, it certainly explained why their Chief Naval Officer was present. Convince him, and there was an in directly to the American President. Who, if Harrington remembered properly, was rather a Navy man himself.


"You would be correct to assume that, yes," Admiral Stark's soft voice spoke up, the Admiral quiet up to that point. His hand pushed the round glasses he wore up his nose, as his eyes trailed over to the youngest Admiral in the room. "And, on that note, I believe we have taken up enough of your time. I have...quite a bit to process. Admiral Richardson?"

That question finally got the gruff man to look up from the papers, the overhead light gleaming off his glasses, "Yes, Harry?"

"Send a report to the dockyard and our guests. The least we can do for this is making certain that Hood gets proper repairs."

Richardson nodded, "Of course."

Harrington watched as the Admirals began to move to the door, only Thompson sending a look back at Hood, who was silently fuming where she had been from the start. The look in the young man's eyes...there was...

"Admiral Thompson?"

The question had the young man stopping in his tracks, turning bright green eyes on the British officer, "What's wrong?"

"I will make certain that Hood is treated well, and that the Navy treats this seriously." Harrington replied, nodding his head ever so slightly.

And once again, he had read the American rather well. Thompson's shoulders slumped, as a small smile crossed his face. He inclined his own head, sending one last glance at Hood, before following his superiors out of the room.


Whereupon Harrington felt his shoulders slump, as he brought a hand up to brush his own dark hair back. Blue eyes trailed over to Hood, who had not budged from her position. In fact, now that the Americans were gone, she seemed almost...worried. Strange.

Shouldn't she be more comfortable, now that their off-again, on-again allies were out of the room? She only had her Captain to talk to now, after all. And Harrington had never made it a particular secret how he felt about Hood. He missed Repulse, sometimes, but that didn't change much. He had been quite vocal at many different times about how Hood needed to be treated better. That she was falling into disrepair and they needed to do more for such a beautiful and important ship.

Surely that counted for something?

"Hood." Harrington's voice was soft, as he turned fully towards the old battlecruiser, walking up to look at her. "Is something the matter?"

Well, something other than the damage clearly visible on her, now that Stark was out of the way. Damage that had Harrington wincing, at the thought of how much pain she had to be in, at every moment of every day.

"Captain," Hood started, of course, her shoulders flinching back. But her blue eyes soon locked onto her Captain, as she leaned forward, intense expression crossing her bandaged face. "You never heard anything I said, right?"

Harrington nodded, "No, I haven't."

A short pause followed that statement, before the Captain chuckled lightly.

"Well, I have thought I heard things sometimes. But I always thought it was my imagination or the stress of being promoted to Captain our Pride. You aren't an easy job to take on, Hood."

The battlecruiser just narrowed her eyes, her lips pulling back slightly in a grimace, "If you've never heard me, then you have no bloody idea why I'm worried about you, do you?"

And that had Harrington blinking slowly, even as he backed up slightly on instinct, "What?"

"Günther, Captain." Hood's words were slow, and filled with more meaning than Harrington had ever heard from a woman's lips. More anger and mistrust, for certain. "Why, in the name of all that is holy, would you be talking with a Hun? After what they did to me? And Courageous? Or Royal Oak?"


Well, that explained a lot. Quite a lot, actually.

Guess I know why I kept feeling a chill whenever I wrote back to Günther. Hm.

"Hood, the man you're talking about is Admiral Lütjens," Harrington brought up a placating hand, trying to sooth the obviously angry battlecruiser. "We captured him after the battle. I've been talking with him, since we...have a strange friendship."

Wasn't that the truth. The implacable Günther was a difficult man to talk to. Leave alone get to know, especially from the position of being in a different naval service- enemies even -at that. That they were friends still surprised Harrington, all the time. Strange, strange situation to be in. At least it gave them more intelligence...

Even as it had Hood glaring at him.

"You're friends with a German Admiral?" Her voice had lowered in pitch and tone, the old warhorse clearly holding herself back.

As if the way she had started to pace around the table, long legs brushing against the tattered fabric of her skirt wasn't an indication of that, to be fair.

"Yes, I am," Harrington easily replied. Hood wouldn't hurt him. Of that, at least, he was sure. "I can't claim to explain how it happened, but he's a good friend. Furthermore, I am under standing orders to try and get intelligence for the war effort out of him."

That, at least, had Hood stop her pacing. Bright blue eyes turned back on Harrington, as she placed her hands on her wide hips. Hips that would have any other man staring, enraptured by the gentle curves. If anyone tried to call Hood anything other than beautiful with her wide hips and long legs, they were a bloody fool. Even covered in bandages, her face was attractive as well.

When it wasn't glaring at him, anyway.


"So, you're trying to get information out of the wanker?" Hood asked, seemingly just to clarify what she had heard.

Harrington just nodded, "Of course. Friend or no, we are still at war with Germany. Damn Nazi's are everyone's enemy."

Silence answered that, as Hood tapped her fingers against her hip. There was an almost metallic sound with each tap, like a hammerbeat against steel. Considering she was a warship...that probably shouldn't be surprising.

How human the battlecruiser was...well, he couldn't say. Not yet.

It was only when Hood sighed, slumping into a chair with blonde hair falling in front of her eyes, that sound returned to the room, "At least you aren't a traitor, Captain. I worried."

"I would never betray King and Country," Harrington snorted softly, his own feet ghosting across the floor as she took up a seat in front of Hood. His eyes stared into her lighter blue, trying to read whatever hid behind them.

But Hood was far better than Thompson at hiding what she felt, if she were so inclined.

"And, if nothing else, I assure you Hood. I will never betray you. I'm loyal to my country, my Navy, and my command. I was honored to be given command of such a storied warship." The young Captain shrugged his shoulders, a wan smile crossing his lips. "Well, even if I know I won't be seeing any more combat until you're back in proper shape. We'll need to talk about that..."

"Captain?" Hood's own voice had finally softened, a her hair brushing her cheeks. A small smile crossing her face. "You want to talk?"

Harrington smiled back, "Well, of course I want to bloody talk. This is quite an interesting experience. And there is no one who would know what is wrong with this ship, better than you."

Hood's face flushed slightly, but for perhaps the first time, a truly genuine smile was on it.

"You've got that right Captain. And let me tell you, there are so many things that need fixing it..."

As Hood began to rant about her condition, Harrington smiled at her. But in the back of his mind, he was already thinking about what would come next.

I will have to talk with the attache...this is something that needs to go back to London. I can this help us in the War...?

And there we go. I hope everyone liked the chapter, delay or no delay.
Omake: Arizona
And the aforementioned double feature.

This is intentionally short.

@Old Iron hopefully will like it.

"Heeeeyyyy! Sara!"

A wide smile crossed Saratoga's face, when she heard that voice calling out to her. A voice she had become quite familiar with, in the time she spent helping her beloved Admiral. But one she hadn't heard in...quite some time. Too long, in her opinion.

"Ari, I see you're finally done...refitting."

Sara's own voice trailed off, however, when she looked out at the once familiar battleship.

"I am! Do you like it?" Ari didn't seem to notice the hesitation, bless her heart. Despite the distance, Sara could see the bright smile on the battleship's face, as she spun around in her new outfit.

The blue overcoat was the same, but her skirt was both longer and a deep red against her legs. And her tunic had been replaced by a deep grey dress shirt, that stretched over her modest- and noticeably larger -bust.

At least her smiling face, brown eyes, and short red hair were the same?

"It's...very nice." Sara's own face smiled, her green eyes sparkling when she looked over the battleship. "I see that they gave you quite a lot of anti-aircraft guns?"

Ari nodded excitedly, looking over her hull, where men were busy training with the new weapons, "They did! Admiral Willson wanted me to have more guns, and he pulled some strings. They're just Chicago Pianos, but…"

Just Pianos, maybe, but Sara's eyes trailed over mounts bristling over Ari, more anti-air guns than any battleship she had seen before covering the woman. Sara might have been jealous, if her own Admiral weren't doing much the same for her. And she could carry more guns anyway.


"Well, I for one am glad you're happy," Sara's smile widened, at the joyful expression on her old friend's face. "And maybe this will help, when you need it."

One could hope. There was no way to say for sure when the attack would happen, or anything like that. But…

"I hope so too," Arizona's voice was marginally more subdued, as she pulled the old cap she always wore over her eyes. But she still had good cheer, when she spoke again. "After all, I trust Admiral Thompson! He know's what he's talking about after all, right Sara?"

Ever so slight twinge of jealousy aside, Sara nodded, "He does. I trust him with my life, as I'm sure you do."

Arizona returned the nod, "Of course. After all, he is the first one to talk to me. I can't pay him back for that, but I can trust him at least."

Both of them, battleship and carrier, shared that at least. A trust for the first man to ever talk to them, the one who cared enough to risk his own career- and possibly his life -to try everything he could to help them. The man who did everything in his power to talk to them...even if it was just about inane things.

There were some things that every ship cherished. And the one that was quickly moving to the top of that list? Being able to talk to someone. It was why Sara, despite a pain in her heart, smiled at Ari. "We both feel the same way, Arizona."

She couldn't be angry, her own feelings aside. Ari deserved to be happy, and in the end, that was what mattered. She was Sister Sara. Every ship in the navy was like a sister, to her.

"But I think you know him better than I do, Sara," Arizona's voice was still cheerful though, when she started waving over at the carrier. "So you need to talk to him! I think you know why!"

And now she was blushing brighter than Arizona's hair, bright green eyes staring out at the battleship.

"Wha---what?!" Sara's voice cracked, as she rushed to her railing, staring at the grinning Ari. Not even caring about her short skirt rustling in the wind.

"I knew it!" Ari just grinned at her, pumping her fist in the air. "Pennsy was right! Come on, Sara, be happy! You have an Admiral who loves you after all."

All Sara could do was stare at Ari, her face going progressively more and more red.

...but a smile still crossing it. If Admiral Thompson was right about his Ari…

She deserved this, even if it flustered the carrier. Ari deserved to have a good life.